The Navy Department Library
Cryptologic Documents in the Navy Department Library
Use and Reproduction Policy
SRH | - | Special Research History |
SRMA | - | Discrete Records of Historical Cryptologic Import: U.S. Army |
SRMD | - | Discrete Records of Historical Cryptologic Import: Joint Server and/or U.S. Government Cryptologic Agencies. |
SRMN | - | Discrete Records of Historical Cryptologic Import: U.S. Navy. |
SRNS | - | Summaries: Japanese Naval Radio Intelligence. |
This collection is composed of naval, military, intelligence, diplomatic, and technical studies prepared largely by the US military utilizing decoded and translated enemy communications. The bulk of the material deals with World War II, though some studies cover topics ranging from World War I to the attack on USS Liberty in 1967. These documents describe military operations, intelligence organizations and activities, communications security and intercepts, code breaking, codes, and ciphers. The collection was transferred from the Naval Security Group at Fort Meade, Maryland, to the Navy Department Library in the early 1990s.
Use and Reproduction Policy
Cryptologic documents are unavailable for loan and must be consulted in the library. Use of digital cameras by researchers to reproduce pages from documents is permitted. Permission to use personal scanners or to photocopy a small number of pages may be granted by the reference staff, contingent upon the physical state of items. Any photocopying of original documents in the collection shall be done by the reference staff, or under their close supervision (Reference: Naval Historical Center Instruction [NAVHISTCENTINST] 5070.1C.). The library does not provide a document duplication service. Researchers that are unable to visit the library, but wish to obtain reproductions of photocopied documents which comprise the majority of the collection, should contact the Naval Historical Foundation for duplication services, or the National Archives and Records Administrationís Textual Reference Branch at College Park, MD, tel. (301) 713-7250),, where these documents and many other similar materials are located in the records of the National Security Agency in Record Group (RG) 457.
Reference Number |
Pages |
Title |
Special Research Histories | ||
SRH-002 | 305 | Flicke, Wilhelm F. War Secrets of the Ether. [survey of German and European cryptologic history 1908-1945]. |
SRH-005 | 86 | Use of (CX/MSS ULTRA) by the United States War Department. (1943-1945). |
SRH-006 | 28 | Synthesis of Experiences in the Use of Ultra Intelligence by U.S. Army Field Command in the European Theater of Operations. [March 1944]. |
SRH-008 | 415 | Battle of the Atlantic, Vol. II [U-Boat Operations--December 1942 to May 1942 including German U-boats and raiders in the Indian and Pacific Oceans]. |
SRH-009 | 94 | Battle of the Atlantic, Vol. I Allied Communications Intelligence, December 1942-May 1945. |
SRH-011 | The Role of Communications Intelligence in Submarine Warfare In the Pacific. [Vol. I, Jan. 1943, 198 pp; Vol. II, Feb. 1943, 202 pp.; Vol. III, Mar. 1943, 263 pp; Vol. IV, Apr.-May 1943, 172 pp.; Vol. V, Jun. 1943, 390 pp.,; Vol. VI, Jul. 1943, 362 pp.; Vol. VII, Aug.-Sep. 1943, 444 pp.; Vol. VIII, Oct. 1943, 309 pp.]. | |
SRH-012 | The Role of Radio Intelligence in the American-Japanese Naval War. [Vol. I Aug. 1941-Jun. 1942, 338 pp.; Vol. II, Jun. 4, 1942-Jul. 16, 1942, 420 pp.; Accretion to Vol. II, 283 pp.; Vol. III, Solomon Islands Campaign, Jul 1. 1942-Aug. 9, 1942, 665 pp.; Vol. IV, Part 1, Solomon Islands Campaign, Aug. 9 1942-Aug. 14, 1942, 383 pp.; Vol. IV, Part 2, Solomon Islands Campaign, Aug. 14, 1942-Aug. 25, 1942, 442 pp.]. | |
SRH-013 | 384 | Ultra--History of U.S. Strategic Air Force Europe vs. German Air Force. June 1945. |
SRH-014 | 55 | Final Report of the Radio Intelligence Section, General Staff, General Headquarters, American Expeditionary Forces 1918-1919. |
SRH-015 | 42 | Notes on German Fuel Position by G-2 SHAEF. [1945]. |
SRH-016 | 110 | The Need for New Legislation Against Unauthorized Disclosures of Communications Intelligence Activities. [Special Report No. 1 June 1944]. |
SRH-017 | 264 | Allied Strategic Air Force Target Planning. [1943-1945]. |
SRH-018 | 97 | Collection of Japanese Diplomatic Messages 12 Jul. 38-21 Jan. 42, Department of the Army Intelligence Files. |
SRH-019 | 34 | Blockade-Running Between Europe and the Far East by Submarines, 1942-1944. |
SRH-020 | 22 | Narrative Combat Intelligence Center, Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Area [8 Nov. 1945]. |
SRH-021 | 462 | Controlled Agent Communications Activities 1944-1945. |
SRH-023 | Reports by U.S. Army Ultra Representatives with Army Field Commands in the European Theatre of Operations, 1945, [Part I, 67 pp.; Part II, 120 pp.]. | |
SRH-024 | 69 | Battle of the Atlantic, Vol. III [German Naval Communication Intelligence, by OP-20-G. 1942-1945.]. |
SRH-025 | 78 | Battle of the Atlantic, Vol. IV [Technical Intelligence from Allied C.I., 1941-1945.]. |
SRH-026 | 4 | Marshall Letter to Eisenhower on the Use of "Ultra" intelligence, March 15, 1944. |
SRH-028 | 35 | Navy Department, Code and Signal memoranda No. 1, Code and Signal Section, Division of Operations, 1917. |
SRH-029 | 19 | Friedman, William F. A Brief History of the Signals Intelligence Service, June 29, 1942. |
SRH-030 | 13 | A History of the Code and Cipher Section During the First World War. Prepared in 1919 by Major Herbert O. Yardley. |
SRH-031 | 141 | Trip Reports Concerning Use of Ultra in the Mediterranean Theater, 1943-1944. |
SRH-032 | 89 | Reports by U.S. Army Ultra Representatives with Field Commands in the Southwest Pacific, Pacific Ocean and China Burma India Theaters of Operations, 1944-1945. |
SRH-033 | 7 | History of the Operations of Special Security Officers Attached to Field Commands, 1943-1945. |
SRH-034 | 20 | Marshall Letter to MacArthur on the Use of "Ultra" Intelligence, May 23 1944 and Related Correspondence. |
SRH-035 | 64 | History of the Special Branch, MIS, War Department, 1942-1944. |
SRH-036 | 693 | Radio Intelligence in WWII, Tactical Operations in the Pacific Ocean Areas, January 1943. |
SRH-037 | 35 | Reports Received by U.S. War Department on Use of Ultra in the European Theater, World War II. [October 1945.]. |
SRH-038 | 193 | A Selection of Papers Pertaining to Herbert O. Yardley. [1889-1958.]. |
SRH-040 | 80 | "Magic" Diplomatic Extracts, July 1945. |
SRH-042 | 82 | Third Army Radio Intelligence History in Campaign of Western Europe, Prepared by Signal Intelligence Service of Headquarters, Third U.S. Army. [1943-1945.]. |
SRH-043 | 15 | Comment on Marshall-Dewey Exchange Concerning Pearl Harbor, September 1944. |
SRH-045 | 60 | Reminiscences of Lieutenant Colonel Howard P. Brown, Prepared Under the Direction of Chief Signal Officer, 4 August 1945. |
SRH-046 | 13 | Procedure for Handling Ultra Dexter Intelligence in the CBI. [22 March 1949.]. |
