The Navy Department Library
U.S. Naval Abbreviations
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Note: Where the same abbreviation has more than one meaning, the several meanings have been arranged alphabetically. Abbreviations preceded by an asterisk (*), other than Navy numbers, may never be used singly; those preceded by the symbol for number (#) are the Bureau of Personnel Condensation Code for use in dispatch orders to personnel.
M -- General Motors Corporation (Eastern Aircraft Division) (manufacturer's symbol)
M -- Glenn L. Martin Co. (manufacturer's symbol)
M -- Marine Corps; used as prefix with plane designation
M -- Medium or 2-engine plane
M -- Monoplane
M -- Merchant Marine Reserve
M1 -- Merchant Marine Reserve Seagoing
M2 -- Merchant Marine Reserve Coastal Defense
M -- Metalsmith
M -- Model
M -- Office of merchant Marine Safety (USCG)
MA -- Manila, P.I.
MA -- Mediterranean Area
MA -- Military Attaché
MAA -- Master-At-Arms
MAAF -- Mediterranean Allied Air Force
MAATC -- Mobile Anti-Aircraft Training Center
MAB -- Marine Air Base
MAB -- Munitions Assignment Board
MABDG -- Marine Aircraft Base Defense Group
MABDW -- Marine Air Base Defense Wing
MABO -- Marianas-Bonins Group
MABS -- Marine Air Base Squadron
MAC -- Marine Amphibious Corps
MAC(Air) -- Munitions Assignment Committee (Air) (Washington)
MACAF -- Mediterranean Allied Coastal Air Forces
*MACH -- Machinery
MACH -- Machinist
MachGr -- Machine Group
MACRI -- Mercantile Atlantic Coastal Routing Instructions
MACTU -- Mine and Countermeasures Technical Unit
MAD -- Magnetic Airborne Detector
MAD -- Marine Aviation Detachment
MAD -- Mine Assembly Depot
MADepSq -- Marine Air Depot Squadron
MADP -- Main Air Display Plot
MAEE -- Marine Aircraft Experimental Establishment
MAF or MAFac -- Marine Air Facility
MAFOG -- Mediterranean Area Fighter Operations Grid
*MAG -- Magazine
MAG -- Marine Aircraft Group
MairMar -- Marine Air Depot Miramar
MAIRU -- Mobile Aircraft Instrument Repair Unit
Maj -- Major
MajGen -- Major General
MAL -- Malariology
MAL -- Malariology Technician
MaM -- Mailman
*MAN -- Manager
Man -- Manual
MAN or MN -- Very high frequency voice radio (FM)
MANDREL -- Electric Jammer (radar)
ManMedDept -- Manual of the Medical Department
MAP -- Ministry of Aircraft Production (GB)
MAPRC -- Mediterranean Allied Photographic reconnaissance Command
MAPUC -- Modified Area Production Urgency Committee
MAQ -- Money allowance for quarters for dependents (W for wife; M, mother; F, father; LC, legitimate child; AC, adopted child)
*MAR -- Marine
MarAirWing -- Marine Aircraft Wing
"Marauder" -- See JM-#
MarBasScol -- Marine Corps Basic School
MarBks -- Marine Barracks
MarBrig -- Marine Brigade
MARCOR -- marine Corps
MarCorps -- Marine Corps
MarDiv -- Marine Division
MARE -- Mare Island
MARegSq -- Marine Air Regulating Squadron
MarFair -- Marine Fleet Air
MarFAIRWest -- marine Fleet Air, West Coast
MarGarFor -- marine Garrison Force
MarGilsArea -- Marshalls-Gilberts Area
MARI -- Mercantile Atlantic Routing Instructions
"Mariner" -- See PMB-1, PBM-3-5, PBM-3R
Mark or Mk -- Symbol used to distinguish different types of ordnance and certain other equipment. A newly developed type would be designated Mark (Mk) I; with the first minor change it would be MkI Mod (modification) I. Eventually these changes would become sufficient to start with MkII. On 17 April 1944, BuShips changed the numerals from Roman to Arabic; Mark II became Mk 2, etc.
