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United States. Office of Naval War Records. Uniform and Dress of the Navy of the Confederate States. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1898.

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Uniform and Dress of the Navy of the Confederate States


Office Memoranda No. 7


US Office of Naval War Records
Washington: Government Printing Office, 1898.



For a Flag Officer, shall be a frock coat of steel grey cloth, faced with the same and lined with black silk serge, double breasted, with two rows of large navy buttons on the breast, nine in each row, placed four inches and a half apart from eye to eye at top, and two inches and a half at bottom, Rolling collar, skirts to be full, commencing at the top of the hip bone and descending four-fifths thence towards the knee, with one button behind on each hip and one near the bottom of each fold. The cuffs to be two inches and a half deep, with one strip of gold lace one-half an inch wide below the seam, but joining it; three strips of lace of the same width on the sleeves above the cuffs, separated by a space of three-eighths of an inch from each other, the upper one with a loop three inches long, and a strip of lace half an inch wide, from the lower button to the end of the cuffs on the upper side of the opening, and four small sized buttons (navy buttons) in the opening.

For a Captain, the same as for the Flag Officer, except that there shall be but three strips of lace around the sleeve and cuff, including the looped strip.

For a Commander, the same in all respects as for a Captain, except that there shall be but two strips of lace around the sleeve and cuff, including the looped strip, and three small buttons in the opening.

For a Lieutenant, the same in all respects as for a Commander, except that the cuffs shall have but one strip of gold lace, looped, around the upper edge.

For a Master, the same as for a Lieutenant, except that the cuffs shall have but one strip of lace one-fourth of an inch wide, without a loop, around the upper edge.

For a Passed Midshipman, the same as for a Master, excepting that the cuffs shall have, instead of lace, three medium sized navy buttons around the upper edge.

For a Midshipman, the same as for a Passed Midshipman, except that medium sized buttons shall be substituted for the large buttons.


For a Surgeon of over twelve years' standing, shall be a frock coat of steel grey cloth, faced with the same, double breasted, rolling collar, with two rows of large navy buttons on the breast, nine in each row, proportion for body and skirts the same as for a Captain, skirts lined with black silk serge, one button behind on each hip, and one near the bottom of each fold of the skirts. Cuffs the same as for a Commander, except that a plain strip of lace shall be substituted for the loop.

For a Surgeon of less than twelve years' standing, the same, except that there shall be one strip of lace around the cuff and sleeve.

For a Passed Assistant Surgeon, the same as for a Surgeon of less than twelve years' standing, except that the lace on the cuff shall be one-quarter of an inch wide.

For an Assistant Surgeon, the same as for a surgeon, except that instead of lace there shall be three medium sized buttons on the cuff.

For a Paymaster of over twelve years' standing, the same as prescribed for a Surgeon over twelve years.

For a Paymaster of less than twelve years' standing, the same as for a Surgeon of less than twelve years' standing.

For a Chief Engineer of more than twelve years' standing, the same as for a Surgeon of more than twelve years.

For a First Assistant Engineer, the same as for a Chief Engineer, except that there shall be but one strip of lace on the cuff one-quarter of an inch wide.

For a Second and Third Assistant, the same as for a First Assistant Engineer, except that instead of lace the cuffs shall have three medium sized buttons around the upper edge.

For a Chaplain, the same as for a Surgeon, except that it shall be single breasted, with one row of nine large navy buttons on the breast. The cuffs plain with three small buttons in the opening.

For a Professor and Commodore's Secretary, the same as for a Chaplain, except that there shall be but eight buttons on the breast.

For a Clerk, the same as for a Secretary, except that there shall be but six buttons on the breast.


For all Officers, steel grey or white, single breasted, standing collar, with nine small buttons in front, and not to show below the coat.


For all Officers, shall be of steel grey cloth or white drill, made loose to spread well over the foot and to be worn over boots or shoes.


For a Flag Officer, of sky-blue cloth, edged with black, four inches long and one inch and three-eighths wide bordered with an embroidery of gold one-quarter of an inch in width, with four stars in line at equal distances, the two on the ends six-tenths of an inch in diameter, and the two intermediate six-eighths of an inch in diameter.

For a Captain, the same as for a Flag Officer, except that there shall be three stars at equal distances, each six-tenths of an inch in diameter.

For a Commander, the same as for a Captain, except that there shall be but two stars.

For a Lieutenant, the same as for a Commander, except that there shall be but one star, in the centre.

For a Master, the same as for Lieutenant, except that there shall be no star.

For a Passed Midshipman, a strip of gold lace four inches long and half an inch wide.

For a Surgeon of more than twelve years' standing, the same as for a Master, except that they shall be of black cloth, with two sprigs of olive, crossed, embroidered in gold in the center.

For a Surgeon of less than twelve years' standing, the same, except that there shall be but one sprig of olive.

For a Passed Assistant Surgeon, the same as for a Surgeon, except that instead of sprigs of olive, there shall be an olive leaf embroidered in gold on each end.

For an Assistant Surgeon, the same as for a Passed Assistant Surgeon, without the leaves.

For a Paymaster, of more than twelve years' standing, the same as for a Surgeon of more than twelve years, except that the straps shall be of dark green cloth.