SRH-048 | 79 | Summary of Operational Activity of Signal Security Detachment "D", 12th Army Group, ETO, Covering the period 1 September 1944 to 1 April 1945. |
SRH-050 | 13 | Riverbank Laboratory Correspondence 1919. |
SRH-051 | 18 | Interview with Mr. Ralph T. Briggs 13 January 1977, concerning "Winds" message. |
SRH-052 | 398 | Estimated Japanese Aircraft Locations, 15 July 1943-9 August 1945, United States Fleet. |
SRH-053 | 6 | Special Report by: Joint Army-Navy Committee on the Japanese Air Forces, Estimate of Japanese Air Situation as of 23 June 1945, United States Fleet. |
SRH-054 | 16 | Effects of B-29 Operations In Support of the Okinawa Campaign, 18 March-22 June 1945. |
SRH-055 | 44 | Estimated Unit Locations of Japanese Navy and Army Air Forces as of 20 July 1945, United States Fleet. |
SRH-056 | 224 | Preliminary Report to Pacific Order of Battle Conference, 15 August 1945. |
SRH-058 | 11 | Callimahos, Lambros D., The Legendary William F. Friedman. |
SRH-059 | 69 | Selected Examples of Commendations and Related Correspondence Highlighting the Achievements and Value of U.S. Signals Intelligence During World War II. |
SRH-060 | 111 | Notes on the Japanese Theatre Coordination Section, Signal Security Agency, 16 Nov. 1943-25 Feb. 1944. |
SRH-062 | 116 | History of Military Intelligence Service, W D G S, Reports Unit. |
SRH-063 | 47 | Japanese Surface and Air Operations, 1 January 1942-31 January 1942. |
SRH-064 | 33 | Japanese Submarine Operations, 23 January 1942 to 25 March 1942. |
SRH-065 | 56 | Japanese Surface and Air Operations, 1 February 1942-31 March 1942. |
SRH-066 | 11 | Examples of Intelligence Obtained From Cryptanalysis, 1 August 1946. |
SRH-067 | 20 | Japan as Mediator in the Russo-German Conflict, 29 December 1944. |
SRH-068 | 26 | Japanese Estimates of Germany's Ability to Continue the Struggle, 22 January 1945. |
SRH-069 | 37 | The Problem of the Prolongation of the Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact, 12 February 1945. |
SRH-070 | 13 | Notes on the Crimea (Yalta) Conference, 23 March 1945. |
SRH-071 | 18 | Abrogation of the Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Act, 23 April 1945. |
SRH-072 | 27 | Recent Political Developments in Thailand (Siam), 1 May 1945. |
SRH-073 | 11 | White Russians in Manchukuo, 8 May 1945. |
SRH-074 | 17 | Japanese Burmese Relations, 9 May 1945. |
SRH-075 | 16 | Japanese Reaction to German Defeat, 21 May 1945. |
SRH-076 | 13 | Japanese-Portuguese Relations and the "Macao Problem" (February-May 1945), 23 May 1945. |
SRH-077 | 11 | Sino-Soviet Relations, 1 June 1945. |
SRH-078 | 14 | Russo-Japanese Relations, 18 June 1945. |
SRH-079 | 20 | Russo-Japanese Relations (June 1945), 2 July 1945. |
SRH-080 | 3 | Compilation of Intelligence Data, Japanese Submarine Forces (U.S. Navy/British Admiralty Letter), 9 February 1945. |
SRH-081 | 13 | Information from Captain George W. Linn, USNR (Ret.). |
SRH-082 | 11 | Situation in Thailand (April-June 1945), 7 June 1945. |
SRH-083 | 18 | The Chunking-Yenan Controversy, 10 May 1945. |
SRH-084 | 11 | Russo-Japanese Relations (1-12 July 1945), 14 July 1945. |
SRH-085 | 24 | Russo-Japanese Relations (13-20 July 1945), 21 July 1945. |
SRH-086 | 22 | Russo-Japanese Relations (21-27 July 1945), 2 August 1945. |
SRH-087 | 14 | Mongolian Independence, 3 August 1945. |
SRH-088 | 20 | Russo-Japanese Relations (28 July-6 August 1945), 7 August 1945. |
SRH-089 | 14 | Military and Political Plans for the Southern Pacific Area Formulated by the Japanese Prior to 14 August 1945, 24 August 1945. |
SRH-090 | 46 | Japan's Surrender Manoeuvers, 29 August 1945. |
SRH-091 | 18 | The Chunking-Yenan Controversy, Chronological Report, 8 September 1945. |
SRH-092 | 28 | Japan (Reaction to Defeat and Current Problems), 28 September 1945. |
SRH-093 | 21 | Sino-Japanese Relations (Japan's China Policy), 2 October 1945. |
SRH-094 | 31 | French Indo-China (Political Situation), 11 October 1945. |
SRH-095 | 20 | Recent Political Developments in French Indo-China, 6 April 1945. |
SRH-096 | 14 | Japanese Relations with the Remaining "Listening Posts" in Europe (May-mid-July 1945), 1 August 1945. |
SRH-097 | 133 | Proceedings of the Pacific Order of Battle Conference, 3-19 July 1944. |
SRH-098 | 366 | Report of Pacific Order of Battle Conference (Ground Forces), 15-18 August 1945. |
SRH-099 | 155 | History of the Intelligence Group, MIS (MID) W.D.G.S., 7 December 1941-6 September 1945, Graphic Presentation of Intelligence. |
SRH-100 | 12 | The Aftermath of Japanese Occupation of French Indo-China, (March-May 1945). |
SRH-101 | 22 | Estimated Disposition of Japanese Fleet, Naval Aircraft and Merchant Shipping, 13 August 1944 and 18 November 1944 |
SRH-102 | 42 | Identifications, Locations and Command Functions of Significant Japanese Army/Navy Personnel. |
SRH-103 | 23 | Suicide Attack Squadron Organization, July 1945 |
SRH-104 | 15 | Enemy Combat Ship Losses, 1 August 1945. |
SRH-105 | 25 | Japanese Swept Channels and Sunken Vessels as Indicated in Ultra. (maps), 18 August 1945. |
SRH-106 | 3 | Specific Instructions for the Handling and Dissemination of Special Intelligence. [25 January 1941]. |
SRH-107 | 42 | Problems of the SSO System in World War II. [post-WWII]. |
SRH-110 | 58 | Operations of the Military Intelligence Service, War Department, London (MIS WD London). |
SRH-111 | 33 | Magic Reports for the Attention of the President, 1943-1944. |
SRH-112 | 47 | Post Mortem Writings on Indications of Ardennes Offensive, December 1944. |
SRH-113 | 29 | Selected Documents Concerning O.S.S. operations in Lisbon, Spring 1943. |
SRH-114 | 26 | China's Position Today, 19 August 1945. |
SRH-115 | 387 | U.S. Army Investigations into the Handling of Certain Communications Prior to the Attack on Pearl Harbor, 1944-1945. |
SRH-116 | 56 | Origin, Functions and Problems of the Special Branch, M.I.S. [15 April 1943]. |
SRH-117 | 12 | History of Special Branch, M.I.S., June 1944-September 1945. |
SRH-118 | 421 | Incidental Exhibits, RE Pearl Harbor Investigation, (MIS WDGS). [August 1944]. |
SRH-119 | 95 | Military Intelligence Service, War Department, Special Security Office and other Correspondence Relating to Special Intelligence in the Pacific Ocean Area [5 September 1944 to 20 July 1945]. |
SRH-120 | 107 | Utilization of American Indians as Communication Linguists. [13 October 1950]. |
SRH-121 | 45 | Japanese Ship List "Know Your Enemy", 18 December 1944. |
SRH-122 | 143 | Japanese Messages Concerning the Hoshi Maru and Awa Maru, December 1944 through August 1945. |
SRH-123 | 236 | Brownell Committee Report, 28 December 1951. |
SRH-124 | 212 | Operational History of the 849th Signal Intelligence Service, Mediterranean Theater of Operations, United States Army. [27 July 1945]. |
SRH-125 | 75 | Friedman, William T. Certain Aspects of "Magic" in the Cryptological Background of the Various Official Investigations Into the Pearl Harbor Attack. |
