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U.S. Naval Abbreviations

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - ST - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Navy Numbers


Note: Where the same abbreviation has more than one meaning, the several meanings have been arranged alphabetically. Abbreviations preceded by an asterisk (*), other than Navy numbers, may never be used singly; those preceded by the symbol for number (#) are the Bureau of Personnel Condensation Code for use in dispatch orders to personnel.

 A -- Acting (following Navy Chief's rating); e.g., CAOMA (Chief Aviation Ordnanceman Acting)

 A -- Air

 A -- Allied Aviation Corporation (manufacturer's symbol)

 A -- Amphibious plane (suffix to plane designation) as: PBY-6A

 A -- Army

 A -- Arresting Gear (suffix to plane designation) as: SOC-3A

 A -- Asiatic

 A -- Auxiliary

"A" -- 3-drum, express type (boiler)

 A -- Brewster Aeronautical Corporation (manufacturer's symbol)

 A -- Noorduyn Aviation, Ltd. (manufacturer's symbol)

 A -- Plane built for Army Air Forces (suffix to plane designation) as: SBD-3A

 A -- USNR officer designation for General Service, Aviation Non-flying. Formerly (A)

 A1 -- USNR officer designation for General Service, Heavier than Air Pilot. Formerly A-VN and (A1)

 A2 -- USNR officer designation for General Service, lighter than Air Pilot. Formerly (A2) and A-VN.

 A2 -- Command Staff Intelligence Office (USMC)

 A-2 -- Air Intelligence (War Department)

 A3 -- USNR officer designation for General Service, Heavier than Air Pilot. Formerly (A3) and A-VG

 A4 -- USNR officer designation for General Service, Lighter than Air Pilot. Formerly (A4) and A-VG

 A5 -- USNR officer designation for General Service, Heavier than Air Pilot. Formerly (A5) and A-VT

 A6 -- USNR officer designation for General Service, Lighter than Air Pilot. Formerly (A6) and A-VT

 AA -- Acting Appointment

 A/a -- Analysis of accounts

 AA or A/A -- Anti-Aircraft

 AA -- Arlington Annex (Navy Department)

 AA -- Auxiliary Ships

 AA-1 -- Normal Top Priority

 AA-2 -- Next highest degree of priority

 AA-3 -- " " " "

 AA-4 -- " " " "

 AAA -- Anti-Aircraft Artillery

 AAA -- Emergency top priority rating for individual items of extreme urgency

 AA&A -- Armor, Armament and Ammunition (cf. IRNV)

 AAAIS -- Anti-Aircraft Artillery Intelligence Service (Army)

 AAB -- Aircraft Accident Board

 AA/B -- Anti-Aircraft Balloon

 AAC -- Anti-Aircraft Common

 AACS -- Army Airways Communications System

 AAE -- Army Aviation Engineers

 AAF -- Army Air Forces

 AAFIS -- Army Air Forces Intelligence School

 AAFMTO -- Army Air Force headquarters, Mediterranean Theater of Operations

 AAFPOA -- Army Air Forces, Pacific ocean Areas

 AAFPOAAdmin -- Army Air Forces, pacific Ocean Areas (Administrative)

 AAHA -- Awaiting Action of Higher Authority

 AAHQ -- Allied Air Headquarters

 AAI -- Allied Armies in Italy

 AAIC -- Allied Air Intelligence Center

 AAMG -- Anti-Aircraft Machine Gun

 AAPIU -- Allied Aerial Photographic Interpretation Unit

 AAQM -- Acting Assistance Quartermaster (USMC)

 AAR -- Aircraft Accident Record

 AATB -- Advanced Amphibious Training Base

 AATC -- Anti-Aircraft Training Center

 AATraCen -- Anti-Aircraft Training Center

 AAT&TC -- Anti-Aircraft Training & Test Center

 AB -- Aerial burst bombs

 AB or A/B -- Air Base

 ABOne -- Air Bases Command, 1st Naval District

 AB -- Air Bomber

 AB or A/B -- Airborne

 AB -- Archivist

 AB -- Artist

 AB -- Ballistic and Test Firing Expert

 AB -- Crane Ship

 ABATU -- Advanced Base Aviation Training Unit

 ABC -- American, British, Canadian Plans

 ABC-1 -- Report of the Combined British, Canadian and United States Staff Conversations

 ABCA -- Army Bureau of Current Affairs (GB)

 ABCCTC -- Advanced Base Combat Communication Training Center (Pearl Harbor)

 ABCD -- Advanced Base Construction Depot

 ABD -- Admiralty Berthing Officer

 ABD -- Advanced Base Depot

 ABD -- Advanced Base Dock

 ABDA -- American-British-Dutch-Australian Command (1942)

 ABDACOM -- Advanced Base Depot Area Command

 ABDACOM -- American-British-Dutch-Australian Supreme Command (1942)

 ABDAFLOAT -- American-British-Dutch-Australian Naval Operational Command (1942)

 ABDAIR -- American-British-Dutch-Australian Air Operational Command (1942)

 ABDARM -- American-British-Dutch-Australian Army Operational Command (1942)

 ABF -- Aircraft Battle Force

 ABG -- Air Base Group

 Able -- "A" in the phonetic alphabet

 Able -- Term used by shorebased ADCC'S for "experimental" or "calibration"

 ABM -- Aviation Boatswain's Mate

 ABMAG -- Aviation Boatswain's Mate, Arresting Gear and Barriers

 ABMCP -- Aviation Boatswain's Mate, Catapult

 ABMGA -- Aviation Boatswain's Mate, Gasoline System

 ABMPH -- Aviation Boatswain's Mate, Plane Handler

 ABQ -- Admiralty Berthing Officer (GB)

