Adapted from "Captain Elmer Paul Abernethy, United States Navy" [biography, dated 4 June 1948] in Modern Biographical Files collection, Navy Department Library.
The Navy Department Library
- Expand navigation for Modern Bios A Modern Bios A
- Abbot, Edward W.
- Abbot, James Lloyd
- Abbott, Clark Tait
- Abbott, Robert Lewis
- Abbott, William George
- Abele, Mannert Lincoln
- Abercrombie, Laurence Allen
- Abercrombie, William Warner
- Abernethy, Elmer Paul
- Abhau, William Conrad
- Abplanalp, Kenneth Clair
- Abrahams, Noble Wayne
- Acker, Frank Clements
- Ackerman, Edward
- Ackiss, Ernest Lee
- Acuff, Jasper Terry
- Adair, Charles
- Adair, Crutchfield
- Adair, Jamie
- Adam, James D.
- Adams, Allen Bond Jr.
- Adams, Benjamin Harrison
- Adams, Carlton Rolla
- Adams, Charles Francis, III
- Adams, Dudley Hale
- Adams, Frank Eugene
- Adams, John Clausel
- Adams, Lenus Franklin
- Adams, Lynn Wade
- Adams, Richard Donald
- Adams, Robert Lee
- Adams, Scarritt
- Adams, Spencer Moore
- Adams, Thomas McConnell
- Adams, Woodbury Sanderson
- Adamson, Frank Marshall
- Adamson,Robert Edward Jr
- Adee, Graham Montrose
- Adell, Bruce Byron
- Adell, Cecil Clinton
- Adkins, James Alvin
- Adkins, Joe Dean
- Adrian, Robert Nelson
- Ageton, Arthur Ainsley
- Agnew, Dwight Merle
- Agnew, Henry Follin
- Agnew, Jack
- Agnew, William John Clarke
- Ahern, James Richard
- Ahl, Benjamin Nathaniel
- Ahroon, Thomas Andrew
- Aiau, Harvey Chadwick Kamohoalii
- Ailes, John William, III
- Ainsworth, Herbert Sylvan
- Ainsworth, Walden Lee
- Akers, Frank
- Albers, John Juergen
- Albert, Francis Lee
- Albin, George Waugh
- Albright, Paul Morris
- Albrittain, John Warren
- Alderman, John Clement
- Alderton, Dickson Wellington
- Aldrich, Charles Warren
- Aldrich, Clarence Edward
- Aldrich, Clarence Edward, Jr.
- Aldridge, Eugene Talbert
- Alexander, Joe McKnitt
- Alexander, John Richmond
- Alexander, Marion Snow
- Alexander, Ralph Clonts
- Alexander, Raymond Wellington
- Alexander, Richard Griffiss
- Alexander, Stanley Morton
- Alexander, William Henry
- Alexis, Algert Daniel
- Alford, John Morris
- Alford, Leon Otto
- Alford, Lodwick Houston
- Alford, Zeb Dickey
- Allan, Halle Charles
- Allan, Theodore DeWitt
- Alldredge, Walter Whitmore
- Allegrone, Charles
- Allen, Archer Meredith Ruland
- Allen, Burrell Clinton Jr.
- Allen, Charles Vern
- Allen, Edward Henry
- Allen, Ezra Griffen
- Allen, James Ross
- Allen, Jerome Lee
- Allen, Max Harold
- Allen, Nelson John
- Allen, Robert Addison
- Allen, Roger Hurst
- Allen, Walter Hinds
- Allen, William Young, Jr
- Allendorfer, Harry Carl, Jr.
- Allis, Frederick Ashton
- Allison, Samuel Francis
- Allshouse, Thomas James
- Almgren, Neal
- Alston, Augustus Howard, Jr.
- Altmann, Richard Gustaf
- Alvarez, Everett, Jr.
- Alvis, Harry James
- Alvis, John Hubbard
- Amberson, Julius Martin
- Ambrose, Homer
- Ambruster, Stephen Henry
- Amen, William Thomas
- Ames, Lionel Eugene Jr.
- Amme, Carl Henry Jr.
- Ammen, Daniel
- Ammon, William Bronley
- Amsden, William Faulkner
- Ancrum, William
- Anderson, Anton Bennett
- Anderson, Bern
- Anderson, Carl Eric
- Anderson, Charles Carter
- Anderson, Charles Harper Jr.
- Anderson, Clyde Bertram
- Anderson, Edward Abel
- Anderson, Edward Lee
- Anderson, Edwin Alexander
- Anderson, Fernald Philip
- Anderson, Franklin Warren
- Anderson, George W.
- Anderson, Herbert Augustus
- Anderson, Herbert Henry
- Anderson, Jay Stephens
- Anderson, Joseph Bruce
- Anderson, Kenneth Leroy
- Anderson, Norman Oliver
- Anderson, Paul Ramseur
- Anderson, Richard Beatty
- Anderson, Richard Ernest
- Anderson, Robert Harold
- Anderson, Roy Gene
- Anderson, Samuel Clay
- Anderson, Thomas Carlyle
- Anderson, Vernon Leroy
- Anderson, Walter Stratton
- Anderson, William Donald
- Anderson, William Lovett
- Anderson, William Robert
- Anderton, Henry Lafayette Jr.
- Andrews, Adolphus
- Andrews, Burton Howell
- Andrews, Cecil L.
- Andrews, Charles Herbert
- Andrews, Charles Lee Jr.
- Andrews, Clyde Cecil
- Andrews, Edgar Clessie, Jr.
- Andrews, Frank Arland
- Andrews, John Jr.
- Andrews, Mark Edwin
- Andrews, Richard Stottko
- Andrews, Thomas Loftin Jr.
- Andrews, Walter Edwards
- Andrus, Carlton Leverett
- Angas, William Mack
- Angwin, William Arnold
- Ansel, Walter Charles
- Antle, William Smoot Jr.
- Antoniak, Charles
- Antrim, Archie Arthur
- Antrim, Richard Nott
- Appleby, Charles Albert
- Appleby, Jack Jestiny
- Arbes, James Douglas
- Arbo, Paul Edward
- Arbor, Jesse Walter
- Archambeault, Charles Pahl
- Archer, Robert John
- Archer, Stephen Morris
- Arison, Rae Emmett
- Armel, Lyle Oliver
- Armentrout, Erasmus Wilson Jr
- Armstrong, Daniel Williams
- Armstrong, Henry Jacques
- Armstrong, James Houston
- Armstrong, John Hord Jr.
- Armstrong, Parker Broadhurst
- Armstrong, Philip McCutcheson Jr.
- Armstrong, Robert Gordon
- Armstrong, Theodore Hamilton
- Armstrong, Wade Herbert
- Arndt, Ralph William
- Arnett, A.B. Jr.
- Arnold, Henry Albert
- Arnold, Henry Duff
- Arnold, Jackson Dominick
- Arnold, James Earl
- Arnold, Malcolm Wesley
- Arnold, Murr E.