MarPac -- Headquarters, Department of the Pacific (USMC)
"Mars" -- See JRM-#, PB2M-1R
MarTra&ReplComs -- Marine Training and Replacement Commands
MAS -- German and Italian craft corresponding to United States MTB
MAS -- Low-powered guided missile jammer (radar)
MASAF -- Mediterranean Allied Strategic Air Force
MA/SB -- Motor Anti-Submarine Boat
MASCU -- Marine Air Support Control Unit
MASG -- Marine Air Support Group
MASS -- Massachusetts
MAT -- Material
MAT -- mechanical Aptitude Test
MATAF -- Mediterranean Allied Tactical Air Force
MATD -- Mine and Torpedo Detector (sonar)
MATMU -- Mobile Aircraft Torpedo Maintenance Unit
MATS -- Mediterranean Air Transport Service
MAW -- Marine Aircraft Wing
MAWC -- Marine Air, West Coast
MAWP -- Marine Air Wing, Pacific
MAWS -- Marine Air Warning Squadron
MB -- Main Battery
MB -- Marine Barracks
M/B -- Medium Bomber
MB -- Motorboat (USCG)
MBC -- Mediterranean Bombardment Code
MBDG -- Marine Base Defense Group
MBMU -- Mobile Base Maintenance Unit
MDNAD -- Marine Barracks, Naval Ammunition Depot
MBNAS -- Marine Barracks, Naval Air Station
MBNMD -- Marine Barracks, Naval Mine Depot
MBNOB -- Marine Barracks, Naval Operating Base
MBNS -- Marine Barracks, Naval Station
MBNYd -- Marine Barracks, Navy Yard
MBSB -- marine Barracks, Submarine Base
MSW -- Munitions Assignment Board (Washington)
MBY&D -- Maintenance, Bureau of Yards and Docks (appropriation title)
MC -- Marine Corps
MC -- Maritime Commission
MC -- Megacycles
MC -- USN officer designation for Medical Corps
MCA -- Maritime Control Area
MCA -- Material Coordinating Agency
MCAAF -- Marine Corps Auxiliary Air Facility
MCAAS -- Marine Corps Auxiliary Air Station
MCAB -- Marine Corps Air Base
MBAD -- Marine Corps Air Depot
MCAF -- Marine Corps Air Facility
MCAF -- Mediterranean Coastal Air Force Headquarters
MCAS -- Marine Corps Air Station
MCB -- Marine Corps Base
MCk -- Master Cook
MCM -- Manual for Court Martial (Army)
MCM -- Marine Corps Manual
MC-M -- USNR designation for Merchant Marine officers qualified for General Service in the Medical Corps; this classification was abolished in September 1944 and replaced by MCM.
MCM -- USNR officer designation for General Service, Medical Corps, Merchant Marine
MCMR -- USNR officer designation for General Service, Medical Corps, Merchant Marine. Formerly MCM.
MCMS -- USNR officer designation for Special Service, Medical Corps, Merchant Marine. Formerly MCM(S).
MCO -- Marine Corps Order
MCPD -- Marine Corps Procurement District
MCR -- Marine Corps Reserve
MCR -- USNR officer designation for General Service, Medical Corps. Formerly MC.
MCS -- Marine Corps Schools
MCS -- Megacycles
MCS -- USNR officer designation for Special Service, Medical Corps. Formerly MC(S).
MCT -- Mechanical Comprehension Test
MCV -- Maritime Commission, Victory hip
MCVG -- Marine Carrier Group
MC-V(G) -- USNR designation for medical officers, qualified for general detail afloat or ashore. This classification was abolished in September 1944 and replaced by MC or MC(S).
MC-V(S) -- USNR designation for medical officers qualified for specialist duties. This classification was abolished in September 1944 and replaced by MC or MC(S).
