United States. 1826. Register of the commissioned and warrant officers of the United States navy and Maine corps. Washington: Govt. Print. Off.
The Navy Department Library
Register of the Navy for the Year 1826
19th Congress.] | No. 274. |
[1st Session. |
Navy Department, January 5, 1826.
Sir: I have the honor to transmit to you, for the use of the members of the Senate, fifty copies of the Naval Register for the year 1826, prepared in obedience to a resolution of Congress, passed on the 13th day of December, 1815, and am, sir, Very respectfully, &c.,
Hon. John C. Calhoun, President of the Senate of the United States.
Naval register for 1826.
Names. |
Date of commission. |
Birth place. |
Duty. |
John Rodgers | March 5, 1799 |
Maryland | Commanding Med. squadron. |
James Barron | May 22, 1799 |
Virginia | Navy yard, Gosport. |
Wm. Bainbridge | May 20, 1800 |
New Jersey | President, Navy Board. |
Thomas Tingey | November 23, 1804 |
England | Navy yard, Washington. |
Charles Stewart | April 22, 1806 |
Pennsylvania | Waiting orders. |
Isaac Hull | April 23, 1806 |
Connecticut | Commanding Pacific squadron. |
Isaac Chauncey | April 24, 1806 |
Connecticut | Navy yard, Brooklyn, N. Y. |
David Porter | July 2, 1812 |
Massachusetts | Washington. |
Jacob Jones | March 3, 1813 |
Delaware | Navy Board. |
Charles Morris | March 5, 1813 |
Connecticut | Special service. |
Arthur Sinclair | July 24, 1813 |
Virginia | Commanding Norfolk station. |
Lewis Warrington | November 22, 1814 |
Virginia | Commanding W. I. squadron. |
Wm. M. Crane | November 24, 1814 |
New Jersey | Navy yard, Charlestown. |
James T. Leonard | February 4, 1815 |
New York | Whitehall, Lake Champlain. |
James Biddle | February 28, 1815 |
Pennsylvania | Navy yard, Philadelphia. |
Chas. G. Ridgely | February 28, 1815 |
Maryland | Navy yard, Portsmouth, N. H. |
Robert Trail Spence | February 28, 1815 |
New Hampshire | Commanding Baltimore station. |
Daniel T. Patterson | February 28, 1815 |
New York | Frigate Constitution. |
Melancthon T. Woolsey | April 27, 1816 |
New York | Frigate Constellation. |
John O . Creighton | April 27, 1816 |
West Indies | Leave of absence. |
John Downes | March 5, 1817 |
Massachusetts | Leave of absence. |
John D. Henley | March 5, 1817 |
Virginia | Leave of absence. |
Jesse D. Elliott | March 27, 1818 |
Maryland | Ship Cyane. |
Robert Henley | March 3, 1825 |
Virginia | Waiting orders. |
Stephen Cassin | March 3, 1825 |
Pennsylvania | Washington, D. C. |
James Renshaw | March 3, 1825 |
Pennsylvania | Waiting orders. |
Thomas Brown | March 3, 1825 |
Delaware | Waiting orders. |
Chas. C. B. Thompson | March 3, 1825 |
Virginia | Waiting orders. |
A. S. Wadsworth | March 3, 1825 |
Maine | Inspector ordnance and ammunition. |
Geo. W. Rodgers | March 3, 1825 |
Maryland | Waiting orders. |
George C. Reed | March 3, 1825 |
Pennsylvania | Mediterranean. |
Henry E. Ballard | March 3, 1825 |
Maryland | Waiting orders. |
Captains—32. |
David Deacon | December 10, 1814 |
New Jersey | Sloop Erie, Mediterranean. |
Louis Alexis | December 10, 1814 |
France | Furlough. |
Sidney Smith | February 28, 1815 |
New York | Leave of absence. |
Samuel Woodhouse | April 27, 1816 |
Pennsylvania | Sloop Hornet, W. I. |
William Carter | April 27, 1816 |
North Carolina | Not on duty. |
Joseph J. Nicholson | March 5, 1817 |
Maryland | Corvette John Adams. |
Wolcott Chauncey | March 5, 1817 |
Connecticut | Furlough. |
Edmund P. Kennedy | March 5, 1817 |
Maryland | Receiving ship, Norfolk. |
Alexander James Dallas | March 5, 1817 |
Pennsylvania | Navy yard, Philadelphia. |
John B. Nicholson | March 5, 1817 |
Virginia | Sloop Ontario, Mediterranean. |
Beekman V. Hoffman | March 5, 1817 |
New York | Receiving ship Fulton, N. Y. |
Jesse Wilkinson | April 18, 1818 |
Virginia | Rendezvous, Norfolk. |
George Budd | March 28, 1820 |
Maryland | Erie, Pennsylvania. |
T. Ap Catesby Jones | March 28, 1820 |
Virginia | Sloop Peacock, Pacific. |
John Porter | March 28, 1820 |
Maryland | Leave of absence. |
William B. Finch | March 28, 1820 |
South Carolina | New York rendezvous. |
William B. Shubrick | March 28, 1820 |
South Carolina | Navy yard, New York. |
Benjamin W. Booth | March 28, 1820 |
Virginia | Navy yard, Washington. |
Alexander Claxton | March 28, 1820 |
Pennsylvania | Rendezvous, Baltimore. |
Charles W. Morgan | April 15, 1820 |
Virginia | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
Lawrence Kearny | March 3, 1825 |
New Jersey | Navy yard, Charleston. |
Foxhall A. Parker | March 3, 1825 |
Virginia | Leave of absence. |
Edward R. M'Call | March 3, 1825 |
South Carolina | Receiving ship, Philadelphia. |
Daniel Turner | March 3, 1825 |
Rhode Island | Rendezvous, Boston. |
David Connor | March 3, 1825 |
Pennsylvania | Rendezvous, Philadelphia. |
John Gallagher | March 3, 1825 |
Pennsylvania | Navy yard, Norfolk. |
Thomas Holdup Stevens | March 8, 1825 |
South Carolina | Leave of absence. |
Masters Commandant—27. |
Francis J. Mitchell | February 18, 1809 |
Virginia | Not on duty. |
Raymond H. Perry | March 5, 1813 |
Rhode Island | Leave of absence. |
Henry D. Newcomb | July 24, 1813 |
New Hampshire | Commanding schooner Porpoise. |
James P. Oellers | July 24, 1813 |
Pennsylvania | Receiving ship, Norfolk. |
William M. Hunter | July 24, 1813 |
Pennsylvania | Leave of absence. |
John D. Sloat | July 24, 1813 |
New York | Leave of absence. |
M. C. Perry | July 24, 1813 |
Rhode Island | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
Note—Officers on leave of absence have generally returned from long cruises, and are subject to immediate orders. Several of them are sick.
Naval register for 1826—Lieutenants—Continued.
Names. Date of commission. Birth place. Duty. July 24, 1313 July 24, 1813 July 24, 1813 July 24, 1813 July 24, 1813 July 24, 1813 July 24, 1813 July 24, 1813 July 24, 1813 July 24, 1813 July 24, 1813 October 9, 1813 June 18, 1814 June 28, 1814 December 9, 1814 December 9, 1814 December 9, 1814 December 9, 1814 December 9, 1814 December 9, 1814 December 9, 1814 December 9, 1814 December 9, 1814 December 9, 1814 December 9, 1814 December 9, 1814 December 9, 1814 December 9, 1814 December 9, 1814 December 9, 1814 December 9, 1814 December 9, 1814 December 9, 1814 December 9, 1814 December 9, 1814 December 9, 1814 December 9, 1814 December 9, 1814 December 9, 1814 West India squadron. December 9, 1814 December 9, 1814 December 9, 1814 December 9, 1814 February 4, 1815 North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. February 4, 1815 February 4, 1815 February 4, 1815 May 1, 1815 Leave of absence December 1, 1815 April 27, 1816 April 27, 1816 April 27, 1816 April 27, 1816 Leave of absence. April 27, 1816 April 27, 1816 April 27, 1816 April 27, 1816 April 27, 1816 Navy yard, Charlestown. April 27, 1816 April 27, 1816 April 27, 1816 April 27, 1816 Leave of absence. April 27, 1816 April 27, 1816 April 27, 1816 April 27, 1816 April 27, 1816 April 27, 1816 April 27, 1816 March 5, 1817 March 5, 1817 March 5, 1817 March 5, 1817
Charles W. Skinner
Leave of absence.
Samuel W. Adams
New Hampshire
Sackett's Harbor.
Frederick W. Smith
New Jersey
Leave of absence.
Otho Norris
Commanding schooner Shark.
John T.Newton
Commanding brig Spark.
Joseph Smith
Lawrence Rousseau
New Orleans.
Geo.W. Storer
New Hampshire
Navy yard, Portsmouth, N. H.
Joseph Cassin
Commanding schooner Grampus.
Robert M. Rose
Navy yard, Norfolk.
Beverly Kennon
Frigate United States.
Edward R. Shubrick
South Carolina
Leave of absence.
Chas. A. Budd
Receiving ship, Norfolk.
Francis H. Gregory
Brandywine frigate.
John H. Clack
Leave of absence.
Philip F. Voorhees
New Jersey
North Carolina 74, Mediterranean.
Benjamin Cooper
New Jersey
Leave of absence.
Wm. L. Gordon
Navy yard, New York.
Silas Duncan
New Jersey
Waiting orders.
James Ramage
Leave of absence.
David Geisinger
Receiving ship, Philadelphia.
Robert F. Stockton
New Jersey
Leave of absence.
Thos. S. Cunningham
Isaac McKeever
Leave of absence.
John P. Zantzinger
Leave of absence.
Charles E. Crowley
South Carolina
Schooner Shark.
Wm. D. Salter
New York
Leave of absence.
Charles S. M'Cauley
Receiving ship, Charlestown.
John H. Bell
North Carolina
Sloop Erie, Mediterranean.
Thomas M. Newell
Elie A. F. Vallette
Frigate Constitution, Mediterranean.
Wm. A. Spencer
New York
Ship Cyane.
Thomas T. Webb
Receiving ship, Norfolk.
John Percival
Schooner Dolphin , Pacific ocean.
John H. Aulick
Wm. V. Taylor
Rhode Island
Sloop Ontario .
Mirvin P. Mix
Leave of absence.
Bladen Dulany
Frigate Brandywine .
James McGowan
Silas H. Stringham
New York
Receiving ship, New York
Wm. A. C. Farragut
Leave of absence.
Geo.Gr. M'Culloh
Stephen Champlin
Rhode Island
Leave of absence.
Isaac Mayo
Wm. K. Latimer
Frigate Constellation.