- Arnold, Ralph Judd
- Arthur, John Paul
- Arthur, Lionel Alexander
- Arthur, Samuel Hyer
- Ashe, George Bamford
- Ashford, George Woodson
- Ashford, William Henry Jr.
- Ashler, Philip Frederic
- Ashton, Arthur Harold
- Ashworth, Frederick L
- Askin, Robert Marshall
- Askins, Herbert R.
- Asserson, William Christian Jr.
- Aston, Melville Joseph
- Astor, William Vincent
- Atherton, Harry Sheldon
- Atkeson, Clarence Lee Conner, Jr.
- Atkins, Griswold Terry
- Atkins, James George
- Atkins, Nevett Brooke
- Atkins, Robert Boyer
- Atkinson, Roy Charles
- Auken, Wilbur R.
- Ault, Frank Willis
- Ault, William Bowen
- Aurand, Evan Peter
- Ausley, Joe Henry, Jr.
- Austin, Bernard Lige
- Austin, Charles Linnell
- Austin, Frank Hutches, Jr.
- Austin, Leonard Bynner
- Austin, Marshall Harlan
- Averill, William Renick
- Avery, Bennett Franklin
- Avery, Howard Malcolm
- Awtrey, Hugh Rainey
- Axene, Dean Lane
- Aylward, Theodore Charles
- Aymond, John Paul
- Ayrault, Arthur DeLancey
- Ayres, James Edward
- Azer, John Behling
- Expand navigation for Modern Bios B Modern Bios B
- Babbitt, Arlene Keith
- Babione, Robert William
- Bach, Lawrence Earl
- Bache, George Mifflin
- Bachman, Leo Adolph
- Backus, Standish Jr.
- Bacon, Barton Elijah Jr.
- Bacon, Walter Griswold
- Badger, Charles Johnson
- Badger, Harold Raymond
- Badger, Harry Peaslee
- Badger, Oscar Charles
- Badger, Rodney Jenkins
- Badt, Harry Asher
- Baer, Donald G.
- Bagdanovich, Michael Peter
- Baggaley, William
- Bagley, David Harrington
- Bagley, David Worth
- Bagley, Harry Howe
- Bahm, George Henry
- Bailey, Carlos Augustus
- Bailey, Charles Streater
- Bailey, John
- Bailey, Leonard William
- Bailey, Watson Osgood
- Bailey, William Byron
- Bains, George Washington
- Baird, Abraham Lincoln
- Baird, Charles Fitz
- Baird, Leonard James
- Bakenhus, Reuben Edwin
- Baker, Charles Adams
- Baker, Douglas
- Baker, Duncan Scott
- Baker, Felix Locke
- Baker, Guy Evans
- Baker, Harold Davies
- Baker, Harold Edward
- Baker, Robert Leon
- Baker, Robert Nicholson Scott
- Baker, Wilder Dupuy
- Baker, William Bostock
- Bakke, Harlan James
- Bakutis, Fred Edward
- Baldridge, Harry Alexander
- Baldwin, Frank
- Baldwin, Frank Edward
- Baldwin, Robert Bemus
- Baldwin, Robert Hayes Burns
- Balis, Theodore Lawrence
- Ball, Claude Russell
- Ball, George Cornelius Jr.
- Ball, John
- Ballard, Donald Everett
- Ballenger, Felix Pettey
- Ballentine, John Jennings
- Ballinger, John Montgomery
- Ballinger, Richard Robert
- Baltazzi, Harry Warner
- Banister, Alan B.
- Banks, James Oliver
- Bannerman, Graeme
- Bantz, Fred A.
- Baranowski, Walter Eugene
- Barbaro, Joseph Raphael
- Barbee, Albert Ray Jr.
- Barber, Ernest Hayes
- Barbey, Daniel Edward
- Barchet, Stephen George
- Bard, Nathan Wayne
- Bard, Ralph A.
- Bardshar, Frederic Abshire
- Barham, Eugene Alexander
- Barker, Christopher Sylvanus Jr.
- Barker, Edwin Franklin
- Barker, George Nathan
- Barker, Joseph Henry Jr.
- Barker, Nathaniel Charles
- Barlow, Jerry Moulton
- Barlow, John Francis
- Barnaby, Neel Glenn
- Barnaby, Ralph Stanton
- Barnard, Harry Allan Jr.
- Barnard, James Hills, II
- Barner, James Duke
- Barnes, Ernest Richard
- Barnes, Phillip George
- Barnes, Samuel Edward
- Barnes, William Roy
- Barnett, Austin Hill Jr.
- Barnett, James Arden 'Jamie', Jr.
- Barney, Greenlief Haskell
- Barnhart, Robert Ernst
- Barninger, Clarence Andrew, Jr.
- Barnitz, James Wanner
- Barnwell, Joseph Brunson
- Baron, Richard Swan
- Barr, Capers Gamewell Jr.
- Barr, Eric Lloyd Jr.
- Barr, Norman Lee
- Barrett, John Michael
- Barrett, John Paul Barker
- Barringer, Victor Cameron, Jr.
- Barron, John Powers
- Barrow, William Ballard Jr.
- Barry, Richard P.
- Barthes, August Aloysius
- Bartlett, Bradford
- Bartlett, Harold Terry
- Bartlett, James Vincent
- Bartlett, John Russell
- Bartlett, Lewis Clark
- Bartol, John Alfred
- Barton, John Kennedy
- Barton, Leroy Lewis
- Barton, Wilbur Gardner
- Baskett, Thomas Slack
- Bass, Harry Brinkley
- Bass, Ivan Ernest
- Bass, Raymond Henry
- Bass, Thomas Edward III
- Bassett, Claude Oscar
- Bassett, Frederic Brewster Jr.
- Bassett, Melvin Hughes
- Bassett, Robert V.R., Jr.
- Bassler, Robert Edward
- Bastedo, Paul Henry
- Batchelder, Robert Fred
- Batcheller, Edgar Hadley
- Batchellor, John Kenneth
- Bates, Joseph Clark Jr.
- Bates, Ralph
- Bates, Richard Waller
- Battle, Charlton Eugene, Jr.
- Bauch, Charles Everett
- Bauer, George William
- Bauer, Louis Hallowell
- Bauer, Rudolph Charles
- Bauernschmidt, George William
- Baugh, Dalton Louis, Sr.
- Baughan, Robert Louis, Jr.
- Baughman, Cortlandt Chesterfield
- Baughman, Fred Hubbard
- Baum, George Martin
- Baumberger, Walter Harlen
- Baumeister, John Jr.
- Baumer, Harry William
- Baumgartner, John Peter
- Baxter, Harold LeRoy
- Bayless, Walter Burkhart
- Beadle, Marvin Lawrence
- Beale, Arthur George
- Beam, Carl Eugene
- Bean, Alan Lavern
- Bean, Lawrence Lytton
- Beard, Donald Charles
- Beard, Jefferson Davis
- Beardall, John Reginald
- Beardslee, Lester Anthony
- Beardsley, George Francis
- Beardsley, Henry Leidenheimer
- Bearss, Hiram Iddings
- Beary, Donald Bradford
- Beasley, Charles Black
- Beatty, Frank Edmund
- Beatty, Frank Edmund Jr.
