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Establishment of the General Board: General Order No. 544, 13 March 1900

Image of General Order No. 544 13 March 1900
Image of General Order No. 544 13 March 1900

No. 544

Washington, March 13, 1900.

A General Board is hereby established, to be composed of the following-named officers: The Admiral of the Navy, the Chief of the Bureau of Navigation, the Chief Intelligence Officer and his principal assistant, the president of the Naval War College and his principal assistant, and three other officers or above the grade of lieutenant commander.


Should the principal assistant of the Chief Intelligence Officer, or the principal assistant of the president of the Naval War College be below the rank of lieutenant commander, an officer or officers of the grade of lieutenant commander or above will be designated to fill such place or places on the Board.

The purpose of the Department in establishing this Board is to insure efficient preparation of the fleet in case of war and for the naval defense of the coast.

The Chief of the Bureau of Navigation will be the custodian of the plans of campaign and war preparations. He will indicate to the War College and Intelligence Officer the information required from them by the General Board, and in the abscence of the Admiral of the Navy, he will preside at meetings of the Board, and exercise the functions of president of the Board.

The Board will meet at least once a month, five of its members constituting a quorum, and two of its sessions every year shall extend over a period of not less than one week each, during which time the Board shall meet daily.


John D. Long

Published: Thu Dec 18 13:57:43 EST 2014