 A-bomb -- Atom bomb

 ABP -- Auxiliary Barracks Ship

 ABPA -- Advanced Base Personnel Administration

 ABPG -- Advanced Base Proving Ground

 ABPO -- Advanced Base Personnel Officer

 ABPU -- Advanced Base Personnel Unit

 ABR -- Amphibian Boat Reconnaissance Aircraft

 ABRB -- Advanced Base Receiving Barracks

 ABRD -- Advanced Base Repair Depot

 ABRD -- Advanced Base Reshipment Depot

 ABSD -- Advanced Base Sectional Dock

 ABSD -- Advanced Base Supply Depot

 ABTF -- Airborne Task Force

 ABTU -- Advanced Base Torpedo Unit

 ABTU -- Advanced Base Training Unit

 ABTU -- Air Bombers Training Unit

 A/c -- Accounts

 AC (number) -- Admiral Commanding (number) Aircraft Carrier Squadron

 AC -- Air Corps

 A/C -- Aircraft

 A-C -- Allis Chalmers (ship engines)

 AC -- Alternating Current

 AC -- Amphibious Corps

 AC -- Collier

 AC -- Symbol for hydrocyanic acid

 AC&W -- Air Communications and Weather (Group)

 ACA -- American Communication Association

 ACA -- Physically on board awaiting cobat assignment

 ACAC -- Allied Container Advisory Committee

 ACAF -- Amphibious Corps, Atlantic Fleet

 ACAS(1) -- Assistant Chief of Staff, War Department (US) (Intelligence)

 ACBMAG -- Aviation Chief Boatswain's Mate, Arresting Gear and Barriers

 ACBMCP -- Aviation Chief Boatswain's Mate, Catapult

 ACBMGA -- Aviation Chief Boatswain's Mate, Gasoline System

 ACBMPH -- Aviation Chief Boatswain's Mate, Plane Handler

 ACC -- Air Center Commander

 ACC -- Allied Control Commission (Italy)

 ACD -- Admiralty Chart Depot (GB)

#ACDU -- Active Duty

 ACEM -- Aciation Chief Electrician's Mate

 ACEORP -- Automotive and Construction Equipment Overhaul and Repair Plant

 ACEPD -- Automotive and Construction Equipment Part Depot

 ACFC -- Aviation Chief Fire Controlman

 ACG -- Airborne Coordinating Group

 ACGM -- Aircraft Carrier General memorandum

 ACI -- Air Combat Intelligence

 ACIC -- Allied Captured Intelligence Center (US & GB)

 ACIC -- Auxiliary Combat Information Center

#ACINS -- Active duty under instruction

 ACIO -- Air Combat Intelligence Office(r)

 ACK -- Acknowledge

 ACk -- Assistant Cook

 ACM -- Auxiliary Mine Layer

 ACM -- Aviation Chief Metalsmith

 ACMF -- Air Corps Medical Forces

 ACMF -- Allied Central Mediterranean Forces

 ACMM -- Aviation Chief Machinist's Mate

 ACMMC -- Aviation Chief Machinist's Mate, Carburetor Mechanic

 ACMMF -- Aviation Chief Machinist's Mate, Flight Engineer

 ACMMH -- Aviation Chief Machinist's Mate, Hydraulic Mechanic

 ACMMI -- Aviation Chief Machinist's Mate, Instrument Mechanic

 ACMMP -- Aviation Chief Machinist's Mate, Propellor Mechanic

 ACMMT -- Aviation Chief Machinist's Mate, Gas Turbine Mechanic

 ACNB -- Australian Commonwealth Naval Board

 ACNO -- Assistant Chief of Naval Operations

 ACNO(T) -- Assistant Chief of Naval Operations (Transportation)

 ACofS -- Assistant Chief of Staff (Army)

 ACOM -- Aviation Chief Ordnanceman

 ACOMT -- Aviation Chief Ordnanceman, Turret Mechanic

Acorn -- An airfield assembly designed to construct, operate and maintain an advanced landplane and seaplane base and provide facilities for operations

 ACP -- Admiralty Civil Police (GB)

 ACPF -- Amphibious Corps, Pacific Fleet (USMC)

 ACR -- Aircraft Control Room

 ACRM -- Aviation Chief Radioman

 ACRT -- Aviation Chief Radio Technician

 ACS -- Alaskan Communications System

 ACSEA -- Air Command, Southeast Asia

*ACT -- Acting

 ACT -- Action

 ACT -- Aviation Classification Test

 ACTG -- Advance Carrier Training Group

 ACT/IC -- Active-In Commission (vessel status)

 ACT/IS -- Active-In Service (vessel status)

 ACT/OC -- Active-Out of Commission (vessel status)

 ACT/OS -- Active-Out of Service (vessel status)

 ACTPC -- Acting Pay Clerk

 ACTREP -- Activities Report (shipping)

 ActSecNav -- Acting Secretary of the Navy

 ACTY -- Activity

 ACV -- Aircraft Carrier, Escort (GB)

 ACV -- Auxiliary Aircraft Carrier or Tender

 AD -- Active Duty

 AD -- Air Depot

 A/D -- Airdrome

 AD -- Destroyer Tender

 AD -- USNR officer designation. See A and D. Formerly (AD).

 A1D -- USNR officer designation. Same as A1, plus qualified in deck duties. Formerly (A1D).

 A2D -- USNR officer designation. Same as A2 and D. Formerly (A2D).

 A3D -- USNR officer designation. Same as A3 and D. Formerly (A3D).

 A4D -- USNR officer designation. Same as A4 and D. Formerly (A4D).

 A5D -- USNR officer designation. Same as A6t plus qualified in deck duties. Formerly (A5D).

 A6D -- USNR officer designation. A6 plus qualified in deck duties. Formerly (A6D).

