The Navy Department Library
U.S. Naval Abbreviations
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Note: Where the same abbreviation has more than one meaning, the several meanings have been arranged alphabetically. Abbreviations preceded by an asterisk (*), other than Navy numbers, may never be used singly; those preceded by the symbol for number (#) are the Bureau of Personnel Condensation Code for use in dispatch orders to personnel.
T -- First letter in the Navy aircraft designation, indicating a torpedo plane
T -- Northrop Aircraft, Inc. (El Segundo Division, Douglas Aircraft, Inc.) (manufacturer's symbol)
T -- Taylorcraft Aviation Corporation (Manufacturer's symbol)
T -- Telegrapher
T -- Temporary (personnel status)
T -- Timm Aircraft Corporation (manufacturer's symbol)
T -- Tons
T -- Trainer Aircraft
T -- Transferred
T -- Tug
T -- A suffix which, when appended to a basic USNR line officer classification, indicates special qualifications in electronics: officers who are trained in the technical and material details of radio, radar, and underwater sound.
T/A -- Table of Allowances (Army)
TA -- Tacoma
TA -- Tax Amortization (Plan)
TA -- Travel Allowance
TA -- United Kingdom to United States (military) (routing designation)
TAC -- Tactical Air Force
Tac/R -- Tactical Reconnaissance
TAD -- Temporary Additional Duty
TAD -- Physically on board for temporary additional duty from another ship or activity
TAD -- Training Aids Division
TADC -- Training and Distribution Center
TAG -- The Adjutant General (Army)
TAG -- Training Aids Guide
TAG -- Transport Air Group (Joint Army, Navy and Marine Corps)
TAG -- Trinidad to Aruba to Guantanamo (routing designation)
TAIU -- Technical Aircraft Instrument Unit
TAJ -- Radio transmitter
TAL -- Training Aids Library
TANKSEC -- Petroleum and Tanker Division, Assistant CNO
TAR -- Target
Tare -- "T" in the phonetic alphabet
(TARFU) -- "Things are really fouled up"
TAS -- Training Aids Section
TAS -- True Air Speed
TaskFlot -- Task Flotilla
TASSO -- Transatlantic Air Safety Service Organization
TAT -- Torpedo Attack Teacher
TAW -- Trinidad to Aruba to Key West (routing designation)
TB -- First two letters in the Navy aircraft designation, indicating a torpedo-bombing plane
TB -- Torpedo Boat (German); corresponds to US DE
TB -- Tractor Biplane
TB -- Trinidad to Bahia (routing designation)
TBA -- Tables of Basic Allowances; previously, Basic Tables of Commissioning Allowances (BTCA)
TBD-# -- "Devastator"; single-engine Navy torpedo-bomber (VTB), manufactured by Douglas
TBD -- Target Bearing Designator
TBF-# -- "Avenger"; single-engine Navy torpedo-bomber (VTB), manufactured by Grumman
TBI -- Target Bearing Indicator
TBK -- Radio Transmitter (HF)
TBL -- Radio Transmitter (HF)
TBM -- Radio Transmitter (HF)
TBM-# -- "Avenger"; single-engine Navy torpedo-bomber (VTB), manufactured by General Motors
TBR -- Torpedo Bomber Reconnaissance Aircraft
TBS -- "Talk-Between-Ships"; very high frequency shipborne radio equipment of medium power, used for ships tactically maneuvering
TBX -- Semi-portable radio equipment of low power
TBY -- Portable radio equipment of low power used as emergency for TBS
TBY-# -- "Sea Wolf"; Navy torpedo plane (VTB), manufactured by Consolidated-Vultee
TC -- Training Center
TC -- Training Circular (Army)
TC -- Transportation Corps (Army)
TC -- Turret Captain
TCA -- Theatre Commander's Approval
TCC -- Transportation Control Committee
TCg -- Contract for USCG
T Co -- Transportation Company (Army)
TCS -- Radio Transceiver (HF); used extensively in all amphibious craft
TCS -- Traffic Control Station (Army)
TCU -- new York to United Kingdom (Troop) (routing designation)