SRH-126 | 47 | History and Organization of PACMIRS, 6 September 1944-14 August 1945. |
SRH-127 | 196 | Use and Dissemination of Ultra in the Southwest Pacific Area, 1943-1945. |
SRH-128 | 39 | Study of Pearl Harbor Hearings, Military Intelligence Service, War Department, General Staff, 1947. |
SRH-129 | 172 | Japanese Order of Battle Bulletins, military Intelligence Service. [March-June 1944]. |
SRH-130 | 81 | History of the Intelligence Group, Military Intelligence Service, WDGS Scientific Branch. |
SRH-131 | History of the Intelligence Group, Military Intelligence Service, WDGS Military Branch [Part I, 29 pp.; Part II, 226 pp.; Part III, 205 pp.; Part IV, 151 pp.; Part V, 144 pp.; Part VI, 161 pp.] [October 1945]. | |
SRH-132 | 7 | History of the Special Distribution Branch Military Intelligence Service, W.D.G.S., Part 3, Section 7. [January 1946]. |
SRH-134 | 29 | Friedman, William T. Expansion of the Signal Intelligence Service from 1930-7 December 1941. |
SRH-135 | 188 | History of the Second Signal Service Battalion, 1939-1945. |
SRH-136 | 715 | Radio Intelligence in World War II, Tactical Operations in the Pacific Ocean Areas, December, 1942. |
SRH-137 | 26 | Unit History, 1st Radio Squadron, Mobile, U.S. Air Force Security Service, 1-31 August 1949 and 1 March-30 April 1950. |
SRH-138 | 56 | Unit History, 2nd Radio Squadron Mobile, U.S. Air Force Security Service, 1 February to 31 July 1949. |
SRH-139 | 186 | Unit History, 3rd Radio Squadron, Mobile, U.S. Air Force Security Service, 1 January-31 December 1950. |
SRH-140 | 18 | History of the "Language Liaison Group", Military Intelligence Service, War Department, 22 September 1945. |
SRH-141 | Papers from the Personal Files of Alfred McCormack, Colonel, AUS, Special Branch, G-2 Military Intelligence Branch, War Department. [Part I, 228 pp.; Part 2, 352 pp.] [5 February 1942 to 29 August 1945]. | |
SRH-142 | 44 | Russell, Commander Jerry C., Ultra and the Campaign Against the U-boats in World War II. [20 May 1980]. |
SRH-143 | 74 | Smith, Tommy J., Ultra in the Battle of Britain: The Real Key to Success? [18 May 1980]. |
SRH-144 | Radio Intelligence in World War II Tactical Operations in the Pacific Ocean Area, February 1943. [Part I, 331 pp.; Part II, 315 pp.]. | |
SRH-146 | 9 | Handling of Ultra Within the Military Intelligence Service (MIS), 1941-1943. [29 January 1946]. |
SRH-147 | 44 | Communications Intelligence Summaries, 1 November-6 December 1941, Commandant, 14th Naval District, United States Navy. |
SRH-148 | 11 | General Information on Local Ultra Picture as Background for Signal Intelligence Conference, 6 March 1944. |
SRH-149 | 25 | Safford, Laurance F., A Brief History of Communications Intelligence in the United States. |
SRH-150 | 5 | The Birthday of the Naval Security Group. [History to 1968]. |
SRH-151 | 26 | Military Study, Communication Intelligence Research Activities, 30 June 1937. |
SRH-152 | 13 | Historical Review of OP-20-G. [17 February 1944]. |
SRH-153 | 20 | MIS, War Department, Liaison Activities in the UK, 1943-1945. [12 October 1945]. |
SRH-154 | 48 | Signal Intelligence Disclosures in the Pearl Harbor Investigations. [1 July 1947]. |
SRH-155 | 59 | Intelligence Summaries, Japanese Shipping, January-February 1943. |
SRH-156 | 98 | Weekly Listing of Merchant Vessels Sunk in Far Eastern Waters, 14 December 1944-15 March 1945. PSIS 120-2-PSIS 120-14. |
SRH-157 | 67 | Monthly Listing of Sinkings of Japanese Ships, April-September 1945. PSIS 121-1 [through] 121-6. |
SRH-158 | A List of Japanese Merchant Ships Second Edition, PSIS 100-1, 1 February 1945. [Part I, Abe M. to Kyu-Urakaze M., 330 pp.; Part II, Lai Hsing to Zyno M. 283 pp.] | |
SRH-159 | 9 | Preliminary Historical Report on the Solution of the "B" Machine. [14 October 1940]. |
SRH-160 | 37 | History of Weather Unit (1942-1943). |
SRH-161 | 10 | Permanent Organization for Code and Cipher Investigation and Attack (Plans for M.I. 8). [May 1919]. |
SRH-162 | 15 | History of Security Monitoring, WWI to 1955. |
SRH-163 | 111 | Joint Army-Navy Assessment Committee (JANAC), Miscellaneous Memoranda, 1943-1947. |
SRH-164 | 65 | Memoranda from COMINCH, (F-20) to Joint Army-Navy Assessment Committee (JANAC), 1944-1945. |
SRH-165 | Memoranda from Office of Naval Communications to Joint Army-Navy Assessment Committee (JANAC), 1943-1944. [Part I, 1943-1944, 245 pp.; Part II, 1945, 404 pp.; Part III, 1946, 205 pp.]. | |
SRH-166 | Joint Army-Navy Assessment Committee (JANAC), Memoranda to Office of Naval Communication. [Part 1, September 1944-May 1946, 331 pp.; Part 2, April 1946-January 1946, 322 pp.]. | |
SRH-167 | 34 | Memoranda from Army Signal Corps to Joint Army-Navy Assessment Committee (JANAC), 1945-1946. |
SRH-168 | Agenda Minutes/Assessments, Joint Army-Navy Assessment Committee (JANAC). [Part I, meetings 1-12, 15 February-23 December 1943, 271 pp.; Part II, meetings 13-20, 18 February-11 August 1944, 302 pp.; Part III, meetings 21-28, 24 August-15 December 1944, 352 pp.; Part IV, meetings 29-36, 5 January-13 April 1945, 332 pp.; Part V, meetings 37-44, 20 April-9 November 1945, 373 pp.; Part VI, meetings 45-47, 30 November 1945-17 January 1946, 311 pp.; Part VII, meetings 48-51, 25 February-1 May 1946, 297 pp.; Part VIII, meetings 52-55, 11 June-25 July 1945, 290 pp.; Part IX, meetings 56-66, 9 August 1946-23 January 1946, 294 pp.]. | |
SRH-169 | 73 | Centralized Control of U.S. Army Signal Intelligence Activities. [1945]. |
SRH-170 | Shipping and Economic Notes, Military Intelligence Service, War Department. [Part I, Indices, 84 pp.; Part II, 18 October 1944-15 January 1945, 475 pp.; Part III, 22 January-25 March 1945, 4236 pp.; Part IV, 1-16 April 1945, 466 pp.; Part V, 20 April-1 May 1945, 452 pp.; Part VI, 2-15 May 1945, 440 pp.; Part VII, 18-30 May 1945, 457 pp.; Part VIII, 2-16 June 1945, 424 pp.; Part IX, 19 June-2 July 1945, 459 pp.; Part X, 4-18 July 1945, 445 pp.; Part XI, 19 July-4 August 1945, 500 pp.; Part XII, 8-10 August 1945, 578 pp.; Part XIII, 28 August-28 September 1945, 286 pp.]. | |
SRH-171 | 64 | Navy Department, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Secondary Course in Cryptanalysis. [1939]. |
SRH-172 | OCSigO Signal Security Agency, Japanese Army Order of Battle Information, 5 October 1943-31 May 1944. [Part I, 5 October-7 December 1943, 410 pp.; Part II, 8 December 1943-25 January 1944, 385 pp.; Part III, 26 January-25 March 1944, 386 pp.; Part IV, 27 March-31 May 1944, 377 pp.]. | |
SRH-173 | OCSigO Signal Security Agency, Japanese Order of Battle, First Edition, (15 March 1944). [Part I, 341 pp.; Part II, 428 pp.]. | |
SRH-174 | OCSigO Signal Security Agency, Japanese Order of Battle, Second Edition, (31 March 1945. [Part I, 405 pp.; Part II 443 pp.]. | |
SRH-175 | Signal Security Agency, Japanese Order of Battle, 26 May 1944-31 March 1945. [Part I, 26 May-17 November 1944, 471 pp.; Part II, 18 November 1944-31 March 1945, 473 pp.]. | |