- Beauchamp, Ernest Mortimer
- Beaumont, Arthur Edwaine
- Beaumont, Richard Austin
- Beauregard, Augustin T.
- Beaver, Bud Kearns
- Beaver, Robert Harmon
- Beck, Edward Louis
- Becker, Adolph Ernest Jr.
- Becker, Albert Lilly
- Becker, Alvin Lannard
- Becker, Charles
- Becker, John Joseph
- Becknell, Thomas Leonard Jr.
- Becton, Frederick Julian
- Bedell, Floyd Carson
- Bedell, Porter Fryman
- Beebe, Marshall Ulrich
- Beebe, Robert Park
- Beecher, William Gordon Jr.
- Beggs, Kenneth Gould
- Behan, Austin Carity
- Behm, Edward William
- Behner, Herbert Chauncey
- Behnke, Albert Richard Jr.
- Behrens, Charles Frederick
- Behrens, William Wohlsen, Jr.
- Behrens, William Wohlsen
- Belcher, Preston Randolph
- Belcher, Roy S. Jr.
- BeLieu, Kenneth E.
- Belin, Peter
- Beling, John Kingsman
- Belknap, George Eugene
- Belknap, Reginald Rowan
- Bell, Clarence Edwin
- Bell, David Bonar
- Bell, Frederick Jackson
- Bell, George Mefford
- Bell, Harman Brown
- Bell, Robert Alexander
- Bellerby, Russell John
- Belles, Ralph Glenn
- Bellinger, Patrick Nieson Lynch
- Bellinger, William C.P. Jr.
- Bemis, Harold Medberry
- Benfold, Edward Clyde
- Bengtson, Bengt Norman
- Benham, Andrew Ellicott Kennedy
- Benitez, Rafael Celestino
- Benjes, Anthony Christian Jr.
- Bennehoff, Olton Rader
- Benner, Stanley Graves
- Bennett, Andrew Carl
- Bennett, Bradley Frederick
- Bennett, Carter Lowe
- Bennett, Earl Robert
- Bennett, Earle
- Bennett, Edward L
- Bennett, Floyd
- Bennett, Fred G
- Bennett, John Edward
- Bennett, Rawson II
- Bennett, Walter Francis Vincent
- Bennett, Warfield Clay Jr.
- Bennington, John Paige
- Bennion, Mervyn Sharp
- Benson, Francis Wyse
- Benson, Howard Hartwell James
- Benson, Lloyd George
- Benson, Roy Stanley
- Benson, Victor Gordon
- Benson, William Howard
- Bentley, James Alexander
- Bentley, James Calvin
- Benton, Hugh Arthur
- Berg, Winfred Emil
- Bergen, Franklin Steward
- Bergen, John Joseph
- Bergeson, Andrew Harold
- Bergin, Charles Kniese
- Bergin, Daniel Edward
- Bergner, Allen Alfred
- Bergstedt, William Charles
- Bergstrom, Edward William
- Berkey, Russell Stanley
- Berkheimer, Jack Stanley
- Berkley, Joseph Berzowski
- Berkley, William Leneave
- Berkner, Llloyd Viel
- Berley, Ferdinand Victor
- Bernard, Lawrence George
- Bernatitus, Ann Agnes
- Berndtson, Arthur Henry
- Berner, Warren Kenneth
- Bernet, Howard Cavender
- Bernhard, Alva Douglas
- Berns, Max Arnold Jr.
- Bernstein, Henry Emil
- Berree, Norman Rahn
- Berrey, Julius M.
- Berrien, Frank Dunn
- Berry, Arthur Frank Jr.
- Berry, Charles Joseph
- Berry, Fred Thomas
- Berry, Fred Thomas, Jr.
- Berry, Frederic Aroyce
- Berry, Howard Burton Jr.
- Berry, Ralph Bryon
- Bertelli, Peter
- Bertelsen, Viggo Christian
- Berthold, Elmer Edward
- Bertholf, Charles Marriner
- Berthrong, Raymond
- Bertoglio, Floyd John
- Bertoglio, Lloyd Webb
- Bertolet, Samuel
- Bertschy, Robert Sylvester
- Berude, John Berthold
- Besbekos, George Angelo
- Beshany, Philip Arthur
- Besson, John Henry Jr.
- Best, William Alexander
- Bethea, James Stephen
- Betts, Sherman Wilcox
- Beuret, John Dougall
- Bevan, George Ronald
- Beveridge, Richard Alexander
- Bewick, James Voigt
- Beyer, Aaron Frederick Jr.
- Beyerly, Irwin Forest
- Bibby, Lowe Hayden
- Biddle, Edward
- Biederman, Karl Joseph
- Bieg, Valentine Nicholas
- Bienia, John Paul
- Bierer, Bion Barnett Jr.
- Bierer, James Shadel
- Bieri, Bernhard Henry
- Bieri, Bernhard H. Jr.
- Biesemeier, Harold
- Bigelow, Elmer Charles
- Biggs, Burton Beecher
- Bigley, Thomas Joseph
- Biglow, James Otis
- Bill, Wells Rood Jr.
- Billingsley, William Devotie
- Binford, Thomas Howell
- Bingham, Donald Cameron
- Bird, Horace Virgil
- Bird, Joseph Lenoir
- Biros, Edmund William
- Blakely, Edward Noe
- Bulkeley, John Duncan
- Burke, Arleigh A
- Burke, Arleigh A.
- Expand navigation for Modern Bios C Modern Bios C
- Cabanillas, Jose M.
- Cabaniss, Robert Wright
- Cabot, Hugh
- Cadwalader, John
- Cady, John Parmelee
- Cafferata, William Francis
- Cagle, Malcolm Winfield
- Cain, James Bernice
- Cain, Mat Murry Jr.
- Caine, Lawrence Ballif Jr.
- Calder, William Edward, III
- Caldwell, Clarence Mills
- Caldwell, Henry Howard
- Caldwell, Rex Smith
- Caldwell, Robert Hugh Jr
- Caldwell, Turner Foster Jr.
- Calhoun, Walter Carson
- Calhoun, William Lowndes
- Calkins, Willard Charles
- Callaghan, Daniel Judson
- Callaghan, Robert William
- Callaghan, William McCombe
- Callahan, Cornelius Patrick Jr.
- Callahan, Edward Cooper
- Callahan, Fort Hammond
- Callahan, Joseph William
- Calver, George Wehnes
- Calvert, Allen Phillip
- Calvert, James Francis
- Calvy, George Lloyd
- Camera, John Alden
- Camera, Robert Snowden
- Cameron, Alan Russel
- Camp, Floyd Charles
- Campbell, Clifford Morgan
- Campbell, Colin
- Campbell, Duncan Angus
- Campbell, Clarence Henry
- Campbell, Earnest Goodrich
- Campbell, Edward Hale
- Campbell, George Marvin
- Campbell, George William
- Campbell, Gordon
- Campbell, Herbert John
- Campbell, James Harry
- Campbell, Norwood Axtell
- Campbell, Robert Lord
- Canada, Robert Owen Jr
- Canaga, Bruce Livingston
- Canaga, Bruce Livingston Jr
- Caney, Lawrence Davidson
- Cantrell, Roy Foster
- Cantwell, Richard Andrew Jr.