TCZ -- Permanent shipborne radio installation of medium power
TD -- First two letters in the Navy aircraft designation, signifying Drone
TD -- Tank Destroyer (Army)
TD -- Physically on board for temporary duty (officers only)
TD -- Topographic Draftsman
TD -- Torpedo Dive Bomber Aircraft
TDC -- Tank Destroyer Center (Army)
TDC -- Navy target (training) drone, manufactured by Culver Air
T&DC -- Training and Distribution Center
T&DCen -- Training and Distribution Center
TDCO -- Torpedo Data Computer Operator
TDD-# -- Navy pilotless aircraft for target training, manufactured by Radioplane
TDM -- Torpedo Detection Modification (sonar)
TDN -- Travel directed is necessary in the military service (Army)
TDN -- Twin-engine Navy drone manufactured by Brunswick-Balke
TDQ -- Radio Transmitter (VHF)
TDQ-RCK -- Shipborne radio transmitter and receiver of medium power for very high frequency; used in ship-to-plane communications
TDR -- Twin-engine Navy assault drone, (VTD) manufactured by Interstate
TDS -- Reservists in annual training duty status
TDS -- Target Designation System
TDT -- Radio Transmitter (VHF)
TDT -- Target Designation Transmitter
T/E -- Tables of Equipment (Army)
TE -- Technician Communications
TE -- Turbo Electric Drive
TE -- Twin Engine
*TECH -- Technical
Tech -- Technician
TechTra -- Air Technical Training
TEG -- Purchases by Coast Guard (BuS&A symbol)
*TEL -- Telegram
TEL -- Tetraethyl Lead
TELCON -- Telephone conversation
Teletype -- Teletypewriter
#TEM -- Temporary duty
#TEMAC -- Temporary active duty
#TEMACINS -- Temporary active duty under instruction
#TEMADD -- Temporary additional duty
#TEMADDCON -- Temporary additional duty in connection with
#TEMADDINS -- Temporary additional duty under instruction
#TEMCON -- Temporary duty connection
#TEMPFLY -- Temporary duty involving flying
#TEMFLYINS -- Temporary duty involving flying under instruction
#TEMINS -- Temporary duty under instruction
Temp -- Temporary
Temp att -- Temporarily attached
Temp d -- Temporary duty
Temp det d -- Temporary detached duty
#TEMPLINACT -- Temporary duty pending disciplinary action
#TEMPLINEAR -- Temporary duty (disciplinary hearing)
#TEMWAIT -- Temporary duty awaiting
TENN -- Tennessee
TERM -- Terminal island
TEV -- Turbo-Electric Drive (5-inch guns)
TEX -- Texas
"Texan" -- See SNJ-#
TexGrp -- Texas Group
TF -- Task Force
TF -- Torpedo Fighter Aircraft
TFC -- Time of First Call
TG -- Task Group
Tg -- Telegraph
TGT -- Target
TH -- Territory of Hawaii
TH -- Thermite or Magnesium Bomb
THI -- Time Handed In
Thorny -- Thorny or Thorny-Craft (boilers)
THOU -- Thousand
THQ -- Theater Headquarters (Army)
TI -- Terminal Island (San Pedro)
TI -- Training Instructor
TI -- Treasure Island (San Francisco Bay)
TIC -- Technical Intelligence Center (Navy)
"Tigercat" -- See F7F-#
TIIC -- Technical Industrial Intelligence Committee
TINA -- Identification of radio operators by personal keying characteristics (RFP--radio finger printing)
TINSY -- Treasure Island Naval Shipyard
TIO -- Target Indication Officer
TIR -- Target Indication Room
TIS -- Technical Information Section (Navy)
TIS -- Theater Intelligence Section
TIU -- Target Indication Unit
TJ -- Trinidad to Rio de Janeiro (routing designation)
Tk -- Tank
T/L -- Training Literature
Tl -- Trial
TLoan -- Termination Loan
TLP -- Torpedo Landplane
TLP -- Total Loss of Pay
TLR -- Triangulation-Listening-Ranging (sonar)
TM -- Technical Manual (Army)
TM -- Torpedoman's Mate
TM -- Tractor Monoplane
TM -- Trinidad to Gibraltar (routing designation)
TMB -- David W. Taylor model Basin
TME -- Torpedoman's Mate, Electrical
TMF -- Trinidad to Gibraltar, Fast (routing designation)