Wm. Mervine
Leave of absence.
Thomas Crabb
Navy yard, Washington.
Edward G. Babbit
Thomas Paine, jr
Rhode Island
James Armstrong
Frigate United States, P. O.
Joseph Smoot
Frigate United States, P. O.
Robert B. Randolph
North Carolina 74, Mediterranean
Samuel L. Breese
New York
John Evans
New Jersey
Sloop Erie, Mediterranean.
Benjamin Page, jr
Leave of absence .
John T. Ritchie
Leave of absence.
John A. Wish
South Carolina
Leave of absence.
John Gwinn
Thomas W. Wymann
Frigate Constitution, Med.
James L. Morris
New York
Andrew Fitzhugh
North Carolina 74, Mediterranean.
John K. Carter
New York
Joseph Cross
A. S. Ten Eick
New York
Receiving ship, New York.
Thos. S. Hamersley
Leave of absence.
John White
Charlestown, Massachusetts.
Wm. M. Robins
Leave of absence.
Hiram Paulding
New York
Frigate United States, P. O.
John D. Williamson
New Jersey
North Carolina 74, Mediterranean.
Uriah P. Levy
United States ship Cyane.
Enoch H. Johns
Charles Boarman
French Forrest
Leave of absence.
Naval register for 1826—Lieutenants—Continued.
Names. |
Date of commission. |
Birth place. |
Duty. |
Edgar Freeman | March 5, 1817 |
New Jersey | Leave of absence. |
Wm. E. McKenney | March 5, 1817 |
New York | Sloop Ontario, Mediterranean. |
Wm. J. Belt | March 5, 1817 |
Maryland | Sloop Hornet. |
Charles H. Caldwell | March 5, 1817 |
Massachusetts | Frigate Constellation. |
Wm. Jamesson | March 5, 1817 |
Virginia | Brig Spark. |
Wm. Boerum | March 5, 1817 |
New York | Leave of absence. |
Chas. L. Williamson | March 6, 1817 |
New Jersey | Schooner Grampus. |
Charles Gauntt | March 5, 1817 |
New Jersey | Philadelphia navy yard. |
Wm. W. Ramsey | March 5, 1817 |
Virginia | Sloop Peacock, Pacific ocean. |
Ralph Voorhies | March 5, 1817 |
New Jersey | Frigate Brandywine . |
Alexander Eskridge | March 5, 1817 |
Virginia | Sloop Hornet. |
Ebenezer Ridgeway | March 5, 1817 |
Massachusetts | Leave of absence. |
Thomas A. Conover | March 5, 1817 |
New Jersey | Leave of absence. |
Arch'd S. Campbell | March 5, 1817 |
Virginia | West India squadron. |
Wm. Taylor | March 5, 1817 |
Virginia | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
John C. Long | March 5, 1817 |
New Hampshire | Sloop Peacock, Pacific ocean. |
John H. Graham | March 5, 1817 |
Vermont | Rendezvous, New York. |
Henry Henry | March 5, 1817 |
Maryland | Leave of absence. |
Samuel W. Downing | March 5, 1817 |
New Jersey | Frigate Constitution. |
William Pottenger | March 5, 1817 |
Maryland | Decoy. |
Henry W. Ogden | March 5, 1817 |
New Jersey | Schooner Porpoise. |
John H. Lee | March 5, 1817 |
Virginia | Rendezvous, Norfolk. |
James M. Mcintosh | April 1, 1818 |
Georgia | Leave of absence. |
Josiah Tatnall | April 1, 1818 |
Georgia | Frigate Constitution, Med. |
Wm. T. Temple | April 1, 1818 |
Virginia | Leave of absence. |
George M'Cauley | April 1, 1818 |
Pennsylvania | Leave of absence. |
Hugh N. Page | April 1, 1818 |
Virginia | Peacock. |
John A. Cook | April 1, 1818 |
District of Columbia | United States schooner Porpoise. |
William Inman | April 1, 1818 |
New York | Leave of absence. |
Joel Abbott | April 1, 1818 |
Massachusetts | Furlough. |
Lewis E. Simonds | April 1, 1818 |
Massachusetts | Pacific squadron. |
John M. Dale | April 1, 1818 |
Pennsylvania | John Adams. |
Harrison H. Cocke | April 1, 1818 |
Virginia | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
Wm. J. M'Cluney | April 1, 1818 |
Pennsylvania | Frigate Constellation. |
Ephraim D. Whitlock | April 1, 1818 |
New Jersey | Suspended. |
James Goodrum | April 1, 1818 |
Virginia | Leave of absence. |
John B. Montgomery | April 1, 1818 |
New Jersey | Sloop Erie, Mediterranean. |
Horace B. Sawyer | April 1, 1818 |
Vermont | Leave of absence. |
C. B. Stribling | April 1, 1818 |
South Carolina | Leave of absence. |
James E. Legare | April 1, 1818 |
South Carolina | Waiting orders. |
Joshua R. Sands | April 1, 1818 |
New York | Leave of absence. |
Allen Griffe n | April 1, 1818 |
Maryland | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
John J. Young | March 28, 1820 |
New York | Sloop Hornet. |
Charles H. Bell | March 28, 1820 |
New York | Waiting orders. |
Abram Bigelow | March 28, 1820 |
Massachusetts | Leave of absence. |
Zach. W. Nixon | March 28, 1820 |
Massachusetts | Not on duty. |
Henry C. Newton | March 28, 1820 |
Virginia | Suspended. |
Frank Ellery | March 28, 1820 |
Rhode Island | Cyane. |
Frederick Varnum | March 28, 1820 |
Massachusetts | Leave of absence. |
Joseph R. Jarvis | March 28, 1820 |
Massachusetts | Frigate Constellation , West Indies. |
Thomas W. Freelon | March 28, 1820 |
New York | Frigate Brandywine. |
Pardon M. Whipple | March 28, 1820 |
New York | West India squadron. |
James Williams | March 28, 1820 |
Maryland | Peacock. |
Samuel W. Le Compte | March 28, 1820 |
Maryland | Mediterranean squadron. |
Charles T. Platt | March 28, 1820 |
New York | Leave of absence |
Wm. M. Armstrong | March 3, 1821 |
Kentucky | Frigate Constitution. |
Wm. F. Shields | March 3, 1821 |
Georgia | Mediterranean squadron. |
Garret J. Pendergrast | March 3, 1821 |
Kentucky | Leave of absence. |
Wm. C. Nicholson | March 3, 1821 |
Maryland | Frigate United States, P. O. |
James B. Cooper | April 22, 1822 |
New Jersey | Navy yard, Philadelphia. |
Daniel H. Mackay | January 13, 1825 |
New York | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
E. W. Carpender | January 13, 1825 |
New York | Sloop Erie, Mediterranean. |
John L. Saunders | January 13, 1825 |
Virginia | West India squadron. |
Joseph B. Hull, jr | January 13, 1825 |
Connecticut | Frigate Constellation. |
Jott Stone Paine | January 13, 1825 |
Maine | West India squadron. |
John E. Prentiss | January 13, 1825 |
Massachusetts | West India squadron. |
Joseph Moorehead | January 13, 1825 |
Ohio | Hornet. |
Samuel B. Phelps | January 13, 1825 |
Connecticut | Cyane. |
Wm. T. Rogers | January 13, 1825 |
New York | Furlough. |
Thomas Pettigru | January 13, 1825 |
South Carolina | Erie, Mediterranean. |
Augustus Cutts | January 13, 1825 |
Maine | Cyane. |
John S. Chauncey | January 13, 1825 |
New York | Ontario, Mediterranean. |
Irvine Shubrick | January 13, 1825 |
South Carolina | Brandywine. |
Naval register for 1826—Lieutenants—Continued.