- Canty, Joseph Patrick
- Canty, Thomas John
- Capehart, Wadleigh
- Capell, Delmar Ross
- Caperton, William Banks
- Caplan, Stanley
- Capodanno, Vincent Robert
- Capone, Lucien Jr.
- Capsas, Cleon Wade
- Caracciolo, Felix
- Carberry, Deane E.
- Cardoza, Henry
- Carl, Robert Edgar
- Carlisle, Charles Stuart
- Carlisle, Geoffrey Edmund
- Carlisle, Harold Avery
- Carlson, Albert Leonard
- Carlson, Arnold John
- Carlson, Carl Alexius
- Carlson, Daniel
- Carlson, Frederick Bernard
- Carlson, Frederick Gustaf E.
- Carlson, Milton Oren
- Carlson, Oscar Ludwig
- Carlson, Richard Pierce
- Carlson, Spencer August
- Carlson, William C
- Carlton, Thomas G
- Carmichael, Daniel Archibald Jr.
- Carmichael, John Harllee Jr.
- Carmick, Edward Seabury
- Carmody, Martin Doan
- Carnahan, Ralph Herbert
- Carnes, James Robert
- Carney, Francis Joseph
- Carney, Gerald Francis
- Carney, Robert Bostwick
- Caron, Wayne Maurice
- Carpender, Arthur Schuyler
- Carpenter, Albert Pinson
- Carpenter, Charles Lorain
- Carpenter, Donald F
- Carpenter. Donald Marshall
- Carpenter, Francis
- Carpenter, Gilbert Crowell
- Carpenter, Malcolm Scott
- Carpenter, Stephen Wriston
- Carpenter, William Hubbard
- Carr, Bruce Lewis
- Carr, John H
- Carr, Kenneth Monroe
- Carrington, Royal Casper
- Carrison, Daniel Jordan
- Carroll, Charles Barrett
- Carroll, Chester Edward
- Carroll, Daniel Lynn Jr.
- Carroll, Eugene James Jr
- Carroll, Kent Jean
- Carroll, Penn Leary
- Carroll, Robert Mackin
- Carson, Edward Bruce
- Carson, John Hazard
- Carson, Joseph Malcom
- Carson, Leon Delwin
- Carson, Matthew Vaughan Jr.
- Carson, Virgil Hope
- Carter, Andrew Francis
- Carter, Edward Walter III
- Carter, Francis Miller
- Carter, Grayson Birch
- Carter, James Benham
- Carter, Jesse Hicks
- Carter, Robert Wiman
- Carter, Thomas Jerrell
- Carter, William Joseph
- Carter, Worrall Reed
- Caruthers, Walter Perry
- Caruthers, William Rowell
- Carver, Lamar Peyton
- Cary, Freeman Hamilton
- Case, Clinton DeWayne
- Casey, John Edward
- Casey, Thomas Joseph
- Casey, Vincent Francis
- Cassady, John Howard
- Cassani, Vincent Louis Jr.
- Cassard, Paul
- Cassedy, Hiram
- Cassel, Charles Moore Jr.
- Cassell, George Louis
- Cassidy, Herbert Arthur Jr.
- Cassidy, John Joseph Jr.
- Castelazo, Arthur Harrold
- Castle, Hal Cushman
- Castree, John Fordyce
- Caswell, Gordon Leonard
- Cater, Charles John
- Cates, Clifton B.
- Cates, Clifton Bledsoe Jr.
- Catlett, William Jackson Jr.
- Caton, Clifford Edson
- Caufield, Cecil Thilman
- Cavenagh, Robert William
- Cavendish, Lynn McGraw
- Caveny, Elmer Leonard
- Cavin, Ralph William
- Cease, Lysle Willard
- Cecil, Henry Barton
- Cernan, Eugene Andrew
- Chafee, George Benedict
- Chafee, John Hubbard
- Chaffee, Roger Bruce
- Challenger, Harold Lincoln
- Chamberlin, Douglas Franklin Jr.
- Chamberlin, Leonard Cornelius
- Chambers, George Mitchell
- Chambers, Russell Franklyn
- Chambers, Samuel David Jr.
- Chambers, Thomas Edward
- Chambers, Washington Irving
- Chambers, William
- Chambliss, William Campbell
- Champe, Joseph Elbert
- Champion, Carleton Cole, Jr.
- Champlin, Jackson Selover
- Champlin, Norman David
- Champlin, Stephen
- Chandler, Alvin Duke
- Chandler, Lloyd Horwitz
- Chandler, Ralph Stewart
- Chandler, Robert Alexander
- Chandler, Theodore Edson
- Chanler, Hubert Winthrop
- Chantry, Allan J. Jr.
- Chapline, Vance Duncan
- Chapman, Donald D.
- Chapman, Harold Julius
- Chapman, Joseph Ellsworth
- Chapman, William Harold
- Chappell, John Robert
- Chappell, Lucius Henry
- Chapple, Wreford Goss
- Charbonnet, Pierre Numa Jr.
- Charette, William Richard
- Charles, Robert Gene
- Charneco, Carlos Mario
- Chase, Earl Richardson
- Chase, Jay Valentine
- Chase, Jehu V.
- Chase, John Dawson
- Chase, Nathan Brown
- Cheatham, Benjamin B.
- Cheatham, Joseph Johnston
- Cheffey, John Howard
- Chenault, Frederic Archibald
- Chenault, Oran Ward
- Cheney, Grace
- Cheney, Wilbur Haines Jr.
- Chevalier, Godfrey DeCourcesses
- Chew, John James
- Chew, John Louis
- Chewning, Robert Wills
- Child, Warren Gerald
- Childers, Kenan Clark Jr.
- Chiles, Griffin
- Chillingworth, Charles Frederick Jr.
- Chilton, Arthur Bounds Jr.
- Chilton, William Pierce
- Chimiak, Walter
- Chipman, Briscoe
- Chittenden, John Lester
- Chourre, Emile
- Chrisman, Allan Simpson
- Christensen, Ernest E.
- Christensen, Waldeman Nichlous
- Christensen, Wayne John
- Christensen, William Harold
- Christian, Kemp Catlett
- Christiansen, Arnold Robert
- Christiansen, George Martin
- Christiansen, John Saabye
- Christie, Ralph Waldo
- Christie, Warren Byron
- Christman, Thomas Jackson
- Christmas, Walter Frederick
- Christopher, Thomas Aloysius
- Christy, Harley Hannibal
- Chung-Hoon, Gordon Paiea
- Church, Albert Thomas Jr.
- Church, Gaylord
- Church, Spencer Chapin
- Church, William Campbell Gibson
- Claggett, Bladen Dulany
- Claiborne, Henri De Balathier
- Clancy, Albert Harrison, Jr.
