The Navy Department Library
U.S. Naval Abbreviations
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Note: Where the same abbreviation has more than one meaning, the several meanings have been arranged alphabetically. Abbreviations preceded by an asterisk (*), other than Navy numbers, may never be used singly; those preceded by the symbol for number (#) are the Bureau of Personnel Condensation Code for use in dispatch orders to personnel.
N -- First letter in the Navy aircraft designation, including a training plane
N -- A suffix which, when appended to a basic USNR officer classification, indicates special qualifications in electronics: officers who are qualified CIO Watch Officers and who are also qualified in aircraft control under all conditions.
N -- Naval Aircraft Factory (manufacturer's symbol)
N -- Navigation Department of a carrier
N -- Night Fighter (suffix to plane designation); see F6F-5N
N -- North
NA -- Canada to United Kingdom (routing designation)
NA -- National Archives
NA -- Naval Academy
*NA -- Naval Air
NA -- Naval Attaché
NA -- Naval Aviator
NA -- Not Appropriated
NAA -- Naval Attaché for Air
NAA -- Northern Attack Area
NAAF -- Naval Auxiliary Air Facility
NAAF -- Northwest African Air Force
NAAS -- Naval Auxiliary Air Station
NAB -- Naval Advanced Base
NAB -- Naval Air Base
NABA -- Naval Amphibious Base Annex
NABU -- Naval Advanced Base Unit
NAC -- Naval Academy
NAC -- Naval Air Center
NACA -- National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics
NACAF -- Northwest African Coastal Air Force
NACIO -- Naval Air Combat Information Office(r)
NACIS -- Naval Air Combat Information School
NACSB -- Naval Aviation Cadet Selection Board
NACTU -- Night Attack Combat Training Unit
NACU -- National Association of Colleges and Universities
NAD -- Naval Air Depot
NAD -- Naval Air Detail
NAD -- Naval Ammunition Depot
NADM -- Naval Administration
NADU -- Naval Aircraft Delivery Unit
NAEB -- North African Economic Board
NAer -- Bureau of Aeronautics Publications; later, NAVAER
NAES -- Naval Air Experimental Station
NAF -- Naval Aircraft Facility
NAF -- Naval Aircraft Factory
NAF -- Northern Attack Force
NAFC -- Naval Air Ferry Command
NAFC -- Northern Attack Force Commander
NAFI -- Naval Air Fighting Instructions
NAFS -- Naval Air Fighter School
NAGC -- Naval Armed Guard Center
NAGCO -- Naval Air Ground Center
NAGS -- Naval Air Gunners School
NAIT -- Naval Air Intermediate Training
NAIT(C) -- Naval Air Intermediate Training (Command)
NALO -- Naval Air Liaison Officer
NAM -- Naval Aircraft modification
NAMB -- Naval Amphibious Base
NAMC -- Naval Aircraft Material Center
NAMD -- Naval Ammunition Depot
NAMO -- Naval Aircraft Maintenance Orders
NAMT -- naval Aircraft Mobile Trainer
NAMU -- Naval Aircraft Material (Utility)
NAMU -- Naval Aircraft Modification Unit
"NAN" -- Infra-red signalling system
Nan -- "N" in the phonetic alphabet
NANCF -- North Atlantic Naval Coastal Frontier
"NANCY" Gear -- Infra-red gear for night signalling; formerly, NAN Gear
NANews -- Naval Aviation News
NANFAC -- Naval Air Navigation Facility Advisory Committee
NANS -- Naval Air Navigation School
NAOT -- Naval Air Operational Training
NAOTC -- Naval Air Operations Traiing Command
NAP -- Naval Air Priorities
NAP -- Naval Aviation Pilot
"Napalm" -- Fire bomb used in pre-invasion assaults
NAP(G) -- Naval Aviation Pilot (Glider)
NAPC -- Naval Air Priorities Office
NAPP -- Naval Aviation Preparatory Program
NAPRW -- Northwest African Photographic Reconnaissance Wing
NAPT -- Naval Air Primary Training
NAPT(C) -- Naval Air Primary Training (Command)
NAPTCRO -- Naval Air Primary Training Command Regional Office
NAR -- Naval Air Representative (British Admiralty Delegation, Washington)
