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RABBIT -- Alsega Bay, New Britain

RABBIT -- Ma Asin, Leyte, P.I.

RACCOON -- Maitbog, Leyte, P.I.

RACCOON -- Thilenius Harbor, New Britain

RACKET -- Adi River, New Britain

RACKETEER -- Fanning Island, Line Islands

RACKLE -- Rotterdam, Netherlands

RADIATOR -- Kanaga Island, Choiseul Island, Solomon Islands

RAFFLING -- Nobeoka, Japan

RAGAMUFFIN -- Karai Ai, New Britain

RAGGED -- Birik, New Britain

RAGTIME -- Spratly Island, China Sea

RAGWEED -- Jacquinot Bay, New Britain

RAILING -- Kawasaki, Japan

RAINBOW -- The Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis

RAKEOFF -- Ust-Bolshervetsk, Kamchatka, U.S.S.R.

RAMSHACKLE -- Monga Monga Point, New Britain

RANCID -- Greenland

RANDEM -- Tai Shei Sha Island, Chusan Archipelago, China

RANKIN -- Plan for the return to the Continent in the event of German disintegration

RAPHAEL -- Cape Schellong, New Britain

RAPSCALLION -- Aguijan Island, Marianas Islands

RAPTUROUS -- Amsterdam, Netherlands

RASCAL -- Manipa Strait, Waspimat Bay, N.E.I.

RASHNESS -- Offensive operations to be conducted by China Theater forces in 1945 (Cancelled, CARBONADO substituted)

RASPBERRY -- Linga Linga, New Britain

RASPBERRY -- Method of protecting convoys against U-Boat attacks (G.B.)

RASPBERRY -- Wilson Island, Treasury Islands

RATCATCHER -- Cyprus, Mediterranean Sea

RATION -- Interception of Vichy French ships

RATSBANE -- Southern Kyushu, Japan

RATTRAP -- Bismarck Archipelago

RAVIOLI -- Tarawe, New Britain

RAWBONE -- Cape Knorr, New Britain

RAWHIDE -- Anu River, New Britain

RAYBAN -- Cape Tawop, New Britain

RAZOR -- Kosesikwa Point, Lusancay Island, Trobriand Islands

REBATE -- Planes de Gaiacs Aerodrome, New Caledonia

REBELLIOUS -- Malabang, Mindanao, P.I.

RECCO -- Maug Island, Marianas Islands

RECEPTABLE -- Wotje Island, Marshall Islands

RECKLESS -- Hollandia Operation, New Guinea

RECLAIM -- Jerusalem, Palestine

RECOVER -- Nama Island, Caroline Islands

RECUPERATE -- Ellice Islands

RED -- Great Britain (canceled)

RED HERRING -- Finschhafen, New Guinea

REDLEAD -- Lindenhafen Plantation, New Britain

REDSTART -- Kagoshima, Kyushu Island, Japan

REDWOOD -- Lunga Signal Tower, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands

REEDBIRD -- Yokohama, Japan

REEFER -- Verde Island Passage, P.I.

REFEREE -- South Seymour Island, Galapagos Islands

REINDEER -- Anato, New Britain

RELEVANT -- Postwar Base Development plan for Philippine Islands and Okinawa

RENO -- Outline plan for operations in Southwest Pacific Area for 1944

RENOVATION -- Karkar Island, New Guinea

REPEATEDLY -- Mining of Singapore

REPENT -- Boela, Ceram, N.E.I.

REPREHEND -- Kagoshima Bay, Kyushu Island, Japan

REPROBATE -- Rongelap Atoll, Marshall Islands

REPROVE -- Palams Island, Mindanao, P.I.

RESERVIST -- Seizure of vital points in the harbor at Oran, North Africa and landing of British and United States forces to prevent sabotage of docks, etc. (8 November 1942)

RESPLENDENT -- China-Burma-India Theatre

RETICULE -- Velkal, Siberia

RETRIBUTION -- To prevent any of the enemy reaching Italian territory if they should attempt to evacuate Tunisia (April-June 1943)

REVERE -- Tambiu Island, New Britain

RHEUMATISM -- Laughlan Island, Louisiade Archipelago

RHODODENDRON -- Rua Sura, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands

RHUBARB -- Bilomi River, New Britain

RHUBARB -- Inagau, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands

RHUMB -- Mindoro Strait, P.I.

RIDDANCE -- Japanese Home Islands

RIFFLER -- Ariake Wan, Kyushu, Japan

RIFLERANGE -- Kiska Island, Aleutian Islands

RIGHTHOOK -- Solomon Sea

RINA -- Cozumel and Mujeres Islands

RINGBOLT -- Tulagi Island, Solomon Islands

RINGER -- Basra, Iraq

RIPVANWINKLE -- Cape Archway, New Britain

ROADMAKER -- Operations against Caroline Islands

ROARING -- Hawaii Island, T.H.

ROCKALONG -- Maiduguri, Africa

ROCKCRUSHER -- Iwo Jima, Bonin Islands, Japan

ROCOCO -- Maug Island, Marianas Islands

RODENT -- Akureyri, Iceland

ROISTERER -- Legaspi, P.I.

ROITAN -- Siassi Island, New Britain

ROMANCE -- Brazil

ROMANCER -- Sepik River, New Guinea

ROMEO -- Marli, New Britain

ROMNEY -- Cape Balangori, New Britain

ROMULUS -- Operation for the clearance of Arakan down to and including Akyab, Burma

ROOFTREE -- Joint Army and Navy plan for participation in TORCH

ROOKERY -- Corinto, Nicaragua

ROOSTER -- Batavia, Java, N.E.I.

ROOSTER -- Gasmata, New Britain (Canceled)

ROSE -- Allied landing at Tuleer, Madagascar (29 September 1942)

ROSEBUD -- Samar, P.I.

ROSELIN -- Stettin Bay, New Britain

ROSEMONT -- Rein Bay, New Britain

ROSES -- Efate, New Hebrides Islands

ROSEWOOD -- Alokun Island, Solomon Islands

ROUNDUP -- Operation plan against continent of Europe, spring 1943 (Canceled)

ROVER -- U.S. Tenth Military District

ROWLEY -- Manfredonia, Italy

ROWLOCK -- Kwajalein Island, Marshall Islands

RUBICON -- Bolivia

RUDDINESS -- Shibushi, Japan

RUDIMENTARY -- Freemantle, Australia

RUGBY -- Boli Point, Lusancay Island, Trobriand Islands

RULER -- Sulu Sea, P.I.

RUNABOUT -- Florida Island, Solomon Islands

RUNT -- Samarai Island, New Guinea

RUNYON -- Bola Bola, New Britain

RUPERT -- Expedition to capture Narvik, Norway (16 April 1940) (G.B.)

RUSTY -- Anambas Islands, N.E.I.

RUSTY -- Photo reconnaissance in Africa

RYE -- Three Island, Treasury Islands

Published: Mon Apr 06 06:31:35 EDT 2015