- Clark, Alto Benjamin
- Clark, Allen LeRoy
- Clark, Asa Allan III
- Clark, Carlton Howard
- Clark, Cecil
- Clark, Charles Edgar
- Clark, Clarence Floyd
- Clark, Frank Hodges
- Clark, Grover Vincent
- Clark, Henry Garner
- Clark, James Seerley
- Clark, Jeane R
- Clark, John Alfred
- Clark, John Edward
- Clark, John Pascoe
- Clark, Joseph James
- Clark, Morris Young
- Clark, Richard Godfrey
- Clark, Robert Nicholson
- Clark, Sam Echols
- Clark, Thurston Booth
- Clarke, Horace Donald
- Clarke, Paul Walker
- Clarke, Ralph Sperry
- Clarke, Walter Edward
- Clarkson, Arthur Alexander
- Clarkson, James Stroud
- Clausner, Edward Jr.
- Clay, Donald Noble
- Clay, James Powell
- Clay, Mark Wellington
- Clayton, Marvin Clyde
- Claytor, Spry Owen
- Claytor, William Graham, Jr.
- Cleaves, Alfred Sargent
- Cleborne, John Cuthbert
- Clegg, Courtney Gee
- Clegg, Glenn William
- Cleland, Cook
- Clementson, Merrill Kinsell
- Clexton, Edward William
- Clifton, Joseph Clinton
- Cline, John Burnett
- Clinton, Jack William
- Close, Burdette Eugene
- Close, Forrest
- Close, Robert Hamilton
- Cloughley, Sterling
- Cloukey, Malcolm Mather
- Clover, Richardson
- Cluverius, Wat Tyler
- Coad, Richard Joseph
- Coale, Griffith
- Coates, Leonidas Dixon, Jr.
- Coats, Robert Charles
- Cobb, Calvin Hayes
- Cobb, James Outterson
- Cobean, Warren Richardson Jr.
- Coburn, Ralph G.
- Cochran, Thomas
- Cochrane, Joe Brice
- Cocke, Herbert Claiborne
- Cockell, William Arthur
- Coddington, James Arthur
- Coe, Benjamin
- Coe, Charles Frederick
- Coe, James Wiggins
- Coffin, Albert Peyton
- Coffin, Clarence Emmett
- Coffin, Harry Nelson
- Coffman, Dewitt
- Cogswell, Francis
- Cogswell, James Kelsey
- Cogswell, Wilson Patterson
- Cohen, Marion
- Cohen, Marshall
- Cohn, James Edward
- Coil, Emory Wilbur
- Cokely, Harold Jay
- Coker, Charles Walter
- Colahan, Charles Edward
- Colbert, Richard G.
- Cole, Allyn Jr.
- Cole, Cyrus Churchill
- Cole, Cyrus Willard
- Cole, Darrell Samuel
- Cole, Otis Robert Jr.
- Cole, Shelby Olaf
- Cole, William Marchant
- Colee, Henry Charles Jr.
- Coleman, Walter Dan
- Coleman, William Bryan
- Colestock, Edward Emerson
- Coley, Charles Coston
- Coley, Vernon Jackson Jr.
- Colleran, Gerald Francis
- Collett, John Austin
- Colligan, Thomas Richard
- Collins, Dale Edmond
- Collins, Howard Lyman
- Collins, Pierre Dey
- Connally, John Bowden, Jr.
- Converse, Adelbert Frink
- Cornwell, Delbert Strother
- Cowhill, William Joseph
- Crawford, George Clifford
- Expand navigation for Modern Bios D Modern Bios D
- Dabney, Thomas Bullard
- Dacey, John Elmer
- Dachs, Lukas Victor
- Dalton, John Howard
- Daly, Daniel Joseph
- Danzig, Richard Jeffrey
- Daubin, Freeland Allyn
- DeCamp, Louis Earle
- Decker, Arthur Turn
- Decker, Benton Weaver
- Dedman, Tyler Freeland
- Dedrick, Walter
- Deegan, Joseph Francis
- Deegan, Joseph Francis Jr.
- Deem, Joseph Mason
- Deen, Harvard Franklin
- Dees, Randal Euesta
- de Florez, Luis
- DeFoney, Clinton Githens
- DeFord, Clifford Conrad
- Defrees, Joseph Rollie
- Defrees, Joseph Rollie Jr.
- Deibler, William Henry Jr.
- DeKay, Charles Gordon
- DeKrafft, John Charles Philip
- Delahanty, Frank Patrick
- Delaney, Henry Raymond
- DeLaney, John Francis
- Delano, Victor
- DeLany, Walter Stanley
- DeLargy, John Martin
- Delezene, James Robert
- Dell, Thomas Medairy, Jr.
- DeLong, Edward Grover
- DeLong, Henry Clay
- Demarest, Harold Raymond
- Demetropolis, George
- Demmler, Charles Frederick
- Dempsey, James Charles
- Denbo, Robert Wayne
- Denebrink, Francis Compton
- Denegre, Thomas Bayne Jr.
- Denfeld, Louis Emil
- Denneen, John Paul
- Dennett, Erle Van Emburgh
- Dennis, Jefferson Rice
- Dennison, Robert Lee
- Denton, Jeremiah Andrew Jr.
- Denton, William Thomas
- de Poix, Vincent Paul
- Deragon, William Nolin
- DeTar, John Leslie
- Dettmann, Frank Carl Louis
- Detweiler, Louis Mitchell
- Detzer, August J Jr.
- Deutermann, Harold Thomas
- Deutermann, William Vincent
- DeVane, John Murphy Jr.
- DeVico, Anthony James
- DeVos, Paul Louis
- Dew, Carlos Jr.
- Dew, Irvin Lowell
- Dewert, Richard
- Dewey, William Harold
- Dewitt, John Carroll
- Dewitt, Nellie Jane
- DeWolf, Maurice Mortimer
- Dexter, Edwin Boardman
- Deyo, Morton Lyndholm
- Dibrell, Aquilla Gibbs Jr.
- Dichman, Grattan Colley
- Dick, John Henry
- Dickeman, Charles Theodore
- Dickens, Paul Frederick Jr.
- Dickerson, Vincent Manford
- Dickey, Fred Clinton
- Dickey, Willie Mills
- Dickinson, Dwight Jr.
- Dickinson, Everett Homer
- Dickinson, George Wallace
- Dickinson, Milton Carey
- Dickson, Edward Andrew
- Dickson, Harlan Rockey
- Dickson, John Paul
- Diehl, Walter Stuart
- Diekhoff, Arold Harry
- Dierdorff, Ross Ainsworth
- Dierman, Frederick George
- Doyle, James H.
- Dykers, Thomas Michael
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- Eagle, Carlton Robert Jr.
- Earle, Otis John
- Earle, Ralph
- Earle, Ralph Jr.
- Early, Julius C Jr.