 A-Day -- Day on which atom bomb was tested at Bikini (Operation Crossroads), 1 July 1946

 ADC -- Aide-de-camp (Army)

#ADCASHAL -- Advance men cash allowance for quarters and subsistence in accordance with current Bureau of Naval personnel Circular Letter

 ADCC -- Air Defense Control Center

 AdCom or AdComd -- Administrative Command

 AdCominPac -- Administrative Command, Minecraft, Pacific Fleet

 AdComPhibsPac -- Administrative Command, Amphibious Forces, Pacific Fleet

 AdComSubordComPhibsPac -- Administrative Command, Amphibious Forces, Pacific Fleet, Subordinate Command

 ADCON -- Advise all concerned

 ADDL -- Aircraft Dummy Deck Landing

 ADEE -- Addressee

 AdIntelCen -- Advanced Intelligence Center

 Adj -- Adjutant (Army)

 ADLS -- Air Dispatch Letter Service

 Adm -- Administrative

 Adm -- Admiral

 ADMIN -- Administration, Administrative

 ADMLTY -- Admiralty (GB)

 AdmO -- Administrative Officer (Army)

 AdmO -- Administrative Order (Army)

 ADN -- USNR officer designation. See A, D and N. Formerly (AD)-N.

 A1DN -- USNR officer designation. See A1D and N. Formerly (A1D)-N.

 A2DN -- USNR officer designation. See A2D and N. Formerly (A2D)-N.

 A3DN -- USNR officer designation. See A3D and N. Formerly (A3D)-N.

 A4DN -- USNR officer designation. See A4D and N. Formerly (A4D)-N.

 A5DN -- USNR officer designation. See A5D and N. Formerly (A5D)-N.

 A6DN -- USNR officer designation. See A6D and N. Formerly (A6D)-N.

 ADP -- Air Defense Position

 ADR -- Aircraft Direction Room

 ADR -- USNR officer designation. See A, D and R. Formerly (AD)-R.

 A1DR -- USNR officer designation. See A1D and R. Formerly (A1D)-R.

 A2DR -- USNR officer designation. See A2D and R. Formerly (A2D)-R.

 A3DR -- USNR officer designation. See A3D and R. Formerly (A3D)-R.

 A4DR -- USNR officer designation. See A4D and R. Formerly (A4D)-R.

 A5DR -- USNR officer designation. See A5D and R. Formerly (A5D)-R.

 A6DR -- USNR officer designation. See A6D and R. Formerly (A6D)-R.

 ADRDE -- Air Defense Research and Development Establishment

 ADroBn -- Airdrome Battalion

 ADT -- USNR officer designation. See A, D and T. Formerly (AD)-T.

 A1DT -- USNR officer designation. See A1D and T. Formerly (A1D)-T.

 A2DT -- USNR officer designation. See A2D and T. Formerly (A2D)-T.

 A3DT -- USNR officer designation. See A3D and T. Formerly (A3D)-T.

 A4DT -- USNR officer designation. See A4D and T. Formerly (A4D)-T.

 A5DT -- USNR officer designation. See A5D and T. Formerly (A5D)-T.

 A6DT -- USNR officer designation. See A6D and T. Formerly (A6D)-T.

*ADU -- Aircraft Delivery Unit

*ADV -- Advance(d)

 AdvHed -- Advanced Headquarters

 AdvIntelCen -- Advanced Intelligence Center

 Advon -- Advanced Echelon (USMC)

 ADX -- USNR officer designation. See A, D and X. Formerly (AD)-X.

 A1DX -- USNR officer designation. See A1D and X. Formerly (A1D)-X.

 A2DX -- USNR officer designation. See A2D and X. Formerly (A2D)-X.

 A3DX -- USNR officer designation. See A3D and X. Formerly (A3D)-X.

 A4DX -- USNR officer designation. See A4D and X. Formerly (A4D)-X.

 A5DX -- USNR officer designation. See A5D and X. Formerly (A5D)-X.

 A6DX -- USNR officer designation. See A6D and X. Formerly (A6D)-X.

 AE -- Ammunition Ship

 AEAF -- Allied Expeditionary Air Force

 AEDO -- USN officer designation; Aviation Engineering Duty

 AEF -- American Expeditionary Forces (Army)

 AE-# -- "Grasshopper"; single-engine Navy Utility plane (VJ), manufactured by Piper

 AEI -- Acrylic Eye Illustrator (Medical)

 AEL -- Aeronautical Engine Laboratory

 AEM -- Aviation Electrician's Mate

 AEngrServ -- Army Engineer Service

 AEO -- Air Engineer Officer

 AEOB -- Advanced Engine Overhaul Base

 AER -- Aerographer

*AER -- Aeronautics

 AERM -- Aerographher's Mate

 AERO -- Aerographer

 Aero -- Aerological

 AerOf -- Aerological Officer

 AEROG -- Aerologist

 AETAC -- Aviation Electronic Technician's Mate, Combat Aircrewman

 AETM -- Aviation Electronic Technician's Mate

 AEW -- Airborne Early Warning (Radar)

 AEWTU -- Airborne Early Warning Training Unit

 AExServ -- Army Exchange Service

 AF -- Air Force

 AF -- Army Force

 AF -- Asiatic Fleet

 AF -- Audio Frequency

 AF -- Automatic Following (radar)

 AF -- Provision Storeship

 AFAF -- Amphibious Force Atlantic Fleet

 AFC -- Aviation Fire Controlman

 AFCE -- Automatic Flight Control Equipment

 AFD -- Mobile Floating Drydock

 AFDB -- Auxiliary Floating Drydock, Big

 AFDL -- Auxiliary Floating Drydock, Little

 AFDL(C) -- Auxiliary Floating Drydock, Little, Concrete

 AFDM -- Auxiliary Floating Drydock, Medium

 AFDO -- Assistant Fighter Director Office

 AFDS -- Auxiliary Fighter Director Ship

 AF(F)MMIU -- Amphibious Forces Ordnance Material mobile Instruction Unit

 AFGIS -- Aerial Free Gunnery Instruction School(s)

 AFGU -- Aerial Free Gunnery Unit

 AFHQ -- African Force Headquarters

 AFHQ -- Allied Force Headquarters (US & GB)

 AFHQ(CIC) -- Allied Force Headquarters (Counter Intelligence Corps)

 AFHQPS -- Allied Force Headquarters Petroleum Section

 AFI -- Armed Forces Institute (US)

 AFL -- American Federation of Labor

 AFMFP -- Aircraft Fleet Marine Force Pacific

 AFO -- Admiralty Fleet Order (GB)

