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cover - WAVE QUARTERS D Station rules for Life at D

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Welcome to WAVE Quarters “D”! In this booklet we have included all the information you will need for making your off-duty hours in the Navy happy ones. Group living is a new experience for most of us and out regulations are promulgated to make your life here pleasant and comfortable among large numbersof WAVES. May your post war memories of Quarters “D” be satisfying ones, based on the knowledge that you have contributed your part toward making a better world built on cooperation and consideration for others.



                                                            KATHERINE PORTER ALLEN

                                                                        Lieutenant Commander, W, USNR



Bulleting Boards in your barracks are a fine source of information. Read the fire bill today so you will know exactly what to do in case of a real emergency or a drill. Watch the board every day for current items. You are responsible for all official announcements posted on the bulletin board. 

Chaplains are in the Administration Building, Room 112, each Day from 0900 to 1700. The Protestant Chaplain is on board Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday; the Catholic Chaplain on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Church services are held in the Chapel across the street for those working at the Annex or Ship’s Company, WAVE Quarters “D”. Watch the bulletin boards for announcements concerning time. 

Morning and evening Colors take place in front of our Administration Building each morning at 0800 and each evening at sundown. If you are in view of colors and are in uniform, you stand at attention and salute during the time the flag is being raised or lowered. If you are in view of colors or within hearing distance but are in sports cloths, just stand at attention. 

A Crosswalk has been marked across Nebraska Avenue between the Quarters “D” gate and the Annex grounds. Push the street light button, wait for the sign to read “Walk,” and then cross between the white lines. This is for your safety. 

Diaries are not permitted for Navy personnel. 

Drinking on the station or having alcoholic beverages of any kind in your possession on the station is prohibited. 

A Navy Dry Cleaning and Laundry Service is located near the Main gate. Dry cleaning may also be left at the Recreation Building. Garments left before 1000 one day will be ready by 1730 the following day. Prices are $1.00 for suits, $1.25 for raincoats, and $.50 for navy blue shirts. You pay for the cleaning when you leave it. 

Electrical appliances may not be kept or used in barracks except with the approval of the First Lieutenant. Nothing that may be construed as a fire hazard is permissible. 


Many Educational Facilities are available for those who want to spend some of their leisure time adding to their learning. You may enroll in a class (WAVES are learning Spanish, French photography, and many other subjects through class instruction), or you may choose a self-study subject or a correspondence course through the Army-Navy Institute. Arrangements may even be made for you to attend classes in a regular college here in Washington during your free time, the government sharing the tuition cost with you. If you were unable to finish high school before you joined the Navy, you may take courses for high school credit. The Educational Services Officer has all the information you will need. See her in her office on the second deck of the Recreation Building. 

Food is not to be kept in the barracks except in sealed containers. It attracts roaches and mice. Cokes may not be taken into the sleeping quarters and coke bottles should be returned to the designated racks. 

Guests may be entertained in the Lounge in the Administration Building from 0700 to 0200 and the Lounge in Recreation Building from 0800 to 2330. Women guests only may be taken to your barracks-log them in and out with your Master-at-Arms or the Mate of duty. If you are expecting guests be in the Administration Building Lounge when they arrive. If you cannot be there, give your guests your billet number so you can be reached without delay. Male guests are allowed only in the near vicinity of the Administration and Recreation Buildings. 

Heads are cleaned daily by the civilian maids; but, of course, it takes everyone’s help to keep them clean. Flush the toilets each time you use them. Place sanitary napkins in the container provided, not in the toilets. Clean the bathtub and washbasins after using them so they will be ready for the next WAVE. Spread the shower curtains to dry after taking a shower. Any personal effects left in the heads will be removed daily and put in the Lucky Bag. Since hair clogs drains, do not comb your hair over the wash basins. Put the plug in the washbasins to prevent hairpins or bobby pins from going down the drain. 

House Meetings are held the first week of each month. All Residents are required to attend.  


Your Identification card is to be on your person at all time.  If you lose yours notify the Duty Officer at once. 

Daily Inspections are made by the Master-at-Arms. You are responsible for making your bed, keeping in mind these things:

    1. Square all corners separately on sheets, blankets, and     spreads.

    2. Fold open ends of pillow under. The folded end should be toward the bulkhead.

    3. Tuck the spread in securely at the foot of the bunk, then bring it as nearly to the head of the bunk as possible, covering sheets and underneath blankets completely. Have spreads ta. t.

    4. Fold your blanket crosswise, in half, then bring the outer edges to the center, lapping, if necessary, to make the blanket exactly fit your bunk; then fold crosswise in half and place the blanket on the foot of your bunk with the fold to the foot of the bunk, selvage edge up. 