NARSTC -- Naval Air Rescue Training Command
NARTC -- Naval Air Research Training Command
NARTU -- naval Air Reserve Training Unit
NAS -- Naval Air Station
NASBERM -- Naval Air Station Bermuda
NASCRIST -- Naval Air Station Corpus Christi
NASD -- Naval Avaition Supply Depot (Philadelphia)
NASDIEGO -- Naval Air Station San Diego
NASGTMO -- Naval Air Station Guantanamo
NASJAX -- Naval Air Station Jacksonville
NASLAKE -- Naval Air Station Lakejurst
LASPENSA -- Naval Air Station Pensacola
NASQUON -- Naval Air Station Quonset Point
NASS -- Naval Air Signal School
NAT -- Naval Air Training
NAT -- North African Theater
NATAF -- Northewest African Tactical Air Force
NATB -- Naval Aier Training Base
#NATBASES -- Naval Air Training Bases
NATC -- Naval Air Testing Center
NATC -- Naval Air Training Center
NATEC -- Naval Air Training and Experimental Command (LTA, Lakehurst)
NATechTraCen -- Naval Air Technical Training Center
#NATNAVMEDCEN -- National Naval Medical Center (Methesda, Maryland)
NATOUSA -- North African Tehater of Operations United States Army
NATS -- Naval Air Transport Service
NATSFerry -- Naval Air Transport Service, Ferry Command
NATSLant -- Naval Air Transport Service, Atlantic Wing
NATSPac -- Naval Air Transport Service, Pacific Wing
NatSup -- National Supply Company
NATT -- Naval Air Technical Training
NATTC -- Naval Air Technical Training Center
*NAV -- Naval; Navy; Navigation(al)
NAVACT -- Communication directed to all Navy activities
NAVAER -- Bureau of Aeronautics Publications
NavAirFac -- Naval Air Facility
NavAirTraCen -- Naval Air Training Center
NAVALOT -- Allotment Division (BuSandA)
NavAmDep -- Naval Ammunition Depot
NAVAUTH -- Naval Authority
NavBase -- Naval Base
NAVBOILAB -- Navy Boiler Laboratory
NAVC -- Naval Aviation Cadet
NAVCG -- Cost Guard Publications
NavCloDep -- Naval Clothing Depot
NACVM -- Navigation countermeasures and deception
NAVCOM -- Naval Communications
#NAVCONTRACEN -- Naval Construction Training Center
#NAVCONVHOSP -- Naval Convalescent Hospital
NavDet -- Naval Detachment
NavDis -- Naval District
NavDiscBar -- Naval Disciplonary Barracks
NavDisp -- Naval Dispensary
NAVDIST -- Naval District
NAVDOCKS -- Bureau of Yards and Docks Publications
NavEu -- U.S. Naval Forces in European Waters
NAVEXAM -- Naval Easmining Board
NAVEXOS -- Executive Office of the Secretary Publications
NavFac -- Naval Facility
NavFlightPrepSchol -- Naval Flight Preparatory School
NavFor -- U.S. Naval Forces
NavForces -- Naval Forces
NavForEu -- U.S. Naval Forces Europe; later, NavEu
NavForGer -- U.S. Naval Forces Germany
NavFrOf -- Navy Freight Office
NavFuelDep -- Naval Fuel Depot
NAVGEN -- Navy General Publications
NavGun -- Naval Gun Factory
NavHome -- U.S. Naval Home (Philadelphia)
NavHosp -- U.S. Naval Hospital
Navig -- Navigation; Navigator
"Navigator" -- See SNB-2-2C
NAVINGSEN -- Naval Inspector General
NAVINTEL -- Naval Intelligence
NAVJAG -- Judge Advocate General's Office Publications
NavJap -- U.S. Naval Forces, Japan
NavMag -- U.S. Naval Magazine
NAVMC -- Marine Corps Publications
NAVMED -- Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Publications
NavMed -- U.S. Naval Forces, Mediterranean
NavMinDep -- Naval Mine Depot
NAVMIS -- Naval Mission
NAVMUT -- Navy Mutual Aid Insurace (allotment for)
NavNAW -- U.S. Naval Forces, Northwest African Waters; later, NavMed
NavNetDep -- Naval Net Depot
NavNorSols -- Naval Forces, Northern Solomons
NavNZ -- NavalForces, New Zealand
NAVOBSY -- Naval Observatory
NavOpFac -- Naval Operation Facility
NAVORD -- Naval Ordnance Publications
NavPhil -- U.S. Naval Forces Philippines
NavPowFac -- Naval Powder Factory
NavPreFlightScol -- Naval PreFlight School
NavPris -- Naval Prison
NavProv -- Naval Proving Ground (Dahlgren, Va.)