 AFO -- Atlantic Fleet Organization

 AFRS -- Armed Forces Radio Service

 AFSU -- Auxiliary Ferry Service Unit

 AFSub -- Army Air Forces Anti-Submarine Command

 AFSWA -- Assistant Secretary of War for Air

 AFV -- Armored Fighting Vehicle (USMC)

 AFWesPac -- U.S. Army Forces, Western Pacific

AG -- Adjutant General (Army)

 AG -- Air Group

 AG -- Armed Guard

 AG -- Arresting Gear and Barriers

 AG -- Miscellaneous Auxiliary (ship)

 AGas -- Aviation Gasoline

 AGC -- Armed Guard Center

 AGC -- General Communications Vessel (1943); Amphibious Force Flagship equipped with special communication facilities (1945)

 AGCTS -- Armed Guard Center Training School

 AGD -- Adjutant General's Department (Army)

 AGD -- Seagoing Dredge

 AGE -- Admiralty Gunnery Establishment

 AGF -- Army Ground Forces

 AGFRTS -- Air and Ground Forces Resources and Technical Staff (Army)

 AGIO -- Armed Guard Inspection Officer

 AGIS -- Armed Guard Inspection Service

 AGL -- Lighthouse Tender

 AGLO -- Air Ground Liaison Officer (USMC)

 AGN -- Articles for the Government of the Navy

 AGO -- Adjutant General's Office (Army)

 AGO -- Air Gunnery Officer

 AGOS -- Aviation Gunnery Officers School

 AGP -- Motor Torpedo Boat Tender

 AGS -- Allied Geographic Section (SWPac)

 AGS -- Armed Guard School(s)

 AGS -- Surveying Ship

 AGSc -- Surveying Ship (Coastal)

 AGWAR -- Adjutant General, War Department

 AH -- Hospital Ship

 AHQ -- Air Headquarters

 AHQ -- Army Headquarters

 AI -- Airborne Intercept Radar

 AI -- Air Intelligence (Royal Air Force)

 A&I -- Alteration and Improvement Program

 AIC -- Advanced Intelligence Center

 AIC -- Allied Intelligence Committee (London)

 AIC -- Army Industrial College

 AICO -- Action Information Control Officer

 AICPOA -- Advanced Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas

 AIF -- Air Intelligence Force

 AIF -- Amphibian Imperial Forces

 AIFS -- Advanced Instruction Flying School

 AIG -- Address Indicating Group (GB)

 AIL -- Aviation Instrument Laboratory

 AINO -- Assistant Inspector of Naval Ordnance

 AIntSec -- Air Intelligence Section (Army)

 AIO -- Action Information Organization

 AIO -- Allied Interrogating Organization (US & GB)

*AIR -- Aircraft

 AirAF -- Aircraft, Asiatic Fleet

 AirArmUnit -- Aircraft, Armament Unit

 AirASDevLant -- Aircraft Anti-Submarine Development Detachment, Atlantic Fleet

*AIRB -- Airborne

 AirBaseCom -- Air Base Commander

 AirBatForPac -- Aircraft Battle Force, Pacific Fleet

 AirDefCom -- Air Defense Commander

 AirElO -- Air Electrical Officer

 AirEngPropAccOverhaul -- Airplane Engine, Propellor and Accessory Overhaul

 AirEO -- Air Engineer Officer

 AirEvacWing -- Air Evacuation Wing

 AirFerons -- Naval Air Ferry Squadrons

 AirFMFPac -- Aircraft, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific

 AirForward -- Shore-based Air Force, Forward Area, Central Pacific

 AirGrp -- Air Group

 AirIS -- Air Store Issuing Ship

 AirLant -- Air Forces, Atlantic Fleet

 AirMG -- Aircraft, machine Gunner

 AirNorSols -- Aircraft, Northern Solomons

 AirOps -- Air Operations

 AirPac -- Air Forces, Pacific Fleet

 AirPac(Adv) -- Air Forces Pacific Advanced (later ComFairWesPac)

 AirPac(Pearl) -- Air Forces Pacific, Pearl Harbor

 AirPacSubComFord -- Air Forces Subordinate Command, Forward Area

 AirScoForPac -- Aircraft Scouting Force, Pacific Fleet

 AirshipGr -- Airship Group

 AirshipRon -- Airship Squadron

 AirSoPac -- Aircraft, South Pacific Force

 AirSoWesPac -- Aircraft, Southwest Pacific Force

 AirTrainRon -- Air Training Squadron

 AirTransRon -- Air Transport Squadron

 AirTransRonLant -- Air Transport Squadrons, Atlantic

 AirTransRonPac -- Air Transport Squadron, Pacific

 AirTransRonWestCoast -- Air Transport Squadron, West Coast

 AIS -- Air Intelligence Service

 AITC -- Action Information Training Center

 A/J -- Anti-Jamming (radar)

 AK -- Cargo Ship, auxiliary (cargo ship of any type operated by the Navy)

 AKA -- Cargo Ship, Attack

 AKD -- Deep Hold Cargo Ship

 AKF -- Refrigerated Cargo Ship (1943)

 AKN -- Net Cargo Ship

 AKS -- General Stores Issue Ship

 AKV -- Cargo Ship and Aircraft Ferry

AL or A/L -- Air Liaison

 AL -- Alameda, California

*AL -- Alaska

 AL -- Lightship

 AL -- USNR officer designation. Limited General Service, Aviation non-flying Duties. Formerly (A)L.

 A1L -- USNR officer designation. Limited General Service, Heavier than Air Pilot. Formerly A-VN.

 A2L -- USNR officer designation. Limited General Service, Lighter than Air Pilot. Formerly (A2)L and A-VN.

 A3L -- USNR officer designation. Limited General Service, Heavier than Air Pilot. Formerly (A3)L and A-VG.

 A4L -- USNR officer designation. Limited General Service, Lighter than Air Pilot. Formerly (A4)L and A-VG.

