Located in the Rare Book Room of the Navy Department Library.
The Navy Department Library
ZB (Personnel) Files in the Navy Department Library
Saccambe - Szularsky
This series contains various documents and ephemera pertaining to US naval officers and some civilians, especially those serving during the 19th century. Coverage of a number of outstanding officers of the late 18th and early 20th centuries, as well as some enlisted personnel, also is provided. It is estimated that the careers of 35,000 separate individuals are documented to some extent in these files.
The contents of individual files can include such items as: (1) compiled service chronologies; (2) biographical summaries; (3) service data cards (Civil War period); (4) letters of recommendation for appointment or promotion; (5) pay vouchers (Civil War period); (6) fragmentary personal and official letters; (7) official Office of Naval Records and Library, and Naval History Division correspondence providing information on specific officers. The contents of individual files range from extensive to sparse, sometimes only containing a single piece of paper.
Use and Reproduction Policy
Z File materials are unavailable for loan and must be consulted in the library. Photocopying of manuscripts, as well as fragile items, is generally prohibited, though the use of digital cameras by researchers to reproduce non-copyrighted materials is permitted. Permission to photocopy a few pages may be granted by the reference staff, contingent upon the physical state of items. All photocopying of materials shall be done by the reference staff, or under their close supervision. The use of personal scanners by non-library staff personnel must be approved by the reference staff on a document-by-document basis (Reference: Naval Historical Center Instruction [NAVHISTCENTINST] 5070.1C.).
The NDL staff are in the process of inventorying and digitizing these files. The lists available below are incomplete and may not reflect current holdings. Updates will be made to these lists as the information becomes available.
Please note that we are also in the process of placing distinguishing identifiers (rank, rating, etc.) next to individuals with the same name.
* denotes personnel has one or more folders dedicated to their documents
Over Sized
Box Number | Name | List of Documents |
Over Sized | Selfridge, Thomas O. | |
Name | List of Documents |
Saccambe, Henry | |
Sacheman, R. | |
Sachs, Joseph M. | |
Sackett, Augustine | |
Sackett, James | |
Saddler, Emery | |
Sadler, ----------- | |
Sadler, Richard | |
Safford, John B. | |
Safford, William E. | |
Safford, Sage, Franklin H. (alias Alpheus Bigelow)* | |
Safford, George D. | |
Safford, Giles | |
Safford, N. | |
Saidler, John G. | |
Saint, Daniel | |
St. Armand, Alexander (Etienne, Martial, Pierre) | |
Saint-Andre, Jeanbon | |
St. Clair, Charles | |
St. Clair, T.M. | |
St. Hilaire, Marcq de | |
St. John, G.P. | |
St. John, James | |
St. Medard, Pierre | |
St. Medard, Peter (Surgeon) | |
Salade, Lewis A. | |
Salas, David H. | |
Sale, Joseph | |
Sale, William D. | |
Sales, John T. | |
Salisbury, George R. | |
Salmon, Robert | |
Salter, Chaplain | |
Salter, George W. | |
Salter, John | |
Salter, William D. | |
Saltmarsh, William E. | |
Saltmarsh, E.G. | |
Saltonstall, Dudley | |
Saltonstall, N. | |
Saltonstall, William G. * | |
Salyer, Samuel |
Name | List of Documents |
Samble, Thomas | |
Samford, F.G. | |
Sammartino (Sam Martino?) | |
Sammis, David | |
Sammis, Luther | |
Sammond, James | |
Samples, James G. | |
Sampson, Albert P. | |
Sampson, Charles A. | |
Sampson, Frederick G. | |
Sampson, Isaac | |
Sampson, John | |
Sampson, Samuel | |
Sampson, Simeon | |
Sampson, William T.* | |
Sams, William | |
Samson, Timothy | |
Samuels, Samuel | |
Sanborn (Pilot) | |
Sanborn, Albion | |
Sanborn, Francis | |
Sanborn, Francis W. (Acting Ensign) | |
Sanborn, Francis W. (Acting Gunner's Mate) | |
Sanborn, George C. | |
Sanborn, George L. | |
Sanborn, Henry Clay | |
Sanborn, James D. | |
Sanborn, John | |
Sanborn, Lansing | |
Sanborn, Lorenzo | |
Sanborn, Simeon | |
Sanchez, Ramon | |
Sancry, Abraham | |
Sancry, Charles L. | |
Sancry, Peter | |
Sand, (LT) | |
Sanders, Benjamin F. | |
Sanders, Cary Nicholas | |
Sanders, J.L. | |
Sanders, John | |
Sanders, John (CSN) | |
Sanders, Lewis | |
Sanders, M.W. | |
Sanders, Samuel M. | |
Sanderson, Aaron | |
Sanderson, Edward | |
Sanderson, Francis | |
Sanderson, George | |
Sanderson, John Henry | |
Sanderson, John W. (3rd PA Artillery) | |
Sanderson, John William | |
Sandford, James | |
Sandford, John W. | |
Sandford, John W., Jr. (CSN) | |
Sandford, Joseph | |
Laurence (Lawrence) | |
Sands, Benjamin Franklin | |
Charles | |
Francis P.B. * | |
Francis Pasqual | |
George | |
George L. | |
J. Woodville | |
Sands, James Hoban * | |
Sands, Joshua Ratoon * | |
Sands, Lewis | |
Louis | |
W.F. | |
William MacComb | |
Sandson, C.A. | |
Sandusky, William Henry | |
Sandy, Peter | |
Sanford, Ebenezer | |
Sanford, George/George W. | |
Sanford, Hiram * | |
Sanford, Joseph P. * | |
Sanford, Kingsbury | |
Sanford, William C. | |
Sanford, William F. | |
Sanford, William W. | |
Sanger, William P.S. | |
Sangster, Charles | |
Sankey, John G. | |
Sanlin, Gus | |
Sanner, James W. | |
Sansbury, Richard | |
Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de | |
Santmyer, E.J. | |
Sanxay, R.J. | |
Sappington, ------ | |
Sard, William F. | |
Sargent, Asa | |
Sargent, Charles | |
Sargent, Daniel | |
Sargent, Daniel B. | |
Sargent, Eli D. | |
Sargent, Hosea | |
Sargent, Howard, Jr. | |
Sargent, Lennard R. | |
Sargent, N. | |
Sargent, Nathan * | |
Sargent, Nathaniel | |
Sargent, Thomas (carpenter) | |
Sargent, Thomas (surgeon) | |
Sargent, Walter | |
Sartori, Charles W. | |
Sartori, Louis C. * | |
Sasanay, James | |
Satterlee, Charles | |
Saucer, Joseph | |
Sauer, Nicholas | |
Saufley, Richard Caswell | |
Saunders, Camillus | |
Saunders, Charles | |
Saunders, Jacob | |
Saunders, James | |
Saunders, John | |
Saunders, John (Midshipman) | |
Saunders, John L. | |
Saunders, John W. (Acting Master, 1865) | |
Saunders, John W. (1837, black) | |
Saunders, Palmer * | |
Saunders, Reid | |
Saunders, Robert | |
Saunders, Samuel | |
Saunders, Samuel Little | |
Saunders, William | |
Savage, Alexander | |
Savage, Caleb | |
Savage, E.J. | |
Savage, Francis W. | |
Savage, Hugh H. | |
Savage, John | |
Savage, John, Jr. | |
Savage, John P. | |
Savage, Michael | |
Savage, Pleasant Martin | |
Savage, Robert | |
Savage, Silas T. | |
Savage, T. | |
Savage, Thomas | |
Savage, William | |
Savage, William F. | |
Saville, John W. | |
Saville, William Oliver | |
Savory, George E. | |
Saville, John | |
Saville, Nathaniel | |
Saville, Thomas S. |
Name | List of Documents |
Sawtell, Benjamin W. | |
Sawtelle, Arthur M. | |
Sawtelle, Isaiah L. | |
Sawyer, A.B.C. | |
Sawyer, Benjamin A. | |
Sawyer, Daniel A. | |
Sawyer, Ezra W. | |
Sawyer, George A. * | |
Sawyer, George F. | |
Sawyer, George K. | |
Sawyer, Horace Bucklin * | |
Sawyer, Isaac Jr. | |
Sawyer, James E. | |
Sawyer, John | |
Sawyer, John C. | |
Sawyer, Joseph | |
Sawyer, Joseph (or James, 1863-65) | |
Sawyer, Joseph J. | |
Sawyer, Moses H. | |
Sawyer, Oscar G. | |
Sawyer, R.P. | |
Sawyer, Seymour | |
Sawyer, Smith | |
Sawyer, Timothy | |
Sawyer, William | |
Saxon, Theodore | |
Saxon, Isaac | |
Say, David | |
Sayer, Joshua | |
Sayers, John R. | |
Sayers, Edmund S. | |
Sayers, ------(Pilot) | |
Sayre, J.S. | |
Sayward, Joseph | |
Scalan, Patrick | |
Scales, Dabney M. * | |
Scales, Joseph W. | |
Scanlan, M. | |
Scanlon, Charles S. | |
Scanlon, Thomas | |
Scannell, James | |
Scanthing, Thomas | |
Scarden, Andrew | |
Scarf, John | |
Scarlett, Joseph H. | |
Scarr, Thomas | |
Scarsden, ------ | |
Scathersbury, Charles W. | |
Scattergood, Edward | |
Scersey, Jasper H. | |
Schad, William | |
Schadewald, R. | |
Schaefer, Henry William * | |
Schaeffer, Christopher (Christrow) | |
Schaeffer, Julius | |
Schaegal, Jacob A. | |
Schafer, George Conrad | |
Schalls, William H. | |
Schank, George A. | |
Scharf, John Thomas | |
Schell, F.J. | |
Schellhorn, Otto | |
Schells, W.H. | |
Shenandoah, Chapman (American Indian, 1901) | |
Schenck, Caspar | |
Schenck, James Findlay * | |
Schenck, John Nevins | |
Schenck, William L. | |
Schenck, Woodhull S. * | |
Scherffins, George | |
Schetky, Charles A. * | |
Schieffelin, James | |
Schiffmann, Sibley Norrill (Gustav) | |
Schillinger, Henry C. | |
Schillenberg, Isaac (Schillinburg, Isaac) | |
Schilt, Christian | |
Schipple, Edward J. | |
Schisano, Stephen P. | |
Schley, Winfield Scott * | |
Schlosser, H.J. | |
Schlosser, John George | |
Schlossbach, Isaac (see ZO-Wilking Sub Exped.) | |