You are also responsible for emptying your wastepaper basket, dusting your bunk and locker, and stowing all your personal gear inside your locker. This applies even when you are sleeping during the day, for gear adrift interferes with the maid’s cleaning. Slippers and a robe may be hung on the end of the bunk. At least one towel and damp washcloths should be folded in thirds and hung on the rod or on the end of our bunk. Double-check bunks are made up with pillows at opposite ends. This is a health precaution. 

Each Saturday Captain’s Inspection is held at 1400. If you fail to pass daily inspection three times or Captain’s Inspection once; disciplinary action will be taken. 

Laundry may be done in the hold. Tubs, clothes lines, ironing boards, and irons are all available. Mark your clothes permanently before hanging them in the hold. Take your clothes down as soon as they are dry. Only hose and gloves may be washed in the heads and hung in your cubicle. 

Laundry mess is 15c per week. The first 15c payment is made when you first receive linen, then weekly thereafter. Your M.A.A. will have a linen card for you which you should initial when you 


make you payment. Have an exact change. The weekly linen allowance is 1 sheet, 1 pillow case, and 2 towels. Linen exchange day will be shown on your bulletin boards. On that day leave your bunk unmade, turn your mattress over from head to foot, fold the soiled linen which you are exchanging, and place it in the middle of your bunk. Fold all other bedding at the foot of your bunk. There are linen exchange hours during the day when you take your soiled linen to the linen room and get fresh linen. If you are unable to make the exchange, have a friend do it for you. 

Leave and liberty requests and requests for permission to go beyond the 40 mile limit are made to your division officer at your place of work. When leaving you will log out on a leave card kept by the M.A.A. in your barracks. When you return you will log in on the leave card in your barracks. If you are on liberty and are leaving the quarters but are planning on remaining within the 40 mile limit wou are still required to logout and in with your M.A.A. Members of Ship’s Company and Commissary will, in addition, log out and in with the Duty Officer in the Administration Building when on leave.

    In an emergency extensions of leave may be requested by telegraph or letter; but if no reply is received, you will consider your request as not granted and you must, therefore, return by the date of expiration of your original leave as shown by your leave paper. All requests for extensions must be addressed to the Commanding Officer, U. S. Naval Barracks. 

Extensions of liberty will not be granted. 

    Emergency leave may be granted only when necessary for such situations as serious illness or death in the immediate family, etc. Such leave is not considered annual leave and is not to be deducted therefrom. 

    Marriage, divorce, and other matters of family business will be chargeable against annual leave. 

    All emergency leaves are investigated through the Red Cross representative in your community. This investigation may be expedited by having your family contact the nearest Red Cross Chapter. 


Lights in sleeping quarters are turned off at 2230 or as decided by the M.A.A. in accordance with the watched of residents. 

Lockers are to be locked at all times. You should purchase a padlock and carry one key with you. The other key should be placed in a sealed envelope and entrusted to the care of the M.A.A. Once every 3 months gear and locker inspection will be made. You will be notified when these inspections are to take place and will be required to be present and unlock your locker to permit inspection of its contents. 

Logging out of barracks. If you are transferred or moving from quarters, you will log out with the Master-at-Arms in your barracks, the Recreation officer, the First Lieutenant, the Personnel Officer, and with the Duty Officer in the Administration Building. Take all gear with you when logging out with the Duty Officer. In most instances residents log out with the Duty Officer prior to 0800. 

Lounges are provided in each barracks, in the Administration Building, and in the Recreation Building. Help keep them orderly. Empty ash trays into the green tin cans provided when you finish. Only paper is placed in the wastebaskets. 

A Lucky Bag is kept in each barracks. Gear left in the heads or hold on Captain’s Inspection day is placed in the Lucky Bag. A Lucky Bag is also kept at the Duty Officer’s desk in the Administration Building for articles found on the grounds or in the Administration Building. Report the loss of any valuables immediately to your M.A.A. 

Mail is delivered to your barracks twice a day and will be given to you by the M.A.A. or mate. If you receive a telegram, special delivery letter, or package, it will be held at the Post Office in the administration Building, and your Master-at-Arms will give you a note which your are to present to the Post Office attendant when you call for it. C.O.D. packages or telegrams are not accepted. Your address should include your barracks and bunk numbers. This will speed delivery of your mail. Our Post Office is equipped to give the same service as a regular Post Office: money orders, registering mail, etc. 





Mary Smith Sp (Q)2/c USNR

WAVE Quarters “D” 6-123

Mass. & Neb. Aves., N.W.

Washington 16, D.C.