NAVPUBSConBd -- Navy Department Publications Control Board
NavPur -- Navy Purchasing Office
NavRadSta -- Naval Radio Station
NavRes -- Naval Reserve
NavResLab -- Naval Research Laboratory
#NAVRESMIDSCOL -- Naval Reserve Midshipmen's School
NavRetrainCom -- Naval Retraining Command
NavRoute -- Navy Routing Office
NavRyukyus -- Naval Forces, Ryukyus
NAVSANDA -- Bureau of Supplies and Accounts Publications; formerly, NSA
NAVSHIPS -- Bureau of Ships Publications
NavShipYd -- Naval Ship Yard
NavSta -- Naval Station
NavTechJap -- Naval Technical Mission to Japan (US)
NavTechTraCen -- Naval Air Technical Training Center
NavTecMisEu -- naval Technical Mission in Europe (US)
NavTorpSta -- Naval Torpedo Station
#NAVTRADISTCEN -- Naval Training and Distribution Center
NAVTRANSAIR -- For travel by Naval Transport Aircraft Class priority is hereby certified
NavTraScol -- Naval Training School
NavTraSta -- Naval Training Station
#NAVWARCOL -- Naval War College
NavWesPac -- U.S. Naval Forces Western Pacific
Navy No.--- -- Navy Number (mail address, disguised)
Navy Regs -- U.S. Navy Regulations
NB -- Naval Base
NBAD -- Naval Bases Air Defense
NBC -- Navy Beach Commando
NBPA -- Navy Board for production Awards
NBS -- Bureau of Ships Publications; later, NAVSHIPS
NBSS -- Naval Beach Signal Section
NC -- Naval Correspondence
NC -- navy Cross
NC -- North Carolina
NC -- Petroleum Technician
NC -- Special Projects
NC -- USN officer designation for Nurse Corps USN
NCA -- Naval Communications Annex
NCAP -- Naval Air Combat Patrol
NCAR -- North Carolina
NCB -- Naval Communications Board
NC&B -- Naval Courts & Boards
NCD -- Notice of Credit Due
NCDC -- Naval Contract Distribution Center
NCDT&E Base -- Naval Combat Demolition Training and Experimental Base (Maui, T.H.)
NCDU -- Naval Combat Demolition Unit
NCG -- Coast Guard Publications; later, NAVCG
NCI -- Naval Coast Inspector
NCO -- Non-Commissioned Officer
NCOinC -- Non-Commissioned Officer-in-Charge
NCPI -- Navy Civilian Personnel Instructions
NCSL -- Naval Code and Signal Laboratory
NCSC -- Naval Control Service Office (World War II British Routing Service)
NCTC -- Naval Construction Training Center
NCUSA -- Navy Club of the United States of America
NCWTF -- Naval Commander Western Task Force
ND -- Naval District
ND -- Navy Department
NDAC -- National Defense Advisory Commission
NDAK -- North Dakota
NDB -- Naval Disciplinary Barracks
NDB -- Navy Department Bulletin
NDBS -- Naval Despatch Boat Service
NDBulCumEd -- Navy Department Bulletins, Cumulative Editions
NDD&RF -- Naval Dry Dock and Repair Facility
NDF -- Naval Dairy Farm
NDGO -- Navy Department General Order
NDO -- Navy Disbursing Officer
NDOS -- National Defense Operations Section (FCC)
NDP -- Navy Department Personnel
NDRC -- National Defense Research Council
NE-# -- "Grasshopper"; single-engine Navy utility plane (VJ), manufactured by Piper
NE -- Northeast
#NEARNAVDIST -- Commandant of the nearest Naval District
NEBR -- Nebraska
NEF -- Naval Emergency Fund (appropriation title)
NEGAT -- Negative
NEI -- Netherlands East Indies
NEL -- naval Electronics Laboratory
NEL -- Naval Explosive Laboratory
"Neptune" -- See P2V-2
NES -- Naval Experimenting Station
NEV -- Nevada
*NEWFO -- Newfoundland
NEWLON -- New London, Connecticut
NF or N/F -- Night Fighter aircraft
NF -- Norfolk
NF -- Norfolk, Virginia (Navy Yard)
NF -- Nose Fuse
NFA -- Naval Fuel Annex
NFB -- Naval Frontier Base
NFD -- Naval Fuel Depot
NFIS -- Naval Fighting Instruction School
NFPS -- Naval Flight Preparatory School
NFTB -- Naval Fleet Training Base
NFTS -- Naval Flight Training School
NG -- New York to Guantanamo (routing designation)
NGA -- A two frequency supersonic sounding gear for use with WFA (sonar)