- Early, Paul John
- Eason, Van Vernon Jr
- Easterling, Henry McCloy
- Eaton, Melville Edwin
- Easton, William Thomas
- Eastwold, Earl Russell
- Eaton, William Guy
- Eberhart-John-Jacob
- Eberhard, Arthur Charles
- Eberle, Edward Walter
- Ebersole, John Henry
- Ebert, Hilan
- Ebert, Walter Gale
- Eccles, Henry, Effingham
- Eckberg, Herbert Frederic
- Eckberg, Walter Theodore
- Eckhoff, Frederick John
- Eckelmeyer, Edward Herman Jr.
- Eddy, Daniel Thomas
- Eddy, Thomas Roderick
- Ede, Shakeeb
- Edgar, Campbell Dallas
- Edmands, Ernest John
- Edsall, Warner R.
- Edson, Merritt A
- Edson, Stephen Reuben
- Edwards, David Shelton Jr.
- Edwards, Hal Knox
- Edwards, Heywood Lane
- Edwards, Irwin Griffith
- Edwards, John Ellis
- Edwards, John Quincy III
- Edwards, Raymond Dorsey
- Edwards, Steven Hamilton
- Edwards, Walter Atlee
- Efird, Terril Alexander
- Eggert, Ernest Frederick
- Eggers, Fremont Baldwin
- Eisenbach, Charles Robert
- Eisenhart, George Norman
- Ekvall, Leslie David
- Ekas, Claude Philip Jr.
- Eldridge, John Jr.
- Eldridge, Robert Louis
- Elfelt, James Sidle
- Eller, Donald Temple
- Eller, James Borden
- Elliott, Edward Charles
- Elliott, James Brona Jr.
- Elliott, James Meacham
- Ellis, Charles John
- Ellis, George Fitzallen
- Ellis, Hayne
- Ellis, Herbert Aloysius
- Ellis, James William
- Ellis, Paul Bush
- Ellis, Robert Beaman
- Ellis, Walter John
- Ellis, William Anthony
- Ellis, William David
- Ellis, William Edward
- Ellis, William Harold
- Ellison, Harold J
- Ellison, Stanley Edgar
- Ellison, Thomas Ballard
- Elliott, Ralph Earle Jr
- Elliott, Robert Waite
- Ellsberg, Edward
- Ellsworth, Ernest Bradford Jr.
- Ellyson, Theodore Gordon
- Elpers, William Wendell
- Elsasser, Leo Joseph
- Ely, Don Lelo
- Embree, Ralph Arnold
- Emery, George W.
- Emrick-Paul-E
- Emory, Campbell Dallas
- Engelman, William LeRoy
- Engen, Donald Davenport
- Enger, Walter Melvin
- Engle, Paul Raymond
- Eaton, William
- Esslinger, Robert John
- Estabrook, William Sears Jr.
- Esterly, Marcus H
- Etter, Harry Stough
- Etter, James Henry Jr.
- Eubank, Gerald Abner
- Evans, Donald Sidley
- Evans, Earl Foster
- Evans, Charles Leo Glandore
- Evans, Ernest Edwin
- Evans, Francis Thomas
- Evans, Frank Edgar
- Evans, Franck Taylor
- Evans, Griffith Conrad Jr.
- Evans, Myron Thomas
- Evans, Ronald Ellwin
- Evans, Stuart James
- Evans, William Ashby
- Evans, William Augustus
- Evans, William Robinson
- Evenson, Marvin Pabodie
- Everett, Gordon Stafford
- Everett, Robert James
- Evers, Adelbert Ray
- Eversole, Fredrick Lowell
- Eversole, John Thomas
- Ewen, Edward Coyle
- Ewing, John Lawrence
- Ewoldt, Leonard Emil
- Eytchison, Ronald M
- Eynon, Everett
- Eyer-Alfred-W
- Expand navigation for Modern Bios F Modern Bios F
- Fairbanks, Douglas Elton, Jr.
- Fechteler, William Morrow
- Fellers, William Machen
- Fellowes, Frederick Gale Jr.
- Fellows, Carl Morton
- Fellows, John Benjamin Jr.
- Felter, John Francis
- Fenn, Herbert Keeney
- Fenner, Edward Blaine
- Fenton, Charles Rudolph
- Fenwick, Joseph Eugene
- Ferguson, Charles Lee
- Ferguson, George William
- Ferguson, Glover Trenholm
- Ferguson, James Dugue
- Ferguson, John Alexander
- Ferrante, John Michael
- Ferrara, Maurice
- Fernald, James Merrill
- Ferris, Floyd Franklin
- Ferris, James
- Fessenden, Reginald Aubrey
- Ferwerda, Thomas
- Fiala, Reid Puryear
- Fick, Harold Foster
- Fidel, John Anthony
- Field, Jennings Pemble Jr.
- Field, Robert Bunton
- Fifield, John Gordon
- Fielding, Charles Frederick
- Fielding, Teddy Roosevelt
- Fillebrown, Thomas Scott
- Finch, Joseph Warren Jr.
- Findley, Lloyd Gordon
- Fine, Stanley Sidney
- Fink, Carl Kenneth
- Finley, Miles Rush Jr.
- Finn, John William
- Finneran, John Glennon
- Finney, Earl Peck
- Fiorini, Elmer Bernard
- Fischer, George Eckerson
- Fischer, Harry Frederick Jr.
- Fischler, Peter Kalsch
- Fisher, Allan Jack
- Fisher, Alton Kindt
- Fisher, Alvan
- Fisher, John Richard
- Fisher, Lee Wilson
- Fitch, Henry Winslow
- Fitzgerald, Charles Tuckerman
- Fitzgerald, John Allison
- Fitzgerald, William Francis
- Fitzgibbon, John Edmondson
- Fitzhugh, Mayo McGill
- Fitzsimmons, John Patrick
- Flaherty, Michael F. D.
- Flatley, James H.
- Fleming, Morton K.
- Floyd, William Orrin
- Fluckey, Eugene Bennett
- Fluegel, Fred Charles
- Flynn, John Francis
- Flynn, Joseph Edward
- Flynn, Russell Francis
- Flynn, Thomas Joseph
- Foertner, John Frederick
- Fogel, Roland Harwood
- Foley, Francis Drake
- Foley, Harry John Patrick
- Foley, Joseph Ferrall
- Foley, Paul Jr.
- Foley, Robert Joseph
- Foley, Sylvester Robert
- Folk, Winston Pilcher
- Folsom, Parker Lowell
- Foote, John Storrs
- Foott, George Wade
- Ford, Gerald R.
- Ford, John
- Ford, Warren Woodrow
- Foreman, Robert Payton
- Forest, Francis Xavier
- Forman, Robert Noel
- Formoe, Clarence Melvin
- Franke, William Birrell
- Fagan, Edward Mallon
- Forbes, Bernard Brown
- Fair, John Warren
- Fickling, Evan Edward
- Field, Benjamin Prince Jr.