Mrs. John Smith      

21 Main Street

New York, 6, N.Y.                                                                                                                                                           


A Master-at-Arms is in charge or each barracks. She is responsible for the WAVES living in the barracks-their conduct, welfare, and happiness. She is also responsible for the barracks building and equipment. Feel free to consult your M. A. A. with your problems. There are three Mates working with the Master-at-Arms. 

Mess Hall serving hours are :

               Breakfast 0645-0815 (Sunday 0700-0830)

               Lunch    1130-1300

               Dinner   1700-1815

               Midnight 2315-0015 

You are given a mess pass when you arrive at “D”. Present that pass and your I. D. card as you pass the cashier in the mess line. If you lose your mess pass, report this fact immediately to the Personnel Office in the Administration Building. The midnight mess is intended only for those coming off the evening watch or going to work on the midwatch. Full uniform is required in the mess hall. Enlisted personnel are not permitted to have guests at mess. 

Official Check-in Muster Sheets are posted on the quarterdeck of your barracks. You are required to sign in on this sheet each day except when you are on authorized leave or liberty. (These days are covered when you log out with your M.A.A.). You are encouraged to log in and out on the optional part of the muster sheet. This is for your own protection. If you have telephone calls, telegrams, or guests, the muster sheet help us locate you. If there should be a fire in your barracks the muster sheets would help us check to see no one was left in the building. Sign in and out by bunk number each time 


you leave the building. If you expect to be away from your barracks overnight, you are to give your M.A.A. an address where you may be reached in an emergency.  

Press pictures and interviews must all be approved by the Officer-in-Charge before being published. 

Quiet hours are very important in our barracks. They must be maintained whenever people are sleeping. Walk and talk quietly. There is a radio in the Lounge but none are permitted in the sleeping quarters. There is a reveille sheet at the Mate’s desk. Sign for the hour you wish to be awakened. The mate will call you on any even hour and 0630, 1430, and 2230. This makes an alarm clock unnecessary. Be quite on the station grounds also because noise outside the barracks disturbs those trying to sleep. Those who make unnecessary noise which disturbs others will be reported for disciplinary action. 

Recreation-Your Recreation Building (located west of the Mess Hall) affords every type of activity, entertainment, and recreation from swimming and soda-sipping to sewing. There is a sundeck, sewing room, lounge, library, Educational Service office, classroom, artroom, Ship’s Service, information desk, gym-auditorium, telephone center, game room, dark room, bowling alleys, beauty shop, hobby room, and swimming pool. The Recreation Building is open from 0800 to 2330. 

Recreation activities include dances to army and navy stations, sight-seeing tours, hostel trips, picnics, bike rides, horse back rides, roller-skating, free concerts, and station movies (WAVES may have as guests enlisted military personnel and members of the immediate family). There are classes in ballroom dancing, dramatics, exercises, bridge, and hobbycrafts. Organized seasonal sports include swimming, tennis, archery, badminton, softball, volleyball, basketball, bowling, horseshoes, croquet, ping-pong, and billiards. 

Music activities available are band, glee club, string ensemble, and orchestra (with instruments furnished). 

The Recreation offices are located on both sides of the entrance to the gymnasium. Here you will find the important in- 


formation desk and sign-up sheets for all activities. Recreation bulletin boards are located in the Administration Building, Mess Hall, and in the Recreation Building. The Recreation program, “Highlights of ‘D’ Week,” is posted on all barracks’ bulletin boards. Additional information and publicity may be found in the NCA Bulletin. 

Repairs for equipment or buildings should be reported in writing to the M.A.A. of your barracks. Be specific. Date and initial your request and indicate your bunk number. No requests are to be made directly to any civilian employee. 

Restriction. If you are a Prisoner-at-Large awaiting Deck Court or a Court Martial you are required to remain on the station and report periodically to the Duty Officer. You are also restricted when you are on binnacle or sick list. Breaking restriction may lead to a Summary Court Martial and a Bad Conduct Discharge. 

Salutes will be exchanged between officers and between officers and enlisted personnel on every occasion of their meeting, passing near, or being addressed. Juniors shall always salute first. When several officers in company are saluted all shall return the salute. 

    The laxity which is prevailing with regard to the above has created a most unfavorable impression on the general public and likewise reflects discredit, not only on the Naval service, but on the individual concerned. 

Ship’s Service is a store for Quarters “D” residents. It is operated at a low margin of profit so we can buy needed articles as cheaply as possible. All profits go to the Recreation Fund and are used for recreational activities for all of us—dances, games, tours, etc. Visit Ship’s Service on the main deck in the Recreation Building at your first opportunity. 