SRH-176 | OCSigO Signal Security Agency, Japanese Order of Battle, Fifth Edition, (12 January 1945). [Part I, 361 pp.; Part II, 358 pp.; Part III, 315 pp.; Part IV, 316 pp.]. | |
SRH-177 | 16 | Interrogation of Japanese Concerning Possible Broadcast of the "Winds Execute" Messages, October-November 1945. |
SRH-178 | 10 | Radio Security Station, Marine Detachment, Peking, China, 1927-1935. |
SRH-179 | 50 | Radio Security Station (STA "A"), 4th Marine Regiment, Shanghai, China, 1924-1929/1935-1940. [photo album and map]. |
SRH-180 | 100 | U.S. Naval Pre-World War II Radio Intelligence Activities in the Philippine Islands. [1929-1945]. |
SRH-181 | OCSigO Signal Security Agency, Japanese Order of Battle, Fourth Edition, (10 October 1944). [Part I, 273 pp.; Part II, 292 pp.; Part III, 323 pp.; Part IV, 223 pp.; Part V, 233 pp.]. | |
SRH-182 | 29 | U.S. Naval Communications, Supplementary Activity, Vaitogi, Samoa, 1939-1947. |
SRH-183 | 31 | OCSigO Signal Security Agency, Location of Japanese Military Installations, 14 December 1944. |
SRH-184 | CNO, Pacific Intelligence Section, Allied Claims and Enemy Confirmation of Damage to Japanese Ships (January 1943-September 1945. [Part I, January-September 1943, 298 pp.; Part II, October-December 1943, 317 pp.; Part III, January-February 1944, 205 pp.; Part IV, March-May 1944, 287 pp.; Part V, June-July 1944, 220 pp.; Part VI, August-October 1944, 464 pp.; Part VII, November-December 1944, 261 pp.; Part VIII, January-February 1945, 202 pp.; Part IX, March-April 1945, 348 pp.; Part X, May-August 1945, 324 pp.]. | |
SRH-185 | 85 | War Experience of Alfred McCormack. [31 July 1947]. |
SRH-186 | 34 | U.S. Naval Supplementary Radio Station ,Iwo Jima, March-December 1945. |
SRH-187 | 9 | U.S. Naval Supplementary Radio Station, Palmyra Island, Territory of Hawaii, 28 April 1942-16 January 1946. |
SRH-188 | 8 | U.S. Navy Strategic Radio Direction Finder Station, Guadalcanal, November 1942-4 December 1944. |
SRH-189 | 19 | U.S. Naval Supplementary Radio Station, Johnston Island, 1 December 1942-1 January 1946. |
SRH-190 | 6 | U.S. Navy Strategic Radio Direction Finder Station, Tarawa Atoll, 13-19 December 1943--27 November 1944. |
SRH-191 | 8 | U.S. Navy Supplementary Radio Station, Kwajalein, 29 February 1944-8 December 1945. |
SRH-192 | 32 | U.S. Naval Supplementary Radio Station, Manus Island, 17 June 1944-10 October 1945. |
SRH-193 | 20 | U.S. Naval Radio Direction Finder Station, Morotai Island, 24 January-3 February 1945. |
SRH-194 | 6 | U.S. Naval Supplementary Radio Station, Leyte, Philippine Islands, 16 July-17 September 1945. |
SRH-195 | War Department (MID) Military Intelligence Service, Japanese Ground Forces Order of Battle Bulletins. [Part I, 7 April-2 June 1945, 405 pp.; Part II, 9 June-11 August 1945, 394 pp.]. | |
SRH-196 | 25 | Reports on the Activities of Dr. Marshall Stone in the China, Burma and India Theaters, 20 January-31 March 1945. |
SRH-197 | 44 | U.S. Navy Communication Intelligence Organization, Liaison and Collaboration, 1941-1945. |
SRH-198 | 47 | File of Messages Exchanged with U.S. Military Mission to Moscow. [25 October 1945]. |
SRH-199 | 122 | Japanese Army Shipping Organization, 1 March 1945, Military Intelligence Service, War Department. |
SRH-200 | OP-2-G File On Army-Navy Collaboration, 1931-1945. [Part I, 18 July 1931-31 May 1944, 345 pp.; Part 2, 9 June-11 August 1945, 294 pp.]. | |
SRH-201 | 210 | A Collection of German U-Boat Admonition/Experience Messages (1943-1945), OP-20-G. |
SRH-202 | 17 | Location of Principal Combat Ships (Japanese), 22 September-29 December 1944 OP-20-G. |
SRH-203 | General Headquarters, Southwest Pacific Area, Military Intelligence Section, General Staff, Special Intelligence Bulletins. [Part 1, No. 1-209, 2 May 1943-30 November 1943, 350 pp.; Part 2, No. 210-329, 1 December 1943-31 March 1944, 354 pp.; Part 3, No. 330-390, 1 April 1944-31 May 1944, 187 pp.]. General Headquarters, Southwest Pacific Area, Military Intelligence Section, G-2, Ultra Intelligence Bulletins. [Part 4, No. 391-510, 1 June-30 September 1944, 467 pp.; Part 5, No. 511-599, 1 October-28 December 1944, 427 pp.]. Part 6, GHQ, SWPA, Military Intelligence Section, G-2, Ultra Intelligence Summaries. [No. 1-137, 15 April-29 August 1945, 575 pp.]. |
SRH-204 | 600 | A List of Japanese Merchant Ships, First Edition -- July 1944, and First Supplement -- August 1944, OP-20-G. |
SRH-205 | 49 | OP-20-GA Compendium of Available Italian Submarine Message Translations (30 January-10 September 1943). |
SRH-206 | 15 | U.S. Navy (OP-20), Report on Orange Navy's Reaction to Changkufeng Incident, August 28, 1938. |
SRH-207 | 106 | Evacuation of USN COMINT Personnel from Corregidor in WWII. [post WWII]. |
SRH-208 | United States Navy Submarine Warfare Message Reports, COMINCH to Admiralty. [Part I, 3 June 1942-31 May 1943, Serials 1-118, 122 pp.; Part II, 1 June 1943-30 December 1943, Serials 119-249, 141 pp.; Part III, 1 January 1944-31 May 1944, Serials 250-324, 80 pp.; Part IV, 2 June 1944-9 June 1945, Serials 325-458 160 pp.]. | |
SRH-210 | 60 | Collection of Papers Related to the "Winds Execute" Message, U.S. Navy, 1945. [December 1945]. |
SRH-211 | 36 | Japanese Radio Communications and Radio Intelligence, CINCPAC-CINCPOA Bulletin 5-45, 1 January 1945. |
SRH-212 | 24 | Elementary Cipher Solution, Navy Department, Office of Chief of Naval Operations, Code and Signal Section, 1930. |
SRH-213 | 40 | Office of Operations Bulletins, Office of Chief of Naval Operations, Navy Department, 1935-1941. [cryptography and cryptanalysis] |
SRH-214 | 44 | Elementary Course in Cryptanalysis, Office of Chief of Naval Operations, Navy Department, Circa 1939. |
SRH-215 | 51 | U.S. Navy, Communication Security Group, Training Pamphlet No. 17, Ciphers, 1937. |
SRH-216 | 73 | Elementary Course in Cryptanalysis, Office of Chief of Naval Operations, Navy Department, Circa 1940. |
SRH-217 | 167 | U.S. Navy Basic Course in Elementary Cryptanalysis, 1941-1942. |
SRH-218 | 99 | Navy Department, Elementary Course in Cryptanalysis, 1946. |
SRH-219 | 66 | Ultra Material in the Blamey Papers. [June 1945]. |
SRH-220 | Messages Between U.S./Philippine Guerilla Forces and HQ, SWPA, (December 1942-November 1943). [Part I, 67 pp.; Part II, 536 pp.; Part III, 543 pp.; Part IV, 330 pp.; Part V, 518 pp.; Part VI, 186 pp.]. | |
SRH-221 | 21 | SIS Activities of Captain Harrison and Captain Koerner, ETO 1944-1945. |
SRH-222 | 212 | OP-20 Report on Japanese Grand Fleet Maneuvers (May-June 1930). |
SRH-223 | 280 | Various Reports on Japanese Grand Fleet Maneuvers (June-August 1933). |
SRH-224 | 120 | Various Reports on Japanese Grand Fleet Maneuvers (August-October 1934.) |
SRH-225 | 81 | Various Reports on Japanese Grand Fleet Maneuvers (July-September 1935). |
SRH-226 | 16 | Japanese Naval Reserve Communications Intelligence Specialists (1941-1945). [July 1945]. |