Names. |
Date of commission. |
Birthplace. |
Duty. |
Charles Ellery | January 13, 1825 |
Rhode Island | Leave of absence. |
Thomas R. Gerry | January 13, 1825 |
Massachusetts | Furlough. |
John Kelly | January 13, 1825 |
Pennsylvania | Furlough. |
Hugh Dulany | January 13, 1825 |
SouthCarolina | Leave of absence. |
Edmund Byrne | January 13, 1825 |
Pennsylvania | Leave of absence. |
Edward L. Johnson | January 13, 1825 |
Rhode Island | Leave of absence. |
Wm. H. Gardner | January 13, 1825 |
Maryland | Leave of absence. |
David G. Farragut | January 13, 1825 |
Tennessee | Brandywine. |
R. S. Pinkney | January 13, 1825 |
South Carolina | Leave of absence. |
Stephen B. Wilson | January 13, 1825 |
New York | West India squadron. |
E. C. Rutledge | January 13, 1825 |
North Carolina | Cyane . |
Wm. S. Harris | January 13, 1825 |
Kentucky | Leave of absence. |
Thomas Dornin | January 13, 1825 |
New York | Leave of absence. |
John P. Tuttle | January 13, 1825 |
Connecticut | Leave of absence. |
R. B. Cunningham | January 13, 1825 |
Virginia | Leave of absence. |
James Glynn | January 13, 1825 |
Virginia | Leave of absence. |
Joseph Myers | January 13, 1825 |
North Carolina | Mediterranean squadron. |
W. C. Wetmore | January 13, 1825 |
New York | West India squadron. |
Wm. B. Nicholson | January 13, 1825 |
Maryland | Receiving ship, New York. |
Thomas R. Gedney | January 13, 1825 |
South Carolina | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
John Bubier | January 13, 1825 |
Massachusetts | Frigate United States , P. O . |
Victor M. Randolph | January 13, 1825 |
Virginia | Leave of absence. |
Joseph Cutts, jr | January 13, 1825 |
Maine | West India squadron. |
Jacob Crowninshield | January 13, 1825 |
Massachusetts | Leave of absence. |
Frederick Engle | January 13, 1825 |
Pennsylvania | Leave of absence. |
Thomas S. Browne | January 13, 1825 |
Connecticut | Leave of absence. |
A. J. D. Browne | January 13, 1825 |
Connecticut | Charlestown, Massachusetts. |
Jesse Smith | January 13, 1825 |
Massachusetts | Furlough. |
John H.Smith | January 13, 1825 |
New York | Leave of absence. |
Francis Sanderson | January 13, 1825 |
Maryland | Navy yard, New York. |
John Rudd | January 13, 1825 |
Rhode Island | Leave of absence. |
Robert Riche | January 13, 1825 |
Pennsylvania | Receiving ship, Philadelphia. |
David R. Stewart | January 13, 1825 |
Maryland | Leave of absence. |
Wm. W. McKean | January 13, 1825 |
Pennsylvania | Philadelphia Navy yard. |
Benjamin Tallmadge, jr | January 13, 1825 |
Connecticut | Constitution. |
Franklin Buchanan | January 13, 1825 |
Maryland | Leave of absence. |
Hubbard H. Hobbs | January 13, 1825 |
Virginia | Leave of absence. |
Samuel Mercer | January 13, 1825 |
Maryland | Leave of absence. |
Charles Lowndes | January 13, 1825 |
South Carolina | Leave of absence. |
Louis M. Goldsborough | January 13, 1825 |
District of Columbia | Leave of absence. |
George N. Hollins | January 13, 1825 |
Maryland | Grampus . |
Duncan N. Ingraham | January 13, 1825 |
South Carolina | Charleston, South Carolina. |
John Marston, jr | January 13, 1825 |
Massachusetts | Brandywine. |
Henry Bruce | January 13, 1825 |
Massachusetts | Leave of absence. |
Wm. D. Newman | January 13, 1825 |
New York | West India squadron. |
Henry A. Adams | January 13, 1825 |
Pennsylvania | West India squadron. |
Alex'r B. Pinkham | January 13, 1825 |
Massachusetts | West India squadron. |
Wm. H. Homer | January 13, 1825 |
Massachusetts | Frigate United States, P. O. |
James D. Knight | January 13, 1825 |
South Carolina | Furlough. |
John Mattison | January 13, 1825 |
New Jersey | West India squadron. |
William S. Walker | January 13, 1825 |
New Hampshire | Navy yard, Charlestown. |
Alexander Slidell | January 13, 1825 |
New York | Mediterranean squadron. |
James G. Boughan | January 13, 1825 |
Virginia | Constellation. |
George F. Pearson | January 13, 1825 |
New Hampshire | Schooner Porpoise. |
Lieutenants—209. |
Edward Cutbush | June 24, 1799 |
Pennsylvania | Navy hospital, Washington. |
Samuel R. Marshall | January 16, 1800 |
Pennsylvania | Navy hospital, New York. |
Lewis Heermann | November 27, 1804 |
Germany | Navy hospital, New Orleans. |
Jonathan Cowdery | November 27, 1804 |
Massachusetts | Norfolk station. |
Robert L. Thorn | March 3, 1809 |
New York | West India squadron. |
Wm. P. C. Barton | April 28, 1809 |
Pennsylvania | Navy yard, Philadelphia. |
George Logan | April 14, 1810 |
South Carolina | Charleston, South Carolina—unwell. |
Robert S. Kearney | July 28, 1810 |
Ireland | Washington city—unwell. |
Thomas Harris | July 6, 1812 |
Pennsylvania | Navy hospital, Philadelphia. |
William Turk | July 24, 1813 |
New York | Leave of absence. |
Hyde Ray | July 24, 1813 |
Maryland | Waiting orders. |
Walter W. Buchanan | July 24, 1813 |
New Jersey | Furlough. |
Gerard Dayers | July 24, 1813 |
Flanders | Rendezvous, Boston. |
Benjamin P. Kissam | July 24, 1813 |
New York | Leave of absence. |
John A. Kearney | July 24, 1813 |
Ireland | Navy yard, Charlestown. |
Bailey Washington | July 24, 1813 |
Virginia | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
Charles B. Hamilton | April 15, 1814 |
Virginia | Marine barracks, H. Q. |
Naval register for 1826—Surgeons—Continued.
Names. |
Date of commission. |
Birthplace. |
Station. |
William Swift | April 15, 1814 |
Massachusetts | Rendezvous, New York. |
Thomas B. Salter | May 22, 1815 |
New Jersey | Pensacola. |
Peter Christie | April 27, 1816 |
New Jersey | Constellation. |
Samuel Jackson | March 27, 1818 |
New York | Constitution. |
Andrew B. Cooke | March 27, 1818 |
New York | Navy yard, Brooklyn, New York. |
John H. Gordon | March 27, 1818 |
Pennsylvania | Rendezvous, Philadelphia. |
Leonard Osborne | March 27, 1818 |
Maryland | Ontario |
Thomas Williamson | March 27, 1818 |
Maryland | Hospital, Gosport, Virginia. |
Geo. S. Sproston | March 27, 1818 |
Maryland | Baltimore rendezvous. |
Elnathan Judson | March 27, 1818 |
Massachusetts | Navy hospital, Washington. |
Benajah Ticknor | July 10, 1824 |
Vermont | Leave of absence. |
Mordecai Morgan | July 10, 1824 |
Pennsylvania | Leave of absence. |
Thomas J. Boyd | July 10, 1824 |
Delaware | John Adams. |
John W. Peaco | July 10, 1824 |
Maryland | At Mesurado. |
William Birchmore | July 10, 1824 |
England | Brandywine. |
James Cornick | May 2, 1825 |
Virginia | Leave of absence. |
Charles Chase | May 3, 1825 |
Maine | Portsmouth, New York. |
William D. Babbit | May 4, 1825 |
Massachusetts | Cyane. |
David S. Edwards | May 5, 1825 |
Connecticut | Navy hospital, New York. |
Isaac Hulse | May 6, 1825 |
New York | Hornet. |
Alex'r M. Montgomery | May 7, 1825 |
New Jersey | Receiving ship, New York. |
John S. Wily | May 9, 1825 |
Maryland | Mediterranean squadron. |
Surgeons—39. |
William Belt | September 23, 1811 |
Maryland | Sloop Peacock, Pacific ocean. |
Benjamin A. Wells | December 10, 1814 |
Maryland | Sloop Peacock, Pacific ocean. |
James Norris | December 10, 1814 |
New Hampshire | Leave of absence. |
Thomas V. Wiesenthal | December 10, 1814 |
Maryland | Baltimore station. |
James R. Boyce | April 27, 1816 |
Virginia | Navy hospital, Gosport, Virginia. |
Richard Stevens | December 28, 1818 |
New York | Leave of absence. |
John Fitzhugh, jr | December 28, 1818 |
Maryland | Frigate United States, P. O. |
Wm. Williamson | March 28, 1820 |
New Jersey | Frigate Constellation. |
George Terrill | March 28, 1820 |
Virginia | Navy hospital, Philadelphia. |
Edmund L. Dubarry | May 26, 1824 |
Pennsylvania | Leave of absence. |
Stephen Rapalje | May 26, 1824 |
New York | Shark . |
John Haslett | May 26, 1824 |
South Carolina | Spark. |
Henry W. Bassett | May 26, 1824 |
Maryland | Cyane. |
Benjamin R. Tinslar | May 26, 1824 |
New York | United States, Pacific ocean. |
Waters Smith | May 26, 1824 |
Florida | Constitution. |
Cornelius Moore | May 26, 1824 |
New York | Cyane . |
Thomas J. Bradner | May 26, 1824 |
New York | United States, Pacific ocean. |
Benjamin F. Bache | July 9, 1824 |
Pennsylvania | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
Charles B. Jaudon | July 12, 1824 |
Pennsylvania | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
Robert P. Macomber | July 13, 1824 |
Rhode Island | Porpoise. |
De Witt Birch | July 14, 1824 |
New York | Constitution . |
Augustus A. Adee | July 15, 1824 |
New York | John Adams. |
John R. Chandler | November 14, 1824 |
District of Columbia | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
Thomas Dillard | November 15, 1824 |
Virginia | Grampus. |
Augustin P. Beers | November 16, 1824 |
New York | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
Richard Kennon | November 17, 1824 |
Virginia | Navy hospital, Gosport. |
John H. Imlay | November 16, 1824 |
New Jersey | Philadelphia rendezvous. |
Wm. A. Browning | January 24, 1825 |
Mississippi | Leave of absence. |
James M. Greene | April 20, 1825 |
Pennsylvania | Barrataria. |
Gideon White, jr | May 2, 1825 |
Maryland | West India squadron. |
William Plumstead | May 13, 1825 |
Pennsylvania | Brandywine. |
George W. Codwise | May 14, 1825 |
New York | Constellation. |
John Francis Brooke | May 16, 1825 |
Virginia | Brandywine. |
Charles Wayne | August 29, 1825 |
Pennsylvania | Constellation. |
Surgeons' Mates—34. |
Isaac Garretson | April 25, 1812 |
Pennsylvania | Baltimore station. |
Clement S. Hunt | April 25, 1812 |
Maryland | Newport, R. I., acting Navy agent. |
Gwinn Harris | April 25, 1812 |
Maryland | Leave of absence. |
John H. Carr | April 25, 1812 |
England | Philadelphia station. |
Nathaniel Lyde | April 25, 1812 |
Massachusetts | Portsmouth, New Hampshire. |
Samuel Hambleton | April 25, 1812 |
Maryland | Leave of absence. |
Robert C. Ludlow | April 25, 1812 |
New York | Navy yard, Charlestown. |
John B. Timberlake | April 25, 1812 |
Virginia | Frigate Constitution, Mediterranean. |
Thomas I. Chew | April 25, 1812 |
Massachusetts | New York station. |
Thomas Shields | April 25, 1812 |
Delaware | Not on duty. |
Lewis Deblois | April 25, 1812 |
Massachusetts | Not on duty. |
Francis A. Thornton | April 25, 1812 |
Virginia | Frigate Constellation. |
Naval register for 1826—Pursers—Continued.
