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Ep. 6 - Artifacts of the Navy on D-Day

Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of Operation Neptune, the naval component of Operation Overlord - more formally known as D-Day, Small Arms and Ordnance Curator of the NHHC Curation Branch Dave Manning and Museum Specialist Jennie Ashton, discuss several historical artifacts within the Navy's collection that play a pivotal roll in storytelling about the largest amphibious invasion in history.

Show References:

D-Day Artifacts

·         Artifacts Related to D-Day

·         Operation Overlord: Invasion of Normandy

·         Operation Neptune: The Navy on D-Day

·         Keep Navy History Alive: How to Ensure the Preservation of the U.S. Navy's history and heritage

Digital Resources

·        Paintings: The Invasion of Normandy

·        Photography: D-Day Landing Collection

Published: Fri Sep 06 13:51:43 EDT 2024