Schluter, Henry August | |
Schmedes, Richard J. | |
Schmid (Schmidt), John (CSN) | |
Schmidt, Edward H. | |
Schmidt, John (CUMBERLAND, Civil War) | |
Schmidt, John G. | |
Schmidt, Joseph | |
Schmitt, John | |
Schmitz, Charles Florenz | |
Schneck, Philip | |
Schneeweiss, ------- | |
Schneider, E.B.H. | |
Schneider, William T. | |
Schnetter, Carl (See ZO-Wilkins Sub Exped.) | |
Schofield, Benjamin | |
Schofield, Charles F. | |
Schofield, Frank H. | |
Schofield, John O. | |
Scholes, Thomas | |
Scholl, George | |
Scholls, James L (W.H.) | |
Scholls, William H. | |
Schooley, Frank N. | |
Schoolfield, Joseph | |
Schoon, John | |
Schoonmaker, ----- | |
Schoonmaker, Cornelius M. * | |
Schoubol, Frederick (Louis) | |
Schouler, John | |
Schouter, Henry | |
Schow, Magnus | |
Schoyer, A. | |
Schran, Meyer | |
Schrengeld, J.W. | |
Schriver, William H. | |
Schroder, John | |
Schroeder, Charles (Rev. War) | |
Schroeder, Charles (CSN) | |
Schroeder, Seaton | |
Schrumm, William | |
Schultice, Simon | |
Schultz, William | |
Schulze, G.C. | |
Schutt, Herman | |
Schuyler, Peter | |
Schwall, George W. | |
Schwartz, Edward G. | |
Schwartz, Henry | |
Schwartzman, A.J. | |
Schwatka, Frederick | |
Schwenk, -------(Ensign) | |
Scoby, Addison | |
Scofield, Walter K. | |
Scot, John A. | |
Scott, Benjamin | |
Scott, Charles | |
Scott, Bernard Orme | |
Scott, Charles | |
Scott, Charles H. | |
Scott, Charles M. | |
Scott, Charles R. | |
Scott, D.W. |
Name | List of Documents |
Scott, Daniel | |
Scott, David Alexander | |
Scott, Douglas M. | |
Scott, Edmund | |
Scott, Elmer B. | |
Scott, George | |
Scott, George C. | |
Scott, George W. | |
Scott, Gustavus H. | |
Scott, H.D. | |
Scott, H.H. (Ref. to Scott, Joseph N.; Scott, John; Scott, James R.; and Scott, William) | |
Scott, Henry | |
Scott, Henry B. | |
Scott, Henry H. | |
Scott, Henry L. | |
Scott, Henry M. | |
Scott, James (CSN) | |
Scott, James (1837 Boston) | |
Scott, James (Civil War, USN) | |
Scott, James Alvin | |
Scott, James R. | |
Scott, Jerome | |
Scott, John (Civil War) | |
Scott, John (1835) | |
Scott, John (1838) | |
Scott, John (CSN) | |
Scott, John (Master's Mate) | |
Scott, John (AV LT) | |
Scott, John Day | |
Scott, John G. (1837) | |
Scott, John G. (Engineer) | |
Scott, Joseph N. | |
Scott, Melvin | |
Scott, Merritt Sweeney | |
Scott, Nathaniel | |
Scott, Oscar F. | |
Scott, Richard | |
Scott, Robert (Surg. Steward) | |
Scott, Robert (Seaman) | |
Scott, Robert Eden | |
Scott, Robert Wainwright | |
Scott, Samuel | |
Scott, Samuel P. | |
Scott, Spencer E. | |
Scott, Stephen | |
Scott, Sylvanous | |
Scott, Sylvester | |
Scott, Thomas W. | |
Scott, Warburton S. | |
Scott, William (Rev. War) | |
Scott, William (Civil War) | |
Scott, William (CSN) | |
Scott, William (USN) | |
Scott, William Alexander | |
Scott, William | |
Scott, William S. | |
Scovel, D. | |
Scovel, Louis | |
Scovel, S.O. | |
Scovell, C.H. | |
Scovil, D. | |
Scoville, James A. | |
Scranton, J. | |
Scranton, Samuel O. | |
Scribner, E.H. | |
Scribner, James Egbert | |
Scrivenir, Benjamin | |
Scruggs, Richard | |
Scruggs, Samuel Anderson | |
Scudder, Theodore | |
Scull, Edward | |
Scull, John | |
Scull, Peter | |
Scullen, John | |
Scully, James | |
Seabury, David | |
Seabury, John Mumford | |
Seach, William | |
Seaforth, Christopher Henry | |
Seager, Edward R. | |
Seager, Harry | |
Seager, Thomas | |
Seagrave, John | |
Seagrove, James | |
Seal, William | |
Seaman, Charles A. | |
Seaman, Edward | |
Seaman, James | |
Seaman, John | |
Seaman, John Whitehead | |
Seaman, Peter H. | |
Seaman, Stephen | |
Seamans, W.R. | |
Seare, Z. | |
Searle, Addison | |
Sears, Amasa C. | |
Sears, Charles | |
Sears, Cyrus | |
Sears, Eben J. | |
Sears, Edward H. | |
Sears, Henry Weed * | |
Sears, Isaac (Richard?) | |
Sears, John | |
Sears, John (Pilot) | |
Sears, Richard | |
Sears, Thomas B. | |
Sears, Walter J. | |
Seaver, Samuel c. | |
Seavey, Edwin A. | |
Seavey, Fayette G. | |
Seavey, Theo Bradford | |
Seaward, David Ladd | |
Seaward, G.W. | |
Seaward, Richard | |
Seawell, J. A. | |
Seay, Robert | |
Sebastian, Benjamin | |
Sebastian, John | |
Sebelin, August * | |
Sebring, ------ | |
Sebring, Tunis | |
Seccombe, William Simpson | |
Sedam, Louis W. | |
Sedam, Walker | |
Sedcraft, Augustus | |
Sederrhet, ------- | |
Sedgwick, ------ | |
Sedgwick, Charles H. | |
Sedgwick, Robert | |
Sedyard, Caleb | |
See, John | |
See, George | |
See, George P. | |
Seeds, James M. | |
Seegan, L.M. | |
Seekins, Charles W. | |
Seeley, Charles | |
Seeley, John | |
Seely, Charles | |
Seely, H.B. | |
Seely, Samuel J. | |
Sees, William L. | |
Segar, Joseph | |
Segersteen, Bernard | |
Segrave, Thomas G. | |
Seitz, George | |
Selby, James | |
Selby, Thomas | |
Selch, Michael | |
Selden, Channing M. | |
Selden, Edward A. | |
Selden, Cary | |
Selden, George L. | |
Selden, Robert R. | |
Selden, W.C. | |
Seldon, Richard | |
Selfridge, C.G. | |
Selfridge, Edward A. | |
Selfridge, Francis C. | |
Selfridge, James R. | |
Selfridge, Thomas Oliver Sr. (1804-1902) * See also ZE - Mare Island Navy Yard, Box 10 and ZB OVERSIZE Box. | |
Selfridge, Thomas Oliver Jr. (1836-1924) * | |
Seligman, Joseph | |
Seligman, Morton Tinslar |
Name | List of Documents |
Selkirk, Alexander | |
Sell, Gustav Adolph *(2 folders) | |
Sellers, David Foote | |
Sellers, William M. | |
Sellew, Edgar K. | |
Sellman, Henry D. | |
Sellman, Thomas (USMC) | |
Sells, Elijah | |
Sells, William Henry | |
Selmer, John A. | |
Seloover, James | |
Selover, John (or Lewis) (1812) | |
Semans, Thomas | |
Semig, Bernard | |
Semmes, Alexander A. | |
Semmes, Francis J. | |
Semmes, Raphael * (2 folders) | |
Semple, Alex M. | |
Semple, Fred | |
Semple, Henry Rees | |
Semple, Semple, James A. * | |
Semple, Wilford Hugh | |
Senac, Felix * | |
Sesner, George W. | |
Seymore, Thomas | |
Seymour, Alfred | |
Seymour, ----(Acting Gunner, CSN) | |
Seymour, Benjamin | |
Seymour, Charles (Asst. M. Mate) | |
Seymour, Charles (Ord. Seaman) | |
Seymour, C.M. (CSN) | |
Seymour, D.C. (CSN) | |
Seymour, Frank | |
Seymour, J.W. (CSN) | |
Seymour, Lester | |
Seymour, Lucius S. | |
Seymour, ----(Mississippi River Pilot) | |
Seymour, Richard | |
Seymour, W. (CSN) | |
Seymour, William C. * | |
Shackelford, Satterwhite | |
Shackerly, Peter | |
Shackey, George | |
Shackford, Josiah | |
Shackleton, Ernest H. | |
Shacklett, J.S. (CSN) | |
Shadwell, William | |
Shadwick, G. | |
Shafer, Joseph | |
Shafer, Mark Minter | |
Shaffery, Patrick (alias Peter) | |
Shaffhirt, Lewis | |
Shaffner, Benjamin Marion | |
Shaifer, Carl H. | |
Shaler, John | |
Shaler, Nathaniel | |
Shaler, T. | |
Shallenberger, George W. | |
Shane, -----(Rev. War) | |
Shank, George W. | |
Shankland, Joseph | |
Shankland, William (Acting Master) | |
Shankland, William F. (Actg. Vol. LT) | |
Shankland, William F. (Actg. Master) | |
Shannon, Arthur Lorenzo | |
Shannon, Charles | |
Shannon, Francis G. | |
Shannon, John | |
Shannon, Michael | |
Shannon, Patrick | |
Shannon, William | |
Shannon, William J. | |
Shannon, William S. | |
Shannon, Shryock, George S. * | |
Sharkey, Jack | |
Sharky, Richard | |
Sharp, Andrew J. | |
Sharp, Hendrick | |
Sharp, John L. | |
Sharp, Nicholas | |
Sharp, Thomas | |
Sharp, William | |
Sharp, William (LT, CSN) * | |
Sharp, William (Midshipman, USN) | |
Sharpe, John C. | |
Sharpless, Thomas | |
Sharrer, Washington O. | |
Sharron, Samuel |
Name | List of Documents |
Shatford, William | |
Shattuck, Alvin | |
Shattuck, Benjamin F. | |
Shattuck, John | |
Shattuck, Jonathan | |
Shattuck, William | |
Shaver, Abram Ingle | |
Shavons, James | |
Shaw, Aaron D. | |
Shaw, Alexander | |
Shaw, Daniel | |
Shaw, Edward (Actg. Vol. LT) | |
Shaw, Edward C. | |
Shaw, Frank D. | |
Shaw, Gideon | |
Shaw, John (Commodore) * | Biography |
Shaw, John (Ord. Seaman) | |
Shaw, John R. | |
Shaw, Joseph C. | |
Shaw, Melville, Jr. | |
Shaw, Nathaniel, Jr. * (2 folders) | |
Shaw, Robert P. | |
Shaw, Thomas M. | |
Shaw, Thompson Darrah | |
Shaw, W.B. (Paymaster Steward) | |
Shaw, William H. | |
Shaw, William Mason | |
Shaw, William Nelson | |
Shaysgren, James | |
Shea, Cornelius | |
Shea, Joseph | |
Shea, Thomas Medcalf | |
Shead, William W. | |
Shean, Samuel A. | |
Shearer, James | |
Sheas, James | |
Shebbel, Edmund | |
Shee, Walter | |
Sheed, Abraham A. | |
Sheed, William W. | |
Sheehan, John (CSN) | |
Sheehan, John Wilfred Jr. | |
Sheehan, Thomas | |
Sheely, William G. | |
Sheer, Edward H. | |
Sheer, John | |
Sheer, Thomas W. | |
Sheets, T.J. | |
Sheffer, Thomas | |
Sheffield, Edward H. | |
Sheffield, Isaac | |
Sheffield, Robert | |
Sheffield, Robert L. | |
Sheffield, William E. (Carpenter) | |
Sheffield, William E. (Captain's Clerk) | |
Sheils, Simon | |
Shelally, M. | |