Names. |
Date of commission. |
Birth place. |
Station. |
James M. Halsey | April 25, 1812 |
New York | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
Edward Fitzgerald | April 25, 1812 |
Pennsylvania | Waiting orders. |
Alexander P. Darragh | April 25, 1812 |
Delaware | Navy yard, Gosport. |
William S. Rogers | February 26, 1813 |
Rhode Island | Charlestown station. |
Samuel P. Todd | March 1, 1813 |
Pennsylvania | Navy yard, Philadelphia. |
George Beale | July 24, 1813 |
Virginia | United States, Pacific ocean. |
James H. Clark | July 24, 1813 |
New York | Navy yard, New York. |
Joseph Wilson | July 24, 1813 |
Massachusetts | Waiting orders. |
Joseph B. Wilkinson | March 26, 1814 |
Kentucky | New Orleans. |
William Sinclair | March 26, 1814 |
Massachusetts | Charleston, S. C, acting Navyagent. |
John N. Todd | March 1, 1815 |
Pennsylvania | Waiting orders. |
Timothy Winn | May 17, 1816 |
Massachusetts | Navy yard, Washington. |
William M. Sands | May 20, 1815 |
New York | Sackett's Harbor. |
Joseph H. Terry | June 6, 1815 |
New York | Cyane. |
Thomas Breeze | July 8, 1815 |
Rhode Island | Waiting orders. |
Gardner Thomas | July 12, 1815 |
Massachusetts | Leave of absence. |
Ashton Y. Humphreys | July 22, 1815 |
Pennsylvania | Peacock, Pacific ocean. |
John Do Bree | December 29, 1817 |
New Jersey | Receiving ship, Norfolk. |
Charles O. Handy | December 29, 1817 |
Rhode Island | Leave of absence. |
Silas Butler | December 29, 1817 |
New York | Receiving ship, New York. |
Edward N. Cox | March 28, 1820 |
New York | Brandywine. |
Nathaniel H. Perry | March 28, 1820 |
Rhode Island | Erie, Mediterranean. |
John N. Hambleton | May 26, 1824 |
Maryland | John Adams. |
Joseph Watson | May 26, 1824 |
Massachusetts | Leave of absence. |
Wm. McMurtrie | May 26, 1824 |
Pennsylvania | Ontario, Mediterranean. |
Garret R. Barry | January 15, 1824 |
Pennsylvania | Grampus, West Indies. |
William P. Zantzinger | August 2, 1824 |
Pennsylvania | Spark, West Indies. |
Daniel McF. Thornton | December 30, 1824 |
Virginia | Shark, West Indies. |
Josiah Colston | May 28, 1825 |
Maryland | Porpoise. |
Robert Pottenger | July 16, 1825 |
Maryland | Hornet. |
Pursers—42. |
John Cook | May 19, 1812 |
England | Not on duty. |
Nathaniel Andrews | August 16, 1816 |
England | Leave of absence. |
James Brooks | December 28, 1818 |
Virginia | New York. |
James Everett | December 28, 1818 |
Massachusetts | Navy yard, Charlestown. |
Addison Searle | April 27, 1820 |
New Hampshire | Leave of absence. |
Burgess Allison | March 3, 1823 |
New Jersey | Navy yard, Washington. |
Cave Jones | May 26, 1824 |
New York | Navy yard, Brooklyn, New York. |
John M'Carty | March 3, 1825 |
New York | Constitution. |
John W. Grier | March 3, 1825 |
Pennsylvania | Waiting orders. |
John Addison | March 3, 1825 |
Maryland | Waiting orders. |
Chaplains—10. |
1820. |
John M. Sullivan | March 1, 1813 |
New York | New York station. |
1825. |
James T. Gerry | December 20, 1815 |
Massachusetts | Furlough. |
David H. Porter | August 4, 1814 |
Pennsylvania | John Adams. |
Wm. H. Campbell | May 30, 1816 |
Maryland | Leave of absence. |
James P. Wilson | January 1, 1817 |
Maryland | Leave of absence. |
James E. Calhoun | May 30, 1816 |
South Carolina | Leave of absence. |
Henry D.Scott | May 30, 1816 |
Maryland | Leave of absence. |
Charles Wilkes, jr | January 1, 1818 |
New York | Leave of absence. |
Elisha Peck | March 4, 1817 |
Connecticut | Brandywine. |
John R. Coxe, jr | July 4, 1817 |
Pennsylvania | Waiting orders. |
A. H. Hopkinson | September 25, 1817 |
Pennsylvania | Waiting orders. |
Thomas J. Manning | January 1, 1817 |
New Jersey | Porpoise. |
William Foster | February 4, 1814 |
New Jersey | Shark. |
William L. Howard | January 10, 1815 |
New Jersey | Cyane. |
William P. Piercy | March 15, 1815 |
Pennsylvania | Navy yard, Washington. |
Midshipmen passed for promotion—15. |
A. |
George Adams | January 1, 1818 | Delaware | Grampus. |
Henry J. Auchmuty | May 10, 1820 | Rhode Island | Cyane. |
Isaac H. Abbott | May 10, 1820 | Maine | Leave of absence. |
James W. Abbott | May 1, 1822 | Michigan | Constellation. |
* There are several midshipmen whose warrants bear date previous to 1st January, 1818, who have not had an opportunity to be examined, and who will be placed in this list according to their respective merits as soon as an examination can be afforded to them. Tho order in which the names now stand will therefore probably be changed.
Naval register for 1826—Midshipmen—Continued.
Names. |
Date of commission. |
Birth place. |
Duty. |
Robert W. Alden | May 1, 1822 |
New Hampshire | Grampus. |
Joseph Arnold | March 4, 1823 |
Georgia | Constitution. |
Charles M. Armstrong | March 4, 1823 |
New Jersey | Constitution. |
Gorden C. Ashton | December 9, 1823 |
Virginia | Frigate Constellation. |
Mark T. Anderson | January 1, 1825 |
Tennessee | Pensacola. |
William H. Alexander | March 1, 1825 |
Pennsylvania | Frigate Constellation. |
B. |
Samuel Barron | January 1, 1812 |
Virginia | Frigate Brandywine . |
Russell Baldwin | May 17, 1813 |
New York | Leave of absence. |
Timothy G. Benham | November 30, 1814 |
Connecticut | Leave of absence. |
Joseph Bowman | July 8, 1815 |
Pennsylvania | Furlough. |
Archibald R. Bogardus | December 26, 1815 |
New York | Furlough. |
Oscar Bullus | January 1, 1817 |
District of Columbia | New York station. |
Abram I. Bennett | July 4, 1817 |
Delaware | Leave of absence. |
George S. Blake | January 1, 1818 |
Massachusetts | Navy yard, Charlestown. |
Joshua Barney | January 1, 1818 |
Maryland | Furlough. |
Theodorus Bailey, jr | January 1, 1818 |
New York | Shark. |
Joseph R. Blake | January 1, 1818 |
District of Columbia | Peacock . |
Thomas McK. Buchanan | November 3, 1818 |
Maryland | Leave of absence. |
Edward B. Boutwell | March 3, 1819 |
Virginia | Ontario. |
Joseph R. Brown | July 10, 1819 |
Pennsylvania | New York station. |
John E. Bispham | December 13, 1819 |
Pennsylvania | United States. |
S. M. Breckenridge | December 15, 1819 |
Kentucky | John Adams . |
Edward O. Blanchard | May 10, 1820 |
Mississippi | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
John C. Bunner | May 1, 1822 |
New York | Mediterranean squadron. |
Patrick F. Bradlee | September 1, 1822 |
Massachusetts | United States. |
John L. Ball | December 4, 1822 |
Virginia | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
George Briard | March 4, 1823 |
New Hampshire | West India squadron. |
Robert L. Browning | March 4, 1823 |
Kentucky | West India squadron. |
Henry H. Bell | August 4, 1823 |
North Carolina | Sloop Erie, Mediterranean. |
Edward Boyd | August 19, 1823 |
New York | Sloop Erie, Mediterranean. |
Junius Boyle | August 27, 1823 |
Maryland | United States. |
John R. Bryan | October 4, 1823 |
Georgia | Peacock. |
Owen Burns | December 1, 1824 |
North Carolina | Navy yard, Norfolk. |
George M. Bache | January 1, 1825 |
Pennsylvania | Brandywine. |
Thomas Ballue | January 1, 1825 |
Tennessee | West India squadron. |
Joshua J Boyd | January 1, 1825 |
Michigan | Corvette Cyane. |
Solomon D. Betton | January 1, 1825 |
Georgia | Brandywine . |
Francis Bartlett | March 1, 1825 |
Massachusetts | Portsmouth, New Hampshire. |
Simon B. Bissell | March 1, 1825 |
Vermont | Portsmouth, New Hampshire. |
John M. Berrien | March 1, 1825 |
Georgia | West India squadron. |
Thomas W. Brent | March 1, 1825 |
District of Columbia | Brandywine. |
James Bradford | June 16, 1825 |
Louisiana | Waiting orders. |
C. |
Joseph S. Cornwell | January 1, 1812 |
New York | West India squadron. |
Joseph S. Cannon | February 26, 1814 |
Delaware | Waiting orders. |
Charles B. Childs | January 28, 1815 |
New York | Leave of absence. |
John Addison Carr | July 4, 1817 |
Maryland | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
Samuel B. Cocke | January 1, 1818 |
Virginia | West India squadron. |
John Cassin | November 3, 1818 |
Pennsylvania | Erie . |
John Colhoun | January 25, 1821 |
Pennsylvania | United States. |
Thomas T. Craven | May 1, 1822 |
District of Columbia | United States. |
C. W. Chauncey | May 1, 1822 |
New York | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
William C. Carrington | February 6, 1823 |
North Carolina | Leave of absence. |
Horatio N. Cady | March 4, 1823 |
New Hampshire | Constellation . |
Philander F. Canedy | March 4, 1823 |
Vermont | Cyane. |
Walter C. Cutts | March 4, 1823 |
Maine | United States. |
Jerome Callan | March 4, 1823 |
Pennsylvania | Cyane. |
Frederick Chatard | November 16, 1824 |
Maryland | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
Charles Crillon | December 1, 1824 |
Pennsylvania |
John B. Cutting, jr | January 1, 1825 |
Virginia |
Brandywine. |
John C. Carter | January 1, 1825 |
Kentucky | Spark. |
James S. Cosby | January 1, 1825 |
Louisiana | New Orleans. |
Alfred Cutler | January 1, 1825 |
Indiana | Navy yard, Norfolk. |
Henry A. Chambers | January 1, 1825 |
North Carolina | Hornet. |
Richard S. Coxe | March 1, 1825 |
New Jersey | Porpoise. |
John W. Cox, jr | March 1, 1825 |
Ohio | Receiving ship, Philadelphia. |
D. |
Samuel F. Dupont | December 29, 1815 |
New Jersey | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
Albert E. Downes | January 1, 1818 |
Massachusetts | United States, Pacific ocean. |
Fitz Allen Deas | July 4, 1821 |
South Carolina | John Adams. |
Nathaniel W. Duke | May 1, 1822 |
Kentucky | Erie. |
Naval register for 1826—Midshipmen—Continued.