Sick Call is at the Dispensary on the Communications Annex grounds just across the street from Quarters “D”. Sick call is at 0800. Regular dispensary hours are 0800 to 1600; emergency hours are at any time. If you are ill report to your Master-at-Arms. If you are able to go to the Dispensary she will send you there. If you are placed on the binnacle list you should report that to your duty station and to your 


Master-at-Arms. Residents on duty downtown who are placed on binnacle by the main Navy Dispensary and who return to quarters will check in immediately with the Duty Officer in the Administration Building. While on the binnacle list you are to stay in your barracks except when you go to the mess hall, the Dispensary will arrange for you meals to be brought to you in your barracks. You report to the Dispensary at the next sick call (0800 the following morning) to be taken off the binnacle list or to be retained on it for another day. 

Smoking is permitted in your barrack’s lounge, head, hold, quarterdeck, in the Administration Building, the Mess Hall, and in the Lounge of the Recreation Building. No smoking in sleeping quarters and no smoking outdoors on or off the station except on the front steps of your barracks. Snuff out cigarettes and carefully deposit them in the proper container. 

Ship’s Company Officers are available from 0800 to 1630 each day to discuss with you any personal problems you may have. You are welcome to consult them whenever you need their help. They will welcome any suggestions you may have for improving conditions on the station. 

Suitcases may be stowed in the luggage room, second deck, of your barracks. Your mate has luggage tags at her desk. Secure one, mark it with your name and bunk number, and attach one to each piece of luggage. The luggage room is locked at all times but the mate will unlock it while you are getting your bag out or putting it away. One small bag not exceeding 25 inches may be stowed on top of locker in barracks 1-12. In the other barracks it may be stowed within the locker. 

Sun Bathing will be restricted to certain designated areas. Consult your M.A.A. 

Taxicabs may go to the barracks during the day to pick up or deposit unusual quantities of luggage which cannot be carried, or to discharge passengers during a heavy rain. After 2000 taxis are not permitted beyond the gate. This ruling is for the safety of residents who walk on the roadways. 

Telephone service is very limited now, as you know. A pay phone is provided in each barracks; there are sever pay 


phones in the Administration Building and a fine telephone center in the Recreation Building. Personal call on the station phones are not permitted because the equipment allotted to us is not sufficient for both business and personal calls. When the pay phone in your barracks rings and you are near, answer it and notify the person called. 

Transportation from “D” to town is by bus or taxi. You may take an N2 bus marked “17th and K Streets” and transfer to any trolley car or bus going in the direction of town, or you may take a cab from the entrance of “D”. The cab fare to town is approximately 40c if there are several in the cab. If you are the only passenger, the fare is approximately 70c. There is a bus marked N1 that runs from “D” directly to the Navy Building without stopping. Check the schedule with a bus operator. 

Uniform. Be in perfect uniform at all times. The way in which you wear your uniform reflects your attitude, loyalty, and respect towards the Navy and towards your country.  

You are expected to be in full uniform (hat, shirt, skirt, tie, jacket, long hose, and regulation shoes) in the mess hall, in the lounge of the Administration Building, when you go to the Dispensary, or when you leave any building on the station. When you are leaving the station in your off-duty hours to participate in active sports for which your uniform is not suitable, you may wear sports clothes. Sport uniform does not include your jacket, shirt if it has a rating badge on the sleeve, or your regulation hat because those articles bear the Navy insignia. If the uniform is not worn, the outfit shall be unmistakably a sports costume. Recommended items of sports uniforms are the regulation Exercise Suit or Navy Blue Slacks. Shorts shall be covered by a skirt everywhere on the station except when participating actively in organized sports at or near the Recreation Building or when sunbathing in designated areas. When leaving the station shorts will be covered by a skirt. The grey uniform dress and blue smock are not considered as sports costumes. Personnel shall be appropriately dressed at all times and sports costumes shall conform to accepted standards of good taste and propriety. The I D Card must be carried at all times. 

Rules governing the wearing of seasonal sports clothes will be posted on the bulletin board. Be sure to consult this notice. 


On the station you may wear sports clothes any place except in the lounge of the Administration Building where guests are entertained and in the Mess Hall. Acceptable sports gear may be worn in the Recreation Building Lounge. 

When in uniform on the station hats, either the regulation hat or the garrison cap, shall be worn and worn correctly. The Master-at-Arms have been instructed to correct all uniform violations at the Barracks. There will also be insections at other places on the station. 

Permission to wear a wedding dress, bridesmaid’s dress, or a uniform other than that prescribed for the day, season, or occasion may be obtained by submitting a written request to the Commanding Officer, U. S. Naval Barracks, via the Officer-in-Charge of this station. 


            BE NAVY!                                THINK NAVY!                          ACT NAVY!


Published: Thu Mar 09 15:41:54 EST 2023