 A5L -- USNR officer designation. Limited General Service, Lighter than Air Pilot. Formerly (A5)L and A-VT.

 A6L -- USNR officer designation. Limited General Service, Lighter than Air Pilot. Formerly (A6)L and A-VT.

 ALA -- Alabama

 ALAMCABCO -- All American Cable Company

*ALAS -- Alaska

 AlaskanDept -- Commanding General, Alaskan Department

 AlBus -- All Bureaus

 Alco -- American Locomotive Company

 AlCom -- A dispatch to all commands in an area

 ALLOW -- Allowance(s)

 ALN -- USNR officer designation. Se AL and N. Formerly (A)L-N.

 A1LN -- USNR officer designation. Se A1L and N. Formerly (A1)L-N.

 A2LN -- USNR officer designation. Se A2L and N. Formerly (A2)L-N.

 A3LN -- USNR officer designation. Se A3L and N. Formerly (A3)L-N.

 A4LN -- USNR officer designation. Se A4L and N. Formerly (A4)L-N.

 A5LN -- USNR officer designation. Se A5L and N. Formerly (A5)L-N.

 A6LN -- USNR officer designation. Se A6L and N. Formerly (A6)L-N.

 AlNav -- Communication directed to all Navy and Marine Corps activities

 AlNavSta -- Letter to all Naval Stations

 ALO -- Air Liaison Officer (USMC)

 ALO -- Allied Liaison Office

 ALO -- American Liaison Office

 ALO -- Army Liaison Officer

 ALOS -- Mission of Army G-2 to investigate German scientific development

 ALOT -- Allotment

 ALP -- Air Liaison Party

 A1Pac -- A dispatch to all commands and personnel in the Pacific Ocean Areas

 A1Pac -- A dispatch to all Army, Navy and Marine Commands in the Pacific Ocean Areas

 ALR -- USNR officer designation. See AL and R. Formerly (A)L-R.

 A1LR -- USNR officer designation. See A1L and R. Formerly (A1)L-R.

 A2LR -- USNR officer designation. See A2L and R. Formerly (A2)L-R.

 A3LR -- USNR officer designation. See A3L and R. Formerly (A3)L-R.

 A4LR -- USNR officer designation. See A4L and R. Formerly (A4)L-R.

 A5LR -- USNR officer designation. See A5L and R. Formerly (A5)L-R.

 AlSeaFron -- Alaskan Sea Frontier

 AlSec -- Alaskan Sector

 AlStaCon -- Letter to All Stations, Continental United States

*ALT -- Alternations

 Alt -- Alternating

 ALT -- Altitude

 ALT -- USNR officer designation. See A1 and T. Formerly (A)L-T.

 A1LT -- USNR officer designation. See A1L and T. Formerly (A1)L-T.

 A2LT -- USNR officer designation. See A2L and T. Formerly (A2)L-T.

 A3LT -- USNR officer designation. See A3L and T. Formerly (A3)L-T.

 A4LT -- USNR officer designation. See A4L and T. Formerly (A4)L-T.

 A5LT -- USNR officer designation. See A5L and T. Formerly (A5)L-T.

 A6LT -- USNR officer designation. See A6L and T. Formerly (A6)L-T.

 Alt F Fl -- Alternating Fixed and Flashing

 Alt F Gp Fl -- Alternating Fixed and Group Flashing

 Alt Fl -- Alternating Flashing

 Alt Gp Occ -- Alternating Group Occulting

 Alt Occ -- Alternating Occulting

 ALUSLO -- U.S. Naval Liaison Officer

 ALUSNA -- U.S. Naval Attach&ecaute;

 ALUSNOB -- U.S. Naval Observer

*ALUTS -- Aleutian Islands

 ALX -- USNR officer designation. See AL and X. Formerly (A)L-X.

 A1LX -- USNR officer designation. See A1L and X. Formerly (A1)L-X.

 A2LX -- USNR officer designation. See A2L and X. Formerly (A2)L-X.

 A3LX -- USNR officer designation. See A3L and X. Formerly (A3)L-X.

 A4LX -- USNR officer designation. See A4L and X. Formerly (A4)L-X.

 A5LX -- USNR officer designation. See A5L and X. Formerly (A5)L-X.

 A6LX -- USNR officer designation. See A6L and X. Formerly (A6)L-X.

*AM -- American

 AM -- Amplitude Modulation

 AM -- Antemeridian

 AM -- Aviation Metalsmith

 AM -- Mine Sweeper

 AMb -- Mine Sweeper, Harbor

 AMC -- Air Mail Center

 AMC -- American Maritime Cases

 AMC -- Armed Merchant Cruiser (GB)

 AMC -- Army Medical Center

 AMc -- Mine Sweeper, Coastal

 AmCon -- American Consul

 AmConRepO -- American Consular Reporting Officer

 AMCROSS -- American Red Cross

 Amc (U) -- Coastal Mine Sweeper (underwater location)

 AMDI -- Admiralty Merchan Ship Defense Instructions

 AMG -- Aircraft Machine Gunner

 AMG -- Allied Military Government

*AMGM -- Airmailgram

 AML -- Aeronautical Materials Laboratory

 AML -- Allied Military Liaison (Balkans)

 AMM -- Aviation Machinist's Mate

 AMMAC -- Aviation Machinist's Mate, Combat Aircrewman

 AMMC -- Aviation Machinist's mate, Carburetor Mechanic

 AMMF -- Aviation Machinist's Mate, Flight Engineer

 AMMH -- Aviation Machinist's Mate, Hydraulic Mechanic

 AMMI -- Aviation Machinist's Mate, Instrument Mechanic

 AMMO -- Ammunition

 AMMP -- Aviation Machinist's Mate, Propellor Mechanic

 AMMT -- Aviation machinist's Mate, Turret Mechanic

 AMO -- Aircraft Material Officer

 AMPH -- Amphibious, Amphibian

 AmphForLant -- Amphibious Force, Atlantic

 AmphForMed -- Amphibious Force, Mediterranean

 AmphForPac -- Amphibious Force, Pacific

 Amphib -- Amphibious

 AmphibFor -- Amphibious Forces

 AmphibForCenPac -- Amphibious Forces, Central Pacific

 Amphs -- Amphibious

*AMPS -- Amperes

 AMS -- Army Map Service

 AMS -- Minesweeper, High Speed

 AMSC -- Allied Military Staff Conference (Quebec, Yalta, etc.)