MCW -- Modulated Continuous Wave
MCW -- USNR officer designation for Women's Reserve, Medical Corps. Formerly MC(W).
MCWR -- Marine Corps Women's Reserve
MD -- Marine Detachment
MD -- Maryland
MD -- Medical Department
MD -- Methldichlorarsine
MD -- Mine Disposal
MDW -- Military District of Washington (Army)
ME -- Maine
ME -- Middle East
MEBD -- Medical Examining Board
Mech -- Mechanical
*MECZ -- Mechanized
MED -- Medical
Med -- Mediterranean
MEDICOS -- Mediterranean Instructions to Convoys
#MEDOFCOMD -- Medical Officer-in-Command
MedSupDep -- Medical Supply Depot
MEF -- Forces in the Middle East (GB)
MEI -- Manual of Engineering Instructions
MEIU -- Middle East Interpretation Unit (GB)
MEIU -- Mobile Explosives Investigation Unit
MEMO -- Memorandum
MEO -- Major Engine Overhaul
*MER -- Merchant
MER -- Merchant Shipping Control Plan
MER-1 -- Merchant Shipping Control Operating Plan for the United States
#MERAIR -- Including commercial air
#MERAIRDIR -- In performing the above travel, commercial air is directed where necessary (or between points specified) to expedite completion of this duty
MERCO -- Mercantile Communications
MERCO -- Merchant Ship Movement Reports
MERCOS -- Merchant Codes
MERSIGS -- Merchant Ships' Signal Books
MERSIGS -- Merchant Signals
#MERTRANSUB -- Commercial transportation and subsistence authorized
MESC -- Middle East Supply Center
MesCpl -- Mess Corporal (USMC)
MESS -- Messman
MessSgt -- Mess Sergeant (USMC)
*MET -- Meteorological
Metal -- Metallurgical
METON -- Measured tons discharged or loaded
MEW -- Microwave Early Warning (radar)
MEW -- Ministry of Economic Warfare (GB)
MEX -- Mexico, Mexican
MF -- Medium Frequency
MF -- Midget peeper radar jam
MFA&A -- Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives (SHAEF)
MFairWest -- Marine Fleet Air, West Coast
MFT -- Medical Field Service
MFT -- Medical Field Service Technician
MFWC -- Marine Fleet Air, West Coast
MG -- Machine Gun
MG -- Machine Gunner
MG -- Mark I Machine Gun Trainer
MG -- Military Government
MG -- Mississippi Rover to Galveston (routing designation)
Mgas -- Motor gasoline
MGB -- Motor Gunboat (GB)
MGDA -- Multiple Degaussing Cable
MDM -- Mailgram
MDU -- Military Government Unit
MGUN -- Marine Gunner
MGunSgt -- Master Gunnery Sergeant (USMC)
MGYSGT -- Master Gunnery Sergeant (USMC)
MH -- Congressional Medal of Honor
MHB -- Master Horizontal Bomber
MI -- mare Island
MI -- Medical Illustrator
MI -- Mile(s)
MI -- Military Intelligence (Army)
MIA -- Missing In Action
MICH -- Michigan
"Mickey Mouse" -- Chartlet showing estimated positions at specific times during invasions
Mid -- Middle
Mid -- Midshipman
MID -- Military Intelligence Division (War Department)
MIDN -- Midshipman
MidPac -- Middle Pacific (Army)
MIDS -- Movement Information Distribution Station
Mike -- "M" in the phonetic alphabet