Names. |
Date of commission. |
Birth place. |
Duty. |
Thomas Dimmock | March 4, 1823 |
Massachusetts | Leave of absence. |
John A. Davis | March 4, 1823 |
North Carolina | Brandywine. |
John Doyle | June 17, 1823 |
Maine | Spark. |
Charles H. Davis | August 12, 1823 |
Massachusetts | United States. |
Charles H. Duryee | August 19, 1823 |
New York | Erie. |
Ezra T. Doughty | May 3, 1824 |
New York | Brandywine. |
Joseph O. Devezin | October 16, 1824 |
Louisiana | Constellation. |
James F. Duncan | November 12, 1825 |
Pennsylvania | Cyane. |
John C. Davidson | November 22, 1825 |
District of Columbia | Cyane. |
E. |
Henry Etting | January 1, 1818 |
Maryland | Leave of absence |
Henry Eagle, jr | January 1, 1818 |
New York | Erie. |
Francis B. Ellison | May 28, 1819 |
New York | Porpoise. |
William B. Everett | February 1, 1823 |
Maryland | Furlough. |
Alexander H. Edwards | March 4, 1823 |
Michigan | Constitution. |
Thos. Octs. L. Elwyn | September 24, 1825 |
New Hampshire |
F. |
Lewis C. F. Fatio | March 8, 1822 |
Pennsylvania | Leave of absence. |
Andrew H. Foot | December 4, 1822 |
Connecticut | Peacock. |
Ebenezer Farrand | March 4, 1823 |
New York | Leave of absence. |
Arch'd B. Fairfax | August 4, 1823 |
Virginia | Leave of absence. |
Robert Fitzhugh | January 1, 1825 |
New York | Cyane. |
Timothy B. Field | March 1, 1825 |
Connecticut | Charlestown Navy yard. |
G. |
William Green | January 1, 1818 |
Virginia | Leave of absence. |
Alex'r G. Gordon | January 1, 1818 |
District of Columbia | Erie. |
William M. Glendy | January 1, 1818 |
Virginia | Sloop Boston. |
Charles W. Gay | October 27, 1818 |
Massachusetts | Brandywine. |
John Graham | February 27, 1819 |
Kentucky | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
Sylvanus Godon | March 4, 1819 |
Pennsylvania | Navy yard, Philadelphia. |
Farnifold Green | May 1, 1822 |
North Carolina | Leave of absence. |
Alex'r Gibson | July 4, 1822 |
Virginia | Constellation. |
John J. Glasson | February 1, 1823 |
New York | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
Guert Gansevoort | March 4, 1823 |
New York | Constitution. |
Israel S. Griffin | March 4, 1823 |
Maryland | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
William F. Grymes | March 4, 1823 |
Virginia | Navy yard, New York. |
Helmuth J. Gaedicke | August 19, 1823 |
West Indies | Porpoise. |
James B. Glentworth | August 19, 1823 |
Pennsylvania | Leave of absence. |
John R. Goldsborough | November 16, 1824 |
District of Columbia | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
John Graham | January 1, 1825 |
Connecticut | John Adams. |
Arch'd M. Green | March 1, 1825 |
Virginia | Grampus. |
H. |
Levy M. Harby | June 18, 1812 |
South Carolina | Leave of absence. |
William L. Hudson | January 1, 1816 |
New York | Furlough. |
Lucius C. Heylen | January 1, 1817 |
Pennsylvania | Furlough. |
Stern Humphreys | January 1, 1818 |
New York | Leave of absence. |
Andrew A. Harwood | January 1, 1818 |
Pennsylvania | Constitution. |
Charles E. Hawkins | March 4, 1818 |
New York | Navy yard, New York. |
John Hamilton | July 4, 1818 |
New York | Sloop Boston. |
James T. Homans | December 3, 1819 |
Massachusetts | Leave of absence. |
Cary H. Hansford | May 10, 1820 |
Virginia | Brandywine. |
Paul H. Hayne | May 10, 1820 |
South Carolina | Brandywine. |
Jefferson Hansford | December 4, 1821 |
Virginia | Peacock. |
Thomas J. Harris | May 1, 1822 |
Pennsylvania | Peacock. |
William W. Hunter | May 1, 1822 |
Louisiana | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
John W. Hunt, jr | May 1, 1822 |
Kentucky | Furlough |
Samuel F. Hazard | January 1, 1823 |
Rhode Island | Peacock. |
Edward Hoban | February 1, 1823 |
District of Columbia | Constitution. |
Neil McHowison | February 1, 1823 |
Virginia | Peacock, Pacific ocean. |
E. H. Hubbard | March 4, 1823 |
Maine | Constellation. |
John E. Holt | March 4, 1823 |
Virginia | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
Charles P. C. Harrison | June 4, 1823 |
West Indies | Spark. |
William C. Homes | August 25, 1823 |
Massachusetts | Peacock. |
William E. Hunt | October 28, 1823 |
New Jersey | United States. |
Henry Hoff | October 28, 1823 |
South Carolina | Brandywine. |
Horatio M. Houston | May 12, 1824 |
Pennsylvania | North Carolina 74. |
George M. Hooe | October 21, 1824 |
Virginia | North Carolina 74. |
Charles G. Hunter | November 16, 1824 |
New Jersey | North Carolina 74. |
William A. Howard | January 1, 1825 |
Maine | Charlestown Navy yard. |
John S. Hart | January 1, 1825 |
Kentucky | Sloop Boston. |
Robert B. Hitchcock | January 1, 1825 |
Connecticut | Shark. |
Naval register for 1826—Midshipmen—Continued.
Names. |
Date of commission. |
Birthplace. |
Duty. |
George Hurst | January 1, 1825 |
Pennsylvania | Philadelphia Navy yard. |
Pleasant M. Huie | January 1, 1825 |
North Carolina | Hornet. |
Mark Hale | March 1, 1825 |
Vermont | Navy yard, Charlestown. |
Timothy A. Huntt | March 1, 1825 |
Connecticut | Navy yard, Charlestown. |
William F. Hooe | August 1, 1825 |
Virginia | Hornet. |
Robert Monroe Harrison | November 9, 1825 |
Sweden | Porpoise. |
I. |
George Izard, jr | January 1, 1818 |
Pennsylvania | Leave of absence. |
Jonathan Ingersoll | March 4, 1823 |
Connecticut | Brandywine. |
Harry Ingersoll | February 28, 1824 |
Pennsylvania | Brandywine. |
William F. Irving | January 1, 1825 |
New York | Brandywine. |
Andrew M. Irwin | March 1, 1825 |
Pennsylvania | Brandywine. |
J. |
Richard A. Jones | June 18, 1812 |
Delaware | Leave of absence. |
Joshua H. Justin | November 30, 1814 |
Rhode Island | Leave of absence. |
Robert W. Jones | January 1, 1818 |
New York | New York station. |
Zachariah F. Johnston | January 1, 1818 |
Maryland | Leave of absence. |
Charles H. Jackson | March 4, 1818 |
Georgia | Grampus. |
Kinsey Johns | January 1, 1823 |
Maryland | Brandywine. |
Robert Jones | March 4, 1823 |
Louisiana | Cyane. |
John T. Jenkins | March 4, 1823 |
New York | Constitution. |
Stephen Johnston | June 28, 1823 |
Ohio | Constellation. |
Joseph W. Jarvis | January 1, 1825 |
North Carolina | Hornet. |
William J. Jenkins | March 1, 1825 |
Pennsylvania | Cyane. |
K. |
William H. Kennon | January 1, 1817 |
Virginia | United States. |
Stephen P. Kingston | January 1, 1817 |
Pennsylvania | Receiving ship, Philadelphia. |
C. H. A. H. Kennedy | February 10, 1819 |
Virginia | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
Augustus H. Kilty | July 4, 1821 |
Maryland | West India squadron. |
Francis Key | May 15, 1823 |
District of Columbia | John Adams. |
Lewis G. Keith | July 1, 1825 |
Virginia | Porpoise. |
L. |
Thomas J. Leib | September 1, 1811 |
Pennsylvania | Philadelphia. |
Arthur Lewis | January 1, 1817 |
Virginia | Peacock, Pacific ocean. |
Andrew K. Long | January 1, 1818 |
Maryland | Constellation. |
John H. Little | January 1, 1818 |
Maryland | Leave of absence. |
William F. Lynch | January 26, 1819 |
Virginia | Brandywine. |
James L. Lardner | May 10, 1820 |
Pennsylvania | Brandywine. |
Edward S. Lewis | May 10, 1820 |
Connecticut | Cyane |
Samuel Lockwood | July 12, 1820 |
Connecticut | Constellation. |
Sidney Smith Lee | December 30, 1820 |
Virginia | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
N. C. Lawrence | May 1, 1822 |
New York | United States. |
William Leggett | December 4, 1822 |
Illinois | New York station. |
James B. Lardner | December 4, 1822 |
Pennsylvania/ | West India squadron. |
William B. Lyne | March 4, 1823 |
North Carolina |
Constellation. |
Robert J. Livingston | April 15, 1824 |
New York | |
Joshua W. Larkin | December 1, 1824 |
New Hampshire | Constellation. |
Joseph Lanman | January 1, 1825 |
Connecticut | New York station. |
William Lindsay | January 1, 1825 |
Alabama | |
William P. Livingston | March 1, 1825 |
New York | |
Samuel Phillips Leo | November 22, 1825 |
Virginia | |
M. |
Humphrey A. H. Morris | January 1, 1817 |
England | Cyane. |
George A. Magruder | January 1, 1817 |
Virginia | Waiting orders. |
John Marshall | January 1, 1818 |
Virginia | Navy yard, Norfolk. |
Alexander M. Mull | January 1, 1818 |
Maryland | Mediterranean squadron. |
Charles V. Morris | January 1, 1818 |
New York | Shark. |
Henry W. Morris | August 21, 1819 |
New York | Constitution. |
John Manning | May 10, 1820 |
North Carolina | Peacock. |
Richard D. Millen | May 10, 1820 |
Georgia | Constitution. |
Richard R. McMullen | May 10, 1820 |
New York | Constellation. |
John W. Mooers | May 10, 1820 |
New York | Cyane. |
Richard H. Morris | May 10, 1820 |
Vermont | Constitution. |
John H. Marshall | May 10, 1820 |
Virginia | Constitution. |
Francis Mallory | May 1, 1822 |
Virginia | Furlough. |
Alexander H. Mitchell | March 4, 1823 |
Tennessee | Hornet. |
Charles H. McBlair | March 4, 1823 |
Maryland | United States. |
William M. A. Moore | August 19, 1823 |
Virginia | United States. |
Samuel Evans Munn | August 27, 1823 |
New York | Ontario. |
Albert McDaniel | August 27, 1823 |
District of Columbia | United States. |
Murray Mason | November 14, 1823 |
District of Columbia | Ontario. |
Naval register for 1826—Midshipmen—Continued.
