The Navy Department Library
Glossary of Abbreviations and Terms
ACTOV Accelerated Turnover to the Vietnamese
ACTOVLOG Accelerated Turnover to the Vietnamese, Logistics
AD Destroyer Tender
AE Ammunition Ship
AF Store Ship
AFDL Small Auxiliary Floating Drydock (non-self-propelled)
AFS Combat Store Ship
AGC Amphibious Force Flagship
AGS Surveying Ship
AGSS Auxiliary Submarine
AH Hospital Ship
AK Cargo Ship
AKA Attack Cargo Ship
AKD Cargo Ship, Dock
AKL Light Cargo Ship
AKR Vehicle Cargo Ship
AKS Stores Issue Ship
AKV Aircraft Ferry
AN Antonov Transport
AN Net Laying Ship
AO Oiler
AOE Fast Combat Support Ship
AOG Gasoline Tanker
APA Attack Transport
APB Self-propelled Barracks Ship
APD High-speed Transport
APL Barracks Craft (non-self-propelled)
APSS Transport Submarine
AR Repair Ship
ARG Amphibious Ready Group
ARG Internal Combustion Engine Repair Ship
ARL Landing Craft Repair Ship
ARS Salvage Ship
ARVH Aircraft Repair Ship (Helicopter)
ARVN Army of Vietnam
ASPB Assault Support Patrol Boat
ASW Antisubmarine Warfare
ATC Armored Transport Craft
ATF Fleet Ocean Tug
AV Seaplane Tender
BB Battleship
CA Heavy Cruiser
CAG Guided Missile Heavy Cruiser
CAPT Captain
CD Coastal Division
CDR Commander
CEC Civil Engineer Corps
CGN Guided Missile Cruiser (nuclear-powered)
CHC Chaplain Corps
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
CIDG Civilian Irregular Defense Group
CINCPAC Commander in Chief, Pacific
CINCPACAF Commander in Chief, Pacific Air Force
CINCPACFLT Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet
CLG Guided Missile Light Cruiser
CM Construction Mechanic
CNO Chief of Naval Operations
COMNAVFORV Commander U.S. Naval Forces, Vietnam
COMUSMACV Commander U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam
CTF Commander Task Force
CTG Commander Task Group
CTU Commander Task Unit
CV Aircraft Carrier
CVA Attack Aircraft Carrier
CVAN Attack Aircraft Carrier (nuclear-powered)
CVS Antisubmarine Warfare Support Aircraft Carrier
CVSQ Carrier Antisubmarine Warfare Air Group
D Australian Destroyer
DAO Defense Attache Office
DC Dental Corps
DD Destroyer
DDG Guided Missile Destroyer
DDR Radar Picket Destroyer
DE Destroyer Escort
DER Radar Picket Escort Ship
DLG Guided Missile Frigate
DMZ Demilitarized Zone
ENS Ensign
EOD Explosive Ordance Disposal
FOB Forward Operating Base
HAL Helicopter Attack Light Squadron
HM Helicopter Squadron
HMH Marine Heavy Lift Helicopter Squadron
HMM Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron
HMR Marine Transport Helicopter Squadron
HQ Vietnamese Navy (derived from the Vietnamese Hai Quan)
HSAS Headquarters Support Activity, Saigon
IFS Inshore Fire Support Ship
IUWU Inshore Undersea Warfare Unit
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff
JGS Joint General Staff
LARC Lighter, Amphibious Resupply Cargo
LCC Amphibious Command Ship
LCDR Lieutenant Commander
LCM Landing Craft, Mechanized
LCM(M) Landing Craft, Mechanized (Minesweeper)
LCPL Landing Craft, Personnel, Large
LCU Landing Craft, Utility
LCVP Landing Craft, Vehicle and Personnel
LDNN South Vietnamese Naval Commandos (derived from the the Vietnamese
Lien Doi Nguoi Nhia)
LKA Amphibious Cargo Ship
LPD Amphibious Transport Dock
LPH Amphibious Assault Ship
LPSS Amphibious Transport Submarine
LSD Landing Ship, Dock
