The Navy Department Library
JABBER -- Klagen, New Britain
JACKAROO -- Sape Strait, Flores Sea, N.E.I.
JACKASS -- Bla River, New Britain
JACKBOOT -- Attu Island, Aleutian Islands
JACKKNIFE -- Johnson Island, Pacific Ocean
JACKSTAY -- Sardinia
JACOBITE -- Kauai, Hawaii
JACONET -- Munda, New Georgia Island, Solomon Islands
JADE -- Perth, Australia
JAGUAR -- Alas Strait, Java, N.E.I.
JAILBAIT -- Pirau River, New Britain
JAKEY -- Cape Kamao, French Indo China
JAMBOREE -- Sep Sep Island, New Britain
JAMES -- Cocos Island, Solomon Islands
JAMES -- Kabanaki Village, Gilbert Islands
JAMJAR -- Naknek, Alaska
JAMORE -- Makassar City, Celebes, N.E.I.
JAMPUFF -- Nandi, Fiji Islands
JANE -- Assault landing from seaward to capture Tamatave, Madagascar (18 September 1942) (G.B.)
JANET -- Kuching, Borneo, N.E.I.
JANGLE -- Taruk Mission, New Britain
JANITOR -- Corsica
JAPONICA -- Tinghai, Chusan Islands, China
JARGON -- Bena Bena, New Guinea
JARRAH -- Onslow, Australia
JASMINE -- Kaub Island, New Guinea
JASPER -- Aikon, New Britain
JAVELIN -- Bali Plantation, New Britain
JEDDAH -- Port Prince Rupert [Ruper], British Columbia
JELLO -- Opol, P.I.
JELLY -- Tablos Strait, P.I.
JELLYFISH -- Umbolding, New Guinea
JEMMY -- U.S. Force in southwest Scotland
JERBOA -- Foggia, Italy
JEREMIAH -- Mt. Bola, New Britain
JERK -- Wellington, New Zealand
JEROBOAM -- Wake Island
JEWESS -- Sandakan, Borneo, N.E.I.
JIBBOOM -- U.S.N. Force in Jamaica
JIBDOOR -- Rumung, Yap Island
JIFFY -- Waiwi Creek, New Guinea
JIGSAW -- Waren Airdrome, New Guinea
JIMJAM -- 2nd U.S. Naval Training Base, British Isles
JIVELAND -- San Remo Point, France
JOBLOT -- Nicaragua
JOCKEY -- Misamis Occidental, Mindanao, P.I.
JOEBLOW -- Kulu River, New Britain
JOGALONG -- Magdalene River, New Britain
JOHANNES -- Talasea Island, N.E.I.
JOHNSON -- Sauren, New Britain
JOLLYBOAT -- Hoji Island, Chusan Archipelago, China
JOMINI -- Pilelo Passage, New Britain
JOSHUA -- Waru, New Guinea
JUBILANT -- Airborne operations by 1st Allied Airborne Army under ECLIPSE conditions to safeguard and supply prisoner-of-war camps
JUBILEE -- Combined Allied raid on Dieppe, France (18-19 August 1942)
JUGGLE -- Waterloo, Sierra Leone, Africa
JUGGLER -- Coordinated operations against fighter factories by U.S. 8th Air Force and North African Air Force
JUGULATED -- Strategic positions selected for occupation upon Japanese withdrawal, collapse or surrender
JUICYFRUIT -- Baru, New Guinea
JULIET -- Baronga Island, Burma
JUMBLE -- El Obeid, Sudan
JUMBLE -- Taraua, New Britain
JUNO -- D-Day Beaches (Europe)
JURIST -- Occupation of Malaya, after Japanese surrender (18 August 1945)
JURYMAST -- Selaru Island, N.E.I.
JUVENILE -- Dobodura, New Guinea