 AMSI -- Admiralty merchant Shipping Instructions

 AMSI -- Atlantic Merchant Shipping Instructions

 Amt -- Amount

 Amtrack -- LVT (Landing Vehicle Tracked)

 AMUN -- Ammunition

 AMVETS -- American Vewterans of World War II

AN -- Annapolis, Maryland

 AN -- Army-Navy Joint Type Ordnance

 AN -- Net Laying Ship

 AN -- USNR officer designation. See A and N. Forermly (A)-N.

 A1N -- USNR officer designation. See A1 and N. Forermly (A1)-N.

 A2N -- USNR officer designation. See A2 and N. Forermly (A2)-N.

 A3N -- USNR officer designation. See A3 and N. Forermly (A3)-N.

 A4N -- USNR officer designation. See A4 and N. Forermly (A4)-N.

 A5N -- USNR officer designation. See A5 and N. Forermly (A5)-N.

 A6N -- USNR officer designation. See A6 and N. Forermly (A6)-N.

 AN/ARC-1 -- A radio transceiver

 ANC -- Army Nurse Corps

 ANCXF -- Allied Naval Commander Expeditionary Forces

 ANDUS -- Anglo-Dutch-United States

 ANGAU -- Australia-New Guinea Administrative Unit

"Angels" -- Radar countermeasures; now called "Kites"

 ANJSB -- Army-Navy Joint Specifications Board

 ANMB -- Army-Navy Munitions Board

 ANMC -- Assistant Navy Mail Clerk

 AnnRept -- Annual Report

 ANPB -- Army-Navy Petroleum Baord

 ANPPPC -- Army-Navy Petroleum Pool, Pacific Coast

 ANSCOL -- Army-Navy Staff College

 ANSIA -- Army-Navy Shipping Information Agency

 ANSO -- Assistant Naval Stores Officer

 ANTS -- Advanced Naval Traiing School

 ANTU -- Air Navigation Training Unit

 ANZAC -- Australian-New Zealand Army Corps

 AO -- Administration Officer

 AO -- Oiler, or Fuel Oil Tanker

 AOACB -- Aviation Ordnanceman, Combat Aircrewman, Air Bomber

 AOB -- Advanced Operational Base

 AOC -- Air Officer Commanding (USMC)

 AOC -- Aviation Officer Candidate

 AOC in CBAFO -- Air Officer Commanding in Chief British Air Force Occupation

 AOG -- Aircraft on Ground

 AOG -- Gasoline Tanker

 AOil -- Aviation Oil

 AOL -- Absent over leave

 AOM -- Aviation Ordnanceman

 AOMAC -- Aviation Ordnanceman, Combat Aircrewman

 AOMB -- Aviation Ordnanceman, Bombsight Mechanic

 AOMT -- Aivation Ordnanceman, Turret Mechanic

 AOND -- Administrative Officer, Navy Department

 AOO -- Aviation Ordnance Officer

 AOQ -- Aviation Officers' Quarters

 AOR -- Air Operations Room

 AOTC -- Aviation Officers Training Corps

 A/P -- Airplane

 AP -- Air Publication

 AP -- Armor Piercing

 AP -- Aviation Pilot

 AP -- Transport (operated by teh Navy)

 APA -- Appropriation Purchases Account

 APA -- Transport, Attack

 APB -- Barracks, Ship, self-propelled

 APC -- Acetylsalicylic Acid, Acetophenetidin, Caffeine compound ("all purpose capsules")

 APc -- Coastal Transport (small)

 APCCLA -- Aviation Petroleum Coordinating Committee, Latin American

 APD -- Transport (high speed)

 APEL -- Aeronautical Photographic Experimental Laboratory

 APF -- Administration Flagship

 APG -- Supporting Gunnery Ship

 APH -- Transport for wounded

 APL -- Labor Transport or Barrack Ship (non self-propelled)

 APLA -- Aviation Pilot, Airship

 APM -- Assistant Paymaster (USMC)

 APM -- Mechanized Artillery Transport

 APN -- Non-Mechanized Artillery Transport

 APO -- Area Petroleum Office(r)

 APO -- Army Post Office

 APP -- Troop Barge, Class A

 APPAC -- Aviation Petroleum Products Allocation Committee

 APPAC-L -- Aviation Petroleum Products Allocation Committee, London

 APPN -- Appropriation

 APR -- Rescue Transport

*APPROX -- Approximate

 APR/SPR -- Shipboard Radar Receiver

 APS -- Army Postal Service

 APS -- Transport, Submarine

 AP & SC Honolulu -- Army Port and Service Command, Honolulu

 APT -- Armor Piercing Traced

 APT -- Troop Barge, Class B

 APU -- Army Postal Unit

 APUC -- Area Production Urgency Committee

 APV -- Transport and Aircraft Ferry

 AR -- Airship Rigger

 AR -- Allocated Reserve

 AR -- Amphibian Reconnaissance

*AR -- Area

 AR -- Argentia, Newfoundland

 AR -- Army Regulations

 A&R -- Assembly and Repair

 AR -- Repair Ship

 AR -- USNR officer designation. See A and R. Formerly (A)-R.

 A1R -- USNR officer designation. See A1 and R. Formerly (A1)-R.

 A2R -- USNR officer designation. See A2 and R. Formerly (A2)-R.

 A3R -- USNR officer designation. See A3 and R. Formerly (A3)-R.

 A4R -- USNR officer designation. See A4 and R. Formerly (A4)-R.

 A5R -- USNR officer designation. See A5 and R. Formerly (A5)-R.

 A6R -- USNR officer designation. See A6 and R. Formerly (A6)-R.