LSIL Landing Ship, Infantry, Large
LSM Landing Ship, Medium
LSMR Landing Ship, Medium, Rocket
LSSL Landing Support Ship, Large
LST Landing Ship, Tank
LT Lieutenant
LTJG Lieutenant (junior grade)
LVT Landing Vehicle, Tracked
MAAG Military Assistance Advisory Group
MACV Military Assistance Command, Vietnam
MAJ Major
MiG Russian-made Fighter Aircraft
MLMS Minesweeping Launch
MRF Mobile Riverine Force
MSB Minesweeping Boat
MSC Military Sealift Command
MSF Minesweeper, Fleet
MSO Minesweeper, Ocean
MSS Minesweeper, Special
MSTS Military Sea Transportation Service
NAG Naval Advisory Group
NAVFORV Naval Forces, Vietnam
NC Nurse Corps
NHC Naval Historical Center
NILO Naval Intelligence Liaison Officer
NMCB Naval Mobile Construction Battalion
NSA Naval Support Activity
NVA North Vietnamese Army
PACV Patrol Air Cushion Vehicle
PBR River Patrol Boat
PC Submarine Chaser
PCE Escort
PCER Rescue Escort
PCF Fast Patrol Craft
PG Patrol Gunboat
PGH Patrol Gunboat Hydrofoil
PGM Motor Gunboat
PIRAZ Positive Identification Radar Advisory Zone
POL Petroleum, Oil, Lubricants
POW Prisoner of War
PT Motor Torpedo Boat
PTF Fast Patrol Boat
RAG River Assault Group
RAID Riverine Assault Interdiction Division
RCVSQ Readiness Carrier Antisubmarine Warfare Air Group
RCVW Readiness Attack Carrier Air Wing
RID River Interdicton Division
RPC River Patrol Craft
RPG River Patrol Group
RPG Rocket Propelled Grenade
R&R Rest and Recuperation
RVAH Reconnaissance Attack Squadron
RVN Republic of Vietnam
RVNAF Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces
SAM Surface to Air Missile
SAR Search and Rescue
SC Submarine Chaser
SC Supply Corps
SCATTOR Small Craft Assets, Training, and Turnover of Resources
Seabee Naval Construction Battalion Personnel
SEAL Naval Commando
SEALORDS Southeast Asia, Lake, Ocean, River, Delta Strategy
SEATO Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
SERVPAC Service Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet
SLF Special Landing Force
SS Steamship
SS Submarine
STAB SEAL Team Assault Boat
STAB Strike Team Assault Boat
STAT Seabee Technical Assistance Team
STCAN/FOM French-designed River Patrol Craft
T Prefix for USNS
UDT Underwater Demolition Team
USA U.S. Army
USAF U.S. Air Force
USCG U.S. Coast Guard
USMC U.S. Marine Corps
USN U.S. Navy
USNR U.S. Naval Reserve
USNS U.S. Naval Ship
VA Attack Squadron
VAH Heavy Attack Squadron
VAL Light Attack Squadron
VAP Heavy Photographic Squadron
VAQ Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron
VAW Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron
VC Viet Cong
VF Fighter Squadron
VFP Light Photographic Squadron
VFR Refrigerated Covered Lighter (self-propelled)
VMA Marine Attack Squadron
VMF Marine Fighter Squadron
VNAF Vietnamese Air Force
VNN Vietnamese Navy
VP Patrol Squadron
VQ Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron
VR Air Transport Squadron
VRC Air Transport Squadron
VSF Antisubmarine Fighter Squadron
WPB 82-Foot Coast Guard Cutter
WHEC Coast Guard High Endurance Cutter
YC Open Lighter
YFRN Refrigerated Covered Lighter (non self-propelled)
YFU Harbor Utility Craft (self-propelled)
YMS Auxiliary Motor Minesweeper
YOG Gasoline Barge (self-propelled)
YRBM Repair, Berthing, and Messing Barge (non-self-propelled)
YTB Large Harbor Tug
YTL Small Harbor Tug
26 October 1997