SRH-227 | 105 | Unit History, 126th Signal Radio Intelligence Company, February 1941-September 1945. |
SRH-228 | 398 | Histories of Radio Intelligence Units, European Theater of Operations, September 1944-March 1945, Vol. I. |
SRH-229 | 210 | History of the 136th Radio Security Detachment, 7 February 1942-30 April 1946. |
SRH-230 | 10 | The Role of COMINT in the Battle of Midway. [June 1972]. |
SRH-231 | 115 | Japanese Reports on Monitoring of Allied Wireless Communications in the Philippines (January-November 1943). |
SRH-232 | 10 | U.S. Navy COMINCH, Radio Intelligence Appreciations Concerning German U-boat Activity in Far East (January-April 1945). |
SRH-233 | 46 | United States Navy, Director of Naval Communications, Memoranda on the Congressional Investigations of the Attack on Pearl Harbor. [December 1946]. |
SRH-234 | 69 | The Zimmerman Telegram and Related Papers. [1970]. |
SRH-235 | 6 | COMINT Contributions, Submarine Warfare in WWII, 17 June 1947, VADM C.A. Lockwood, USN, COMSUBPAC. |
SRH-236 | United States Navy, Submarine Warfare Message Reports, Admiralty to COMINCH. [Part I, 24 May 1942-31 December 1942, Serials 001-170, 256 pp.; Part II, 1 January 1943-31 March 1943, Serials 171-382,, 310 pp.; Part III, 1 April 1943-30 June 1943, Serials 383-540, 283 pp.; Part IV, 1 July 1943-20 September 1943, Serials 541-676, 252 pp.; Part V, 1 October 1943-31 December 1943, Serials 677-857, 340 pp.; Part VI, 2 January 1944-30 March 1944, Serials 858-1045, 356 pp.; Part VII, 1 April 1944-29 June 1944, Serials 1047-1197, 262 pp.; Part VIII, 1 July 1944-30 December 1944, Serials 1198-1468, 322 pp.; Part IX, 2 January 1945-12 June 1945, Serials 1469-1678, 266 pp.; Part X, U-boat Situation Reports Part 2, 23 May 1942-19 April 1943, 162 pp.]. | |
SRH-237 | 35 | Geiger-Muller Counter for Detection of Radioactive Secret Ink, 1941-1945. |
SRH-238 | 24 | MIS/SSA, Axis Analysis of Over-the-Hump U.S. Air Transport Traffic, 15 June 1945. |
SRH-239 | 28 | War Department, MIS, Japanese Army Signal Centers and Officer Lists, 1 September 1945. |
SRH-240 | 30 | Detachment B, 5th Radio Squadron Mobile, Weekly R/T Technical Summary, 19-25 November 1944; 17-23 December 1944. |
SRH-241 | 191 | Historical Data Report, 26th Radio Squadron Mobile, 1 January 1953-30 June 1954. |
SRH-242 | 317 | History of the 12th Radio Squadron, Mobile, 1 January 1951-31 December 1951; 1 January 1953-31 March 1953. |
SRH-243 | 101 | Historical Report, 15th Radio Squadron, Mobile, 1 April-30 December 1951; 1 August-31 December 1954. |
SRH-244 | 271 | Historical Report, 8th Radio Squadron, Mobile, 21 November 1947-28 February 1954. |
SRH-245 | 123 | Historical Data Report, 6961st Communications Squadron, 1 January 1953-31 December 1953. |
SRH-246 | 28 | Historical Data Report, 6962nd Supply Squadron, 1 September-31 December 1953. |
SRH-247 | 70 | Historical Data Report, 34th Radio Squadron Mobile, 1 January-30 September 1953. |
SRH-248 | 113 | Historical Data Report, 1st Communications Security Squadron, 8-31 December 1953. |
SRH-249 | 52 | History of the 32nd Communications Security Squadron, 1 July-31 December 1953. |
SRH-250 | 49 | Historical Data Report, 84th Radio Squadron Mobile, 1 January 1953-31 December 1954. |
SRH-251 | 10 | History of Communications Security in Korea, September 1950-July 1953. |
SRH-252 | 219 | Hurt, John B., A Version of the Japanese Problem in the Special Intelligence Service (later Signal Security Agency), 1930-1945. |
SRH-253 | 6 | Historical Data Report, 85th Radio Squadron Mobile, 8-31 December 1953. |
SRH-254 | 172 | The Japanese Intelligence System MIS/WSGS, 4 September 1945. |
SRH-255 | 85 | Oral History Interview with Mr. Robert D. Ogg. [May 1983]. |
SRH-256 | 71 | Attack on the U.S.S. Liberty. |
SRH-257 | 330 | Analysis of Japanese Air Operations During Okinawa Campaign. [October 1945]. |
SRH-258 | 361 | Japanese Army Air Forces Order-of-Battle, 1945. |
SRH-259 | 101 | OP-20-G File of Reports on Japanese Naval Air Order of Battle (World War II). [June 1944]. |
SRH-260 | 238 | OP-20-G File of Memoranda, Reports and Messages on German Blockade Runners (World War II) (1943-1944). |
SRH-262 | 42 | Japanese Minor Combatant Vessels Used for Deep-Sea Escort, `1 June 1945, Pacific Strategic Intelligence Section, OP-20. |
SRH-263 | 21 | Japanese Submarine Sinkings During WWII, OP-23. [November 1945]. |
SRH-264 | 93 | A Lecture on Communications Intelligence by Capt. J.N. Wenger, USN, 14 August 1946. |
SRH-265 | 96 | Status of Japanese Naval Vessels as of November 1945, CINCPAC/CINCPOA. |
SRH-266 | 67 | Japanese Signal Intelligence Service, Third Edition (SSA, 1 November 1944). |
SRH-267 | 28 | History of Engineering Research Associates. [16 August 1946]. |
SRH-268 | 11 | Advanced Intelligence Centers in the U.S. Navy, June 1942. |
SRH-269 | 6 | U.S. ARmy COMINT Policy: Pearl Harbor to Summer 1942. |
SRH-270 | 5 | Army-Navy-FBI COMINT Agreements of 1942. |
SRH-271 | 9 | Presidential Memorandum on Communications Intelligence Activities. |
SRH-272 | 124 | CINCPAC, Enemy Activities File, April-May 1942. |
SRH-275 | 159 | OP-20-G File of Fleet Radio Unit, Melbourne (Frumel), 28 June 1943-2 September 1945. |
SRH-276 | 162 | Centralized Control of U.S. Army Signal Intelligence Activities, 30 January 1939-16 April 1945. |
SRH-277 | 52 | A Lecture on Communications Intelligence, By RADM E.E. Stone, DIRAGFA, 5 June 1951. |
SRH-278 | 193 | War Diary Combat Intelligence Unit (Pacific-1942). [7 Dec 1941-25 July 1942]. |
SRH-279 | 86 | OP-20-G File, Communication Intelligence Organization, 1942-1946. |
SRH-280 | 241 | An Exhibit of the Important Types of Intelligence Recovered Through Reading Japanese Cryptograms.. [August 1944]. |
SRH-281 | 281 | United States Navy File of Correspondence with Department of State, 1919-1950. |
SRH-282 | 147 | Friedman, William D., Military Cryptanalysis Part I--Monoalphabetic Substitution Systems. [1938]. |
SRH-283 | 124 | Friedman, William D., Military Cryptanalysis Part II -- Simpler Varieties of Polyalphabetic Substitutions. [1938]. |
SRH-284 | 540 | OP-20G Radio Intelligence in WWII, Submarine Operations in the Pacific Ocean Areas, November 1943. |
SRH-285 | 147 | OP-20G Radio Intelligence in WWII, Submarine Operations in the Pacific Ocean Areas, December 1943. |
SRH-286 | 247 | OP-20G Radio Intelligence in WWII, Submarine Operations in the Pacific Ocean Areas, January-February 1944 (in part). |
SRH-287 | 447 | OP-20G Radio Intelligence in WWII, Tactical Operations in the Pacific Ocean Areas (Appendix only), March 1943. |
SRH-288 | 518 | OP-20G Radio Intelligence in WWII, Tactical Operations in the Pacific Ocean Areas April 1943. |
SRH-289 | 153 | The Employment of Mobile Radio Intelligence Units by Command Afloat During WWII. [February 1942 to August 1945]. |
SRH-290 | 6 | U.S. Naval Direction Finder Station, Soapstone Point, Alaska. [1921-1938]. |
SRH-291 | 9 | U.S. Naval Communications Station, Guam, Station B. [1929-1941]. |
