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Source: The Uniform Dress of the Officers of the Navy of the United States. [Washington, D.C.: Navy Department, 1813]. The text is reproduced here exactly as in the original, following the original use of capitalization and italics.

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Uniform Regulations, 1814

Navy Department

November 23, 1813


A Number of the senior officers of the Navy of the United States, having suggested certain alterations in the established "Uniform Dress," which, in their opinion, would greatly conduce to the convenience and comfort of the officers, and still retain an appearance equally elegant and consistent: the following description of the "Uniform Dress," for the officers of the Navy of the United States, is substituted for that hitherto established; and is to take effect on the first day of January, 1814, to which, all officers therein designated, are ordered to conform.

W. Jones



THE COAT of blue cloth, with broad lappels and lining of the same; a standing collar, and to be trimmed with gold lace, not exceeding one half inch in breadth, nor less than three eighths of and inch, in the following manner, to wit: Round the standing collar, and to descend round the lappels to the bottom of the coat; the upper part of the cuffs, round the pocket flaps, and down the folds, with one single lace; four buttons on the cuffs and on the pocket flaps, nine on the lappels, and one on the standing collar; two gold epaulets; the buttons of yellow metal, with the foul anchor and American eagle, surrounded with fifteen stars.

Pantaloons and Vest white. The vest single breasted, four buttons to the pockets, the buttons the same as the coat, only proportionably smaller.


The same as the full dress, excepting the lace and a rolling cape instead of standing collar.


Full dress and undress the same as a captain, excepting the Master Commandant to wear one epaulet on the right shoulder. No button on the cape or collar, and no lace round the pocket flaps.


The Coat of blue cloth, with broad lappels and lining of the same, with nine buttons on each lappel; a standing collar with one button, and three buttons on the cuffs and on the pockets, laced with such lace as is directed for the captain's, round the collar and cuffs; one epaulet on the left shoulder, except when acting as commanding officer, and then to be changed to the right shoulder.

Pantaloons and Vest the same as the captain's, except three buttons and button-holes on the pockets of the vest.


The same as the full dress, excepting the lace, and a rolling cape instead of standing collar.


The Coat of blue cloth, with lining and lappels of the same; the lappels to be short, with six buttons; standing collar, with a diamond formed of gold lace on each side, not exceeding two inches square; with no buttons on the cuffs or pockets.

Pantaloons and Vest white, the same as the lieutenant's, except the buttons on the pockets of the vest.


A short coat, rolling cape, with a button on each side.

A Midshipman, when he acts as lieutenant, by order of the Secretary of the Navy, will assume the uniform of a lieutenant.

Captains and Lieutenants, when in full dress, to wear half boots, cut and thrust swords with yellow mountings, and gold laced cocked hats; the lace not to show more than three-quarters of an inch on each side.

Midshipmen, when in full dress, to wear plain cocked hats, half boots, and swords as above.


Or Naval Surgeons, acting as such, by order of the Secretary of the Navy.

A Coat of blue cloth, with broad lappels, and lining of the same, nine navy buttons on the lappels; standing collar the same as the coat, three navy buttons below the pockets, and the same number of buttons on the cuffs; two rows of gold lace, not exceeding one quarter of an inch broad, around the upper edge of the cuffs, and around the collar; one laced button hole on each side of the collar, with a navy button.

Pantaloons and Vest white, with navy buttons; plain cocked hat, half boots, and small sword.


The same as the full dress, excepting the lace on the cuffs, and instead of a standing collar, a rolling cape edged with gold cord.


The Coat of blue cloth, with broad lappels and lining of the same, nine navy buttons on the lappels, standing collar the same as the coat, and two laced button-holes on each side of the collar, three navy buttons below the pockets, and the same number of navy buttons on the cuffs.

Pantaloons and Vest white, with navy buttons; cocked hat, plain, half boots, and small sword.


The same as the full dress, excepting the laced button holes, and a rolling cape instead of a standing collar.


The Coat of blue cloth, with broad lappels, and lining of the same, nine navy buttons; standing collar, the same as the coat, with one navy button and laced button-hole on each side; two navy buttons below the pockets, and the same number of buttons on the cuffs.

Pantaloons and Vest white, cocked hat, plain, half boots, and dirk.


Same as full dress, except rolling cape, with two buttons on each side without lace.


The Coat of blue cloth, with standing collar, broad lappels, and lining of the same, nine buttons on the lappels, and one on the standing collar, two buttons to the pockets, and same number on cuffs.

Pantaloons and Vest white, and plain cocked hat, half boots, cut and thrust sword as before directed.


Same as full dress, except rolling cape, with one button without lace.


The Coat of blue cloth, with standing collar, broad lappels and lining of the same, with nine buttons on the lappels, cuffs open behind with three buttons, two above and one below; the collar to be laced round with gold lace, not exceeding one half of an inch in breadth, with one button on each side, the folds to have each three buttons, and three buttons under each pocket, the buttons the same as worn by the other officers of the navy.

Pantaloons and Vest white; cocked hat, plain, half boots, and dirk.


Same as full dress, except rolling cape, with no button and no lace.

A COMMODORE to have on each strap of his epaulets a silver star.

MASTER'S MATES same as MIDSHIPMEN, except two buttons on the cuffs.

BOATSWAINS, GUNNERS, CARPENTERS, SAILMAKERS, short blue coats, with six buttons on the lappels; rolling cape, blue pantaloons, white vests, round hats, with cockade. No side-arms.

All other officers permitted to wear blue pantaloons, round hats, and dirks in undress.

Published: Wed Aug 23 14:45:49 EDT 2017