Sheldon, George H. | |
Sheldon, H. Lawrence | |
Sheldon, Jonathan | |
Sheldon, Thomas | |
Sheldon, William B. | |
Shelikof, Grigor I. | |
Shell, Philip | |
Shelly, B.F. (CSN) | |
Shelly, William F. | |
Sheltan, James (CAPT) | |
Shelton, -----(CAPT) | |
Shelton, David I. | |
Shelton, Henry | |
Shepard, Albert | |
Shepard, Albert (Ord. Seaman 1838) | |
Shepard, Andrew Gilbert | |
Shepard, Augustus | |
Shepard, Edwin M. (Actg. Ensign) | |
Shepard, Edwin Malcolm (RADM) | |
Shepard, Frank V. | |
Shepard, Hazael | |
Shepardson, William | |
Shepherd, Edmund | |
Shepherd, Edwin | |
Shepherd, Frank(lin) | |
Shepherd, John J. | |
Shepherd, Lewis | |
Shepherd, Louis | |
Shepherd, Samuel | |
Shepherd, Samuel | |
Shepherd, Thompson | |
Shepherd, Thomson | |
Shepherd, William (Actg. Ensign) | |
Shepherd, William (Actg. Master) | |
Sheppard, Francis Henry * | |
Sheppard, Harvey | |
Sheppard, James | |
Sheppard, James (Actg. Ensign) | |
Sheppard, John (CSS DALMAN) | |
Sheppard, John (CSS YADKIN) | |
Sheppard, Joseph | |
Sheppard, Robert | |
Sheppard, Thomas | |
Shepperd, Francis E. * | |
Shepperd, Frederick P. | |
Shepperd, Jeremiah, Jr. | |
Shepperd, M.R. | |
Shepperdson, William | |
Sherburne, John Henry, Sr. | |
Sherburne, John Henry, Jr. | |
Sheredine, Nathan R. | |
Sherfy, J.W. | |
Sheridan, Daniel | |
Sheridan, Philip | |
Sheridan, Phillip | |
Sherriff, Benjamin | |
Sherman, C.K. | |
Sherman, C.L. | |
Sherman, Daniel Hoit | |
Sherman, Dennis | |
Sherman, Emerson | |
Sherman, Fortunatus | |
Sherman, Francis | |
Sherman, Frank | |
Sherman, Frederick Carl | |
Sherman, George W. | |
Sherman, Hiram W. | |
Sherman, Marshall | |
Sherman, Robert | |
Sherman, William T. | |
Sherrill, John | |
Sherrod, William | |
Sherwood, Gilbert | |
Sherwood, Henry | |
Sherwood, Hugh | |
Sherwood, John R. | |
Sherwood, John R. (3rd Asst. Engineer) | |
Shetzune, John D. | |
Shewell, R. | |
Shewmake, H.C. | |
Shibley, Howard C. | |
Shield, John | |
Shield, John B. | |
Shields, George W. (Actg. Asst. Surg.) | |
Shields, George W. (Actg. 2nd Asst. Engr.) | |
Shields, James | |
Shields, John (Seaman, enlisted Dec. 1838) | |
Shields, John (Actg. Master's Mate) | |
Shields, John (Actg. 3rd Asst. Engr.) | |
Shields, John (GM, USS CONSTITUTION) | |
Shields, John (Seaman, enlisted Oct. 1838) | |
Shields, John P. | |
Shields, Thomas (Purser) | |
Shields, William |
Name | List of Documents |
Shields, William F. | |
Shields, Wilmer | |
Shiels, Connah | |
Shillaber, Joseph | |
Shilling, ------ | |
Shinn, Jacob | |
Shinn, Samuel B. | |
Shinn, Samuel S. | |
Ship, Thomas | |
Shipley, George T. | |
Shipley, George W. | |
Shipley, John | |
Shipley, Samuel I. | |
Shipley, Samuel J. | |
Shipley, Walter | |
Shipman, William W. | |
Shipp, Francis | |
Shipp, George L. | |
Shipp, William C. (Billie) | |
Shippen, Edward | |
Shippen, W.W. | |
Shippey, W.F. | |
Shirk, Charles C. | |
Shirk, James W. | |
Shirk, John | |
Shirley, Ambrose | |
Shirley, Paul | |
Shirley, Thomas | |
Shirley, Shively, C.A. * | |
Shock, William Henry | |
Shoemaker, Francis Richardson | |
Shoemaker, George L. | |
Shoemaker, Howill | |
Shoemaker, Isaac | |
Shoemaker, W.R. (USN) | |
Shoemaker, William R. | |
Sholls, Jacob S. | |
Shorey, Winthrop M. | |
Short, Charles R. | |
Short, Elizabeth A. | |
Short, George C. | |
Short, Giles Elza | |
Short, Hugh S. | |
Short, Jacob | |
Short, John | |
Short, Jonathan | |
Short, Perry | |
Short, Thomas | |
Shotwell, Thomas B. | |
Shotwell, W. | |
Shoultz, John | |
Show, Magnus | |
Shrader, Charles | |
Shrader, Cornelius K. | |
Shrosbree, Robert James | |
Shubrick, (Brothers) | |
Shubrick, Edmund Templer * | |
Shubrick, E.R. (CAPT) | |
Shubrick, Edward R. (Actg. Midshipman 1849) | |
Shubrick, (Family) | |
Shubrick, Irvine | |
Shubrick, John Templer | |
Shubrick, Thomas B. | |
Shubrick, William Branford | |
Shufeldt, Henry Howey | |
Shufeldt, Mason | |
Shufeldt, Robert W. * | |
Shufeldt, Robert W., Jr. | |
Shufeldt, Zachariah | |
Shuldham, Molyneux | |
Shulds, John | |
Shuler, Darius P. | |
Shull, George C. | |
Shulters, Robert | |
Shultice (or Shultine), Simon | |
Shultz, George B. | |
Shumway, A. Dwight | |
Shurtleff, Edward S. | |
Shurtleff, George R. | |
Shurtleff, Roswell Morse | |
Shuster, Jacob | |
Shute, Charles J. (alias George Emerson) | |
Shutes, Henry | |
Shutt, James | |
Sias, John F. | |
Sibell, Edward A. | |
Sibley, Arthur | |
Sibley, Philip | |
Sibley, William E. | |
Sicard, Montgomery * | |
Sickels, John Frederick | |
Sickels, Thomas H. | |
Siddell, James F. | |
Sidell, George B. | |
Sidney, Charles | |
Sidney, Nathaniel | |
Siefgried, Charles A. | |
Siegmund, Walter F. | |
Sienis, P.H. | |
Sievers, Lewis | |
Sigman, Barnett | |
Sigman, Sigourney, James Butler * | |
Sigsbee, C.D. | |
Sigsbee, Charles D. * | |
Silberzahn, Charles | |
Sill, Joseph | |
Sill, William | |
Sillman, Thomas W. | |
Sillman, William S. | |
Silloway, J.E. | |
Sills, Henry | |
Silsby, Samuel T. | |
Silva, Antonio | |
Silva, Joe | |
Silva, Joseph | |
Silva, Joseph F. | |
Silva, Manuel F. | |
Silver, James D. | |
Silver, Joseph | |
Silver, Joseph A. | |
Silver, Marcus B. | |
Silver, N.W. | |
Silver, Robert | |
Silvercahn, Charles R. | |
Silvey, James | |
Silvey, James (or Joseph) | |
Silvey, Lewis P. | |
Silvia, George | |
Sim, Patrick | |
Simes, George T. |
Name | List of Documents |
Simmonds, David A. | |
Simmonds, Joseph | |
Simmonds, Joshua | |
Simmonds, Lewis D. | |
Simmons, ----(Naval Constructor) | |
Simmons, Alex R. | |
Simmons, Calvin Ripley | |
Simmons, George | |
Simmons, George C. | |
Simmons, George E. | |
Simmons, George M. | |
Simmons, George W., Jr. | |
Simmons, J.W. | |
Simmons, John (USS COLUMBUS) | |
Simmons, John (USS COLUMBUS 1839) | |
Simmons, John (Pilot, NYC) | |
Simmons, John W. * | |
Simmons, Joseph | |
Simmons, Lewis | |
Simmons, Melvin | |
Simmons, Pelez | |
Simmons, Robert (USS COLUMBUS) | |
Simmons, Robert (USS CONSTITUTION) | |
Simmons, William (USS COLUMBUS) | |
Simmons, William (1837, Naval Receiving Depot) | |
Simms, ------ | |
Simms, Charles C. * | |
Simms, John Douglas | |
Simms, John D. | |
Simms, John D. | |
Simms, John Douglas | |
Simms, John W. | |
Simms, Joseph M. | |
Simon, Elmanson N. | |
Simon, Isaac | |
Simon, Peter | |
Simon, William | |
Simonds, Calvin | |
Simonds, Francis | |
Simonds, Gustavus | |
Simonds, Jacob Putnam | |
Simonds, Lewis D. | |
Simonds, Lewis E. | |
Simonds, Samuel | |
Simons, Arad | |
Simons, David | |
Simons, George D. | |
Simons, Henry | |
Simons, Joseph | |
Simons, Manley Hale | |
Simons, Maurice | |
Simons, Maurice (Actg. Midshipman) | |
Simons, Richard | |
Simons, Thomas | |
Simons, Webster | |
Simons, Jacob | |
Simonson, Jacob | |
Simonson, Thomas A. | |
Simonton, Hiram | |
Simpkins, James | |
Simple, Alex M. | |
Simpson, David | |
Simpson, E.C. | |
Simpson, Edward | |
Simpson, George C. | |
Simpson, James | |
Simpson, Joseph | |
Simpson, Nathaniel | |
Simpson, Ralph | |
Simpson, Robert | |
Simpson, Robert G. | |
Simpson, Smith L. | |
Simpson, Thomas | |
Simpson, Thomas C. | |
Simpson, Thomas G. | |
Simpson, William (NY Navy) | |
Simpson, William (1815) | |
Sims, Albert L. | |
Sims, Albert S. | |
Sims, Andiron | |
Sims, Clifford Stanley | |
Sims, David R. | |
Sims, Edward | |
Sims, Eli | |
Sims, H.H. | |
Sims, Isaac | |
Sims, Richard | |
Sims, Thomas | |
Sims, Tobias | |
Sims, William Sowden * | |
Sinclair, Arthur * | |
Sinclair, Arthur, Jr. * | |
Sinclair, Charles Henry | |
Sinclair, George | |
Sinclair, George T. | |
Sinclair, James D. | |
Sinclair, John | |
Sinclair, John Jr. | |
Sinclair, John S. (Acting Master's Mate) | |
Sinclair, John S. (Boatswain) | |
Sinclair, Malcolm | |
Sinclair, Thomas | |
Sinclair, William | |
Sinclair, William B. | |
Sinclair, William B., Jr. | |
Sinclair, William H. | |
Singer, Alex | |
Singer, E.C. | |
Singer, F. | |
Singhi, Martin U. | |
Singleton, Jacob H. | |
Singleton, Thomas | |
Sinkler, Charles | |
Sinkler, William | |
Sinton, Richard H. | |
Sipley, Thomas | |
Sirian, George | |
Sirmond, David D. | |
Simpson, Edward (CDR, 1867-1868) |
Name | List of Documents |
Sise, Charles Fleetford | |
Sisson, Charles C. | |
Sisson, Samuel N. | |
Sites, Matthew | |
Sive, Israel | |
Skardon, James M. | |
Skelding, Henry T. | |
Skelding, John | |
Skelding, R.C. | |
Skelding, William | |
Skerrett, Joseph S. * | |
Skerrett, Robert G. | |
Skerritt, John J. | |
Skiddy, Charles S. | |
Skiddy, William * | |
Skidmore, Oscar | |
Skillings, J.M. | |
Skillins, Nehemiah | |
Skillman, John M. | |
Skimmer, John | |
Skinner, Charles (Landsman) | |
Skinner, Charles W. (Captain) | |
Skinner, Daniel | |
Skinner, E.W. | |
Skinner, Edward C. | |
Skinner, H. | |
Skinner, Harry George | |
Skinner, Henry | |