- Field, Wells Laflin
- Fink, Beauford Wallace
- Firth, Maxim William
- Fischer, Charles Fink
- Fisher, William Gooding
- Fish, Howell Church
- Fiske, Bradley Allen
- Fiske, Leon Sangster
- Fitch, Aubrey Wray
- Fitch, Howard Wesley
- Fitx, Harold Carlton
- Fitzsimmons, Andrew Madison Raplee
- Flannery, John Leo
- Fleck, Bernard Arnold
- Fleming, Edward Sanger
- Fletcher, Frank Friday
- Fligg, Claude M.
- Floberg, John Forrest
- Forrest, Gaylord Theodore
- Forsander, John Philip
- Forster, Edward William
- Foss, Joseph Jacob
- Foster, Edwin Dorsey
- Foulk, Edwin DeWitt
- Foulkes, William O.
- Fagan, John Fischer Jr.
- Fahle, Robert Schley
- Fahrion, Frank George
- Fahrney, Delmer S.
- Fahy, Edward Joseph
- Fielder, Charles William
- Fitzpatrick, Francis John
- Fitz-Patrick, Joseph Paul
- Flaherty, Arthur Ingoldsby
- Flanigan, Howard Adams
- Fairchild, Milton Duncan
- Faires, Carl Franklin, Jr.
- Fairfax, Eugene George
- Fair, Robert Eli
- Fickenscher, Edward Robinson, Jr.
- Fleck, Francis Edward, Jr.
- Fleming, Allan Foster
- Fleming, Morton Klyne, Jr.
- Fleming, Patrick Dawson
- Flenniken, Clifton Wharton, Jr.
- Fletcher, Francis O'Conner, Jr.
- Fletcher, William Bartlett
- Ford, Walter Chilcott
- Fortune, William Charles
- Foster, Clifford Smith Jr.
- Foster, Edward Lee
- Foster, Festus Finley
- Foster, John Golden, Jr.
- Foster, John Lee
- Fairfield, Arthur Philip
- Flachsenhar, John Jay
- Expand navigation for Modern Bios G Modern Bios G
- Gabbert, John S. C.
- Gaddis, Seeman
- Gaddis, William Peace
- Gaffney, John Jerome
- Gaillard, William Edward
- Gainard, Joseph A.
- Gaines, Oliver Wallace
- Gaines, Richard Kenna
- Galantin, Ignatius Joseph
- Garcia, Edmund E.
- Garrett, III H. Lawrence
- Garrison, Philip Eugene
- Gartenlaub, Charles
- Gates, Jr. Thomas Sovereign
- Gavin, Arthur
- Gaw, Benjamin Donald
- Gay, George Henry
- Geib, Philip Oldham
- Geiselman, Ellis Hugh
- Geisinger, David
- Genders, Richard Atherstone
- Ghormley, Robert Lee
- Giffen, Robert Carlisle
- Gingrich, John E.
- Godfrey, Earl Francis
- Godinez, Marcos Antonio
- Godson, William Howard, Jr.
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- Mabus, Raymond Edwin, Jr.
- Mandarich, Stevan
- Martin, Charles Franklin
- McCann, Allan R.
- McClusky, Clarence Wade
- McGonagle, William Loren
- McMorris, Charles H.
- Mendenhall, William Kavanaugh Jr.
- Michaelis, Frederick
- Miles, Milton E.
- Mitscher, Marc Andrew
- Moffett, Willam Adger, Sr.
- Moffett, William Adger, Jr.
- Momsen, Charles B.
- Montgomery, Alfred Eugene
- Moorer, Thomas Hinman
- Morison, Samuel Eliot
- Mullinnix, Henry Maston
- Murray, Albert Ketcham
- Mustin, Lloyd M.
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- Sallada, Harold Bushnell
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- Sherman, Frederick C.
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- Sowell, Jesse Clyburn
- Spencer, Richard V.
- Sprague, Clifton Albert Frederick
- Sprague, Thomas L.
- Spruance, Raymond Ames
- Stackley, Sean Gerard Joseph
- Stockdale, James Bond
- Struble, Arthur Dewey
- Sullivan, John Lawrence
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- Uehlinger, Archibald Emil
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- Underwood, Herbert Whitwell
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- Unmacht, George Paul
- Unruh, H. Kirk
- Upham, Frank Brooks
- Urban, Kenneth Lee
- Urbanczyk, Louis Thaddeus, Jr.
- Urquhart, James Burwell, Jr.
- Ustick, Theodore Montanye
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- Valencia, Eugene Anthony
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- Vaughan, Paul
- Vaughn, Robert James
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- Veazey, David Julian
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- Venlet, David J.
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- Veth, Kenneth LeRoy
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- Vieweg, Walter Victor Rudolph
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- Voelker, George E.
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- Vogan, Guy Sedgwick
- Voge, Richard George
- Vogel, Joseph
- Vogeley, Theodore Robert
- Vogelgesang, Carl Theodore
- Vogt, Larry Gene
- Voils, Roy Cramer
- Von Dreele, William Henry
- Von Heimburg, Ernest Herman
- Von Kleeck, Ernest Saint Clair, Jr.
- Von Weller, George Schoen
- Voorhies , James Franklin
- Voris, Frank Burkhart
- Vorse, Albert Ogden, Jr.
- Vose, James Everett, Jr.
- Vose, William Cecil
- Vosseller, Aurelius Bartlett
- Vossler, Francis Alfred L.
- Vraciu, Alexander
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- Yavorsky, Joseph Thomas
- Yeager, Howard A.
- Yeomans, Elmer E.
- Yesensky, Albert Samuel
- Yon, Joseph Langham
- Yoran, George Francis
- Young, Andrew Lee, Jr.
- Young, Cassin
- Young, Charles B.
- Young, David Bryan
- Young, David Bryan, Jr.
- Young, Howard Leyland
- Young, Leo C.
- Young, Lloyd Verne
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- Youtz, Ellis Gardiner
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- Zabilsky, John
- Zabriskie, Jr. David
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- Zahm, John Crawford
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- Zeigler, Samuel Jacob
- Zelibor, Thomas E.
- Zellars, Thomas Edward
- Zemmer, Harold Maurice
- Zern, Richard Dewey
- Ziegemeier, Henry, Joseph
- Zilmer, Richard C.
- Zimble, James Allen
- Zimermann, Richard Galt
- Zimet, Stanford Frederick
- Zimmerli, Rupert Meyrick
- Zimmerman, Max Edward
- Zimmerman, Milton Abraham
- Zimmerman, Nelson Daniel
- Zimmerman, Walter Earnest
- Zimmermann, Edwin Julius Jr.
- Ziroli, Humbert William
- Zitzewitz, Herbert Carl
- Zobel, William Alexander
- Zola, Stanley Peter
- Zondorak, Charles Joseph
- Zornow, Gerard, Philip
- Zurmuehlen, Gerald Dale
- Zumwalt, Elmo Russell Jr.
- Zundell, Joseph L.
- Biography
- World War II 1939-1945
Elmer Paul Abernethy
14 June 1899 - 15 December 1990
PDF Version [4.1MB]
Captain Abernethy, born 14 June 1899, at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, was graduated from the Oklahoma City High School before entering the US Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland, from his native state, in June 1917. He had World War I service during the summer of 1918 as a Midshipman aboard USS Missouri. Graduated from the Naval Academy and commissioned Ensign in June 1921, he subsequently advanced through the grades to that of Captain, to rank from 21 June 1942.