Names. |
Date of commission. |
Birthplace. |
Duty. |
Augustus Marrast |
January 1, 1825 |
Alabama |
West India squadron. |
Edwin W. Moore |
January 1, 1825 |
Virginia |
Hornet. |
John K. Mitchell |
February 1, 1825 |
Florida |
West India squadron. |
Matthew F. Maury |
February 1, 1825 |
Tennessee |
Brandywine. |
Henry Moore |
March 1, 1825 |
Maine |
Portsmouth, New Hampshire. |
James W. Marshal |
March 1, 1825 |
Kentucky |
Brandywine. |
Henry Kip Mower |
March 1, 1825 |
New York |
Constitution. |
Horatio Gr. Myers |
November 25, 1825 |
N. |
Robert H. Nichols |
September 1, 1811 |
New York |
Receiving ship, New York. |
John S. Nichols |
June 6, 1815 |
Virginia |
Waiting orders. |
Joseph M. Nicholson |
August 30, 1816 |
Maryland |
Leave of absence. |
Frederick A. Neville |
May 10, 1820 |
Ohio |
Porpoise. |
Lloyd B. Newell |
May 10, 1820 |
Georgia |
Constitution. |
William H. Noland |
December 13, 1823 |
Virginia |
Ontario. |
James Noble |
May 27, 1824 |
Kentucky |
North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
Jefferson Nailor |
January 1, 1825 |
Mississippi |
West India squadron. |
O. |
William S. Ogden |
July 26, 1820 |
New York |
Brandywine. |
Gabriel A. O'Brien |
January 1, 1825 |
Pennsylvania |
Cyane. |
Lewis Ogden |
March 1, 1825 |
New York |
Brandywine. |
P. |
John W. Palmer |
November 30, 1814 |
Connecticut |
Waiting orders. |
John Pope |
May 30, 1816 |
Maine |
Constitution. |
Levin M. Powell |
March 1, 1817 |
Virginia |
North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
Reuben R. Pinkham |
January 1, 1818 |
Massachusetts |
Furlough. |
William Pearson |
January 1, 1818 |
New Jersey |
Waiting orders. |
Hugh Y. Purviance |
November 3, 1818 |
Maryland |
North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
Henry Pinckney |
November 3, 1818 |
Maryland |
United States. |
Alexander F. Porter |
March 19, 1819 |
Delaware |
New York station. |
James M. Provost |
November 12, 1819 |
New York |
Waiting orders. |
Amasa Paine, jr |
May 1, 1822 |
Vermont |
Constitution. |
C. W. Pickering |
May 1, 1822 |
New Hampshire |
Leave of absence. |
Lawrence Pennington |
November 22, 1822 |
Pennsylvania |
United States. |
William D. Porter |
January 1, 1823 |
Massachusetts |
Brandywine. |
James S. Palmer |
January 1, 1825 |
New Jersey |
New York. |
Charles H. Poor |
March 1, 1825 |
Massachusetts |
John Adams. |
George A. Prentiss |
March 1, 1825 |
New Hampshire |
Portsmouth, New Hampshire. |
Richard L. Pago |
March 1, 1825 |
Virginia |
Brandywine. |
William Peter |
April 12, 1825 |
District of Columbia |
Peacock. |
R. |
Samuel Renshaw |
July 4, 1805 |
Pennsylvania |
Rendezvous, Philadelphia. |
Edmund M. Russel |
June 18, 1812 |
Massachusetts |
United States. |
John G. Rodgers |
July 4, 1817 |
Maryland |
Constellation. |
John M. Rinker |
January 1, 1818 |
Pennsylvania |
Philadelphia. |
Cadwalader Ringgold |
March 4, 1819 |
Maryland |
Leave of absence. |
Hillary H. Rhodes |
May 10, 1820 |
District of Columbia |
Waiting orders. |
Robert G. Robb |
September 6, 1821 |
Virginia |
Constitution. |
Daniel L. Randolph |
May 1, 1822 |
Rhode Island |
North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
Quinton Ratcliffe |
February 1, 1823 |
Virginia |
Peacock. |
Frederick Rogers |
March 4, 1823 |
Maryland |
North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
William Rowan |
March 4, 1823 |
Ohio |
Leave of absence. |
H. E. V. Robinson |
March 4, 1823 |
Missouri |
West India squadron. |
James H. Rowan |
August 19, 1823 |
New York |
Cyane. |
Horatio N. Russell |
January 1, 1825 |
Massachusetts |
Charles S. Renshaw |
January 1, 1825 |
Pennsylvania |
John Adams. |
John A. Russ |
March 1, 1825 |
Maine |
Charlestown Navy yard. |
William Radford |
March 1, 1825 |
Missouri |
Brandywine. |
Charles K. Ruffin |
October 24, 1825 |
Ohio |
Navy yard, New York. |
S. |
John Swartwout |
November 9, 1813 |
New York |
Waiting orders. |
Jonathan W. Sherburne |
November30, 1814 |
New Hampshire |
Surveying Florida coast. |
William Seton |
July 4, 1817 |
New Hampshire |
Waiting orders. |
Thomas O. Selfridge |
January 1, 1818 |
Massachusetts |
North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
Albert G. Slaughter |
November 3, 1818 |
Virginia |
Constellation. |
Isaac S. Sterett |
March 24, 1819 |
Maryland |
North Carolina 74. |
Naval register for 1826—Midshipmen—Continued.
Names. |
Date of commission. |
Birthplace. |
Duty. |
Thompson D. Shaw | May 10, 1820 |
Pennsylvania | Philadelphia. |
Samuel Swartwout | May 10, 1820 |
New York | New York station. |
Thomas Sands | May 10, 1820 |
Maryland | Furlough. |
Joseph Stallings | May 10, 1820 |
Maryland | West India squadron. |
Samuel W. Stockton | December 1, 1821 |
New Jersey | United States. |
Sanford A. Street | March 4, 1822 |
New York | Ontario, Mediterranean. |
David M. Stokes | May 1, 1822 |
North Carolina | Navy yard, Norfolk. |
Francis Stono | May 1, 1822 |
New Jersey | West India squadron. |
Edward Schermerhorn | May 1, 1822 |
New York | United States. |
William J. Slidell | January 1, 1823 |
New York | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
Philip A. Stockton | February 1, 1823 |
New Jersey | Constitution. |
Arthur Sinclair, jr | March 4, 1823 |
Virginia | Leave of absence. |
William Smith | March 4, 1823 |
Kentucky | West India squadron. |
Henry Skinner, jr | March 4, 1823 |
Pennsylvania | Spark. |
Grey Skipwith | March 4, 1823 |
Tennessee | New York. |
Augustus B. Strong | June 20, 1823 |
Ohio | United States. |
Lloyd L. Spilman | August 19, 1823 |
Virginia | Peacock. |
Jonathan W. Swift | August 25, 1823 |
Massachusetts | Leave of absence. |
Cary W. Seldon | November 16, 1824 |
Virginia | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
James Southard | November 16, 1824 |
New Jersey | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
James B. Sullivan | December 1, 1824 |
Massachusetts |
John C. Sharp | January 1, 1825 |
Virginia | Cyane. |
Benjamin S. Slye | March 1, 1825 |
District of Columbia | Leave of absence. |
N. G. C. Slaughter | March 1, 1825 |
Kentucky | Constellation. |
James F. Schenck | July 1, 1825 |
Ohio | Hornet. |
T. |
William B. G. Taylor | February 13, 1815 |
North Carolina | Furlough. |
Alexander Thompson | October 26, 1815 |
New York | New York station. |
John Leeds Thomas | January 1, 1818 |
Maryland | Furlough. |
Griffen Tompkins | July 11, 1818 |
New York | Norfolk station. |
Elias C. Taylor | January 1, 1819 |
New Jersey | Waiting orders. |
Robert D. Thorburn | March 30, 1820 |
Virginia | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
Charles C. Turner | May 10, 1820 |
Virginia | Constitution. |
Edward G. Tilton | May 1, 1822 |
Delaware | New York station. |
Henry K. Thatcher | March 4, 1823 |
Maine | United States, Pacific ocean. |
Benjamin J. Totten | March 4, 1823 |
Ohio | Mediterranean squadron. |
John W. Turk | March 4, 1823 |
New York | Constellation. |
Peter Turner | March 4, 1823 |
Rhode Island | Cyane. |
Charles A. Thompson | August 27, 1823 |
Maryland | United States, Pacific ocean. |
Bushrod W. Turner | October 21, 1824 |
Virginia | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
Alfred Taylor | January 1, 1825 |
Virginia | New York station. |
Paul H. Trapier | January 1, 1825 |
South Carolina | Mediterranean squadron. |
William D. B. Trotter | January 1, 1825 |
Kentucky | Constellation. |
Henry Tooley | January 1, 1825 |
Mississippi | West India squadron. |
U. |
George P. Upshur | April 23, 1818 |
Virginia | United States, Pacific ocean. |
Richard R. Usher | March 4, 1823 |
New York | Furlough. |
V. |
James K. Vallette | June 1, 1815 |
Pennsylvania | West India squadron. |
G. J. Van Brunt | January 1, 1818 |
New Jersey | West India squadron. |
Alexander Van Dyke | May 10, 1820 |
Tennessee | Sloop Boston. |
H. H. Van Rensselaer |
May 10, 1820 |
New York | Pacific squadron. |
Edward M. Vail | December 1, 1821 |
District of Columbia | Leave of absence. |
Pedro Camera Valdes | June 16, 1823 |
Chili | United States, Pacific ocean. |
W. |
Wm. S. J. Washington | February 5, 1812 |
Virginia | Receiving ship Alert. |
Clement S. Whittington | June 18, 1812 |
Maryland | Waiting orders. |
William G. Woolsey | January 1, 1817 |
Pennsylvania | New York station. |
Dudley Walker | May 8, 1818 |
Massachusetts | Rendezvous, Charlestown. |
John W. West | November 3, 1818 |
Pennsylvania | Leave of absence. |
William C. Whittle | May 10, 1820 |
Virginia | Hornet. |
Hampton Westcott | May 10, 1820 |
New Jersey | Sloop Erie, Mediterranean. |
George J. Willard | May 1, 1822 |
Ohio | West India squadron. |
James M. Watson | February 1, 1823 |
Virginia | Peacock. |
James H. Ward | March 4, 1823 |
Connecticut | Constitution, Mediterranean. |
Gabriel G. Williamson | June 2, 1824 |
Virginia | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
T. M. Washington | October 21, 1824 |
Maryland | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
Charles E. Wadsworth | December 1, 1824 |
District of Columbia | Shark. |
Dudley G. Woodbridge | January 1, 1825 |
Massachusetts | Sloop Boston. |
William J. Wiswall | January 1, 1825 |
New York | |
Thomas S. Wayne | January 1, 1825 |
Georgia | West India squadron. |
Naval register for 1826—Midshipmen—Continued.