SRH-292 | 26 | U.S. Naval Radio Direction Finder Station, Point St. George, Crescent City, California, [1923-1944]. |
SRH-293 | 14 | U.S. Naval Radio Station, Astoria, Oregon. [1932-1939]. |
SRH-294 | 8 | U.S. Naval HFDF Station, Chincoteague Island, Virginia. [1942-1943]. |
SRH-295 | 30 | U.S. Naval HFDF Station, Sitka, Alaska.. [1938-1954]. |
SRH-296 | 12 | U.S. Naval HFDF Station, Farallon Islands, California.. [1923-1942]. |
SRH-297 | 29 | U.S. Naval HFDF Station, Point Arguello, California. [1906-1943]. |
SRH-298 | 7 | U.S. Naval HFDF Station, Cape Lookout, North Carolina. [1935-1942]. |
SRH-299 | 37 | U.S. Naval Supplementary Radio Station, Jan Mayen Island, November 1943-December 1945. |
SRH-300 | 8 | U.S. Naval SUPRAD Station, Antigua, British West Indies. [1943-1944]. |
SRH-301 | 33 | U.S. Naval Supplementary Radio Station, Port Isabel, Texas. [1942-1945]. |
SRH-302 | 61 | U.S. Naval SUPRADSTA, Poyner's Hill, Poplar Branch, North Carolina, 1920-15 July 1945. |
SRH-303 | 15 | Naval Supplementary Radio Station, Otter Point, Umnak Island, Alaska. [1941-1945]. |
SRH-304 | 11 | U.S. Naval HFDF Station, Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico. [1942-1945]. |
SRH-305 | 34 | Safford, L.F., The Undeclared War,, "History of P.I.", 15 November 1943. |
SRH-306 | 151 | OP-20G, Exploits and Commendations, World War II. [1942-1948]. |
SRH-307 | 66 | G.H.Q., SWPA, Special Intelligence Precis. [February-November 1943]. |
SRH-308 | 26 | Fleet Radio Unit Detachment, Cooktown, Australia. [1943-1944]. |
SRH-309 | Pacific Ocean Mobile Radio Intelligence Unit Reports, 1945. [Part I, 241 pp.; Part II, 282 pp.; Part III, 349 pp.]. | |
SRH-310 | 61 | German Military Ciphers from February to November 1918. |
SRH-311 | 35 | Principles of Solution of Military Field Codes Used by the German Army in 1917. |
SRH-312 | 29 | U.S. Naval HFDF Station, Exmouth Gulf, Australia, May 1943-November 1944. |
SRH-313 | 42 | Pacific Ocean Mobile Radio Intelligence Unit Reports, 1942. |
SRH-314 | 120 | Pacific Ocean Mobile Radio Intelligence Unit Reports, 1944. |
SRH-316 | 33 | U.S. Naval Supplementary Radio Station, Adelaide River, Northern Territory, 25 March 1943-21 September 1945. |
SRH-317 | 308 | Pacific Ocean Mobile Radio Intelligence Unit Reports, 1943. |
SRH-318 | 395 | U.S. Navy Reports on Japanese Grand Fleet Maneuvers, 1936. |
SRH-319 | 14 | Various Reports on Japanese Grand Fleet Maneuvers, 1937. |
SRH-320 | 59 | Various Reports on Japanese Grand Fleet Maneuvers, 1927-1929. |
SRH-323 | COMINCH, Combat Intelligence Division, File on Hospital Ships, January 12, 1943-April 30, 1945. [Part I, General File, January 12, 1943-April 30, 1945, 192 pp.; Part II, Submarine Patrol Reports Related to Hospital Ships, 305 pp.; Part III, File on Misuse of Hospital Ships by the Japanese Navy, 143 pp.]. | |
SRH-324 | 284 | U.S. Navy Pacific Ocean Mobile Radio Intelligence Units, Related Correspondence, 1943-1945. |
SRH-326 | 60 | U.S. Naval Radio Station, Libugon, Guam. [1926-1938]. |
SRH-327 | 106 | Studies in German Diplomatic Codes Employed During the World War. [WWI] [1937]. |
SRH-335 | 88 | The Contribution of the Cryptographic Bureaus in the World War. [wwi] [1935]. |
SRH-341 | 61 | Latin American Clandestine Radio, 1942. |
SRH-348 | 31 | U.S. Navy Mobile Radio Intelligence in the European Theater, WWII, 1944-1945. |
SRH-348A | 87 | U.S. Navy Mobile Radio Intelligence in the European Theater, WWII, June 1941-July 1945. |
SRH-349 | 116 | The Achievements of the Signal Security Agency in World War II. [February 20, 1946]. |
SRH-352 | 26 | U.S. Naval Radio Station, Dutch Harbor, Unalaska Island, Alaska. [1937-1043]. |
SRH-355 | 699 | Naval Security Group History to World War II (Part II). [1916-1938]. |
SRH-357 | 235 | History, Signal Intelligence Division (ETO), June 1942-July 1945. |
SRH-360 | 189 | History of Invention and Development of the Mark II ECM (Electric Cipher Machine). |
SRH-362 | 422 | History of the Signal Security Agency, Volume Three, the Japan Army Problems: Cryptanalysis 1942-1945. |
SRH-364 | History of the Signal Security Agency, Volume One, 1939-1945. [Part I, 240 pp.; Part II, 1942-1945, 360 pp.]. | |
SRH-365 | 49 | History of Signal Intelligence Division of the Signal Office, AFMIDPAC, 1941-1945. |
SRH-367 | 92 | A Preliminary Analysis of the Role of Decryption Intelligence in the Operational Phase of the Battle of the Atlantic, U.S. Navy OEG Report #66, 8/20/51. |
SRH-368 | 113 | Evaluation of the Role of Decryption Intelligence in the Operational Phase of the Battle of the Atlantic, U.S. Navy OEG Report #68, 1952. |
SRH-369 | 33 | Selected Documents From OKL/Director General of Signals (Third Reich).. [1945]. |
SRH-370 | 5 | Order Concerning Cryptanalytic and Cipher Work (Third Reich), 1944. |
SRH-371 | 6 | Designations of German Intercept Stations (Third Reich). [4/28/43]. |
SRH-372 | 11 | Memoranda on Allied Order of Battle as Obtained From Radio Intercept (Third Reich). [February-March 1942]. |
SRH-373 | 97 | Correspondence Between OKW/CHI and Intercept Stations (Third Reich) [1939-1944]. |
SRH-374 | 11 | W/T Report of German Tanker "Altmark" (Third Reich), 1940. |
SRH-375 | 4 | German and Italian Correspondence on Miscellaneous Cyphers (WWII). [1941]. |
SRH-376 | 5 | Observations on French Diplomatic Style (Third Reich). [1941]. |
SRH-377 | 5 | Order of Battle of OKW/CHI (Third Reich), 1945. |
SRH-378 | 40 | Radio Situation Reports, Army Group South (Third Reich), 1941. |
SRH-379 | 14 | The German Navy Signal Intelligence Service (Third Reich), 1944. |
SRH-380 | 58 | Final Report on the "Rote Kapelle" Case (Third Reich). 22 December 1942. |
SRH-385 | 20 | Soviet Long Range Bomber Force (Third Reich). [November 1944]. |
SRH-389 | 18 | Speech Scrambler and other items (Third Reich). [1942]. |
SRH-391 | 216 | American Signal Intelligence in Northwest Africa and Western Europe. [WWII]. |
SRH-403 | 81 | Selections from the Cryptologic Papers Collection of Rear Admiral J.N. Wenger, USN. [1943-1953]. |
SRH-404 | 43 | Notes on the Liaison Service and the Liaison Intelligence Service of the Germany Army Service During the World War. [WWI]. |
SRH-405 | History of the Signal Intelligence Division, European Theater of Operations, United States Army, Narrative History. [Volume I, Part I, 304 pp.; Volume I, Part II, 362 pp.; Volume I, Part III, 227 pp.; Appendix A, Technical History, 196 pp.; Appendix B, Part I, Exhibits and Appendices, 188 pp.]. | |
SRH-406 | 186 | Pre-Pearl Harbor Japanese Naval Dispatches. [September-4 December 1941]. |
SRH-409 | 14 | Observations on Signal Intelligence Gained From North African Theater of Operations. [December 1943]. |
SRH-410 | 71 | List of Named Japanese Ships.. [WWII--after 3 July 1943]. |
SRH-411 | 43 | Reports of the Press Dispatches of Rodriquez Francisco Lucientes, January 1943. |
SRH-414 | 51 | Messages from Various Posts to Tokyo on U.S. Fleet Movements, 1940-1941. |