Following graduation in June 1921, Captain Abernethy was ordered to duty aboard the battleship New York, then serving in the Pacific. Thereafter he made a cruise in the destroyer Parrot, on duty with the Eastern Mediterranean Squadron, cruising to Southern Russian ports, and was present at the burning of Smyrna in September 1922. He returned to the United States aboard USS Goff, and proceeded to Newport, Rhode Island, where he had instruction at the Torpedo School. Sea duty prior to World War II included service aboard the destroyers Reuben James and Greer, the battleship New York and the cruiser Salt Lake City. For two years he was flag lieutenant on the staff of Commander, Cruiser Division 4, USS Northampton, flagship, and from May 1937 to May 1938 he served as communications officer of USS Maryland.
His tours of shore duty prior to World War II were as aide to the Commandant of the Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Naval Districts; at the Naval Torpedo Station, Newport, Rhode Island; and as inspector of guns at the Naval Gun Factory, Washington, DC.
In July 1940 he was ordered to the Orient, where he assumed command of USS Pecos, Asiatic Fleet tanker. His ship was in Manila on 7 December 1941, but left the night of 8 December for Darwin, Australia. After missing the entry of the Japanese at Keopang, Dutch East Indies, by five hours, the Pecos went to Soerabaja and was nearby when USS Houston and USS Marblehead were hit by Japanese bombs. After the battle, the Pecos proceeded to Tjilatjap, where she remained to fuel warships of the United States, the Netherlands, and Great Britain.
On the afternoon of 27 February 1942, USS Langley was sunk off the southern coast of Java and the Pecos was ordered to take aboard the survivors who had been picked up by two destroyers. The Pecos and the two destroyers made a rendezvous at Christmas Island the next morning to make the exchange but arrived just in time for a Japanese bombing attack. Survivors of the Langley were transferred to the Pecos the following morning at sea. About noon the same day, aircraft from a Japanese aircraft carrier started attacking the Pecos and later in the afternoon sank her. Captain Abernethy was injured during the Japanese attack and was later awarded the Purple Heart. For extraordinary heroism as Commanding Officer of the Pecos, he was awarded the Navy Cross. The citation follows:
"For extraordinary heroism as Commanding Officer of the USS PECOS during the bombardment and sinking of that vessel by enemy Japanese air forces off Christmas Island on March 1, 1942. Putting up a desperate fight against successive waves of hostile dive bombers which swept down out of the sun, Commander Abernethy, although his ship was mercilessly overwhelmed by exploding bombs and strafing machine guns, kept her engines operating and her guns blazing away until accumulated damage eventually opened her to the sea. Thereafter, calmly remaining aboard as the vessel settled forward, he directed abandon ship operations under a blistering hail of fire from ruthless enemy flyers who kept circling back to shell the helpless survivors huddled on life rafts and floating debris. His courageous and inspiring devotion to duty, maintained with utter disregard of personal safety, was in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service."
After the sinking of the Pecos, Captain Abernethy became executive officer of USS President Jackson. The President Jackson was the first ship to land troops at Guadalcanal on 7 August 1942. During the following several months, that troop ship was engaged in reinforcing Guadalcanal and participated in several of the battles in that area. For services during that early period of the war, Captain Abernethy was awarded the Legion of Merit, with citation as follows:
"For exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services to the Government of the United States as Executive Officer of the USS PRESIDENT JACKSON operating against enemy Japanese forces in the Solomon Islands Area from August 7, 1942, to June 30, 1943. After participating in the initial occupation of Guadalcanal-Tulagi on August 7, Captain Abernethy subsequently made many trips into the forward area to deliver reinforcements to the American Garrison on Guadalcanal. On June 30, his ship carried troops and supplies for our assault on Rendova Island and, while retiring from this mission helped to repulse fiercely attacking Japanese aircraft. Despite frequent engagements with hostile planes and submarines during this period, Captain Abernethy skillfully aided his commanding officer in bringing the PRESIDENT JACKSON through without damage. By his gallant leadership, aggressiveness and unswerving devotion to duty under extremely hazardous conditions, he contributed in large measure to the success of these vital missions."
In June 1943 Captain Abernethy assumed command of Boat Pool Number 8 which carried 20,000 troops to various beaches in the Rendova-Munda area, resulting in the capture of the Munda airport. Although under frequent enemy attack during that period, not one soldier was lost while being transported by the landing craft under his command. After the capture of Munda, Captain Abernethy assumed command of the President Jackson and later participated in the landings at Bougainville and Emirau. He was awarded a Letter of Commendation, with authorization to wear the Commendation Ribbon, by Fleet Admiral Nimitz, Commander in Chief, Us Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas with the following citation:
"For meritorious and efficient performance of duty as Commanding Officer of an attack transport vessel carrying reinforcements to the American held positions in the Empress Augusta Bay area, Bougainville Island on November 8, 1943. When the force of which his ship was a part was subjected to a coordinated attack by approximately one hundred Japanese torpedo and fighter planes, Captain Abernethy, by skillfully maneuvering his ship under extremely difficult navigational conditions, assisted in repelling the attack and in destroying several enemy aircraft. His skill and able leadership contributed materially to the successful completion of this vital mission and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the naval service."
Captain Abernethy was ordered in March 1944 to San Pedro, California, for the purpose of organizing the San Pedro Shakedown Group, and as prospective Commanding Officer. While under his command, 216 large auxiliary ships built on the West Coast were "shaken down" and for that service Captain Abernethy received a second Letter of Commendation from Fleet Admiral Nimitz with the following citation:
"For distinguishing himself by meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service as Commander, San Pedro Shakedown Group of the Fleet Operational Training Command, Pacific. As a result of his initiative, energy, and administrative ability, over 215 ships, manned by thousands of officers and men, received the shakedown training essential to their successful operation. His conduct throughout was an inspiration to his officers and men and in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service."
From May 1945 until November 1946 Captain Abernethy was Port Director and Operations Officer of the Thirteenth Naval District, Seattle, Washington. In November 1946 he assumed command of USS Tucson, and relieved of that command in July 1947, was ordered to duty as Commanding Officer of the Naval Ordnance Plant at South Charleston, West Virginia. On 11 August 1947, he received further orders to duty as Public Information Officer on the staff of Commander, Marianas. He served in the above assignment until 7 May 1948, when he was ordered to duty with the San Diego Group, Pacific Reserve Fleet, San Diego, California.
In addition to the Navy Cross, the Legion of Merit, the Commendation Ribbon with bronze star, and the Purple Heart Medal, Captain Abernethy had the Victory Medal (USS Missouri); the Second Nicaraguan Campaign Medal; and was entitled to the American Defense Service Medal, Fleet Clasp; the Asiatic-Pacific Area Campaign Medal; the American Area Campaign Medal; the Philippine Defense Ribbon; and the World War II Victory Medal.
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