Skinner, James Henry | |
Skinner, John | |
Skinner, John S. | |
Skinner, Sutton Leonard | |
Skinner, Theodore c. | |
Skinner, Thomas | |
Skinner, Thomas L. | |
Skipwith, Grey | |
Skou, Svend J. | |
Slack, _______ (or Slacks, _______ ) | |
Slack, Charles H. | |
Slack, Clarence M. | |
Slack, James T. | |
Slack, John | |
Slack, John Hancock | |
Slack, Josiah | |
Slack, Josias | |
Slack, William B. | |
Slack, William Hall | |
Slacom, Gabriel | |
Slacum, William A. | |
Sladden, Frederick Blake | |
Slade, Charles R. | |
Slade, Lloyd | |
Slamm, Charles W. | |
Slamm, Jefferson Antonio | |
Slamm, Levi D. | |
Slater, Atwood | |
Slater, Berry N. | |
Slater, Henry | |
Slater, J.J. | |
Slater, Joseph | |
Slater, Thomas | |
Slattery, Daniel P. | |
Slaughter, Albert Edward | |
Slaughter, Albert G. | |
Slaughter, Augustine | |
Slaughter, N.G.C. | |
Slaughter, Rich C. | |
Sleaman, John H. | |
Sleeper, George Albert | |
Sleeper, James A. | |
Slidell, Alexander | |
Slidell, John | |
Slight, George A. | |
Sloan, ____ (Chief Gunner) | |
Sloan, Charles E | |
Sloan, Daniel | |
Sloan, Edward | |
Sloan, George | |
Sloan, John (First Mate) | |
Sloan, John (Quarter Gunner) | |
Slight, John F. | |
Sloan, Mathew | |
Sloan, Robert | |
Sloan, R.S. | |
Sloan, Thomas | |
Sloan, Thomas | |
Sloan, Thomas (LT) | |
Sloan, Thomas Charles | |
Sloan, Thomas Murdock | |
Sloan, Thomas Theodore | |
Sloan, William | |
Sloanaker, William | |
Sloat, George V. | |
Sloat, John D. * | |
Slocum, A.L. | |
Slocum, Benjamin | |
Slocum, Charles H. | |
Slocum, Charles M. | |
Slocum, Ebenezer | |
Slocum, George | |
Slocum, George D. | |
Slocum, Jonah (or Josiah) | |
Slocum, William B. | |
Sloman, _____________ | |
Slosson, Henry L. | |
Slough, Granville B. (Dr.) | |
Slough, James S. (or Jonas S.) | |
Slover, James | |
Slover, James T. | |
Slover, John | |
Slutz, John | |
Sluyter, Stephen G. | |
Slyck, Eban | |
Small, Alonzo | |
Small, Edward A. | |
Small, Eldridge F. | |
Small, George | |
Small, George D. | |
Small, Henry H. | |
Small, Jacob | |
Small, John Jr. | |
Small, John W. | |
Small, William (Marine) | |
Small, William (War of 1812) | |
Smallcon, Samuel | |
Smallcorn, John | |
Smallcorn, Samuel | |
Smalley, Anthony | |
Smalley, Jacob M. | |
Smalls, Robert * | |
Smallwood, Norton | |
Smart, Henry N. | |
Smedley, _________ | |
Smedley, Edward | |
Smedley, Samuel | |
Smies, Fred W. | |
Smiley, Matthew | |
Smith, __________ (Surgeon, 1776) | |
Smith, __________ (CDR, 1862) | |
Smith, ____________ (Acting Ensign, 1865) | |
Smith Family (Smith, William; Smith, Robert; Smith, Will) | |
Smith, Leonard, 1813) | |
Smith, A. | |
Smith, A.H. | |
Smith, A. Thomas | |
Smith, Albert Joseph | |
Smith, Albert H. | |
Smith, Albert M. | |
Smith, Albert N. | |
Smith, Albert P. |
Name | List of Documents |
Smith, Albert S. | |
Smith, Alexander (USS COLUMBUS) | |
Smith, Alexander (USS MADISON) | |
Smith, Alexander B. | |
Smith, Alfred T. | |
Smith, Amos (1805) | |
Smith, Amos (1775-1825) | |
Smith, Andrew | |
Smith, Archimedes | |
Smith, Aaron W. | |
Smith, Asel (Haslett) | |
Smith, Augustus R. | |
Smith, B. | |
Smith, Barney | |
Smith, Barzillia | |
Smith, Beatty | |
Smith, Benjamin | |
Smith, Benjamin (died 1851) | |
Smith, Benjamin (1st LT, USS CHESAPEAKE) | |
Smith, Benjamin B. | |
Smith, Benjamin Legg | |
Smith, Charles (Acting Master's Mate) | |
Smith, Charles (CSN) | |
Smith, Charles (Acting Master) | |
Smith, Charles (Midshipman) | |
Smith, Charles | |
Smith, Charles (Sept. 1838) | |
Smith, Charles (Dec. 1838) | |
Smith, Charles (Worcester, MA) | |
Smith, Charles (USS AJAX, Ord. Seaman) | |
Smith, Charles (USS KANSAS) | |
Smith, Charles, Jr. | |
Smith, Charles. Jr. (Acting Ensign) | |
Smith, Charles B. (Acting Paymaster) | |
Smith, Charles B. (Acting Midshipman) | |
Smith, Charles C. | |
Smith, Charles Carol | |
Smith, Charles Emmet | |
Smith, Charles G. (Landman) | |
Smith, Charles G. (Acting Master's Mate) | |
Smith, Charles Henry | |
Smith, Charles R. (Surgeon's Mate) | |
Smith, Charles R. (Acting Midshipman) | |
Smith, Charles W. | |
Smith, China | |
Smith, Christopher | |
Smith, Clay | |
Smith, Clement | |
Smith, D.W. | |
Smith, Daniel (C.S.N) | |
Smith, Daniel (U.S.M.C.) | |
Smith, Daniel (U.S.N.) | |
Smith, Daniel A. (Paymaster) | |
Smith, Daniel A. (Paymaster) * | |
Smith, Daniel A. (Pay Inspector) | |
Smith, David Jr. | |
Smith, David (1859-1903) | |
Smith, David (Acting 2nd Asst. Engineer) | |
Smith, David (Rev. War) | |
Smith, David (enlisted 1837) | |
Smith, E. | |
Smith, E.D.G. (Acting Asst. Surgeon) | |
Smith, Ebenezer (Rev. War) | |
Smith, Ebenezer (Carpenter) | |
Smith, Ebenezer (Ordinary Seaman) | |
Smith, Ebenezer (Landsman) | |
Smith, Ebenezer (USS OSSIPEE) | |
Smith, Edward (Commodore) | |
Smith, Edward (1840) | |
Smith, Edward C. | |
Smith, Edward L. (Midshipman) | |
Smith, Edwin | |
Smith, Elias | |
Smith, Elias Jr. | |
Smith, Elijah | |
Smith, Elijah (USS COLORADO, 1862-63) | |
Smith, Eliphabet | |
Smith, Elisha | |
Smith, Elliott | |
Smith, Enoch | |
Smith, Eugene (Master's Mate) | |
Smith, Eugene R. | |
Smith, F. | |
Smith, Foxhall Parker | |
Smith, Franc is | |
Smith, Francis Williamson | |
Smith, Frank (Landsman) | |
Smith, Frank (Acting Vol. LT) | |
Smith, Frank (Ord. Seaman) | |
Smith, Franklin W. | |
Smith, Frederick (War of 18182) | |
Smith, Frederick (Seaman, 1837) | |
Smith, Frederick N. | |
Smith, G. W. | |
Smith, Gabril | |
Smith, George (Boatswain) | |
Smith, George (1st Class Pilot) | |
Smith, George (Coal Heaver) | |
Smith, George (Acting Master's Mate) | |
Smith, George (Acting Ensign) | |
Smith, George (Actign 3rd Asst. Engineer) | |
Smith, George (June 1862) | |
Smith, George (Seaman) | |
Smith, George (June 1837) | |
Smith, George (1st Class Fireman) | |
Smith, George A. (Acting Ensign) | |
Smith, George A. (Acting Vol. LT) | |
Smith, George C. | |
Smith, George F. | |
Smith, George Geddes | |
Smith, George H. | |
Smith, George L. | |
Smith, George M. (Acting 3rd Asst. Engineer) | |
Smith, George M. (Acting Ensign) | |
Smith, George W. (2nd Engineer, Army) * | |
Smith, George W. (Acting Ensign) | |
Smith, George W. (Seaman) | |
Smith, George W. (Landsman) | |
Smith, George W. (CSN) | |
Smith, Gideon P. | |
Smith, Henrich | |
Smith, Henry (Acting Master's Mate) | |
Smith, Henry (Landsman) | |
Smith, Henry (Jan. 1838) | |
Smith, Henry (Marine Corps, CS) | |
Smith, Henry A. (Seaman) | |
Smith, Henry A. | |
Smith, Henry Clay | |
Smith, Henry H. | |
Smith, Henry R. | |
Smith, Henry Wright | |
Smith, Horatio D. | |
Smith, Howard (Asst. Surgeon) | |
Smith, Howard J. | |
Smith, Ira | |
Smith, Isaac (Master) | |
Smith, Isaac D. | |
Smith, Isaac William | |
Smith, Isabel | |
Smith, J. (C.O. , 1777, 1781) | |
Smith, J. (C.O. 1779) | |
Smith, J. Adams | |
Smith, J.B. | |
Smith, J.B.F. | |
Smith, J.M. or Smith, James Magill | |
Smith, J. Maffitt | |
Smith, J. Vaughan | |
Smith, J.W. (Acting Master) | |
Smith, J.W. (Seaman, CSN | |
Smith, J.W. (Landsman, CSN) | |
Smith, Jacob (Nov. 1838) | |
Smith, Jacob (USS STEBBIN) | |
Smith, Jacob J. | |
Smith, James (Rev. War) | |
Smith, James (Sept. 1838) | |
Smith, James (CAPT of Mizzentop, USS HARTFORD) | |
Smith, James (Seaman, Sept. 1838) | |
Smith, James (Landsman, 1838) | |
Smith, James (Ord. Seaman, 1837) | |
Smith, James (Seaman, May 1838) | |
Smith, James (Seaman, 1837) | |
Smith, James (Ord. Seaman, Sept.1839) | |
Smith, James (Acting Master's Mate) | |
Smith, James (1st Class Fireman) | |
Smith, James (2nd Class Fireman) | |
Smith, James (Seaman, USS MONTGOMERY) | |
Smith, James (Shipbuilder) | |
Smith, James A. | |
Smith, James E. (CSN) | |
Smith, James E. (3rd Asst. Engineer) | |
Smith, James K. (Seaman, 1839) | |
Smith, James K. (CSN) | |
Smith, James L. | |
Smith, James M. or Magill | |
Smith, James M. (Landsman, March 1838) | |
Smith, James W. | |
Smith, Jedediah | |
Smith, Jesse III (1825) | |
Smith, Jesse B. (1864-74) | |
Smith, Jesse M. | |
Smith, John (CAPT, 1799-1815) * | |
Smith, John (Rev. War with Stephen Decatur) * | |
Smith, John (Acting Boatswain, 1839) | |
Smith, John (Acting 3rd Engineer) | |
Smith, John (Acting Master's Mate) | |
Smith, John (Landsman, USS MENDOTA) | |
Smith, John (Enlisted Boston, Jan. 1836 | |
Smith, John (Enlisted Boston, July 1836) | |
Smith, John (Enlisted Charlestown, Apr. 1837) | |
Smith, John (Enlisted Charlestown, May 1837) | |
Smith, John (Enlisted Charlestown, June 5, 1837) | |
Smith, John (Enlisted Charlestown, June 24, 1837) | |
Smith, John (Enlisted Charlestown, July 1837) | |
Smith, John (Enlisted Charlestown, 1839) | |
Smith, John (Private, 1803) | |
Smith, John (Quartermaster, CSS ATLANTA) | |
Smith, John --SEE DRISCOLL, DARBY | |