SRH-415 | 24 | Haruna Messages From Various Japanese Offices Abroad Signaling Destruction of Codes, December 1941. |
Discrete Records of Historical Cryptologic Import: U.S. Army | ||
Reference Number |
Pages |
Title |
SRMA-005 | 36 | Enemy Analysis of Allied Communications, 15 December 1944. |
SRMA-006 | 7 | Use of Balloons by Japanese, WWII. [1944-1945]. |
SRMA-010 | 6 | French Knowledge of German Cryptanalysis, 1927. |
SRMA-011 | 452 | SSS/SSA/ASA, Staff Meeting Minutes, 25 November 1942-17 February 1948. |
SRMA-015 | 35 | Surrender on the Air. [Japan] [19 August 1945]. |
Discrete Records of Historical Cryptologic Import: Joint Server and/or U.S. Government Cryptologic Agencies | ||
Reference Number |
Pages |
Title |
SRMD-001 | 136 | Estimates of Empire Air Distribution, 5 June-14 August 1945. |
SRMD-002 | 160 | War Plans Section Comments on Communication Intelligence Summaries, Joint Intelligence Center Pacific Ocean Area (JICPOA), 21 June-2 December 1942. |
SRMD-003 | 43 | Summary of Orange Ship Traffic by Ports for December 1942. |
SRMD-004 | 30 | Combined Communications Board, Washington Subtractor Table for Use With the Combined Field Code Pacific and Australian Edition. [1 June 1944]. |
SRMD-005 | 519 | United States Navy File of SIGTOT Messages From JICPOA Estimates Section to CINCPAC Advanced Headquarters, March-August 1945. |
SRMD-006 | 285 | United States Navy File of SIGTOT Messages CINCPAC Advanced Headquarters to JICPOA, Estimates Section, March-August 1945. |
SRMD-007 | JICPOA, Summary of ULTRA Traffic. [Part I, 11 September-31 December 1944,, 332 pp.; Part II, 1 January-31 March 1945, 240 pp.; Part III, 1 April-30 June 194, 254 pp.; Part IV, 1 July-31 August 1945, 145 pp.]. | |
SRMD-008 | 262 | JICPOA, Analysis of Enemy Shipping, Mining and Mine Countermeasures, 15 February-17 August 1945. |
SRMD-009 | 449 | JICPOA/F-22 File of Administrative Letters/Correspondence, January 1942-September 1945. |
SRMD-010 | Joint Intelligence Center Pacific Ocean Area (JICPOA), Estimate of Enemy Distribution and Intentions. [Part I, April 1943-July 1944, 338 pp.; Part II, August 1944-August 1945, 300 pp.]. | |
SRMD-011 | 272 | JICPOA, Estimate of Japanese Army and Navy Fighter Deployment, 8 Aug 1944-23 April 1945. |
SRMD-012 | 233 | JICPOA, Enemy Combat Ship Losses, 1 January 1944-1 August 1945. |
SRMD-013 | 112 | JICPOA, Japanese Merchant Ship Losses, December 1941-April 1944. |
SRMD-014 | 53 | JICPOA, Various Reports and Memoranda on Mining, April 1944-January 1945. |
SRMD-015 | 128 | Reports and Memoranda on a Variety of Intelligence Subjects, January 1943-August 1945. |
SRMD-016 | JICPOA, Weekly Location Report, (Japanese Fleet, Air Forces, Ground Forces), July 1942-August 1945. [Part 1, July-October 1942, 273 pp.; Part 2, November-December 1942, 303 pp.; Part 3, January-March 1943, 446 pp.; Part 4, April-June 1943, 502 pp.; Part 5, July-September 1943, 516 pp.; Part 6, October-December 1943, 569 pp.; Part 7, January-February 1944, 420 pp.; Part 8, March-April 1944, 406 pp.; Part 9, May-June 1944, 403 pp.; Part 10, July-August 1944, 499 pp.; Part 11, September-October 1944, 521 pp.; Part 12, November-December 1944, 491 pp.; Part 13, January-February 1945, 493 pp.; Part 14, March-April 1945, 516 pp.; Part 15, May-June 1945, 531 pp.; Part 16, July-August 1945, 554 pp.]. | |
SRMD-017 | 102 | Fundamentals of Traffic Analysis (Radio Telegraph), October 1948. |
SRMD-019 | 73 | The Panay Incident. [1970]. |
SRMF-001 | 28 | HQ XXI Bomber Command, Memoranda Concerning Enemy Reaction to U.S. Bombing Missions, 24 January-10 March 1945. |
Discrete Records of Historical Cryptologic Import: U.S. Navy | ||
Reference Number |
Pages |
Title |
SRMN-001 | 13 | Military Study of Facsimile, by J.N. Wegner, Lt., USN, 1938? |
SRMN-002 | 9 | Convoy Routes of Japanese Merchant, Tanker and Combatant Ships in the Pacific Area, December 1, 1943-October 1944. [Four pages are folded charts]. |
SRMN-003 | 9 | Instructions for Safeguarding and Using Navy Cipher Box, Mark II 1918. |
SRMN-004 | 113 | OP-20G, File of CINCPAC Intelligence Bulletins (16 March-1 June 1942). |
SRMN-005 | 270 | OP-20-G, File of Memoranda and Reports Relating to the Battle of Midway. [May 20 1942 to 30 June 1943]. |
SRMN-006 | 286 | Royal Australian Navy Support to United States Navy through Australian Commonwealth Naval Board Summaries/Translations of Japanese Messages, February-December 1942. |
SRMN-007 | 188 | Japanese Espionage Activities in the United States, 1941-1943. |
SRMN-008 | 370 | United States Navy, CINCPAC and COMFOURTEEN, CI Bulletins/Radio Digests, 1 March-31 December 1942. |
SRMN-009 | 383 | United States Navy, CINCPAC Fleet Intelligence Summaries, 22 June 1942-8 May 1943. |
SRMN-010 | 141 | United States Navy, Course in Elementary Cryptanalysis, 1941-1942. |
SRMN-011 | 385 | United States Navy, Elementary Course in Cryptanalysis, 1948-1950. |
SRMN-012 | Combat Intelligence Unit, 14th Naval District, Traffic Intelligence Summaries with Comments by CINCPAC War Plans/Fleet Intelligence Sections, 16 July 1941-30 June 1942. [Part I, 16 Jul.-31 Dec. 1941, 308 pp.; Part II, 1 Jan.-31 Mar. 1942, 592 pp.; Part III, 1 Apr. 30-June. 1942, 826 pp.]. | |
SRMN-013 | United States Navy Commander in Chief, Pacific Intelligence Bulletins #78-#666, 1 June 1942-28 September 1945. [Part I, #78-#345, 1 Jun. 1942-23 Feb. 1943, 393 pp.; Part II, #345-#471, 24 Feb.-30 Jun. 1943, 227 pp.; Part III, #534-#655, 1 Sep..-31 Dec. 1943, 383 pp.; Part IV, 1 Jan.-30 Jun. 1944, 414 pp.; Part V, 1 Jul.-30 Sep. 1944, 378 pp.; Part VI, 1 Oct.-31 Dec. 1944, 484 pp.; Part VII, 1 Jan.-31 Mar. 1945, 480 pp.; Part VIII, 1 Apr.-31 May 1945, 428 pp.; Part IX, 1 Jun.-31 Jul. 1945, 351 pp.; Part X, 1 Aug.-23 Sep. 1945, 345 pp.]. | |
SRMN-014 | 54 | United States Navy, FRUPAC "GI Manual", 3 February 1944. |
SRMN-015 | 44 | United States Navy, The Establishment of Advanced Intelligence Centers, May 1942-August 1943. |
SRMN-016 | 204 | U.S. Navy, COMINCH (F-22), File of Intelligence and Liaison, Pacific Area (BESAW), 10 September 1943-21 November 1945. |
SRMN-017 | 639 | U.S. Navy, CINCPAC/CINCPOA, Japanese Repatriation Ship Movements. [Part I, 30 September 1945-22 November 1945, 319 pp.; Part II, 23 November 1945-15 February 1946, 326 pp.]. |
SRMN-018 | 22 | U.S. Navy, (OP-20-G), West Coast Communications Intelligence Activities, Policies and Procedures, 20 June 1942-26 December 1943. |
SRMN-019 | 83 | U.S. Navy, (CINCPAC/CINCPOA), Estimate of Enemy Situation, 30 June 1944-27 August 1945. |
SRMN-020 | 79 | U.S. Navy, (CINCPAC/CINCPOA), Estimate of Enemy Strength in the Carolines-Marianas and Adjacent Areas, 20 March-31 July 1944. |
SRMN-021 | 105 | U.S. Navy, (CINCPAC/CINCPOA), Estimate of Enemy Strength in the Marshalls, Gilberts and Adjacent Areas, 6 September-27 December 1943. |
SRMN-022 | 314 | U.S. Navy, (COMINCH, F-21), Log of Attacks on U-Boats, 6 November 1942-30 December 1943. |
