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U.S. Naval Abbreviations

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - ST - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Navy Numbers


Note: Where the same abbreviation has more than one meaning, the several meanings have been arranged alphabetically. Abbreviations preceded by an asterisk (*), other than Navy numbers, may never be used singly; those preceded by the symbol for number (#) are the Bureau of Personnel Condensation Code for use in dispatch orders to personnel.

 H -- Hall-Aluminum Aircraft Corporation (now Consolidated-Vultee Aircraft Corporation) (manufacturer's symbol)

 H -- Heavier-than-air rotary wing aircraft (helicopter)

(H) -- Heavy or 4-engine plane

 H -- Hospital plane (suffix to plane designation), as PBJ-2H

 H -- Howard Aircraft Corporation (manufacturer's symbol)

 H -- Medical Department aboard a carrier

 H -- Mustard gas

 H -- Stearman-Hammond Aircraft Corporation (manufacturer's symbol)

 HA -- Headquarters Administration Division (USCG)

 HA -- Home Address

 HA -- Hospital Apprentice

 HAC -- Haitian Air Corps

"Harpoon" -- See PV-2

 HAV -- Heavily Armed Vessels

"Havoc" -- See BD-#

*HAW -- Hawaiian, as COMHAWSEAFRON (Commander Hawaiian Sea Frontier)

 Haw Dept -- Hawaiian Department

 HawSeaFron -- Hawaiian Sea Frontier

"Hayrake" -- Radar beacon and homing device (YE)

 HB -- Heavy Bomber

 HB -- Horizontal bomber

 HBDC -- Home Base Development Committee (OpNav)

 HBS -- Harbor Boat Service

 HC -- Hexachlorethane Mix

 HC -- High Capacity

 HC -- Hospital Corpsman

 HC -- USN Reserve designation for Hospital Corps, USN

 HCA -- Absent by reason of being held by civil authorities

 HCCG -- Discharge under honorable conditions, convenience of government

 HCCM -- Discharge under honorable conditions, convenience of man

 HCDP -- Discharge under honorable conditions, dependency existing prior to enlistment

 HCEE -- Discharge under honorable conditions, expiration of enlistment

 HCMS -- Discharge under honorable conditions, medical survey

 HCMU -- Discharge under honorable conditions, under age of authorized enlistment

 HCMW -- Discharge under honorable conditions, minors enlisted without consent, under 18 at time of discharge

 HCO -- Hanger Control Officer

 HCP -- Hangar Control Position

 HCR -- USNR officer designation for General Service, Hospital Corps. Formerly HC.

 HCS -- USNR officer designation for Special Service, Hospital Corps. Formerly HC(S).

 HCUS -- Discharge under honorable conditions, unsuitable

 HC-V(G) -- USNR designation for Hospital Corps officers, commissioned and warrant, including pharmacists, qualified for general detail ashore or afloat. This classification was abolished in September 1944 and replaced by HC or HC(S).

 HC-V(S) -- USNR designation for commissioned and warrant officers, including pharmacists, qualified for specialist duties in connection with the Medical Corps of the Navy. This classification was abolished in September 1944 and replaced by HC or HC(S).

 HCW -- USNR officer designation for Women's Reserve, Hospital Corps. Formerly HC(W).

 HD -- Harbor Defense (Army)

 HD -- Hydraulics

 HDC -- Harbor Defense Command (Army)

 HDCG -- Honorable discharge, convenience of government

 HDCM -- Honorable discharge, convenience of man

 HDDP -- Honorable discharge, dependency existing prior to enlistment

 HDDS -- Honorable discharge, dependency arising since enlistment

 HDEE -- Honorable discharge, expiration of enlistment

 HDMS -- Honorable discharge, medical survey

 HDMU -- Honorable discharge, under age of authorized enlistment

 HDMW -- Honorable discharge, minors enlisted without consent, under 18 at discharge

 HDNPRSGR -- Headquarters Squadron personnel Group

 Hdr -- Header type (boiler)

 HDR -- Home Dockyard Regulations

 HDV -- Horse Drawn Vehicle

 HE -- High Explosive

 HECP -- Harbor Entrance Control Post

 HECPost -- Harbor Entrance Control Post

 HED -- Headquarters; as COMHEDRONFAIRWING

 HedRon -- Headquarters Squadron

 HedRonFairWing -- Headquarters Squadron Fleet Air Wing

 HEI -- High Explosive Incendiary

 HEIT -- High Explosive Incendiary Traced

"Hellcat" -- See F6F-#

"Helldiver" -- See SB2C-#, SBF-#, SBW-#

 HERALDS -- Harbor Echo Ranging and Listening Devices

#HERDESNAVAV -- Hereby designated as student naval aviator

#HERDET -- Hereby detached from duty indicated and from such other duty as may have been assigned

#HERDUFLY -- Hereby detail to duty involving flying upon reporting in obedience to these orders