Names. |
Date of commission. |
Birth place. |
Duty. |
Edward Worthington | March 1, 1825 |
Kentucky | Norfolk station. |
John T. Wallace | March 1, 1825 |
Indiana | Constellation. |
George B. Wingerd | March 1, 1825 |
District of Columbia | |
John Weems | March 1, 1825 |
District of Columbia | Grampus. |
John Wm. Willis | May 1, 1825 |
Virginia | Brandywine. |
John C. Winans | July 1, 1825 |
Ohio | Porpoise. |
Bezaleel Wells, jr | July 1, 1825 |
Ohio | |
Alexander W. Wilson | November 22, 1825 |
Virginia | Porpoise. |
William W. Whetcroft/ |
Maryland | New York. |
Y. |
Thomas H. Yeatman | May 1, 1822 |
Ohio | Navy yard, Norfolk. |
John Young | March 4, 1823 |
Pennsylvania | Leave of absence. |
Alexander K. Yancey | April 1, 1825 |
Virginia | Store ship, Decoy. |
William Knight | October 2, 1799 |
Pennsylvania | Navy yard, Philadelphia. |
Edward Barry | February 28, 1809 |
Ireland | Navy yard, Washington. |
Jonathan D. Ferris | February 28, 1809 |
New York | New Orleans. |
Lewis B. Page | March 9, 1809 |
Virginia | Navy yard, Gosport. |
Salvadore Catalano | August 9, 1809 |
Sicily | Navy yard, Washington. |
Augustus Ford | March 28, 1810 |
South Carolina | Sackett's Harbor. |
Daniel Jones | May 8, 1812 |
England | Steam frigate, Fulton. |
Biscoe S. Doxey | June 24, 1812 |
Maryland | Baltimore station. |
Abram B. Bloodgood | June 25, 1812 |
New York | New York station. |
Robert Knox | July 20, 1812 |
Massachusetts | Navy yard, Charlestown. |
James B. Potts | July 24, 1812 |
England | Navy yard, Gosport. |
William Vaughan | August 22, 1812 |
Pennsylvania | Sackett's Harbor. |
Marmaduke Dove | August 29, 1812 |
Maryland | Navy yard, Washington. |
Daniel Dobbins | September 16, 1812 |
Pennsylvania | Waiting orders. |
Cornelius Bennett | December 9, 1812 |
Massachusetts | Newport, Rhode Island. |
Charles F. Waldo | March 10, 1813 |
Massachusetts | Navy yard, Charlestown. |
John Clough | July 3, 1813 |
Massachusetts | Receiving ship, New York. |
F. H. Ellison | July 3, 1813 |
England | Navy yard, Brooklyn, New York. |
Francis Mallaby | July 3, 1813 |
New York | Furlough. |
Nathaniel Stoodly | August 14, 1813 |
New Hampshire | Navy yard, Portsmouth, N. H. |
Thomas Rutter | November 9, 1813 |
Maryland | Furlough. |
Joseph Lindsay | March 17, 1814 |
Massachusetts | Furlough. |
William T. Malbone | April 4, 1814 |
Rhode Island | Receiving ship, Norfolk. |
Samuel C. Hixon | April 30, 1814 |
Massachusetts | Sloop Boston. |
D. S. Stellwagen | May 14, 1814 |
Pennsylvania | Philadelphia. |
James Ferguson | May 27, 1814 |
New York | Cyane. |
Robert S. Tatem | July 21, 1814 |
Pennsylvania | Navy yard, Gosport. |
Philip S. Moyer | November 18, 1814 | New York | Furlough. |
Joseph Williston | November 26, 1814 |
Massachusetts | Leave of absence. |
Richard Dealy | December 6, 1814 |
Ireland | Furlough. |
William Miller | January 28, 1815 |
Scotland | Philadelphia. |
Nahum Warren | February 6, 1815 |
New Hampshire | Leave of absence. |
Henry Worthington | May 2, 1815 |
Maryland | New York station. |
John Carlton | July 4, 1815 |
Massachusetts | United States, Pacific ocean. |
A. Cunningham | November 15, 1815 |
South Carolina | Norfolk station. |
John Robinson | November 27, 1815 |
Massachusetts | Boston station. |
James Tewksbury | December 14, 1824 |
Massachusetts | Erie, Pennsylvania. |
Peter Carson | November 1, 1816 |
Pennsylvania | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
John Quin | November 1, 1816 |
Pennsylvania | Furlough. |
A. W. Macomb | July 25, 1818 |
New York | Furlough. |
S. J. Dusenberry | June 2, 1821 |
New York | Ohio 74, New York. |
N. A. Prentiss | January 22, 1823 |
Massachusetts | Navy yard, Portsmouth, N. H. |
Jacob Mull | August 5, 1825 |
Maryland | Frigate Constellation. |
Sailing masters—43. |
Edward Linscott | March 29, 1809 | Massachusetts | Navy yard, Gosport. |
David Eaton | August 8, 1811 | Pennsylvania | Navy yard, Washington. |
Thomas R. Smith | November 5, 1814 | New York | New York station. |
John Woods | July 8, 1815 | New Jersey | Navy yard, Philadelphia. |
James Banks | July 21, 1817 | New York | New York station. |
Eli Dill | June 25, 1818 | Leave of absence. | |
James Evans | January 1, 1819 | Pennsylvania | United States, Pacific ocean. |
William Smith | January 1, 1819 | Massachusetts | Corvette Cyane. |
Simon Jordan | October 9, 1819 | Maine | Navy yard, Brooklyn, New York. |
John Smith | December 7, 1819 | Maryland | Sloop Ontario. |
James Thayer | April 1, 1822 | New York | Grampus. |
David Wesley | June 8, 1822 | John Adams. | |
John Ball | October 14, 1824 | Constitution. | |
Boatswains—13. |
Naval register for 1826—Continued.
Names. |
Date of commission. |
Birthplace. |
Duty. |
George Marshall |
July 15, 1809 |
Greece |
North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
George Jackson |
February 2, 1810 |
North Carolina |
New Orleans. |
Stephen Jones |
May 6, 1813 |
New York |
Steam frigate, Fulton. |
Thomas Barry |
July 2, 1814 |
Pennsylvania |
Navy yard, Washington. |
James Bogman |
December 14, 1815 |
Rhode Island |
Navy yard, Gosport. |
John Lord |
June 17, 1817 |
Massachusetts |
Constitution. |
John Blight |
May 3, 1821 |
New York |
Navy yard, Brooklyn. |
Samuel Hebberd |
January 23, 1822 |
Erie, Mediterranean. |
Walter Cochran |
June 8, 1822 |
Ireland |
Hornet. |
Thomas Stanley |
August 16, 1823 |
England |
West India squadron. |
Joseph Andrews |
November 24, 1823 |
Cyane. |
Asa Curtis |
March 1, 1825 |
Navy yard, Charleston. |
Gunners—12. |
Richard Thomas | January 22, 1814 |
Constitution. | |
Zaccheus R. Fuller | April 12, 1815 |
Massachusetts | Boston station. |
John Snider | January 1, 1818 |
Pennsylvania | John Adams. |
Nehemiah Parker | January 27, 1827 |
Massachusetts | Charlestown navy yard. |
William E. Sheffield | April 8, 1820 |
Connecticut | New York station. |
John Justice | December 12, 1820 |
New Jersey | Erie station. |
Samuel Phillips | May 24, 1821 |
New Jersey | Leave of absence. |
Thomas Armstrong | June 17, 1822 |
Pennsylvania | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
John Fisher | March 20, 1823 |
Virginia | Waiting orders. |
Isaac White—acting | November 29, 1825 |
Frigate Constellation. | |
Carpenters—10. |
Charles Cassell | September 27, 1813 |
Genoa | Navy yard, Washington. |
William Baldwin | May 21, 1817 |
North Carolina | Waiting orders. |
Henry Van Voorhees | August 11, 1819 |
Sloop Peacock, Pacific ocean. | |
Benj'n B. Burchstead | April 5, 1821 |
Massachusetts | Waiting orders. |
Isaac Hall | April 1, 1822 |
Maryland | North Carolina 74, Mediterranean. |
Nathan S. Angell | June 1, 1822 |
Connecticut | Navy yard, Gosport. |
James R. Childs | June 8, 1822 |
Maryland | Sloop Hornet. |
Nathaniel B. Peed | October 22, 1823 |
Virginia | Frigate United States. |
Amos Lewis | January 3, 1825 |
Massachusetts | Frigate Constellation. |
Sailmakers—9. |
Names. |
Date of Commission. |
Date of Brevet rank. |
Birth place. |
Station. |
Arch'd Henderson, Lt. Col. Com't | October 17, 1820 |
Virginia | Head-quarters. |
R. Smith, Lt. Colonel by brevet. | March 13, 1812. |
March 3, 1825. | Maryland | Commanding at New York. |
R. D. Wainwright, Major by brevet | September 29, 1812. |
March 3, 1823. | South Carolina | Commanding at Charlestown. |
Wm. Anderson, Major by brevet. | June 18, 1814. |
March 3, 1825. | Pennsylvania | Commanding at Norfolk. |
Samuel Miller, Major by brevet | June 18, 1814 |
August 24, 1814. | Massachusetts | Commanding at Philadelphia. |
John M. Gamble, Major by brevet | June 18, 1814. |
April 19, 1816. | New Jersey | Commanding at Portsmouth. |
Samuel E. Watson | March 28, 1820 |
Virginia | Navy yard, Washington. | |
William H. Freeman | July 17, 1821 |
Connecticut | New York. | |
Joseph L. Kuhn, Paymaster | June 28, 1823 |
Maryland | Head-quarters. | |
Charles R. Broom | March 7, 1824 |
Delaware | North Carolina, Mediterranean. | |
Captains—9. |
Levi Twiggs, Captain by brevet | June 18, 1814. |
March 3, 1825. | Georgia | Frigate Constellation |
John Harris, Captain by brevet | June 18, 1814. |
March 3, 1825. | Pennsylvania | Charlestown, Massachusetts. |
Thomas A. Linton | April 18, 1817 |
Virginia | Gosport, Virginia. |
Richard T. Auchmuty | April 18, 1817 |
Rhode Island | On furlough. |
James Edelin | April 18, 1817 |
Maryland | Frigate United States. |
P. G. Howle, Adjutant and Ins. | April 18, 1817 |
Virginia | Head-quarters. |
Elijah J. Weed, Quartermaster | March 3, 1819 |
Pennsylvania | Head-quarters. |
Joseph C. Hall | March 3, 1819 |
Maryland | Head-quarters. |
William W. Dulany | June 19, 1819 |
District of Columbia | Mediterranean. |
Thomas S. English | August 11, 1819 |
Massachusetts | Frigate Brandywine. |
Thomas B. Barton | October 17, 1820 |
Pennsylvania | On recruiting service. |
George W. Walker | March 3, 1821 |
District of Columbia | New York. | |
Naval register for 1826—First Lieutenants—Continued.