Smith, John (Rev. War, alias Darby Cushman) | |
Smith, John (Pungoteague Creek, VA) | |
Smith, John (Seaman, died 1944) | |
Smith, John (Seaman, CSN) | |
Smith, John (Seaman, CSS OCONEE) | |
Smith, John (Seaman, CSS SAVANNAH) | |
Smith, John (Seaman, CSS TENNESSEE) | |
Smith, John (Seaman, Rev. War) | |
Smith, John (Seaman, USS JAVA) | |
Smith, John (Shipbuilder) | |
Smith, John (Surgeon) | |
Smith, John (Surgeon's Steward) | |
Smith, John (USS ALLIANCE) | |
Smith, John (Enlisted on COLUMBUS, Jan. 1838) | |
Smith, John (Enlisted on COLUMBUS, Sept. 14, 1838) | |
Smith, John (Enlisted on COLUMBUS, Sept. 29, 1838) | |
Smith, John (Enlisted on COLUMBUS, Nov. 1838) | |
Smith, John (USS INDEPENDENCE) | |
Smith, John (USS WASP) | |
Smith, John (1845) |
Name | List of Documents |
Smith, John A. | |
Smith, John B. (USS CONSTITUTION) | |
Smith, John B. (Ord. Seaman, 1836) | |
Smith, John B.F. | |
Smith, John C. (Boy) | |
Smith, John C. (Yeoman, 1864) | |
Smith, John C. (Ship's Writer, 1976) | |
Smith, John D. or Duncan (Tripoli) | |
Smith, John D. (CSN) | |
Smith, John E. | |
Smith, John H. (Tripoli) | |
Smith, John H. (Seaman, 1836) | |
Smith, John H. (Midshipman) | |
Smith, John Henry (USS NAHANT) | |
Smith, John Henry (Seaman) | |
Smith, John Holly | |
Smith, John Howard (Asst. Surgeon) | |
Smith, John P. | |
Smith, John R. | |
Smith, John T. | |
Smith, John V. | |
Smith, John W. (Surgeon's Steward) | |
Smith, John Wesley (CAPT, USN) | |
Smith, Joseph (Acting Gunner) | |
Smith, Joseph (Purser, USN) | |
Smith, Joseph (ADM) * | |
Smith, Joseph (Ship's Cook, 1833) | |
Smith, Joseph (Seaman, CSN) | |
Smith, Joseph A. | |
Smith, Joseph B. | |
Smith, Joseph E. | |
Smith, Joseph R. | |
Smith, Joseph T. | |
Smith, Josiah | |
Smith, Julius J. | |
Smith, Leon | |
Smith, Leonard (1813)--SEE SMITH FAMILY | |
Smith, Levi | |
Smith, Levi W. | |
Smith, Lewis | |
Smith, Lorenzo | |
Smith, Luther F. | |
Smith, Luther W. | |
Smith, Lyman B. | |
Smith, M. | |
Smith, M.J. | |
Smith, Manassah | |
Smith, Marshall | |
Smith, Marshall J. | |
Smith, Mathew | |
Smith, Melancton | |
Smith, Micajah | |
Smith, Michael (CSN, 1863) | |
Smith, Michael (Coal Passer, 1901) | |
Smith, Milby | |
Smith, Milo H. | |
Smith, Moses (Ensign) | |
Smith, Moses (Ordinary Seaman, 1812) | |
Smith, Moses R. | |
Smith, Moses S. | |
Smith, Smith, Nathan D. | |
Smith, Nathaniel S. | |
Smith, Nelson | |
Smith, Newton C. | |
Smith, Nicholas | |
Smith, Oliver (1783) | |
Smith, Oliver (1839) | |
Smith, Omar | |
Smith, Orville G. | |
Smith, Oscar (Apprentice Seaman) | |
Smith, Oscar L. | |
Smith, Patrick | |
Smith, Peter (Asst. Engineer) | |
Smith, Peter (Quartermaster, CSN) | |
Smith, Peter H. | |
Smith, P.W. | |
Smith, Philip (1836) | |
Smith, Philip (Acting Master, CSN) | |
Smith, R. | |
Smith, R.H. | |
Smith, R.M. | |
Smith, R.S., Jr. | |
Smith, Richard | |
Smith, Rueben (1827) | |
Smith, Rueben (1866) | |
Smith, Richard | |
Smith, Richard J. | |
Smith, Richard W. | |
Smith, Robert (SecNav) | |
Smith, Robert (Privateersman) | |
Smith, Robert (1813)--SEE SMITH FAMILY | |
Smith, Robert (Landsman) | |
Smith, Robert (Seaman, 1836) | |
Smith, Robert (Able Seaman, 1826) | |
Smith, Robert (Acting Boatswain's Mate, CSN) | |
Smith, Robert B. (Acting Gunner) | |
Smith, Robert H. | |
Smith, Robert J. | |
Smith, Robert R. | |
Smith, Robert S. | |
Smith, Rodney | |
Smith, Russell | |
Smith, S. (Connecticut Galley ADVENTURE) | |
Smith, S. (Massachusetts Sch. FLY) | |
Smith, S. (Massachusetts Sch. CUTTER) | |
Smith, S. Horace | |
Smith, Samuel (1752-1839) | |
Smith, Samuel (Seaman, 1849) | |
Smith, Samuel (Major General) | |
Smith, Samuel (Ord. Seaman) | |
Smith, Smith, Samuel (Able Seaman, 1839) | |
Smith, Samuel (Ord. Seaman, 1833) | |
Smith, Samuel (Midshipman) | |
Smith, Samuel (Seaman, CSN) | |
Smith, Samuel B. | |
Smith, Samuel DeHaven | |
Smith, Seth W. | |
Smith, Sidney (Midshipman) | |
Smith, Sidney (2nd Asst. Engineer) | |
Smith, Sidney L. | |
Smith, Silas T.C. | |
Smith, S imeon | |
Smith, Simeon W. | |
Smith, T. | |
Smith, Theophilus Washington | |
Smith, Thomas (3rd LT, ENTERPRISE) | |
Smith, Thomas (Boatswain's Mate, War ot 1812) | |
Smith, Thomas (Boatswain's Mate, PAUL JONES) | |
Smith, Thomas (Seaman, Enlisted 1836) | |
Smith, Thomas (Seaman, Enlisted Oct. 1838) | |
Smith, Thomas (Seaman, Enlisted Sept. 1838) |
Name | List of Documents |
Smith, Thomas (Seaman, Enlisted July 1838) | |
Smith, Thomas (Seaman, Enlisted Nov. 1839) | |
Smith, Thomas (Landsman, Enlisted June 1837) | |
Smith, Thomas (Acting Boatswain, 1857) | |
Smith, Thomas (Acting Ensign) | |
Smith, Thomas (Seaman) | |
Smith, Thomas (Seaman, CSN, 18 Mar. 1862 | |
Smith, Thomas (Seaman Feb. 1862) | |
Smith, Thomas (Chief Gunner) | |
Smith, Thomas (Acting Master) | |
Smith, Thomas (Seaman, died 1862) | |
Smith, Thomas (CAPT) | |
Smith, Thomas D. | |
Smith, Thomas Delap | |
Smith, Thomas E. (Acting Vol. LT) | |
Smith, Thomas E. (Acting Vol. LT, USS MONTICELLO) | |
Smith, Thomas H. | |
Smith, Thomas L. | |
Smith, Thomas M. | |
Smith, Timothy | |
Smith, U. | |
Smith, Vincent | |
Smith, W. | |
Smith, W.T. | |
Smith, W.W. (CSN) | |
Smith, W.W. (USN, 1875) | |
Smith, Walter B. | |
Smith, Walter N. | |
Smith, Waters Watson | |
Smith, Will (1813) SEE SMITH FAMILY | |
Smith, William (Commodore, 1823-73) * | |
Smith, William (Rev. War) | |
Smith, William (LT, RISING SUN) | |
Smith, William (CAPT) | |
Smith, William (War of 1812) | |
Smith, William (1813)--SEE SMITH FAMILY | |
Smith, William (3rd Asst. Engineer) | |
Smith, William (LT) | |
Smith, William (Seaman, Enlisted on COLUMBUS, 1838) | |
Smith, William (Seaman, Enlisted on COLUMBUS, 1837) | |
Smith, William (Seaman, Enlisted on COLUMBUS, Sept. 1838) | |
Smith, William (Seaman, Enlisted on COLUMBUS, Apr. 1838) | |
Smith, William (Landsman, Enlisted on COLUMBUS, Jan. 1837) | |
Smith, William (Seaman, Enlisted June 1837) | |
Smith, William (Seaman, Enlisted on COLUMBUS, Aug. 1838) | |
Smith, William (NEW YORK, 1840) | |
Smith, William (2nd Class Boy, Enlisted 1838) | |
Smith, William (Boatswain's Mate, 1861-65) | |
Smith, William (1858) | |
Smith, William (Seaman, CHICOPEE) | |
Smith, William (Boatswain, USN & CSN) | |
Smith, William (2nd Asst. Engineer, CSN) | |
Smith, William (Master's Mate, CSN) | |
Smith, William (Seaman, CSN) | |
Smith, William (Fireman, 1st class, CSN) | |
Smith, William (Acting Master, CSN) | |
Smith, William (Engineer, CSN) | |
Smith, William (Boatswain, CSN) | |
Smith, William (CAPT) | |
Smith, William B. (Coxswain) | |
Smith, William B. (Ord. Seaman) | |
Smith, William B. (Seaman, CSN) | |
Smith, William B. (Private, CSMC) | |
Smith, William G. | |
Smith, William H. (Acting Master's Mate) | |
Smith, William H. (Acting Midshipman) | |
Smith, William H. (Fireman, CSN) | |
Smith, William H. (Acting 3rd Asst. Engineer) | |
Smith, William Henry | |
Smith, William P. (War of 1812) | |
Smith, William P. (Prisoner, War of 1812) | |
Smith, William P. (Midshipman, died Sept. 18, 1814) | |
Smith, William R. (Seaman, CSN) | |
Smith, William S. | |
Smith, William Stewart | |
Smith, William Taylor | |
Smith, William Thomas | |
Smith, William V. | |
Smith, William W. (Acting Ensign) | |
Smith, William W. (Acting 2nd Asst. Engineer) | |
Smith, William W. (Acting 3rd Asst. Engineer) | |
Smith, William Wallace | |
Smith, Wright | |
Smith, Xanthus | |
Smithers, William | |
Smithwick, James R. | |
Smitley, Frederick | |
Smitten, Charles H. | |
Smoke, Samuel D. | |
Smoot, George W. Hendley Joseph | |
Smothers, Thomas | |
Smyth, James (Fireman, 2nd Class) | |
Smyth, James (2nd Asst. Engineer) | |
Smyth, Samuel B. | |
Snare, Elisha | |
Sneath, William | |
Snedeker, William Allaire | |
Sneed, William M. | |
Snell, Alfred T. | |
Snell, John C. | |
Snell, Martin | |
Snell, R. | |
Sniff, Martin | |
Snor, John J. | |
Snow, __________ | |
Snow, Allen W. | |
Snow, E.N. | |
Snow, Ephraim | |
Snow, Frank E. | |
Snow, Freeman | |
Snow, Jacob | |
Snow, James | |
Snow, Jesse | |
Snow, John | |
Snow, John S. | |
Snow, Joseph C. | |
Snow, Lorenzo | |
Snow, William | |
Snowden, Thomas | |
Snyder, Asa P. | |
Snyder, Enas | |
Snyder, George White | |
Snyder, Henry | |
Snyder, Henry F. | |
Snyder, Henry Lee | |
Snyder, John (War of 1812) | |
Snyder, John (Volunteer Officer) | |
Snyder, John (Gunner Applicant, 1850) | |
Sodenberg, Birger Bernard | |
Sodin, M.J. | |
Sofield, Isaac | |
Softly, James | |
Solan, Michael | |
Solberg, _____________ | |
Soldier, ____________ | |
Soles, George F. | |
Soley, James Russell | Biography |
Soley, John C. | |
Soley, Stephen | |
Solis, ____________ | |
Solis, Abraham | |
Solomon, K.A. | |
Somermeir, William | |
Somers, Joseph H. | |
Somers, Richard * | |
