Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Washington intends to rehabilitate Buildings 46 and 67 at the Washington Navy Yard for the Naval History and Heritage Command (NHHC).  Building 46 currently houses the Underwater Archaeology Branch and vacant space, and Building 67 currently houses the Art Branch.  The rehabilitated complex will house the Underwater Archaeology Conservation Laboratory, the Navy Art Collection, the Navy Operational Archives, and the Navy Department Library.  The rehabilitation will entail upgrading the architectural, civil, structural, electrical, mechanical, plumbing and fire protection systems for each building.  The renovated building will comply with Navy Facilities Criteria (FC) 4-760-10N (“Navy Museums and Historic Resource Facilities”), and in addition the archives will meet National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Directive 1571 for archival requirements for temperature, humidity and daylight control.

Buildings 46 and 67 contribute to the Washington Navy Yard Central Yard National Historic Landmark.  The Washington Navy Yard is the oldest shore establishment in the United States and is significant to the early history of the U.S. Navy, the development of Washington, D.C. and the nation for its role in manufacturing of ship equipment, gun making, advances in ordnance, and naval administration.  Building 46 was originally constructed in 1851-52 as a Copper Rolling Mill and was enlarged in 1899 to function as a Cartridge Case Factory.  It is significant for its architectural qualities, as an important component of the integrated industrial system at the Navy Yard, and for its role in the production of ordnance for the Naval Gun Factory.  Building 67 was constructed from 1851 to 1917 as a series of additions to Building 46.  The additions provided various support services for first the Copper Rolling Mill and then the Cartridge Case Factory, including a furnace room, primer shop and pump room.  It is significant as an important component of the integrated industrial system at the Navy Yard.

The rehabilitation of Buildings 46 and 67 will have an adverse effect on historic properties under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended.  The adverse effect stems from the conversion of the interior Building 46 from a single, large open space to an enclosed, two-story space.  The Navy intends to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the District of Columbia State Historic Preservation Office in order to document compliance with Section 106 and the agreed upon mitigation measures to resolve the adverse effect.

Per 36 CFR Part 800.2(5)(d), NAVFAC Washington hereby seeks public comment and input regarding this project.  Interested individuals may contact the NAVFAC Washington Cultural Resources Program Manager by telephone at 202.685.1754; by email at; or by mail at NAVFAC Washington, 1314 Harwood Street, Building 212, Washington Navy Yard DC 20374.  Comments must be received by June 20, 2018.