 ARB -- Repair Ship, Battle Damage

 ARC -- Cable Repairing or Laying Ship

 ARCO -- Aircraft Resources Control Office

 ARD -- Auxiliary Repair Dock (Floating Drydock)

 ARDC -- Auxiliary Repair Dock, Concrete

 ARG -- Repair Ship, Internal Combustion Engine

 ARG -- Admiralty Regional Officer (GB)

 Argus -- Shore-based fighter director unit

 ARH -- Heavy-Hull Repair Ship

 ARI -- Arithmetic Reading test

 ARZ -- Arizona

 ARK -- Arkansas

 ARL -- Repair Ship, Landing Craft

 ArlAnn -- Arlington Annex (Navy Department)

 ARM -- Armament

 ARM -- Aviation Radioman

 ARM -- Heavy machinery Repair Ship

 ARMAC -- Aviation Radioman, Combat Aircrewman

*ARMD -- Armored

ArmdComd -- Armored Command (Army)

 ArmGrd -- Armed Guard

 ArmGrdCen -- Armed Guard Center

 ARO -- Air Radio Officer

 AROU -- Aviation Repair and Overhaul Unit

 ARP -- Air Raid Precautions

#ARPROREP -- Upon arrival further proceed and report (to)

#ARREP -- Upon arrival report (to)

#ARREPCOVES -- Upon arrival report to commanding officer of that vessel for duty

#ARREPISC -- Upon arrival report to immediate superior in command if present; otherwise by dispatch for duty indicated

 ARRL -- Aeronautical Radio and Radar laboratory

 ArrUS -- Arrived within continental limits of U.S.

 ARRV -- Arrive

 ARS -- Air Regulating Squadron

 ARS -- Salvage Vessel

 ARSD -- Aviation Repair Supply Depot

 ARS(D) -- Salvage Lifting Vessel

 ARS(T) -- Salvage Craft Tender

 ART -- Article

 ART -- Aviation Radio Technician

 ARTL -- Awaiting result of trail

 Arty -- Artillery

 ARV -- Aircraft Repair Ship

 ARV(A) -- Aircraft Repair Ship (Aircraft)

 ARV(E) -- Aircraft Repair Ship (Engine)

 AS -- Altostratus

 AS -- Anti-Submarine

 A/S -- Anti-Submarine

 AS -- Apprentice Seaman

 AS -- Asiatic

 AS -- Astoria, Oregon

 AS -- Submarine Tender

 AS -- United States to West African ports (routing designation)

 ASA -- Aviation Supply Annex

 ASAC -- Altostratus and Altocumulus

 ASAP -- Anti-Submarine Attack Plotter

 ASATTU -- Anti-Submarine Attack Teacher Training Unit

 ASB -- Airborne Search Radar

 ASC -- Air Service Command (Army)

 ASC -- Air Support Control

 ASCU -- Air Support Control Units

 ASD -- Airborne Search Radar

 ASD -- Artillery Spotting Division

 ASD -- Aviation Supply Depot

 ASDevLant -- Anti-Submarine Development Detachment, Atlantic Fleet

 Asdic -- Allied Submarine Devices Investigation Committee (World War I); also, general term applied to any type of under-water supersonic echo-ranging equipment of vessels

 ASE -- Airborne Search Radar

 ASE -- Aircraft Stores Establishment

 A/SEE -- Anti-Submarine Experimental Establishment

 ASF -- Alaskan Sea Frontier

 ASF -- Army Service Forces

 A/SFDO -- Anti-Submarine Fixed Defenses Officer

 ASFTrnTraRonPac -- Auxiliary Service Force, Transition Training Squadron, Pacific

 ASG -- Airborne Search Radar

 ASH -- Airborne Search Radar

 ASIS -- Ammunition Stores Issuing Ship

 ASN -- Army Serial Number

 ASO -- Air Signal Officer

 ASO -- Air Staff Officer

 ASO -- Assistant Secretary's Office (Navy)

 ASO -- Aviation Supply Office (Philadelphia)

 ASOS -- Assistant Supervisor of Shipbuilding

 ASP -- Anti-Submarine Patrol

 ASR or A/SR -- Air-Sea Rescue

 ASR -- Submarine Rescue Vessel

 ASRS -- Anglo-Soviet Recognition Signals

 ASSERON -- Army Service Squadron (corresponds to Navy's CASU)

 AS&SL -- All Ships and Stations Letters

 ASSRON -- Air Service Support Squadron (Army)

 Asst -- Assistant

*AST -- Assistant (to)

 AstCk -- Assistant Cook

 ASTP -- Army Specialized Training Program

 ASTRP -- Army Specialized Training Reserve Program

 AstSecNav -- Assistant Secretary of the Navy

 AstSecNavAir -- Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Air

 ASTU -- Air Support Training Units

 ASTU -- Army Specialized Training Unit

 ASU -- Aircraft Scheduling Unit

 ASV -- Airborne Search Radar

*ASW or A/SW -- Anti-Submarine Warfare

 ASW -- Assistant Secretary of War

 ASWO -- (Naval) Air Stations Weekly Orders

 ASWORG -- Anti-Submarine Warfare Operations Research Group

 ASWTC -- Anti-Submarine Warfare Training Center

 ASWTraCen -- Anti-Submarine Warfare Training Center

 ASWTU -- Anti-Submarine Warfare Training Unit

 ASWUnit -- Anti-Submarine Warfare Unit

 AT -- Anti-Tank

 A/T -- Anti-Torpedo (Nets)

 A/T -- Attack teacher

 AT -- Ocean-going Tug

 AT -- United States to United Kingdom (routing designation)

 AT -- USNR officer designation. See A and T. Formerly (A)-T.

 A1T -- USNR officer designation. See A1 and T. Formerly (A1)-T.

 A2T -- USNR officer designation. See A2 and T. Formerly (A2)-T.

 A3T -- USNR officer designation. See A3 and T. Formerly (A3)-T.

 A4T -- USNR officer designation. See A4 and T. Formerly (A4)-T.