Names. |
Date of Commission. |
Date of Brevet rank. |
Birth place. |
Station. |
Charles Grymes | July 20, 1821 |
Virginia | Gosport, Virginia. |
George D. Brewerton | September 17, 1821 |
New York | Portsmouth. | |
Ward Marston | October 30, 1821 |
Massachusetts | Charlestown. | |
Charles C. Tupper | January 21, 1822 |
Indiana | On furlough. | |
Augustus A. Nicholson | May 27, 1822 |
South Carolina | Sloop Erie. | |
James M'Cawley | October 6, 1822 |
Pennsylvania | Philadelphia. | |
Benjamin Macomber | April 2, 1823 |
Rhode Island | Corvette Cyane. |
Abraham N. Brevoort | September 20, 1823 |
New York | North Carolina 74. | |
Samuel S. Coejeman | March 8, 1824 |
New Jersey | Sloop Peacock. | |
Andrew Ross | October 1, 1824 |
Louisiana | New York. | |
William A. Bloodgood | December 1, 1824 |
New York | Corvette John Adams. | |
First Lieutenants—23. |
Names. |
Date of commission. |
Birthplace. |
Station. |
Richard Douglass* | May 7, 1822 |
Pennsylvania | Sloop Hornet. |
Job G. Williams | May 7, 1822 |
Massachusetts | Philadelphia. |
Charles F. Spering | May 7, 1822 |
Pennsylvania | Sloop Ontario. |
Alvin Edson | May 7, 1822 |
Vermont | Charlestown, Massachusetts. |
Horatio N. Crabb | May 7, 1822 |
Pennsylvania | Navy yard, Washington. |
Henry B. Tyler | March 3, 1823 |
Virginia | North Carolina 74. |
Joseph L. C. Hardy | March 3, 1823 |
New York | New York. |
George F. Lindsay | April 1, 1823 |
Virginia | Portsmouth, New Hampshire. |
William A. Randolph | July 30, 1823 |
South Carolina | Brandywine. |
Landon N. Carter | May 26, 1824 |
Virginia | Constellation. |
John G. Reynolds | May 26, 1824 |
New Jersey | Charlestown, Massachusetts. |
Henry W. Fowler | May 26, 1824 |
New York | Head-quarters. |
William T. Bourne | August 5, 1824 |
Massachusetts | Gosport, Virginia. |
James D. Burnham | July 1, 1825 |
New York | Head-quarters. |
Frederick Thomas | July 1, 1825 |
Vermont | Head-quarters. |
Francis C. Hall | July 5, 1825 |
Maryland | Philadelphia. |
Constantine Smith | August 27, 1825 |
Ireland | Head-quarters. |
Second Lieutenants—17. |
Names. |
When appointed. |
Expiration of commission. |
Birth place. |
Residence. |
Enoch G. Parrott |
April 21, 1821. |
April 23, 1825. |
New Hampshire | Portsmouth, New Hampshire. |
Amos Binney | January 17, 1812. |
February 15, 1825. |
Massachusetts | Boston. |
Clement S. Hunt | Acting | Maryland | Newport, Rhode Island. | |
James K. Paulding | January 8, 1824. |
January 8, 1828. |
New York | New York. |
George Harrison | November 21, 1799. |
March 3, 1829. |
Pennsylvania |
Philadelphia. |
James Riddle | July 14, 1812. |
March 3, 1829. |
Delaware | New Castle, Delaware. |
James Beatty | May 7, 1810. |
March 3, 1829. |
Maryland | Baltimore. |
John Randall | March 1, 1810. |
March 3, 1829. |
Maryland | Annapolis. |
Miles King | March 27, 1816. |
March 3, 1829. |
Virginia | Norfolk, Virginia. |
William Sinclair | Acting |
Massachusetts | Charleston, South Carolina. | |
John P. Henry | March 3, 1819. |
March 3, 1829. |
Georgia | Savannah, Georgia. |
Nathaniel Cox | January 3, 1825. |
January 3, 1829 |
New Orleans. | |
Samuel R. Overton | May 26, 1825. |
Pensacola. | ||
Michael Hogan | Ireland | Valparaiso. | ||
Richard M Call | Pennsylvania | Gibraltar. | ||
Baring, Brothers & Co | England | London. |
Names. | When appointed. | Birth place. | Residence. | Salary. |
John P. Decatur |
October 21, 1823. |
Maryland |
Portsmouth, New Hampshire |
$1,500 |
George Bates |
December 1, 1818. |
Massachusetts |
Charlestown, Massachusetts |
1,700 |
Tunis Craven |
October 13, 1823. |
New Jersey |
Brooklyn, New York |
1,700 |
Robert Kennedy |
Pennsylvania |
Philadelphia |
1,200 |
David Brearley |
April 1, 1823. |
New Jersey |
Washington |
1,700 |
Gabriel Galt |
November 14, 1822. |
Virginia |
Gosport, Virginia |
1,700 |
Samuel T. Anderson |
February 10, 1818. |
Maryland |
New Orleans |
1,700 |
* Entitled to promotion from April 26, 1825.
Naval register for 1826—Continued.
Names. |
When appointed. |
Birth place. |
Residence. |
Salary. |
John Floyd | Portsmouth, New Hampshire | $2,000 | ||
Josiah Barker | Massachusetts | Charlestown, Massachusetts | 2,000 | |
Samuel Hart | Brooklyn, New York | 2,000 | ||
Samuel Humphreys | Philadelphia | 2,300 | ||
William Doughty | Pennsylvania | Washington | 2,300 | |
Francis Grice | May 7, 1817 | Gosport, Virginia | 2,000 | |
Evan Bowles, | appointed (May 5, 1821) | agent for the preservation of timber in Louisiana, suitable for naval purposes |
300 |
Name. |
Rate. |
Where built. |
Where employed. |
Independence | 74 |
Boston | In ordinary at Boston. |
Washington | 74 |
Portsmouth, New Hampshire | In ordinary at New York. |
Franklin | 74 |
Philadelphia | In ordinary at New York. |
Columbus | 74 |
Washington | In ordinary at Boston. |
Ohio | 74 |
New York | In ordinary at New York. |
North Carolina | 74 |
Philadelphia | Mediterranean. |
Delaware | 74 |
Norfolk, Virginia | In ordinary at Norfolk |
Ships of the line—7. |
Constitution | 44 |
Boston | Mediterranean. |
United States | 44 |
Philadelphia | Pacific. |
Guerriere | 44 |
Philadelphia | In ordinary at Norfolk. |
Java | 44 |
Baltimore | In ordinary at Boston. |
Potomac | 44 |
Washington | In ordinary at Washington. |
Brandywine | 44 |
Washington | Mediterranean. |
Frigates—first class—6. |
Congress | 36 | Portsmouth | Repairing at Washington. |
Constellation | 36 | Baltimore | West Indies, Gulf of Mexico, &c. |
Macedonian | 36 | Captured in 1812 | Repairing at Norfolk. |
Fulton (steam) | 30 | New York | |
Frigates—second class—4. |
John Adams | 24 | Charleston, South Carolina | West Indies, &c.. |
Cyane | 24 | Captured in 1815 | Mediterranean |
Corvettes—2. |
Hornet | 18 | Baltimore | West Indies, &c. |
Erie | 18 | Baltimore | Mediterranean. |
Ontario | 18 | Baltimore | Mediterranean. |
Peacock | 18 | New York | Pacific. |
Sloops-of-war—4. |
Spark, brig | 12 | West Indies, &c. | |
Dolphin, schooner | 12 | Philadelphia | Pacific. |
Grampus, schooner | 12 | Washington | West Indies. |
Porpoise, schooner | 12 | Portsmouth, New Hampshire | Coast of Labrador. |
Shark, schooner | 12 | Washington | West Indies and coast of Africa. |
Fox, schooner | 3 | Purchased in 1823 | West Indies. |
Alert, store ship | Captured in 1812 | Receiving vessel, Norfolk. | |
Decoy, store ship | 3 | Purchased in 1823 | Store ship, West India squadron. |
Sea Gull, galliot | Purchased in 1823 | Receiving vessel, Philadelphia. | |
Other vessels—9. |
Rank. |
Number |
Pay per |
Rations per |
Captains |
32 |
$100 |
8 |
Captains of a vessel above twenty and under thirty-two guns |
75 |
6 |
Masters commandant |
27 |
60 |
5 |
Lieutenants commanding |
50 |
4 |
Lieutenants |
209 |
40 |
3 |
Surgeons |
39 |
50 |
2 |
Pursers |
42 |
40 |
2 |
Chaplains |
10 |
40 |
2 |
Sailing masters |
43 |
40 |
2 |
Surgeons' mates |
35 |
30 |
2 |
Schoolmasters |
25 |
25 |
2 |
Captains' clerks |
25 |
25 |
1 |
Boatswains |
13 |
20 |
2 |
Gunners |
12 |
20 |
2 |
Carpenters |
10 |
20 |
2 |
Sailmakers |
9 |
20 |
2 |
Masters' mates |
20 |
1 |
Midshipmen |
376 |
19 |
1 |
Boatswains' mates |
19 |
1 |
Carpenters' mates |
19 |
1 |
Coxswains |
18 |
1 |
Quarter gunners |
18 |
1 |
Quartermasters |
18 |
1 |
Masters-at-arms |
18 |
1 |
Armorers |
18 |
1 |
Stewards |
18 |
1 |
Coopers |
18 |
1 |
Cooks/ |
18 |
1 |
Lieutenant colonel commandant | 1 |
75 |
6 |
Captains |
9 |
40 |
3 |
First lieutenants |
24 |
30 |
3 |
Second lieutenants |
16 |
25 |
2 |
Whenever any officer shall be employed in the command of a squadron on separate service, the allowance of rations shall be double during the continuance of such command, and no longer.
The commandant of the marine corps receives, in addition to his pay, eight dollars per month each, for the forage of three horses. The adjutant quartermaster and paymaster, thirty dollars per month extra.
In commission. |
In ordinary. |
Building at— |
Ships of the line. |
Frigates. |
Sloops-of-war. |
Ships of the line | 1 |
6 |
Portsmouth, N. H | 1 |
1 |
Frigates of the first class |
3 |
3 |
Charlestown, Ms | 2 |
2 |
Frigates of the second class |
1 |
3 |
Brooklyn, N. Y |
2 |
1 |
Corvettes |
2 |
Philadelphia | 1 |
1 |
Sloops-of-war | 5 |
Washington |
Schooners, | 7 |
2 |
Gosport, Virginia | 1 |
Total | 19 |
14 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
Note.—The name of Lieut. Wm. Lowe, of Massachusetts, omitted in the register of last year, should appear next to that of Stephen Champlin, among the lieutenants of 9th December, 1814.