NGF -- Naval Gun Factory
NGF -- Naval Gunfire
NGLO -- Naval Gunfire Liaison Officer
NGS -- Naval Gunfire Support
NH -- Naval Home
NH-# -- "Nightingale"; single-engine Navy trainer (VN), manufactured by Howard
NH -- Naval Hospital
NH -- New Hampshire
NHA -- National Housing Administration
NHAMP -- New Hampshire
NHO -- Hydrographic Office Publications
NHOS -- Naval Hospital
NI -- Naval Intelligence
NIA -- Navy Industrial Association
NICO -- Navy Inventory Control Office
NID -- Naval Intelligence Division(British Admiralty)
NID -- U.S. Naval Intelligence Division; usually, ONI
NIDS -- Navigation Instrument Development Unit
NIG -- Naval Inspector General
"Nightingale" -- See GH-#, NH-#
NIM -- Naval Inspector of Machinery
NInst -- Nose Instantaneous
NIO -- Naval Inspector Ordnance
NIO -- Navigational Information Office
NIP -- Nipponese
NIS -- Naval Inspection Service
NITE -- Night
NiteDevRon -- Night Development Squadron
NIU -- Naval Intelligence Unit
NJ -- New Jersey
NJC -- Navy Job Classification manual
NJPMB -- Navy Jet Propelled Missile Board
NK -- New York to Key West (routing designation)
NL -- Naval Lighter (5x5x7 welded steel pontoons)
NL -- New London, Connecticut
NLD -- Navy Lighter (Pontoon) Dock
NLDF -- Naval Local Defense Forces
NLFED -- Naval Landing Force Equipment Depot
NLFM -- Noise Level Monitor (sonar)
NLO -- Naval Liaison Officer
NLRB -- National Labor Relations Board
NLSC -- Navy Lockheed Service Center
NLT -- Night Letter
NM -- Nautical Miles
NM -- Naval magazine
NM -- New Mexico
NM -- Sounding gear (fathometers); for use with WCA and WDA installations for sonar
NMAA -- Navy Mutual Air Association
NMAG -- Naval Magazine
NMB -- Naval Model Basin
NMC -- Marine Corps Publications; later, NAVMC
NMC -- Naval Medical Center
NMC -- Navy Mail Clerk
NMCJS -- Naval Member Canadian Joint Staff
NMCLK -- Navy Mail Clerk
N&MCM -- Navy and Marine Corps Medal
NMD -- Naval Mine Depot
NMDS -- Naval Mine Disposal School
NMEX -- New Mexico
NMG -- Navy Military Government
NMP -- Naval Management Program
NMRC -- Navy Material Redistribution Center
NMR&DA -- Navy material Redistribution and Disposition Administration (BuSandA)
NMR&DO -- Naval Material Redistribution and Disposal Office(r)
NM&S -- Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Publications
NMS -- Naval Meteorological Service
NMSB -- Navy manpower Survey Board
NMSD -- Naval Medical Supply Depot
NMSHC -- Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Hospital Corps Publications; later, NAVMED
NMTS -- Naval mine Testing Center
NMWS -- Naval Mine Warfare School
NMWTS -- Naval Mine Warfare Test Station
N3N -- Navy training plane (CV), manufactured by Naval Aircraft Factory
NN -- Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Company
NNAV -- Bureau of Navigation Publications; later, BPN; the, NAVPERS
NNC or
NC -- Navy Nurse Corps
NND -- Naval Net Depot
NNI -- Office of Naval Intelligence Publications
NNMC -- National Naval Medical Center (Bethesda, Maryland)
NNSB&DDCo -- Newport news Shipbuilding and Drydock Company
NNYd -- Norfolk Navy Yard
NO -- Naval Observatory
NO -- New Orleans, Louisiana
No -- Number
NO -- Civil Works Contracts (BuSandA symbol)
NOa -- Miscellaneous contract, written by BuAer (BuSandA symbol)
NOa(F) -- Purchases by Bureau of Aeronautics (Facilities) (BuSandA symbol)
NOa(S) -- Purchases by Bureau of Aeronautics (Supplies); contracts written by BuAer (BuSandA symbol)
NObs -- Contract for BuShips; written by BuShips (BuSandA symbol)
NObs(F) -- Purchases by Bureau of Ships (Facilities) (BuSandA symbol)
NOd -- Contract for Adjutant-General (BuSandA symbol)
NOd -- Contract written by Secretary of Navy's Office (BuSandA symbol)