 HESO -- Hospital Educational Service Officer

 HET -- High Explosive Traced

 HF -- Fighter Aircraft fitted with engine rated for high altitude performances

 HF -- High Frequency radio

 HF/DF -- High Frequency Direction Finder

 H&H -- Harlan & Hollingsworth (ship engines)

 HH -- Hedge Hogs

 HHE -- Household Effects

 H-Hour -- Hour set for attack or other operation to begin (on D-Day)

 HHX -- Halifax Joiner to HX Convoy (routing designation)

*HI -- High

 Hiatus Area -- Area outside of zone of communications (where Army not concerned with local population except as factors which in these areas might affect progress of allied armies)

 HiCom -- High Command

 HJ -- Utility helicopter

 HK -- Galveston to Key West (routing designation)

 HMAS -- His Majesty's Australian Ship

 HMBS -- His Majesty's British Ship

 HMCS -- His Majesty's Canadian Ship

 HMG -- His Majesty's Government (GB)

 H-minus 1, 2, etc. -- 1, 2, etc. hours before hour of attack

 HMIS -- His Majesty's Indian Ship

 HMNZS -- His Majesty's New Zealand Ship

 HMRP -- Hurricane Microseismic Research Problem (aerology)

 HMS -- His Majesty's Ship (GB)

 HN -- Training Helicopter

 HN -- Nitrogen Mustard Gases

 HNS-# -- "Hoverfly"; Navy training helicopter (HN), manufactured by Sikorsky Air

 HO -- Hydrographic Office

 HO -- Observation helicopter

 HOMP -- Halifax Ocean Meeting point

 Hon -- Honorable

 Hono -- Honolulu, T.H.

 HOR -- Hoover, Owens, Rentschler Company (ship engines)

 Horiz 3-exp -- Horizontal, triple expansion engine

 Hornet" -- Naval aircraft engine, 9 cylinders, manufactured by Pratt and Whitney

 HOS-# -- Navy observation helicopter (HO), manufactured by Sikorsky Air

*HOSP -- Hospital

 HOSP RATS -- Hospital Rations

"Hoverfly" -- See HNS-#

 How -- "H" in the phonetic alphabet, replaced the obsolete "Hypo"

 How -- Howitzer

 HP -- High Pressure

 HP -- Horse Power

 HP -- USNR officer designation; probationary commissioned, direct from civilian life, for special duties in Medical Corps; formerly H(P)

 HPF -- Harbor Patrol Fleet

 H-plus 1, 2, etc. -- 1, 2, etc. hours after hour of attack

 HPT -- Horizontal Plot Table

 Hq or HQ -- Headquarters

 HQDP -- Headquarters, Department of the Pacific (USMC)

 HQMC -- Headquarters, Marine Corps

 Hq&Serv -- Headquarters and Service (USMC)

 HqSq -- Headquarters Squadron

 HR -- Transport helicopter

 HR (number) -- House of Representatives, Bill (number)

 H & RP -- Holding and Reconsignment Point (Army)

 H&S -- Headquarters and Service (Army)

 H(S) -- USNR officer designation for Special Service, Special Duty in Medical COrps, restricted to those formerly H-VS.

 HS -- USNR officer designation for Special Service, commissioned direct from civilian life, special duties in medical Corps. Formerly H(S).

 HSF -- Hawaiian Sea Frontier

 HSL -- High Speed Launch

 HS & SS -- Headquarters and Service Squadron

 H&S Tr -- Headquarters and Service Troop (Army)

 HTA -- Heavier Than Air

 HTD -- Hand Target Designator

 HTO -- Highway Transportation Officer (Army)

 HTS -- High Tensile Steel

"Hudson" -- See PBO-#

 Hula Unit -- Shipping designator for Lend-Lease transfer of material and training of personnel in 13th and 17th Naval Districts

 Hun -- Hundred

 HUSAFICPA -- Headquarters, U.S. Army Forces in Central Pacific Area

 HV -- Hihg Voltage

 H-V(P) -- USNR designation for medical and dental students, appointed as ensigns, for special duties in connection with the Medical COrps of the Navy. This classificaiton was abolished in September 1944 and replaced by H(P) Corps.

 H-V(S) -- USNR designation for comissioned and warrant officers qualified for specialist duties in connection with the Medical Corps of the Navy. This classification was abolished in September 1944 and replaced by H(S).

 HW -- Herewith (enclosures)

 H/W -- Highway

 HXHW -- USNR officer designation fo rmen commissioned direct from civilian life, special duties in the Medical Corps. Formerly H(W).

 HXF -- New York to Liverpool, Fast (routing desgination)

 HXM -- New York to Liverpool, Medium (routing designation)

 HXS -- New York to Liverpool, Slow (routing designation)

 Hydr -- Hydraulic

 Hydro -- Hydrographic Office

 Hydrog -- Hydrographic

 Hypo -- "H" in the phonetic alphabet; now obsolete and replaced by "How"

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - ST - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Navy Numbers

Published: Mon Mar 09 10:44:55 EDT 2015