The Navy Department Library
U.S. Naval Abbreviations
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Note: Where the same abbreviation has more than one meaning, the several meanings have been arranged alphabetically. Abbreviations preceded by an asterisk (*), other than Navy numbers, may never be used singly; those preceded by the symbol for number (#) are the Bureau of Personnel Condensation Code for use in dispatch orders to personnel.
I -- Incendiary
I -- India
(I) -- To be inactivated
IA -- Inspection Administration
IAD -- Inactive Reservists: USN RET, USNR RET, USNR HON RET, and Fleet Reservists
IADB -- Inter-American Defense Board
IAS -- Indicated Air Speed
IATCB -- Interdepartmental Air Traffic Control Board
IAZ -- Inner Artillery Zone
IB -- Incendiary Bomb
IBH -- Initial Beachhead (Army)
IBM -- International Business Machine
IBS -- Island Base Section
IC -- Information Center
IC -- Interior Communications
ICB -- Interior Control Board
ICD -- Industrial Cooperation Division
ICE -- Iceland
IcePat -- Iceland Patrol
ICG -- Interviewer's Classification Guide
ICIR -- In Commission, In Reserve (vessel status)
ICOC -- Instructions for Commodores of Convoys
ICOMP -- Iceland Ocean Meeting Point
ICPOA -- Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas
IC&RR -- Inventory Control and Requirements Review Board (CNO)
ID -- Identification
ID -- Intelligence Duties
IDA -- Idaho
IDC -- Interdepartmental Committee (also INDEC)
ID Card -- Identification Card
IDFOR -- Idle Waiting Convoy Forward
IDG -- Idle Waiting to Load
IDLOD -- Inspector of Degaussing
Id No -- Identification Number
IDREA -- Idle Other Reasons
IDS -- Instrument Development Section
IDSTO -- Idle Used for Storage
I&E -- Information and Education (Army)
IE -- Initial Equipment (Aircraft)
IF -- Intercept and Broadcast
IFD -- Inter-Fighter Director
IFF -- Identification, Friend or Foe
IFHOM -- Idle Waiting Convoy Homeward
IFIS -- Instrument Flight Instructors School
IFU -- Intelligence Field Unit
IG -- Inspector General (Army)
IGD -- Inspector General's Department (Army)
I/I -- Inventory and Inspection Report (Army)
IL -- Illinois
Illum -- Illuminating
IMNP -- Symbol for thickened gasoline
IMPACT -- Periodical, published monthly by Assistant Chief of Air Staff Intelligence
#IMREP -- Immediately Report
IMS -- Industrial Manpower Section
I & N -- Immigration and Naturalization Service (Naval Intelligence)
IN -- Interpreter
IN -- Journalist
IN -- Key Punch Operator and Supervisor
IN -- Radio Intelligence Specialist
INA -- Inspector of Naval Aircraft
InactFltLant -- Inactive Fleet, Atlantic Fleet
InactFltPac -- Inactive Fleet, Pacific Fleet
INACTLANT -- Inactive Fleet, Atlantic Fleet
INACTPAC -- Inactive Fleet, Pacific Fleet
INA/IC -- Inactive-In Commission, In Reserve (vessel status)
INA/IS -- Inactive-In Service, in Reserve (vessel status)
INA/OC -- Inactive-Out of Commission, In Reserve (vessel status)
INA/OS -- Inactive-Out of Service, in Reserve (vessel status)
INC -- Incorporated
#INCAIR -- Including Air
INC Bomb -- Incendiary Bomb
*INCEP -- Interceptor
Incl -- Include; including; inclusive
IND -- Indiana
Ind -- Induction
*IND -- Industry (ial)
INDAIR -- Identification of Aircraft
INDEC -- Interdepartmental Committee (also IDC)
Indiv -- Individual
IndMan -- Industrial Manager
IndMgr -- Industrial Manager
Inf -- Infantry (Army)
INFO -- Information
#INFOREQ -- Information requested as to
INIT CCA -- Initial Cash Clothing Allowance
INM -- Inspector of Naval Machinery
INM -- Inspector of Naval Material
INS -- Inspection Division (USCG)
*INS -- Inspector (of)
InsAir -- Inspector Naval Aircraft
#INSCRUIT -- Inspector of Navy Recruiting and Induction, Joint Service Induction Area