Somersby, Joseph P. | |
Somerville, James H. | |
Somerville, William | |
Somes, Charles T. | |
Somes, J. (Amer. Rev.) | |
Sommers, Charles | |
Sommers, Joseph | |
Sommers, Lawrence | |
Sommers, Robert | |
Sommers, Rudolph (Acting Master) | |
Sommers, Rudolph S. * | |
Sommerville, George W. | |
Sooy, Ebeneazer | |
Sooy, Jesse Albert | |
Soper, Anthony | |
Sorgea, August | |
Sorver, Jacob | |
Sotere, John | |
Sothoron, Marshall L. | |
Souder, John | |
Souer, George | |
Soule, Thomas | |
Souer, Thomas H. | |
Soulter, John | |
Sousa, John Philip | |
South, Perry | |
Southall, Albert G. | |
Southall, Payton A. | |
Southard, Allen P. | |
Southard, Oliver | |
Southard, Samuel Lewis (secnav) | |
Southcomb, John | |
Southmayd, John | |
Southward, George | |
Southwell, Robert | |
Southwick, John | |
Southworth, Asa P. | |
Southworth, Edward B. | |
Souza, William H. | |
Sowerby, J.J. | |
Spackman, John H. | |
Spafford, Thomas | |
Spain, Michael | |
Spain, Thomas J. | |
Spalding, Edward | |
Spalding, J.C. | |
Spalding, J.W. | |
Spalding, Joseph A. | |
Spalding, Josiah C. | |
Spalding, Lyman G. | |
Spalding, Rufus (Acting Midshipman) | |
Spalding, Rufus C. (Paymaster) | |
Spanburgh, Leonard | |
Spangler, Daniel M. | |
Spangler, Samuel S. | |
Spare, John | |
Sparhawk, George | |
Sparkman, William | |
Sparks, A.D. | |
Sparks, Charles D. | |
Sparks, Gale W. | |
Sparks, James P. | |
Sparks, William | |
Sparling, Thomas | |
Sparre, John |
Name | List of Documents |
Sparrow, Henry Spencer | |
Sparrow, Herbert G. | |
Sparrow, James | |
Sparrow, Thomas | |
Spatts, William F. | |
Spatz, John William | |
Spaulding, Arthur Jr. | |
Spaulding, Austin (Landsman) | |
Spaulding, Austin (born 8 Aug. 1820) | |
Spaulding, B. Adams | |
Spaulding, Daniel | |
Spaulding, George | |
Spaulding, George Joseph | |
Spaulding, Joseph | |
Spaulding, William M. | |
Spavin, Robert | |
Speake, Joseph M. | |
Speake, Josias M. | |
Speakman, Thomas B. | |
Spear, Alden T. | |
Spear, Christopher A. | |
Spear, George | |
Spear, Harrison | |
Spear, Henry (CSN) | |
Spear, Henry (Surgeon's Steward) | |
Spear, John (Seaman) | |
Spear, John C. (Surgeon) | |
Spear, Joseph H. | |
Spear, Lawrence | |
Spear, Nathan | |
Spear, Oliver | |
Spear, Otis G. | |
Spear, Raymond | |
Spear, Robert (Amer. Rev.) | |
Spear, Robert (Seaman, 1834) | |
Spector, John * | |
Spedden, Edward T. | |
Speece, George Washington | |
Speed, James M. | |
Speed, William | |
Speel, John N. | |
Speer, Charles | |
Speer, G.A. | |
Speer, Robert | |
Speiden, Edgar | |
Speiden, George | |
Speight, Henry W. | |
Speights, Thomas I. | |
Speights, Thomas J. | |
Speirs, Robert | |
Speller, James | |
Speller, John | |
Spelman, Asa | |
Spelman, William | |
Spence, Henry J. | |
Spence, James (Ord. Seaman) | |
Spence, James (Seaman) | |
Spence, John | |
Spence, Keith | |
Spence, Philip B. | |
Spence, Robert Traill | |
Spencer, A. Paul | |
Spencer, Calvin | |
Spencer, Earle | |
Spencer, J. (Amer. Rev.) | |
Spencer, James (Master's Mate) | |
Spencer, James (Seaman) | |
Spencer, John (Ordinary Seaman) | |
Spencer, John (born in New York) | |
Spencer, John (Amer. Rev.) | |
Spencer, John Canfield Jr. | |
Spencer, John L. | |
Spencer, Julian Murray | |
Spencer, Philip (Midshipman) | Biography |
Spencer, Philip D. | |
Spencer, Samuel | |
Spencer, Theodore M. | |
Spencer, Thomas (Carpenter) | |
Spencer, Thomas Starr | |
Spencer, Thomas W. | |
Spencer, William (Landsman) | |
Spencer, William Augustus | |
Speraw, Charles F. | |
Sperry, Charles | |
Sperry, Charles Stillman | |
Sperry, Eli | |
Sperry, Jacob F. | |
Sperry, Robert J. | |
Spicer, Frederick | |
Spicer, John W. | |
Spicer, Peter W. | |
Spicer, Walter | |
Spicer, William | |
Spicer, William F. | |
Spicknall, Joseph | |
Spikes, W.B. | |
Spillard, David | |
Spiller, Oscar M. | |
Spink, Fred W. | |
Spink, Richard | |
Spinney, Alexander | |
Spinney, David W. | |
Spinney, George | |
Spinney, John | |
Spofford, Thomas | |
Spokesfield, John | |
Spooner, Alden B. | |
Spooner, Charles W. * | |
Spooner, Ebenezer | |
Spooner, Henry W. | |
Spooner, Thomas | |
Spooner, William E. | |
Spooner, Zoah | |
Spotswood, Charles F.M. * | |
Spotswood, George W. | |
Spotswood, Henry | |
Spotswood, James | |
Spotswood, John Augustine | |
Spottiswood, Alexander | |
Spotts, James H. * | |
Spottswood, William A.W. | |
Spraggins, Richard | |
Sprague, Archibald | |
Sprague, Chauncey A. | |
Sprague, Daniel R. | |
Sprague, Darius | |
Sprague, Edward P. | |
Sprague, Ephraim | |
Sprague, Horace B. | |
Sprague, James P. | |
Sprague, Joseph | |
Sprague, Laban | |
Sprague, Lucas | |
Sprague, Phineas | |
Sprague, William (Acting 1st Asst. Engineer) | |
Sprague, William H. | |
Spratley, Meredith | |
Spratley, T.W. | |
Sprenger, William O.G. | |
Sprigg, Horatio S. | |
Sprigg, Samuel | |
Spriggs, James H. | |
Sprigman, James H. | |
Spring, Charles | |
Springer, Andrew | |
Springer, Edward D. | |
Springer, Henry | |
Springle, Charles | |
Sproston, George S. (Acting Asst. Paymaster, 1863) | |
Sproston, George S. (Surgeon, 1832) | |
Sproston, John G. | |
Sproston, John Glendy |
Name | List of Documents |
Sprott, William | |
Sprout, George | |
Spruill, C.H. | |
Spunau, Henry | |
Spurlin, Hanson | |
Squibb, Edward Robinson * | |
Squire, Ezra | |
Squire, Joab | |
Squire, Joseph | |
Squires, Charles | |
Squires, Richard | |
Squires, Theoron W. | |
Staab, John | |
Staats, Peter P. | |
Stacey, Joseph | |
Stack, Edward * | |
Stackpole, George E. | |
Stackpole, Henry | |
Stackpole, William | |
Stacy, __________(1776) | |
Stacy, Duane P. | |
Stacy, John | |
Stacy, John (Rev. War) | |
Stacy, May Humphreys | |
Stacy, Samuel S. | |
Stacy, William | |
Stadtmiller, Louis Roemey | |
Staenger, John M. | |
Stafford, George | |
Stafford, J.C. | |
Stafford, James Bayard * | |
Stafford, James M. | |
Stafford, Jaob | |
Stafford, John | |
Stafford, Joseph Warren | |
Stafford, William (Rev. War) | |
Stafford, William J. | |
Stalberg, Jacob | |
Staley, Daniel | |
Stalkers, William | |
Stall, John | |
Stallings, Benjamin | |
Stallings, James | |
Stallings, Joseph | |
Stanley, George | |
Stanley, Henry | |
Stamm, William S. | |
Stancliff, Henry T. | |
Stancliff, H. Trumbull | |
Standin, William H. | |
Standish, Warren | |
Standley, ___________ | |
Standley, William Harry * | |
Stanfield, thomas | |
Stanford, E.M. | |
Stanford, George | |
Stanford, John J. | |
Stanford, William H. | |
Stanley, B.P. | |
Stanley, Charles J. | |
Stanley, Fredrick | |
Stanley, Henry Morton | |
Stanley, Henry T. | |
Stanley, James G. | |
Stanley, Samuel | |
Stanley, William (1864) | |
Stanley, William (Rev. War) | |
Stanly, Fabius * | |
Stannard Family | |
Stannard, Joseph E. | |
Stannard, William A. | |
Stannard, William M. | |
Stanning, Frederick | |
Stansbury, Andrew | |
Stansbury, Hammond N. | |
Stansbury, James B. | |
Stansbury, James W. | |
Stansbury, John | |
Stanton, Charles T. or F. * | |
Stanton, Clarence L. | |
Stanton, Curtis | |
Stanton, Edward Paul | |
Stanton, Francis | |
Stanton, John | |
Stanton, N.B. | |
Stanton, Oscar * | |
Stanton, Thomas | |
Stanton, William B. | |
Stantz, Otis Gilbert | |
Stanworth, C.S. | |
Stapelton, John Lytt | |
Staples, Charles Barbour | |
Staples, John M. | |
Staples, Nathaniel | |
Staples, William C. | |
Stapleton, Jesse J. | |
Stapleton, William | |
Starbuck, A.W. | |
Starbuck, David Joy | |
Starbuck, Matthew | |
Starbuck, Nathaniel | |
Starbuck, Owen | |
Starbuck, Samuel | |
Stark, Benjamin | |
Stark, John (Seaman, 1863) | |
Stark, John (1860) | |
Stark, William A. or H. | |
Starke, Alexander | |
Starkey, John Leander | |
Starkton, Richard | |
Starley, George | |
Starr, Daniel | |
Starr, Jared | |
Starr, Job (Joseph V.) | |
Starr, Phineas Ross | |
Starrett, Adrian C. | |
Starrett, William W. | |
Start, Edward | |
Staton, Moses | |
Staugh, ___________ * | |
Staunton, George H. | |
Staunton, Richard | |
Stavey, Nicholas H. | |
Steadman, Charles E. | |
Steadman, Horace D. | |
Steadman, Thomas | |
Stearns, Charles Robert | |
Stearns, David | |
Stearns, Joshua Brackett | |
Stearns, R.J. | |
Stearns, William J. | |
Steavens, James | |
Stebbins, __________ | |
Stebbins, A.G. | |
Stebbins, Augustus G. (1839) | |
Stebbins, Chillingworth | |
Stebbins, De Wayne | |
Stebbins, Leonard | |
Stecker, Henry S. | |
Steckle, John F. | |
Stedman, Charles E. (Surgeon's Steward) | |
Stedman, Charles Ellery (Surgeon) * |
Name | List of Documents |
Stedman, Franklin | |
Stedman, Myron | |
Steece, Tecumseh | |
Steel, Edgar | |
Steel, Joseph | |
Steel, Robert | |
Steel, S.J. | |
Steel, T. | |
Steel, Thomas | |
Steel, William | |
Steel, William F. | |
Steele, Amos | |
Steele, Hervey | |
Steele, John | |
Steele, John Francis | |