*MIL -- Military
MIME -- Ministry of Information middle East (GB)
*MIN -- Mine; Minecraft
MIN -- Minute
MinBatFor -- Minecraft Battle Force, Pacific Fleet
MinDiv -- Mine Division
MineCtrMeasSta -- Mine Counter-Measure Station
MINN -- Minnesota
MinRon -- Mine Squadron
MINSY -- Mare Island Naval Shipyard
MINU -- Mobile Instrument Investigation unit
MINY -- Mare Island Navy Yard
MIO -- Mobile Issuing Office
MIRS -- Military Intelligence Research Section
MIS -- Material Inspection Service
MIS -- Military Intelligence Services (Army)
MIS -- Mine Issuing Ship
*MIS -- Mission
MISC -- Allotments for miscellaneous purposes
MISS -- Mississippi
MIT -- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit -- mitigate(d)
"Mitchell" -- See PBJ-#
#MITRE -- Authorized to omit or revisit any of the above mentioned places as may be deemed necessary
#MITREVAR -- Authorized to omit or revisit any of the above mentioned places and to vary the above itinerary as may be deemed necessary
#MITVAR -- Authorized to omit any of the above mentioned places and to vary the above itinerary as may be deemed necessary
MJAO -- Mediterranean Joint Air Orders
Mk -- Mark; see Mark
Mks -- Marksman (USMC)
MKUD -- People's Commissar for Internal Affairs (USSR)
M/L -- Minelayer (GB)
ML -- Molder
ML -- Money List
ML -- Motor Launch
ML -- Small Mine Sweeper
MLC -- Major Landing Craft
MLC -- Military Landing Craft
Mldr -- Molder
MLR -- Mail Line of Resistance (Army)
MLSR -- Molder, Ship Repair
MLSRC -- Molder, Ship Repair, Cupola Tender
MLSRF -- Molder, Ship Repair, Foundryman
MLSRM -- Molder, Ship Repair, Molder
MM -- Machinist's Mate
MM -- Millimeters
MMCBE -- Machinist's Mate, Construction Battalion, Equipment Operator
MMD -- Manual of the Medical Department
MME -- Machinist's Mate, Engineman
MG -- Machinist's Mate, Industrial Gas Generating Mechanic
MMNIC -- Main Mediterranean Naval Intelligence Center
MMP -- Merchant Marine Personnel Division (USCG)
MR -- Machinist's Mate, Refrigeration
MMS -- British vessel corresponding to U.S. YMS [Motor Minesweeper]
MMS -- Machinist's Mate, Shop Mechanic
MMS -- Motor Minesweeper
MMSR -- Machinist's Mate, Ship Repair
MMSRE -- Machinist's Mater, Ship Repair, Engine Operator
MMSRO -- Machinist's Mater, Ship Repair, Instrument Maker
MMSRS -- Machinist's Mater, Ship Repair, Outside Machinist
MMT -- Merchant Marine Technical Division (USCG)
MN -- Mineman
MN or MAN -- Very high frequency voice radio (FM)
MNA -- Missing, not enemy action
MNAO -- Mobile Naval Airfield Organization
MNAU -- Mobile Naval Airfield Unit
Mngr -- Manager
MO -- Medical Officer
MO -- Missouri
*MO -- Mobile
MO -- Monthly Order
Mob -- Mobile
"Moby Dick" -- Experimental Navy rocket engine
Mod -- Modification; used especially to distinguish successive modifications of a type of ordnance equipment. See Mark.