InsEng -- Inspector Naval Engineering Material
#INSEREC -- Indicate by appropriate entry pages 9-10 service records, and in orders, rating for which men have been trained, to insure assignment to appropriate duty
#INSERECAV -- Indicate by appropriate entry pages 9-10 service record, and in orders, rating for which nonrated men have been trained, to insure assignment to aviation duty
#INSERECSUB -- Indicate by appropriate entry pages 9-10 service record, and in orders, rating for which men have been trained, to insure assignment to submarine duty
InsGen -- Inspector General (Navy)
InsGenPac -- Inspector General, Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas
InshorePat -- Inshore Patrol
InsMach -- Inspector of Naval Machinery
InsMat -- Inspector of Naval Material
InsNavMat -- Inspector of Navigational Material
InsOrd -- Inspector of Ordnance (Naval)
Insp -- Inspector
*INSP -- Inspection
INSPAT -- Inshore Patrol
InsPetRes -- Inspector Petroleum Reserves
Insp-Instr -- Inspector-Instruction (USMC)
INST -- Instantaneous
*INST -- Instruction (s)
#INSTFURASPERS -- For course of instruction and further assignment by Bureau of Naval Personnel
Instn -- Instruction
Instr -- Instructor
INSUR -- Allotment for commercial life insurance
InSurv -- Board of Inspection and Survey
INT -- Ad Interim Specification (BuShips)
INT -- Intelligence and Law Enforcement Division (USCG)
INT -- Interest
*INT -- International
INTCO -- International Code of Signals
*INTEL -- Intelligence
IntelCen -- Intelligence Center
IntelCenPac -- Intelligence Center Pacific Ocean Areas
Intell -- Intelligence
*INTERM -- Intermediate
IntermTra -- Intermediate Training (Air)
#INTERP -- Interpretation
InterpRon -- Photo Interpretation Squadron
Int O -- Intelligence Officer (Army)
"Invader" -- See JD-#
*INVEST -- Investigation
IO -- Intelligence Officer
IO -- Intercept Officer
IO -- Issuing Office
IOL -- Initial Outfitting List (for Advanced Bases)
IP -- Initial Point (Army)
IPRB -- Inter-Allied Post-War Requirements Bureau
IR -- Infra-Red Equipment
IRAA&A -- Increase and Replacement of Armor, Armament and Ammunition (appropriation title)
IRAC -- Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee
IRB -- Industrial Readjustment Branch
IRB -- Industrial Relations Board
IRC -- Industrial Relations Counselors
IRC&M -- Increase and Replacement of Construction and Machinery (appropriation title)
IREC -- Increase and Replacement of Emergency Construction (ships) (appropriation title)
IRNV -- Increase and Replacement of Naval Vessels (appropriation title)
IRS -- Induction and Recruiting Station (USMC)
I&S -- (Board of) Inspection and Survey)
IS -- Invalided from Service (Medical)
IS -- Island
ISA -- Inductee Special Assignment
ISBIC -- Interservice Balkan Intelligence Committee
ISCB -- Inter-Allied Staff Communications Board
IsCom -- Island Commander
ISD -- Industrial Survey Division; now, OIS
ISIC -- Immediate Superior-in-Command
ISinC -- Immediate Superior-in-Command
ISIR -- In Service, In Reserve (vessel status)
ISIS -- Inter-Service Information Series (GB)
ISLD -- Inter-Service Liaison Department (GB)
ISN -- Indefinite SecNav Allotments
ISRB -- Inter-Service Research Bureau (GB)
ISTD -- Inter-Service Topographical Department (British Admiralty)
ITANDT -- International Telephone and Telegraph
ITEM -- "I" in the phonetic alphabet
ITM -- Inspector of Torpedoes and Mines
ITO -- Inspecting Torpedo Officer
IV -- Initial Velocity
IV -- Inverted Vertical (aircraft engine)
I-V(S) -- USNR designation for commissioned intelligence officers qualified for specialist duties. This classification was abolished in September 1944 and replaced by S(I).
IX -- Miscellaneous Unclassified (for any unclassified ships in the Navy)