Steele, John Murray | |
Steele, R.E. | |
Steele, Robert | |
Steele, William | |
Steele, William (Midshipman, War of 1812) | |
Steele, William F. | |
Steelman, Charles | |
Steelman, John | |
Steelman, Jonathan (Pilot, 1830-70) | |
Steelman, Jonathan (Brig FAME, 1781) | |
Steely, Gabriel | |
Steely, Ulrich | |
Steen, G.A. | |
Steers, Henry | |
Steers, Joseph E. | |
Steers, Samuel | |
Steers, Thomas | |
Steers, William (Pilot, War of 1812) | |
Steers, William (Seaman) | |
Steerwell, James | |
Steever, Charles Lawrence | |
Steger, William H. | |
Steiger, John J. | |
Stein, Wilhelm | |
Steinberger, A.B. | |
Steinhagen, William Henry | |
Steinrude, Joseph | |
Steitler, Charles | |
Stellwagen, Daniel | |
Stellwagen, Henry S. | |
Stellwagon, Thomas | |
Stembel, James McB. | |
Stembel, Roger N. | |
Stenger, John M. | |
Stenson, Fenwick | |
Stephen, David | |
Stephen, Jesse J. | |
Stephen, John | |
Stephens, Alexander H. | |
Stephens, Elihu | |
Stephens, Jacob | |
Stephens, James D. | |
Stephens, John Sylvester | |
Stephens, Joseph | |
Stephens, Matson M. | |
Stephens, Peter | |
Stephens, Richard | |
Stephens, Rufus | |
Stephens, Thomas | |
Stephens, Van | |
Stephens, William | |
Stephens, William White | |
Stephenson, Alexander | |
Stephenson, F.B. | |
Stephenson, George | |
Stephenson, George B. | |
Stephenson, Lloyd B. | |
Stephenson, W.O. | |
Stephenson, William O. | |
Stepleton, Jesse J. | |
Sterdphant, Sherman | |
Sterett, Andrew | |
Sterett, Isaac S. | |
Sterett, James S. | |
Sterling, Aaron Drake | |
Sterling, N.S. (CSN) | |
Sterling, Neil H. | |
Sterling, Yates | |
Stern, Fred | |
Sterrett, A.C. | |
Sterrett, William M. | |
Steuart, William * | |
Steuben, F.W.A.H. von * | |
Stevens, ___________(LT) | |
Stevens, Al | |
Stevens, Alexander G. | |
Stevens, Amos P. | |
Stevens, Benjamin | |
Stevens, Charles | |
Stevens, Charles G. | |
Stevens, Clement H. | |
Stevens, Clement W. | |
Stevens, D. | |
Stevens, David Stevens, | |
Stevens, Edward | |
Stevens, Elihu | |
Stevens, Elisha | |
Stevens, F.W. | |
Stevens, Francis P. | |
Stevens, Frank | |
Stevens, George | |
Stevens, George A. * | |
Stevens, George H. | |
Stevens, George Washington | |
Stevens, Henry | |
Stevens, Henry K. | |
Stevens, Henry W. | |
Stevens, J. | |
Stevens, John (Seaman) | |
Stevens, John (1785) | |
Stevens, John (1829) | |
Stevens, John H. | |
Stevens, Jonathan | |
Stevens, Joseph (Actg. Asst. Surgeon) | |
Stevens, Joseph B. | |
Stevens, Leven | |
Stevens, Moses P. | |
Stevens, Nehemiah | |
Stevens, Peirce S. | |
Stevens, Richard (Sailing Master, 1777-80) | |
Stevens, Richard (Act. Surgeon's Mate) | |
Stevens, Robert (Gunner's Mate) | |
Stevens, Robert E. | |
Stevens, Stevens, Samuel | |
Stevens, Thomas Holdup * | |
Stevens, Stevens, Thomas J. | |
Stevens, W.H. | |
Stevens, William F. | |
Stevens, William G. | |
Stevens, William H.H. | |
Stevenson, _____________(1864) | |
Stevenson, Allen | |
Stevenson, Andrew | |
Stevenson, Edmund | |
Stevenson, Ely | |
Stevenson, H.N. | |
Stevenson, James L. | |
Stevenson, James M. | |
Stevenson, John A. | |
Stevenson, John H. * | |
Stevenson, Joseph |
Name | List of Documents |
Stevenson, Lewis | |
Stevenson, Robert | |
Stevenson, William | |
Stevenson, William (Seaman, 1837) | |
Stevenson, William (Seaman, 1883) | |
Stevenson, William (Master, 1813) | |
Stevenson, William F. | |
Stevenson, William O. | |
Stevenson, William T. | |
Steward, Charles | |
Steward, Charles J. | |
Steward, James | |
Steward, John M. | |
Steward, Melville | |
Steward, William | |
Stewards, John | |
Stewart Family | |
Stewart, _________ (Midshipman) | |
Stewart, Abraham | |
Stewart, Alexander | |
Stewart, C.A. | |
Stewart, Charles * | |
Stewart, Charles (Rev. War) | |
Stewart, Charles (Enlisted 1838) | |
Stewart, Charles (1876) | |
Stewart, Charles S. | |
Stewart, Charles W. | |
Stewart, D. A. | |
Stewart, Daniel | |
Stewart, Daniel V. | |
Stewart, David (CSN) | |
Stewart, David A. | |
Stewart, David C. (1862) | |
Stewart, David C. (1907) | |
Stewart, David R. | |
Stewart, Edwin | |
Stewart, Francis | |
Stewart, George | |
Stewart, Henry | |
Stewart, Henry H. | |
Stewart, J.A.B. | |
Stewart, J.W. | |
Stewart, James | |
Stewart, James H. | |
Stewart, James M. | |
Stewart, Jesse | |
Stewart, John (Rev. War) | |
Stewart, John (Lake Erie) | |
Stewart, John (War of 1812) | |
Stewart, John (1847) | |
Stewart, John (LT, 1810) | |
Stewart, John A. | |
Stewart, John B. * | |
Stewart, Joseph | |
Stewart, Joseph A. | |
Stewart, Lydia A. | |
Stewart, Robert | |
Stewart, Robert F. | |
Stewart, Samuel | |
Stewart, Samuel Turner | |
Stewart, Scoby | |
Stewart, Thomas (Gunner, 1861) | |
Stewart, Thomas (War of 1812) | |
Stewart, Thomas Bruen | |
Stewart, Thomas W. | |
Stewart, Thornton | |
Stewart, William (CSN) | |
Stewart, William (Rev. War) | |
Stewart, William (CAPT, 1778) | |
Stewart, William (Seaman, 1838) | |
Stewart, William Francis | |
Stewart, William H. | |
Stewart, William M. | |
Stewart, William N. | |
Stewart, William W. | |
Stickney, David | |
Stickney, Frank H. * | |
Stickney, Henry | |
Stickney, J.L. | |
Stickney, John (Landsman, 1837) | |
Stickney, John E. | |
Stiker, Leon C. | |
Stiles, Edward C. | |
Stiles, George | |
Stiles, John | |
Stiles, Joseph | |
Stiles, Matthew | |
Stiles, Richard | |
Stiles, Samuel | |
Stiles, Townsend | |
Stiles, William Harold | |
Still, John Hamilton | |
Still, Lewis | |
Still, Richard | |
Still, William | |
Stillings, James | |
Stillings, Samuel Vinton | |
Stillman, Charles A. | |
Stillman, Joseph Bennett | |
Stillman, Otis Robins | |
Stillman, Wyllys | |
Stillson, Daniel Chapman | |
Stillson, George D. | |
Stillwell, Enoch | |
Stillwell, James | |
Stillwell, John | |
Stillwell, Richard | |
Stilphen, Thomas | |
Stilwell, Stephen S. | |
Stimers, Alban C. | |
Stimpson, James H. | |
Stimpson, Melvin O. | |
Stimson, Joseph S. | |
Stinchfield, John | |
Stineruck, William A. | |
Stinson, Alexander | |
Stinson, Alfred A. | |
Stinson, George | |
Stinson, James | |
Stitt, James | |
Stitwell, J. | |
Stiver, William C. | |
Stivers, George W. | |
Stivers, William | |
Stoakes, John W. | |
Stoakley, William S. | |
Stockbridge, Joseph | |
Stockdale, A. | |
Stockdell, Joseph | |
Stocker, Emmanuel | |
Stocker, Henry | |
Stocker, James Thomas | |
Stocking, Reuben | |
Stocking, Roderick | |
Stockinger, __________(SGT) | |
Stockton, Charles Herbert | |
Stockton, Edward Cantey | |
Stockton, Francis B. | |
Stockton, Gilchrist B. | |
Stockton, Henry T. | |
Stockton, Richard F. | |
Stockton, Robert Field * | |
Stockwell, Charles | |
Stockwell, Elbert | |
Stockwell, Mirandia |
Name | List of Documents |
Stoddard, Charles | |
Stoddard, E.M. | |
Stoddard, George | |
Stoddard, George G. | |
Stoddard, James | |
Stoddard, Luther | |
Stoddard, N. | |
Stoddard, William B. | |
Stodder, David | |
Stodder, David (Seaman, 1838) | |
Stodder, John S. | |
Stodder, Louis | |
Stoddert, Benjamin * | Biography |
Stokely, John | |
Stokes, David M. | |
Stokes, J.C. | |
Stokes, John | |
Stokes, Montfort | |
Stokes, Thomas | |
Stokes, Thomas B. | |
Stolle, J.F. | |
Stollery, William | |
Stolpe, John | |
Stomski, William Z. * | |
Stone, __________(CAPT) | |
Stone, C.M. | |
Stone, Charles H. | |
Stone, Daniel | |
Stone, Dudley | |
Stone, Edward E. | |
Stone, Eugene Potter--SEE BOXES 211, 212 * | |
Stone, George W. | |
Stone, George W. (Seaman, 1837) | |
Stone, Henry | |
Stone, Henry O. | |
Stone, Horatio | |
Stone, John | |
Stone, John T. | |
Stone, Jonas A. | |
Stone, Joseph (CDR) | |
Stone, Joseph (CSN) | |
Stone, Joseph G. | |
Stone, Joseph L. | |
Stone, Lafayette | |
Stone, Levi | |
Stone, Moses W. | |
Stone, Ormond | |
Stone, Phineas J. Jr. | |
Stone, Richard J. | |
Stone, Robert | |
Stone, Robert M. | |
Stone, Sardine Graham | |
Stone, Theodore | |
Stone, Thomas D. | |
Stone, Thomas F. | |
Stone, Uriah | |
Stone, William (CAPT) | |
Stone, William (Rev. War) | |
Stone, William A. | |
Stone, William I. or L. | |
Stoneall, Thomas H. | |
Stoneall, Washington | |
Stoneham, Peter | |
Stonemetz, George | |
Stoner, Alfred Montrose | |
Stoney, George M. | |
Stonington, Edward | |
Stookey, George | |
Stookey, Henry | |
Stoops, Edmund | |
Stoothoff, Henry | |
Stopper, Leopold | |
Storer, David | |
Storer, Ebenezer | |
Storer, Edward | |
Storer, George W. | |
Storer, Jacob J. | |
Storer, James | |
Storer, Nathaniel | |
Storer, Robert B. | |
Storer, Samuel | |
Storer, Thomas | |
Storey, Benjamin | |
Storey, George | |
Storey, Harry (CAPT) | |
Storey, James | |
Storkman, Jaber | |
Storey, Jabez | |
Storrs, Aaron Putnam | |
Story, Abiel R. | |
Story, John | |
Story, Monroe | |
Story, Reuben | |
Stotesbury, William | |
Stothard, Thomas | |
Stott, Andrew | |
Stott, John W. | |