SRMN-022A | 290 | U.S. Navy, (COMINCH, F-21), Log of Attacks on U-Boats, 1 January 1944-5 May 1945. |
SRMN-023 | U.S. Navy, (COMINCH, F-21), Log of U-Boat Attacks. [Part I, 4 November 1942-31 December 1943, 297 pp.; Part II, 1 January 1944-10 May 1945, 285 pp.]. | |
SRMN-024 | 6 | U.S. Navy, CINCPAC/CINCPOA), Enemy Reaction to Nansei Shoto and Formosa Air Strikes, (Special Report), 20 October 1944. |
SRMN-025 | 107 | U.S. Navy, (CINCPAC/CINCPOA), Post War Summaries of Status of Japanese Naval Vessels (Sunk and Afloat), November 1945. |
SRMN-026 | 14 | U.S. Navy, (CINCPAC/CINCPOA), Estimate of Empire Approaches and Combat Air Strength, 20 December 1944. |
SRMN-027 | 515 | U.S. Navy, Estimated Disposition of Japanese Fleet, Aircraft Merchant\Shipping and Economic Notes, 2 December 1944-3 August 1945. |
SRMN-028 | U.S. Navy, Reports of the West Coast HF/DF Strategical Net. [Part I, 1 July-31 December 1942, 447 pp.; Part II, 1 January-30 April 1943, 530 pp.; Part III, 1 May-13 August 1945, 531 pp.] | |
SRMN-029 | 67 | U.S. Navy, Daily Radio Intelligence Summaries Net Control, West Coast R.I. Net, 22 August-1 September 1943. |
SRMN-030 | 121 | COMINCH File of Biweekly Messages on U-Boat Trends, 1 September 1942-1 May 1945. |
SRMN-031 | 154 | COMINCH Messages on German U-Boat Position Estimates, 10 June 1942-6 November 1942. |
SRMN-032 | 283 | COMINCH File of Memoranda Concerning U-Boat Tracking Room Operations, 2 January 1943-6 June 1945. |
SRMN-033 | COMINCH File of Messages on U-Boat Estimates and Situation Reports, 1 October 1941-4 June 1945. [Part 1, Oct. 1941-Sep. 1942, 447 pp.; Part 2, Oct. 1942-Mar. 1943, 943 pp.; Part 3, Apr.-Dec. 1943, 1062 pp.; Part 4, Jan.-Aug. 1944, 688 pp.; Part 5, Sep. 1944-Jun. 1945, 788 pp.]. | |
SRMN-034 | COMINCH File: Rough Notes on Daily U-Boat Positions and Activities, January 1943-May 1945. [Part I, Jan.-Dec. 1943, 531 pp.; Part 2, Jan.-Dec. 1944, 662 pp.; Part 3, Jan.-May 1945, 247 pp.]. | |
SRMN-035 | 106 | Admiralty-COMINCH, Ultra Message Exchange, 25 June 1942-17 October 1944. |
SRMN-036 | 187 | COMINCH File of U-Boat Situation Estimates, 15 June 1942-21 May 1945. |
SRMN-037 | 657 | COMINCH File: U-Boat Intelligence Summaries, January 1943-May 1945. |
SRMN-038 | 12 | Functions of the "Secret Room" (F-211) of COMINCH Combat Intelligence Atlantic Section, Anti-Submarine Warfare, WWII. [Undated]. |
SRMN-039 | 152 | COMINCH Pacific Strategic Intelligence Section (PSIS) File, March 1944-December 1945. |
SRMN-040 | 54 | COMINCH File: Assessment of U-Boat Fleet at the End of WWII, June-October 1945. |
SRMN-041 | 246 | COMINCH File: Liquidated U-Boats, 1942-1945. |
SRMN-042 | 96 | COMINCH File: Anti-submarine Warfare Actions Against Japanese Submarines, 12 September 1944-25 October 1945. |
SRMN-043 | 30 | COMINCH File: Special U-Boat Invasion Summaries, 6 June 1944-18 June 1944. |
SRMN-044 | 232 | COMINCH File: Weekly Report on Estimated Locations of Japanese Fleet Units, 1 September 1942-9 August 1945. |
SRMN-045 | 272 | COMINCH File: Estimates of Japanese Air Strength 5 Jan 42-31 Dec 45. |
SRMN-046 | 105 | COMINCH File: Messages Dealing With the U-Boat Problem, 4 June 19942-16 May 1945. |
SRMN-047 | 2 | COMINCH Chart: German Naval Radio Stations and Established Communication Lines, 1 January 1945. |
SRMN-048 | 193 | OP-20-GI, Reports on U-Boat Disposition and Status, December 1942-2 May 1945. |
SRMN-049 | 237 | COMINCH File: Ultra Assessments by F-22 "Secret Room", of Attacks on U-Boats, July 1943-July 1944. |
SRMN-050 | 96 | OP-20-GI, Japanese COMINT Reports as Noted by U.S. Navy Intercept, 21 January-6 June 1944. |
SRMN-051 | 542 | OP-20-GI, Memoranda to COMINCH F-35, on German U-Boat Activities, December 1942-September 1943. |
SRMN-051A | 213 | OP-20-GI, Memoranda to COMINCH F21, on German U-Boat Activities, October 1943-May 1945. |
SRMN-052 | 144 | OP-20-GI, Reports on Japanese/German Radar and Electronics, July 1943-March 1945. |
SRMN-053 | 77 | OP-20-GI, Reports on German U-Boats East of Capetown, July 1944-May 1945. |
SRMN-054 | OP-20-GI Special Studies Relating to U-Boat Activity, 1943-1945. [Part 1, 21 Apr. 1943-Sep. 1944, 513 pp.; Part 2, 15 Feb. 1944-21 May 1945, 361 pp.]. | |
SRMN-055 | 49 | OP-20-GI-A, Forecast/Statistics of U-Boat Activities, 26 January-11 July 1944. |
SRMN-056 | 72 | Listing of Ship Sinkings Attributed to German U-Boat Successes, January 1941-April 1945. |
Summaries: Japanese Naval Radio Intelligence | ||
Reference Number |
Pages |
Title |
SRNS-0001-0078 | 123 | CNO Summaries (of Radio Intelligence), Japanese Naval Activities (14 April 1942-30 June 1942). |
SRNS-0079-0170 | 145 | CNO Summaries (of Radio Intelligence), Japanese Naval Activities (1 July 1942-30 September 1942). |
SRNS-0171-0262 | 225 | CNO Summaries (of Radio Intelligence), Japanese Naval Activities (1 October 1942-31 December 1942). |
SRNS-0263-0352 | 230 | CNO Summaries (of Radio Intelligence), Japanese Naval Activities (1 January 1943-31 March 1943). |
SRNS-0353-0443 | 215 | CNO Summaries (of Radio Intelligence), Japanese Naval Activities (1 April 1943-30 June 1943). |
SRNS-0444-0535 | 154 | CNO Summaries of Radio Intelligence, Japanese Naval Activities (1 July 1943-30 September 1943). |
SRNS-0536-0627 | 191 | CNO Summaries of Radio Intelligence, Japanese Naval Activities (1 October 1943-31 December 1943). |
SRNS-0628-0718 | 206 | CNO Summaries of Radio Intelligence, Japanese Naval Activities (January 1944-31 March 1944). |
SRNS-0719-0809 | 223 | CNO Summaries of Radio Intelligence, Japanese Naval Activities (1 April 1944-30 June 1944). |
SRNS-0810-0901 | 192 | CNO Summaries of Radio Intelligence, Japanese Naval Activities (1 July 1944-30 September 1944). |
SRNS-0902-0993 | 212 | CNO Summaries of Radio Intelligence, Japanese Naval Activities (1 October 1944-31 December 1944). |
SRNS-0994-1083 | 215 | CNO Summaries of Radio Intelligence, Japanese Naval Activities, 1 January 1945-31 March 1945. |
SRNS-1084-1174 | 269 | CNO Summaries of Radio Intelligence, Japanese Naval Activities, 1 April 1945-30 June 1945. |
SRNS-1175-1289 | 273 | CNO Summaries of Radio Intelligence, Japanese Naval Activities, 1 July 1945-23 February 1946. |
SRNS-1517 | Fleet Radio Unit Melbourne (7th Fleet), Daily Digests. [Part 1, 20 Mar.-31 Dec. 1942, 929 pp.; Part 2, 1 Jan.-31 Jul. 1943, 1021 pp.; Part 3, 1 Aug.-31 Oct. 1943, 773 pp.; Part 4, Nov.-Dec. 1943, 819 pp.; Part 5, Jan.-Feb. 1944, 912 pp.; Part 6, Mar.-Apr. 1944, 1059 pp.; Part 7, May-Jun. 1944, 1063 pp.; Part 8, Jul.-Aug. 1944, 116 pp.; Part 9, Sep.-Oct. 1944, 909 pp.]. | |
SRNS-1518 | Fleet Radio Unit Melbourne (7th Fleet), Outgoing/Incoming Messages. [Part 1, Mar.-Oct. 1942, 537 pp.; Part 2, Nov.-Dec. 1942, 680 pp.; Part 3, Jan.-Feb. 1943, 632 pp.; Part 4, Mar.-Apr. 1943,, 635 pp.; Part 5, May-Jun. 1943, 701 pp.; Part 6, Jul. 1943, 667 pp.; Part 7, Aug.-Sep. 1943, 957 pp.; Part 8, Feb. 1944, 910 pp.; Part 9, Mar. 1944, 765 pp.]. |