The Navy Department Library
Korean War: Chronology of U.S. Pacific Fleet Operations, January–April 1952
Click on month and year for a chronological listing of events of the war.
1952 | | JAN | FEB | MAR | APR | |
Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations and Acronyms |
January 1952
1 January
First Marine Division continued to occupy, organize and defend sector, X U. S. Army Corps, Eighth U. S. Army, Korea.
Two bombs were dropped by an unidentified aircraft on USAF Kimpo Airfield, damaging 16 wing-tip tanks and slightly damaging one F-86. Two bombs also dropped at Inchon without damage.
Approximate position of battle line in Korea at this date extended from a point about five miles SE of Kosong on the East Coast to a point ten miles SE of Kaesong on the West.
This date marked the 319th consecutive day of naval bombardment at Wonsan.
1 January - 2 February
Fast Carrier Task Force (TF 77) continued to carry out "Operation MOONLIGHT SONATA". This operation was designed to take advantage of the full moon in pre-dawn heckler strikes against locomotives and trains. Five two-plane sections reconnoitered 50-mile stretches of track to locate, stop and isolate locomotives for later strikes.
3 January
COMNAVFE advised CINCPACFLT that early establishment of the Naval Advisory Group to the Republic of Korea was considered desirable, especially since the terms of a Korean armistice would preclude any augmentation of naval personnel in Korea. The advisory group was recommended in October 1951.
4 January
FEAF reported that 100 to 150 YAK-9 fighter planes were seen near the front lines at about 0301 on the night of the 4th. This is the first instance of enemy propellor planes being seen in such great strength near the front and is an indication that the enemy has increased considerably its capability for night air attack.
COMUNBLOCKANDCORTFOR (CTF 95) directed that cruisers in TF 95 be prepared to support the 1st U. S. Corps from their position. The 1st Corps had been concerned about the attacks on the left flank via Kangwha Island and Kimpo Peninsula.
HMS Belfast (CL) anchored at entrance to Songmo-Sudo L.3737' N. 12618' E. First ship that size to reach this position in Han River. CTF 95 directed cruisers be prepared to support 1st Corps from this position in future.
5 January
USS Swallow (AMS 36) was taken under fire by two enemy guns from the Northern tip of the Amgak Peninsula, while conducting sweeping operations in Murad channel north of Sokto. Fire from HMNS Van Galen and USS Alacrity and strikes by four FEAF aircraft silenced the guns with many hits in the area.
ROK PC 704 reported that the southern half of the island of Sunwido was still in friendly hands, and refugees were being evacuated.
COMUNBLOCKANDCORTFOR (CTF 95) recommended to COMSEVENTHFLT that Air and Naval Gunfire Liaison Company (ANGLICO) SFCP's be provided on Kangwha-do and Kyodong- do in Han River entrance. Poor terrain for ship's direct fire defense.
6 January
COMUNBLOCKANDCORTFOR (CTF 95) assigned responsibility for overall defense and local ground defense of east and west coast islands of Korea north of 38 North now held by UN and ROK Forces and for certain islands on the West Coast of Korea, South of.38N. where special Air Force equipment is based. The previous responsibility had been 8th Army for ground defense and TF 95 for naval defense.
Amphibious Redeployment Group (TG 90.5) under COMTRANSDIV 11, composed of four APA, two LSD, eight LST and screening element, commenced the interchange lift of the 40th and 24th Infantry Divisions between Yokohama and Inchon.
Through a case of mistaken identity, USS Erben (DD 631) off KoJo, Korea, fired at and sank a small craft used for intelligence purposes by the X Corps. Craft did not have proper recognition signals.
USS Erben (DD 631) grounded on an uncharted shoal damaging her starboard screw beyond use and bending her port screw.
8 January
Commander Of Task Element 95.62 was advised of Commander United Nations Blockading and Escort Force's decision to have the east coast of Korea from Kansong to Songjin swept once every two weeks.
CAPT R. L. Johnson, USN, in USS Badoeng Strait (CVE 116) assumed duty as Officer-in-Tactical Control West Coast Korea vice RADM Scott Moncrieff in HMS Belfast (CL).
Sunwi-do now reported completely in hands of enemy.
9 January
A conference held aboard the USS Wisconsin (BB 64) on this date resulted in the formation of the West Coast Island Defense Element TE 95.15 Headquarters for the TE were established at Paengnyong-do, U.S. Marine and Navy personnel were made available to the task element commander. Seventh Fleet cruisers and the Wisconsin organized Marine detachments aboard into a provisional landing force, capable of defending any of the islands which might be threatened by the enemy.
10 January
While covering guerrilla evacuation of Changni-do, HCMS Cayuga (PF) and ROKN PC 702 both came under fire from enemy batteries which they silenced with counter-battery fire. Cayuga destroyed three junks during the action.
As the result of the non-recognition of an X Corps small craft with G-2 personnel and its sinking by the USS Erben (DD 631) on 6 January near Kojo, COMSEVENTHFLT assigned CTF 95 the responsibility for the control and clearance of all friendly small craft operating in the vicinity and north of the bombline on both coasts of. Korea.
Island of Changnin-do reported in enemy control.
11 January
MAJGEN Gerald C. Thomas, USMC, detached this date and MAJGEN. John T. Selden, USMC, reported and assumed command of FIRSTMARDIV.