Stough, Jonas S. | |
Stoughton, Seth | |
Stout, Alexander C. | |
Stout, Charles H. | |
Stout, David | |
Stout, E.C. | |
Stout, Edward C. | |
Stout, John (Boatswain, Acting Master's Mate) | |
Stout, John (Wardroom steward) | |
Stout, Joseph | |
Stout, Phillip | |
Stout, Seymour | |
Stout, Thomas | |
Stovell, E.H. | |
Stover, Ephriam S. | |
Stover, George H. | |
Stover, Henry | |
Stover, Otto Franklin | |
Stover, Robert | |
Stover, Thomas | |
Stow, Frederick R. | |
Stow, Warren | |
Stowe, Frederick | |
Stowe William | |
Stowell, Elias | |
Stowell, Thomas W. | |
Strain, Isaac G. | |
Strain, John | |
Strakes, John J. | |
Strandberg, F.A. | |
Strang, James | |
Strang, James R. (Mormon leader, 1856) | |
Strang, John | |
Strange, William Guy | |
Stratter, Joseph--SEE STRATTON, JOSEPH | |
Stratton, E. | |
Stratton, Franklin A. | |
Stratton, Henry | |
Stratton, Horace | |
Stratton, John | |
Stratton, Joseph (or Stratter) | |
Straus, Alexander | |
Strauss, Joseph | Biography |
Strausz, _________(Asst. in Coast Survey) | |
Streepey, Charles C. | |
Street, George | |
Street, John Whitall | |
Street, William Tell * | |
Streets, Thomas Hull | |
Stremnell, Henry | |
Streny, M. | |
Stribling, Cornelius K. (RADM) * | |
Stribling, Cornelius Jr. | |
Stribling, John M. | |
Strickland, George D. | |
Strickland, Paul M. or Patrick M. | |
Strickland, S. | |
Strickland, William | |
Strieby, John A. | |
Strier, William C. | |
Stringer, F.G. | |
Stringer, George | |
Stringer, Joseph | |
Stringham, Silas Horton * | |
Strong, Augustus | |
Strong, Edward F.* | |
Strong, Frank | |
Strong, Frederick W. | |
Strong, James H. | |
Strong, John L.G. | |
Strong, M. | |
Strong, Peter Young | |
Strong, Thomas H. | |
Strong, William | |
Stroop, Paul David | |
Stroope, Alice | |
Strope, William H. | |
Strother, Benjamin |
Name | List of Documents |
Stroud, Adam | |
Stroud, Charles Franklin | |
Stroud, Charles Henry | |
Stroud, Charles L. | |
Stroud, Jacob | |
Stroud, Jesse B. | |
Stroud, Joseph | |
Stroud, Lincoln B. | |
Stroul, J. | |
Strout, J.W. | |
Strout, Joseph | |
Strout, Joseph (LT) | |
Strout, Lewis F. | |
Strout, Richard | |
Struthers, Alexander (LT) | |
Strunk, Simon H. | |
Stuart, Alexander Charles * | |
Stuart, Charles Beebe | |
Stuart, Charles E.D. | |
Stuart, Frederick D. | |
Stuart, Frederick D. Jr. | |
Stuart, J.J. | |
Stuart, James H. | |
Stuart, John (CAPT, Rev. War) | |
Stuart, John (Master) | |
Stuart, John A. | |
Stuart, John W. | |
Stuart, Robert Jr. | |
Stuart, R.H. | |
Stuart, Thomas W. | |
Stubbins, Victor B. | |
Stubbs, James | |
Studebaker, Henry | |
Studley, Bennett Dunbar | |
Studley, Braddock G. | |
Studley, Eliakim | |
Studley, Ira B. | |
Stull, E.W. | |
Stull, John | |
Stumph, _________ | |
Sturdivant, ________(War of 1812) | |
Sturdivant, Joel | |
Sturdivant, John | |
Sturgeon, E.B. | |
Sturgeon, John P. | |
Sturges, Henry L. | |
Sturgess, William | |
Sturgis, George Bennett | |
Sturgis, Gus | |
Sturgis, William Lawrence | |
Sturgiss, William | |
Sturtevant, Abisha | |
Sturtevant, Albert D. | |
Sturtevant, Charles | |
Sturtevant, George C.C. | |
Stuyvesant, Henry | |
Stuyvesant, Moses Sherwood | |
Styren, George | |
Styron, John | |
Suares, Thomas | |
Suarez, Jose Bazquez | |
Suckforth, William H. | |
Suffern, Edward L. | |
Sugden, Charles Edward | |
Suit, Phillip | |
Sullivan, Anthony (Quartermaster, CSN) | |
Sullivan, Anthony (Ord. Seaman, CSN) | |
Sullivan, Daniel (Ord. Seaman, 1864) | |
Sullivan, Daniel (Acting Master's Mate) | |
Sullivan, Daniel (1st Class Fireman) | |
Sullivan, Daniel (Seaman, 1838) | |
Sullivan, Daniel (Landsman, 1838) | |
Sullivan, E.H. | |
Sullivan, Edward | |
Sullivan, Eugene | |
Sullivan, George | |
Sullivan, George S. Blake * | |
Sullivan, H.R. | |
Sullivan, Harry R. | |
Sullivan, Henry | |
Sullivan, Henry P. | |
Sullivan, Henry Wilbur * |
Name | List of Documents |
Sullivan, J.C. | |
Sullivan, James | |
Sullivan, James F. | |
Sullivan, James M. | |
Sullivan, James P. | |
Sullivan, John (1814) | |
Sullivan, John (Acting Ensign, 1863) | |
Sullivan, John (Boatswain's Mate, 1868) | |
Sullivan, John (Quartermaster, 1874) | |
Sullivan, John (Seaman, 1838) | |
Sullivan, John (Acting Boatswain, CSN) | |
Sullivan, John (Boatswain, 1865) | |
Sullivan, John (Landsman, 1865) | |
Sullivan, John (Transport Steamer Crew, 1862) | |
Sullivan, John C. (Acting Master's Mate) | |
Sullivan, John C. (Acting Paymaster) | |
Sullivan, John J. | |
Sullivan, John M.* | |
Sullivan, John P. | |
Sullivan, Lucien | |
Sullivan, Michael (CSN) | |
Sullivan, Michael (Petty Officer, 1851) | |
Sullivan, Michael (1862) | |
Sullivan, Michael (1st Class Fireman) | |
Sullivan, Michael (Landsman, CSN) | |
Sullivan, Owen | |
Sullivan, Patrick (War of 1812) | |
Sullivan, Patrick (CSN) | |
Sullivan, P.H. | |
Sullivan, Theodore G. | |
Sullivan, Timothy (Coxswain) | |
Sullivan, Timothy (Landsman) | |
Sullivan, Timothy (Boatswain) | |
Sullivan, Timothy S. | |
Sullivan, William H. | |
Sully, James R. | |
Summerfield, Charles | |
Summers, __________(1827-37) | |
Summers, Charles | |
Summers, Isaac Halsey | |
Summers, John W. | |
Summers, Lawrence | |
Summers, Thomas | |
Summers, William (3rd Class Boy) | |
Summers, William H. (Acting Master) | |
Summers, William H. (Acting Gunner) | |
Sumner, G.W. | |
Sumner, Thomas | |
Sunstrom, Mark T. | |
Surly, Thomas | |
Surratt, Mrs. ______ | |
Surratt, John H. | |
Surrett, Sebastian | |
Surrette, Thomas | |
Susena, P. | |
Sutherland, Alan P. | |
Sutherland, Daniel J. | |
Sutherland, E.W. | |
Sutherland, J.C. | |
Sutherland, John | |
Sutherland, William | |
Sutter, James | |
Sutter, John | |
Sutton, B.L. | |
Sutton, E. (Engineer) | |
Sutton, Edgar | |
Sutton, Francis E. | |
Sutton, Harmon | |
Sutton, John (Mexican War) | |
Sutton, John (Chief Boatswain) | |
Sutton, Nathan | |
Sutton, Richard | |
Sutton, Robert | |
Sutton, Samuel | |
Sutton, Thomas (1804) | |
Sutton, Thomas (Armourer) | |
Sutton, Thomas (Seaman, 1838) | |
Sutton, William H. | |
Suttwell, Richard | |
Swain, Benjamin F. | |
Swain, Edward A. | |
Swain, George | |
Swain, Lucien B. | |
Swain, Luke | |
Swain, Oliver | |
Swain, Paul M. | |
Swain, Silas | |
Swain, Stephen | |
Swain, Thomas (Prisoner) | |
Swain, Thomas (USF MINNESOTA) | |
Swain, W.H. | |
Swain, William C. | |
Swan, Benjamin | |
Swan, Benjamin A. | |
Swan, Elias | |
Swan, Francis Henry | |
Swan, George F. | |
Swan, John Gilchrist | |
Swan, Louis (alias Louis Swanbach) | |
Swan, William (1776) | |
Swan, William (1839) | |
Swaney, John | |
Swann, Edward | |
Swann, Samuel R. | |
Swann, Robert P. | |
Swann, Thomas L. | |
Swann, Thomas S. | |
Swann, William S. | |
Swanson, Claude Augustus (SecNav) | |
Swanson, J. | |
Swanton, John | |
Swartwout, Augustus | |
Swartwout, Samuel | |
Swartwout, William | |
Swasey, Charles | |
Swasey, N. | |
Swasey, Rufus | |
Swasey, True | |
Swasey, William M. | |
Swat, I. Travis | |
Swayne, Joel | |
Swayne, Joseph R. | |
Swearingen, Joseph | |
Swearingen, Van | |
Swearlin, Valentine | |
Sweeney, Cornelius C. | |
Sweeney, Francis Joseph | |
Sweeney, Philip | |
Sweeny, Daniel | |
Sweeny, John (Seaman) | |
Sweeny, John E. (Mate) | |
Sweeny, Thomas | |
Sweet, George Cook | |
Sweet, George F. | |
Sweet, James | |
Sweet, Joseph Travis | |
Sweet, Manley | |
Sweeting, Anthony | |
Sweetman, John C. | |
Sweetser, Charles Bennison | |
Swendson, Charles | |
Sweney, Jans | |
Swett, Frank | |
Swett, John (Master's Mate) | |
Swett, John (Seaman) | |
Swett, Joseph B. | |
Swezey, H.W. | |
Swift, David | |
Swift, Foster | |
Swift, Franklin | |
Swift, J.W. (1829) | |
Swift, John (CAPT) | |
Swift, John W. (1864) | |
Swift, Joseph G. | |
Swift, Leroy E. | |
Swift, Riche Redman | |
Swift, Robert B. | |
Swift, Samuel, Jr. | |
Swift, Seth | |
Swift, Thomas W. | |
Swift, William (Surgeon) | |
Swift, William C. | |
Swift, William F. | |
Swinburne, William Thomas (RADM) * | |
Swindler, Henry | |
Swineford, _________ | |
Swinnerton, Samuel A. | |
Switzer, Edward M. | |
Switzer, Joseph | |
Swope, John | |
Swords, Edward J. | |
Swords, John W. | |
Swords, Thomas A. | |
Sydney, Charles | |
Sydnor, Richard M. | |
Sykes, Samuel M. | |
Sykes, William | |
Syle, Edward William | |
Sylhamer, John | |
Sylvester, Lewis | |
Sylvester, Reuben | |
Sylvester, Seth | |
Sylvia, George (alias W.R. Hathaway) | |
Symington, P. | |
Symmes, E. Brown | |
Symmes, Frank J. | |
Symmes, John | |
Symmes, Luther | |
Symmes, Thomas (Acting Master, 1864) | |
Symmes, Thomas (2nd Class Boy, 1838) | |
Symms, Gardner G. | |
Symonds, Frederick M. (RADM) | |
Symonds, Stephen | |
Symonds, William | |
Sypher, _______(Armorer) | |
Sypher, Abram J. | |
Sypher, Jay Hale | |
Syphrett, F.M.E. | |
Szularsky, Emil |