 ATA -- Army Transportation Association

 ATA -- Ocean Tug (Auxiliary)

 ATAD -- Absent on temporary additional duty

 ATAD -- Air Technical Analysis Division

*ATAK -- Attack

 ATANDT -- American Telephone and Telegraph Company

 ATB -- Amphibious Training Base

 ATC -- Airport Traffic Control

 ATC -- Air Transport Command (USAAF)

 ATC -- Army Training Center

 ATCC(L) -- Allied Tanker Coordinating Committee in London

 ATCC(W) -- Allied Tanker Coordinating Committee in Washington

 ATCLO -- Amphibious Training Command Liaison Officer

 ATCom -- Atoll Commander

 ATCOR -- Air Traffic Coordinator

 ATCOREU -- Air Traffic Coordinator Europe

 ATCORUS -- Air Transport Coordinator for the United States

 ATD -- Actual Time of Departure

 AT (E) -- Administration of Territories (Europe)

 ATF -- Ocean Tug, Fleet

 ATIS -- Allied Translation and Intelligence Section

 Atl -- Atlantic

 ATL -- Awaiting trial

 ATL -- Tank-landing craft, ocean going

 ATMU -- Aircraft Torpedo Maintenance Unit

 ATO -- Assisted take-off

 ATO -- Ocean Tug, Old

 ATR -- Aircraft Trouble Report

 ATR -- Aviation Training Record

 ATR -- Ocean Tug, Rescue

 ATRON -- Atlantic Squadron (before Feb. 1941)

 ATS -- Army Transport Service

 ATSC -- Air Technical Service Command (Army)

 ATSU -- Air Travel Security Unit

 AT&T -- American Telegraph and Telephone Company

*ATT -- Mess attendant

 ATTC -- Aviation Technical Training Center

*ATTN -- Attention

 ATU -- Advanced Training Unit

 AugU -- Augmenting Unit

 AUS -- Army of the United States

*AUTH -- Authority

 Auth -- Authority

#AUTHEXANDO -- Authority granted to execute acceptance and oath of office for

 Auto Weap -- Automatic Weapons

*AUX -- Auxiliary or Auxiliary Craft

 AV -- Audio-Visual

*AV -- Aviator, Aviation

 AV -- Seaplane Tender

 AVC -- American Veterans' Committee

 AVC -- Catapult Lighter

 AVCAD -- Aviation Cadet

 AVD -- Seaplane Tender (highspeed)

"Avenger" -- See TBF-#, TBM-#

 AVG -- Aircraft Carrier, Escort [see CVE]

 A-V(G) -- USNR aviation officers holding designation as naval aviators, qualified for general detail afloat or ashore. This classification was abolished in September 1944 and replaced by one of the following: (A3), (A3)L, (A4)L, S(A3), or S(A4).

 AvGas -- Aviation Gasoline

 AVH -- USN officer designation. Designated Naval Aviator, Heavier than Air, on Flight Duty, USN.

 AVIA -- Aviaiton pay

 AVL -- Aviation officer designation. Designated Naval Aviator, Lighter than Air, on Flight Duty, USN.

 AVM -- Air Vice-Marshal

 Avn -- Aviation

 A-V(N) -- USNR aviation flight officers, detailed to actve duty in the aeronautic organization of the Navy immediately following their completion of traiing and designation as naval aviators.This classification was abolished in September 1944 and replaced by one of the following: (A1), (A1)-L, (A2), (A2L), S(A1), or S(A2).

 AvnCdt -- Aviation Cadet

 AvnEngrBn -- Aviation Engineer Battalion (USMC)

 AvnU -- Aviation Unit (USMC)

 AVP -- Seaplane Tender (Small)

 AVR -- Aircraft Rescue Vessel

 Avr -- Aviator

 A-V(RS) -- USNR aviation officers, commissioned and warrant, including radio electricians, qualified for specialist duties. This classification was abolished in September 1944 and replaced by the proper aviation or engineering classification with the suffix "T".

 AVS -- Aviation Supply Ship

 A-V(S) -- USNR aviaiton officers, commissioned and wearrant, including guners, radio electricians, machinists, aerographers, and photographers, qualified for specialist duties. This classification was abolished in September 1944 and replaced by one of the following: (A), (A)L, (D), (D)L, (AD), (S), or S(A).

 AVT -- Aviation Medicine

 AVT -- Aviation Medicine Technician

 A-V(T) -- USNR aviaiton officers, former civil aviation pilots or aviators of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard, qualified for specialist duties. This classificaiton was abolished in September 1944 and replaced by one of the following: (A5), (A5)L, (A6), (A6)L, S(A5), or S(A6).

 AVTR -- Aviator

 AW -- Articles of War (Army)

 AW -- Automatic Weapons (Army)

 AW -- Distilling Ship

 AWA or AWAS -- Air Warfare Analysis Section (GB)

 AWC -- Army War College

 A&WI -- Atlantic and West Indies

 AWK -- Water Tanker

 AWOL -- Absent without official leave

 AWrnCo -- Aircraft Warning Company (USMC)

 AWS -- Air Warning Squadron (USMC)

 AWS -- Physically on board awaiting sentence of court martial; not ship's company

 AWT -- Physically on board awaiting trial by court martial; not ship's company

 AX -- Planned Auxiliary, New Construction

 AX -- USNR officer designation. See A and X. Formerly (A)-X.

 A1X -- USNR officer designation. See A1 and X. Formerly (A1)-X.

 A2X -- USNR officer designation. See A2 and X. Formerly (A2)-X.

 A3X -- USNR officer designation. See A3 and X. Formerly (A3)-X.

 A4X -- USNR officer designation. See A4 and X. Formerly (A4)-X.

 A5X -- USNR officer designation. See A5 and X. Formerly (A5)-X.

 A6X -- USNR officer designation. See A6 and X. Formerly (A6)-X.

 AZ -- Air Ship Tender (Lighter than Air)

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - ST - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Navy Numbers

Published: Mon Mar 09 11:30:20 EDT 2015