T mort -- Trench mortar (Army)
TMV -- Torpedoman's Mate, Aviation
TNT -- A high explosive (trinitro-toluol)
TO -- Netherlands West Indies to New York (routing designation)
TO -- Northwest Africa to Aruba or Curaçao (routing designation)
T/O -- Tables of Organization (Army)
TO -- Take Off
TO -- Technical Observer (flying)
TOBEDI -- To be disposed of (vessels)
TOBELE -- To be leased (vessels)
TOBELN -- To be loaned (vessels)
TOC -- Trinidad to Curaçao (routing designation)
(TOC) -- Tanker Operational Circular
TOD -- Time of Delivery
T/O&E -- Tables of Organization and Equipment
T of Opns -- Theater of Operations
TOG Method -- Target-Observer-Gun Method (Army)
TOO -- Time of Origin
TopoEngr -- Topographical Engineer
TOPSEC -- Top Secret
TOR -- Time of Receipt
*TORP -- Torpedo
TORP -- Torpedoman
TorpRon -- Torpedo Squadron
TOT -- Time of Transmission (or Time on Tape)
TOT -- Time Over Target
Tp -- Telephone
TPA -- Transfer of Pay Account
TPI -- Target Position Indicator
TpOp -- Telephone Operator
TR -- Technical Regulations (Army)
TR -- Torpedo Reconnaissance Aircraft
Tr -- Transfer(red)
T/R -- Transportation Request
*TRA -- Training
Trac -- Tractor
TraComd -- Training Command
TraComdLant -- Training Command, Atlantic Fleet
TraComdPac -- Training Command, Pacific Fleet
TraComdSubPac -- Training Command, Submarines, Pacific Fleet
TraComdWestCoast -- Training Command, West Coast
Tractor Group -- Convoy of ships (usually LSTs or LSVs) whose destination is an amphibious assault and whose cargo is principally tracked vehicles used in assault
TRADET -- Training Detachment
TrainBaseFor -- Train Base Force, Pacific Fleet
TrainLant -- Train Atlantic Fleet
TrainRon -- Train Squadron (later ServRon or SerRon)
TranC -- Transient Center (USMC)
*TRANS -- Transport(ation)
TRANS DEP -- Transportation of dependents
TransDiv -- Transport Division
TransGrpPhibFor -- Transportation Group Amphibious Forces
TransGrpSoPac -- Transport Group, South Pacific Force
TransLant -- Transports, Atlantic Fleet
TransPhibLant -- Transports, Amphibious Force, Atlantic Fleet
TansPhibPac -- Transports, Amphibious Force, Pacific Fleet
TransRon -- Transport Squadron
TraSta -- Training Station
"Traveler" -- See GB-#
TrBr -- Transportation Brand
TR/FLRES -- Transferred to Fleet Reserve
TRLP -- Transport Landplane
Trng -- Training
Trng d -- Training duty
T&RNP -- Transportation of Recruiting Naval Personnel (appropriation title)
Trs -- Troops
TRSP -- Transport seaplane
TRSY -- Treasury
TS -- Tanapap, Saipan
TS -- Time Shack (NAS Operations Desk)
TSCC -- Top Secret Control Channels
TSCO -- Top Secret Control Officers
TSCP -- Top Secret Control Proceeding
TSCS -- Top Secret Control Section
TSgt -- Technical Sergeant
TSgt(C) -- Technical Sergeant (Commissary)
TSMG -- Thompson Submachine Gun
TSP -- Torpedo Seaplane
TT -- Target Towing Aircraft
*TT -- Teletypewriter
TTF -- Training Task Force
TTPE -- Total Taxable Pay Earned
TTSA -- Transitional Training Squadron, Atlantic
TTSFP -- Training Transition School (Squadron), Pacific Fleet
TTSP -- Transition Training Squadron, Pacific
TU -- Task Unit
TU -- Thank you
TU -- Training Unit (Army)
TU -- United Kingdom to United States (Troop) (routing designation)
Turb -- Turbines
Turb Elec -- Turbine Electric
TUSA -- Third United States Army
"Tutor" -- See N2T
TVG -- Time Variation of Gain
Twin-Wasp -- Naval aircraft engine, 14 cylinders, manufactured by Pratt and Whitney
Twin-Wasp Jr. -- Naval aircraft engine, 14 cylinders, manufactured by Pratt and Whitney
TWL -- Leased Teletypewriter Service
TWPL -- Teletypewriter, Private Line
TWX -- Commercial Teletypewriter Exchange System
Tx -- Texas
TX -- Transmitter (general term)