NOIC -- Naval Officer-in-Charge (British controlled port)
NOm -- Contract for U.S> Marine Corps (BuSandA symbol)
NOm -- Purchases by the Quartermaster, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps (BuSandA symbol)
Non -- Nonclassified
NOp -- Purchases by Bureau of Naval Personnel; contract written by BuPers (BuSandA symbol)
NOrd -- Purchases by Bureau of Ordnance; contract written by BuOrd (BuSandA symbol)
NOrd(F) -- Purchases by Bureau of Ordnance (Facilities) (BuSandA symbol)
NOs -- Contract for Bureau of Supplies and Accounts (BuSandA symbol)
NOy -- Contract for Bureau of Yards and Docks (BuSandA symbol)
NOy -- Purchases by Bureau of Yards and Docks; contract written by BuDocks (BuSandA symbol)
NOyr -- Contract for real estate (BuSandA symbol)
Nps -- Payments by Office of the Under Secretary of the Navy for personal services (BuSandA symbol)
N5sa -- Purchases by Bureau of Supplies and Accounts for Bureau of Aeronautics (BuSandA symbol)
N5sd -- Purchases by Bureau of Supplies and Accounts for the Office of the Secretary (BuSandA symbol)
N5sm -- Purchases by Bureau of Supplies and Accounts for the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BuSandA symbol)
N5so -- Purchases by Bureau of Supplies and Accounts for the Bureau of Ordnance (BuSandA symbol)
Ntsp -- Purchases by Bureau of Supplies and Accounts for the Bureau of Naval Personnel (BuSandA symbol)
N5sr -- Purchases by Bureau of Supplies and Accounts for the Bureau of Ships (Radio) (BuSandA symbol)
N5ss -- Purchases by Bureau of Supplies and Accounts for the Bureau of Ships (BuSandA symbol)
N5sx -- Purchases by the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts for the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts (BuSandA symbol)
N5sy -- Purchases by the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts for the Bureau of Yards and Docks (BuSandA symbol)
NOB -- Naval Operating Base
NOBDUCHAR -- Naval Operating Base, Dutch Harbor
NOBFRAN -- Naval Operating Base, San Francisco
NOBNEWT -- Naval Operating Base, Newport
NOBSOLO -- Naval Operating Base, Coco Solo
NOBSY -- Naval Observatory
NOBTRIN -- Naval Operating Base, Trinidad
NOCT -- Navy Overseas Cargo Terminals
NODC -- Naval Operating Development Center
NodE -- Netherlands Forces in the East
NO EFF -- No effects
NOF -- Naval Operating Facility
NOFT -- Naval Overseas Freight Terminal
NOI -- Non-Operational Intelligence
NOIC -- Naval Officer-in-Charge
NOIO -- Naval Ordnance Inspecting Officer
NOL -- Naval Ordnance Laboratory
NOLa -- New Orleans, Louisiana
"Nomad" -- See PBN-#
NOP -- Naval Officer Procurement
NOP -- Naval Ordnance Plant
NOPCL -- Naval Officer Personnel Circular Letter
Nor -- Normand (boiler)
*NOR -- North(ern)
NORBS -- Northern Base Section (Corsica)
NorCalSec -- Northern California Section, Western Sea Frontier
NOrd -- Bureau of Ordnance Publication; later, NAVORD
NorPac -- North Pacific Area; North Pacific Force
"Norseman" -- See JA-#
NorSols -- Northern Solomons Area
NorVa -- Norfolk, Virginia
NorVaGrp -- Norfolk, Virginia Group
NorWesSeaFron -- Northwestern Sea Frontier
NorWesSec -- Northwestern Sector, Western Sea Frontier
NOTAL -- Not at all
NOTS -- Naval Ordnance Test Station
NOTU -- Naval Operational Training Unit
NP -- Naval Prison
NP -- Newport, Rhode Island
NPA -- naval Procurement Account
NPA -- Postal Affairs Section Publications
NPAB -- Navy Price Adjustment Board
NPANX -- Naval Potomac Annex
NPC -- Neuropsychiatry Clerical Procedure
NPC -- Neuropsychiatry Clerical Technician
NP-CLT -- Neuropsychiatry Clerical Procedure Technician
NPDI -- Non-performance of duty because imprisoned
NPF -- naval Powder Factory
NPF -- Naval Procurement Fund (appropriation title)