For a Paymaster, of less than twelve years' standing, the same as for a Surgeon of less than twelve years, except that the straps shall be of dark green cloth.

For an Assistant Paymaster, the same as for an Assistant Surgeon, except that the straps shall be of dark green cloth.

For a Chief Engineer of more than twelve years' standing, the same as for a Master, except that there shall be two sprigs of live oak embroidered in gold in the centre, and the straps shall be of dark blue cloth.

For a Chief Engineer of less than twelve years' standing, the same, except that there shall be but one sprig of live oak.


Cap of steel grey cloth, to be not less than three inches and a half, nor more than four inches in height, and not more than ten or less than nine inches and a half at top, with patent leather visor, to be worn by all officers in service dress.

For a Flag Officer, the device shall be a foul anchor in an open wreath of live oak leaves, with four stars above the anchor, embroidered in gold as per pattern, on the front of the cap above a band of gold lace one inch and three-quarters wide.

For a Captain, the same as for a Flag Officer, except that there shall be but three stars above the anchor, and the gold band shall be one and one-half inches wide.

For a Commander, the same as for a Captain, except that there shall be but two stars.

For a Lieutenant, the same as for a Commander, except that there shall be but one star.

For a Master, the same as for a Lieutenant, except that there shall be no star.

For a Passed Midshipman, a foul anchor without a wreath.

For a Surgeon, of over twelve years' standing, a wreath of olive leaves with three stars, four-tenths of an inch in diameter, embroidered in gold as per pattern, on the front of the cap, above a band of gold lace one inch and a quarter wide.

For a Surgeon, of less than twelve years' standing, the same, except that there shall be two stars.

For a Passed Assistant Surgeon, the same as for a Surgeon, except that there shall be but one star.

For an Assistant Surgeon, the same as for a Surgeon, except that there shall be no star.

For a Paymaster, of over twelve years' standing, the same as for a Surgeon of over twelve years' standing.

For a Paymaster, of less than twelve years, the same as for a Surgeon of less than twelve years.

For an Assistant Paymaster, the same as for an Assistant Surgeon.

For a Chief Engineer, of more than twelve years' standing, the same as for a Surgeon of more than twelve years, except that the letter E in the old English character shall be embroidered in gold below the stars.

For a Chief Engineer, of less than twelve years, the same, except that there shall be but two stars.

For Second and Third Assistant Engineers, the same as for a First Assistant Engineer, except that there shall be no stars.


Buttons shall be of three sizes: large, medium, and small, and all of the same device, as per pattern.


In summer or in tropical climates, officers may wear frock coats and pantaloons of steel grey summer cloth of the style and pattern herein prescribed, with medium size navy buttons.


May be worn as service dress by all officers when at sea, except when at general muster. To be of steel grey cloth or white drill linen with the same, double breasted, rolling collar, same number of small sized buttons on breast as for undress coat, open fly sleeve with four small buttons in the opening, with shoulder straps for appropriate grades.


In summer or in tropical climates, officers may also wear, except at general muster, white straw hats. The body of the hat to be six inches in height, and the rim three and a half inches in width.


For all officers, shall be of steel grey cloth, double breasted, rolling collar, skirts to descend three inches below the knee, the same number of navy buttons, and similarly arranged as for undress coat. No buttons to be worn on the cuffs or pocket flaps. Officers entitled to shoulder straps will wear the same on their overcoats as directed for undress coats. Grey cloth cloaks may be worn in boats.


Boatswain's Mates, Gunner's Mates, Carpenter's Mates, Sailmaker's Mates, Ship's Steward, and Ship's Cook, will wear embroidered in black silk on the right sleeve of their grey jackets above the elbow in front, a foul anchor of not more than three inches length. The same device embroidered blue to be worn on the sleeves of their white frocks in summer.

All other petty officers except officers, stewards, and yeomen will wear the same device on their left sleeves.

The outside clothing for petty officers, firemen, and coal-heavers, seamen, ordinary seamen, landsmen, and boys for muster, shall consist of grey cloth jackets and trousers, or grey woolen frocks with white duck cuffs and collars, black hats, black silk neckerchiefs, and shoes, or boots in cold weather. In warm weather it shall consist of white frocks and trousers, black or white hats, as the commander may for the occasion direct, having proper regard for the comfort of the crew; black silk neckerchiefs and shoes. The collars and cuffs to be lined with blue cotton cloth, and stitched round with thread. Thick grey caps without visors may be worn by the crew at sea, except on holidays or at muster.

For a Boatswain, Gunner, Carpenter, and Sailmaker, shall be of steel grey cloth, lined with the same; rolling collar, double breasted, two rows of large navy buttons on the breast, eight in each row; pointed pocket flaps, with three large buttons underneath each, showing one-half their diameter; three medium size buttons around each cuff, and two small ones in each opening; one button behind on each hip; one in the middle of each fold, and one in each fold near the bottom of the skirt. On each side of the collar to have one loop of three-quarters wide gold lace, to show one inch and a half wide, and four inches long, with a small size navy button in the point of each loop.

Published: Thu Jan 12 07:33:32 EST 2017