*MOD -- Modify (ied) (ing)
MOF -- Ministry of Food (GB)
MoGas -- Motor Gasoline
MOI -- Ministry of Information (GB)
MOIC -- Medical Officer-in-Charge
MOINC -- Medical Officer-in-Charge
MoMM -- Motor Machinist's Mate
MoMMSR -- Motor Machinist's Mate, Ship Repair
MOMP -- Mid-Ocean Meeting Point
MONAB -- Mobile Naval Air Base
MONT -- Montana
"Moonshine" -- RCM countermeasure device
MOP -- Mustering Out Pay
*MOR -- Moroccan
Morest -- Mobile Arresting Gear
MoroccanSeaFron -- Moroccan Sea Frontier
MorSeaFron -- Moroccan Sea Frontier
MOS -- Marking of Overseas Shipments
MOS -- Ministry of State (GB)
Mo(s) -- Month(s)
MOSC -- Military Oil Sub-Committee (of North African Economic Board)
MOSRD -- Motor Machinist's Mate Ship Repair, Diesel Engineering Mechanic
MOSRG -- Motor Machinist's Mate, Ship Repair, Gasoline Engine Mechanic
*MOT -- Motor
MoTarDiv -- Mobile Target Division
MOTG -- Marine Operational Training Group
"MOTHER" -- Land-based radio homing beacon (YG)
MotoGas -- Motor Gasoline
MotPict -- Motion Picture
Mov -- Movement
MOWT -- Ministry of War Transport (GB)
MP -- Military Police
MP -- Motion Picture Production
MPC -- Manpower Priorities Committee
MPCo -- Military Police Company (USMC)
MPCRI -- Mercantile Pacific Coastal Routing Instructions
MPH -- Miles Per Hour
MPO -- Motion Picture Operator
MPRI -- Merchant Pacific Routing Instructions
MPSC -- Material Planing Schedule and Control (Division of Inspection Offices, Navy)
MQO -- Marksmanship Qualification Order (USMC)
MR -- Medium Range Planes
MR -- Mobilization Regulation (Army)
M/R -- Morning Report (Army)
MRC -- Material Redistribution Center
MRC -- Movement Report Center
MR&D -- Material Redistribution & Disposal
MRI -- Machine Records Installation
MRM -- Medical Repair Technician
MRO -- Maintenance, Repair and Operating Supplies
MRO -- Management Review Officer
MRO -- Movement Report Office
MRS -- Military Railway Service
MRS -- Movement Report Sheet
MRU -- Machine Records Unit (Army)
MRU -- Material Recovery Unit
MS -- Medical Survey
M&S -- Bureau of Medicine & Survey
MS -- Medium Steel
MS -- Minesweeper
M/S -- Minesweeper (GB)
MS -- Mine Sweeping
MS -- MotorShip
MSCI -- Mediterranean Secret Convoy instructions
MSCS -- Merchant Ship Control Service
Msg -- Message
MsgCen -- Message Center
MSGO -- Mediterranean Secret General Orders
Msgr -- Messenger
Msm -- Messman (USMC)
MSmth -- Metalsmith
MSR -- Metalsmith, Ship Repair
MSR -- Monthly Status Report
MSRB -- Metalsmith, Ship Repair, Blacksmith
MSRC -- Metalsmith, Ship Repair, Coppersmith
MSRF -- Metalsmith, Ship Repair, Forger-Anglesmith
MSRS -- Metalsmith, Ship Repair, Sheet Metal Worker
MStd -- Master Steward (USMC)
MSU -- Material Salvage Unit
M/T -- Measurement Tons
MT -- Military Transport
MT -- Motor Transport(ation)
MTAF -- Mediterranean Tactical Air Force Headquarters
MTB -- Maintenance of True Bearing
MTB -- Motor Torpedo Boat
MTBRon -- Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron
MTBSTC -- Motor Torpedo Boat Squadrons Training Center (Melville, R.I.)
Mtcl -- Motorcycle
MTD -- Mobile Target Division (Mine Forces)
MTF -- Mechanical Time Fuse
MTk -- Medium Tank
MTO -- Medical Transport Officer
MTO -- Mediterranean Theater of Operations
MTO -- Mission, Task, Objective
MTP -- Mobilization Training Program (Army)
MTSgt -- Master Technical Sergeant (USMC)
MTSgt(C) -- Master Technical Sergeant (Commissary) (USMC)
MunBg -- Munitions Building (War Department)
Mus -- Musician
MV -- Cargo Ship (GB)
M/V -- Merchant Vessel
MVI -- Merchant Vessel Inspection Division (USCG)
MVSS -- Marine Wing Service Squadron
MWB -- Marine whaleboat
MWT -- Ministry of War Transport (GB)
MWTR -- Ministry of War Transport Representative (GB)
MYDIS -- My dispatch
MYLTR -- My letter
MYMGM -- My mailgram
MYMSG -- May message
MYRAD -- My radio
MYSER -- My serial
MYTEL -- My telegram