NPF&PP -- Naval Prison Farms and Prison Personnel (appropriation title)
NPFS -- Naval Pre-Flight School
NPG -- Naval Proving Grounds
NPO -- Naval Port Officer
NPR -- Naval Petroleum Reserve
NPSC -- Naval Personnel Separation Center
NPSD -- naval Photographic Services Depot (Hollywood)
NPT -- Neuropsychiatry
NPT -- Neuropsychiatry Technician
NR -- U.S. Naval Reserve
NR -- U.S. Naval Regulations
NR -- Number
NRA -- Naval Radio Activity
NRAB -- Naval Reserve Aviation Base
NRAF -- Naval Reserve Auxiliary Field
NRB -- Naval Repair Base
NRB -- Navy Reservation Bureau
NRD -- Office of Naval Research and Development
NRDFS -- Naval Radio Direction Finder Service
NRES -- Naval Receiving Station
NRL -- naval Research laboratory
NRLO -- Royal Naval Liaison Officer
NRMC -- Naval Records Management Center
NRMS -- Naval Reserve Midshipmen's School
NROTC -- Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps
NRPB -- National Research Planning Board
NRPB -- National Resources Planning Board
NRPIO -- Naval Registered Publications Issuing Office
NRPM -- Non-Register Publications Memoranda
NRS -- Naval Radio Station
NRS -- Navy Recruiting Station
NRS -- Navy Relief Society
NRT -- Vessels assigned Naval Districts for training Naval Reserves
N2S -- "Kaydet"; Navy training plane (VN), manufactured by Stearman
NS -- Naval Station
NS -- Nimbostratus
NSA -- Navy Stock Account
NSA -- Naval Supply Account
NSB -- Naval Submarine Base
NSC -- Naval Supply Center
NSCF -- Naval Small Craft Facilities
NSD -- Naval Supply Depot
NSDA -- Naval Supply Depot Annex
NSF -- Naval Stock Fund
NSHO -- Naval Service Headquarters, Ottawa
NSI -- National Service Life Insurance
NSMG -- Naval School of Military Government
NSMG&A -- Naval School of Military Government and Administration
NSPD -- Naval Shore Patrol Detachment
NSRS -- Naval Supply Radio Station
NS&T -- Naval Science and tactics
NSU -- Naval Scout Unit
NSY -- Naval Shipyard
NSYd -- Naval Shipyard
NT -- Naval Training
N2T -- "Tutor"; single-engine Navy training plane (VN), manufactured by Timm
NTC -- Naval Training Center
NT&DC -- Naval Training and Distribution Center
NTE -- Navy Teletypewriter Exchange (now NTX)
NTI -- Naval Travel Instructions
NTORS -- Naval Torpedo Station
NTTC -- Naval Technical Training Center
NTTR -- Naval Torpedo Testing Range
NTS -- Naval Target Sub-division (G-2, SHAEF)
NTS -- Naval Torpedo Station
NTS -- Naval Training School
NTS -- Naval Training Station
NTS -- Naval Transportation Service
NTSch -- Naval Training School
NTU -- Naval Training Unit
NTX -- Navy Teletypewriter System (previously NTE)
NUSL -- Naval Underwater Sound Laboratory
NW -- Northwest
NWB -- New War Department Building
NWC -- Naval War College
NWF -- Naval Working Fund
NWI -- Netherlands West Indies
NWLB -- National War Labor Board
NWSF -- Northwest Sea Frontier
Nxs -- Contract for BuSandA; written by BuSandA (BuSandA symbol)
Nxss -- Contract for BuShips; written by BuSandA (BuSandA symbol)
NY -- Navy Yard
NY -- New York
NY -- New York (Navy Yard)
NYA -- National Youth Administration
NYAL -- National Yugoslav Army of Liberation
NYBos -- Navy Yard Boston
NYCharl -- Navy Yard Charleston
NYD, NYd or
NY -- Navy Yard
NYK or
Nyk -- New York, New York
NykGrp -- New York Group
NYMI -- Navy Yard Mare Island
NYNor -- Navy Yard Norfolk
NYNyk -- Navy Yard New York
NYPE -- New York Port of Embarkation
NYPH -- Navy Yard Pearl Harbor
NYPhil -- Navy Yard Philadelphia
NYPort -- Navy Yard Portsmouth, New Hampshire
NYPS -- Navy Yard Puget Sound (Bremerton)
NYS -- New York Shipbuilding Company
NYWash -- Navy Yard Washington (D.C.)
NZ -- New Zealand
NZLO -- New Zealand Liaison Officer
NZNB -- New Zealand Naval Board (Wellington)
NZSeaFron -- New Zealand Sea Frontier