USS Redstart (AM 378) and USS Dextrous (AM 341), while conducting a moored check sweep, received accurate shore battery fire from Ho-do Pan-do when without cover by a support ship. All gear was cut and the ships steamed to seaward. The batteries concentrated their fire on Dextrous and made two direct hits at approximately 4700 yards. One crew member was killed, two wounded and considerable superficial damage was inflicted on the ship, however seaworthiness was unimpaired.
Commander Fast Carrier Task Force (CTF 77) outlined basic interdiction operations of TF 77 (inaugurated in December 1951) as "Operation PACKAGE" and "Operation DERAIL". PACKAGE provided five key rail targets to be cut by air and/or heavy ships. DERAIL provided for eleven key rail targets selected for initial cutting by heavy ships alone.
USS Gregory (DD 802) and USS Mackenzie (DD 836) engaged in one hour duel at Wonsan with four shore artillery batteries, estimated 76 mm direct fire and SFCP spot. Mackenzie closely straddled with 36 rounds. No hits, damage or casualties. Three direct hits by ship on command post.
RTN Prasae (PF) and RTN Tachin (PF) departed Sasebo in company with USS Bisbee (PF 46) on their first escort mission since their purchase by and addition to the Thailand Navy.
13 January
West Coast of Korea naval aircraft Joined the surface security force in a coordinated air-naval gunfire strike against gun batteries on Amgak Peninsula. While USS Rochester (CA 124), CTF 95 embarked and USS Collett {DD 730) saturated the area from the sea, marine aircraft from USS Badoeng Strait (CVE ll6} hit pre-briefed targets from the air.
COMUNBLOCKANDCORTFOR (CTF 95) originated "Operation JUNKET" with object to stimulate ships in operating area to capture enemy small craft for military and intelligence purposes.
14 January
COMUNBLOCKANDCORTFOR {CTF 95) advised COMSEVENTHFLT that Ohwa-do Island was now in enemy hands. COMSEVENTHFLT advised CTF 95 that a reliable agent reported an enemy battalion was preparing for an invasion of Walle-do and Yuk-to.
USS Mackenzie (DD 836) while scoring hits on gun positions on He-do Pan-do was taken under fire by shore batteries on that island. No damage or personnel casualties to Mackenzie.
USS Marshall (DD 676) taken under fire by enemy shore batteries (76 mm mortars). Two splashes were observed 1,000 yards from ship.
16 January
City of Wonsan entered its twelfth month of constant naval bombardment, with ships from TE 95.21 and TF 77 hitting the port city daily.
17 January
CONUNBLOCKANDCORTFOR (CTF 95) issued directions to TF 95 to further effect his responsibility for control and clearance of all friendly small craft operating in the vicinity of and north of the bombline on both coasts of Korea on special missions or in covert activity.
18 January
Rail cutting tactics were altered from the system of many widely scattered cuts to a more concentrated destruction of the rail bed and track on selected stretches of track from 1500 to 4000 yards in length. This treatment initially kept the stretches out of commission for 8 to 10 days.
Initiating its own local operation "CHICKEN STEALER," the USS Halsey Powell (DD 686) sent her small boat close into the waterfront area at Sam-He to enable her spotting crew to direct her guns on the most desirable targets. With excellent coverage, she damaged 18 jetties, fiddled numerous boats with shrapnel, completely gutted a warehouse and engaged shore batteries that had taken her boat under fire.
Commanding Officer of HMAS Sydney (CVL) in Operating Area on Korean West Coast assumed duties of Officer-in-Tactical Command, West Coast when CTF 95 was absent from area.
20 January
RADM E. E. Stone, USN. broke his flag in USS St Paul (CA 73) as Commander Cruiser Division ONE.
USS Halsey Powell (DD 686) was straddled three times during a counter-battery engagement with enemy guns located on the peninsula just to the east of the city of Hungnam. One gun was silenced before the ship steamed out of range.
21 January
Marines activated a Korean Island Command section consisting of East and West Coast Island Command Groups. The East Coast Island Command Group consists of two officers and 10 enlisted men plus three SFCP spot teams and the West Coast Island Command Group consists of personnel as previously requested by COMNAVFE,
COMSEVENTHFLT advised CTF 95 that a Soviet submarine might possibly be operating in the Chongjin area on a probable reconnaissance mission but one which could also be a mining operation.
23 January
Four LST of Amphibious Task Force (TF 90) completed the major task of evacuating refugees from Korean west coast islands subject to communist attack. Since the start of this commitment in December 1951, 20,476 refugees had been lifted to South Korean ports. Out-break of typhus temporarily suspended further evacuation.
USS Philippine Sea (CV 47) reported for duty with the SEVENTH FLEET,
24 January
Completion of Operation HELICOPTER testing of the evacuation of patients direct from the front line to hospital ship USSConsolation (AH 15), at port of Sokch'o-ri. Consolation was the only hospital ship to be equipped with a helicopter landing platform. Test conducted from 21 December to 24 January.
25 January
Wantuck (APD 125) under CTF 95 OpControl, landed ROK troops at night for demolition raid on enemy rail line, tunnels and bridges east coast of Korea, Lat. 40-30 N.
26 January
USS Fletcher (DDE 445) and USS Apache (ATF 67) in the southeast Cho-do anchorage were fired on and straddled by 105 mm battery of four to six guns on the mainland to the southeast of them. The enemy fired 60 rounds and Fletcherreplied with 142 rounds of 5 inch. No damage or casualties to Fletcher or Apache. Later, an estimated 45 mm anti-tank gun opened fire on small craft making passage between Cho-do and Sok-to, getting several near misses but inflicting no damage. Several direct hits on the batteries were observed by HMS Belfast (CL) as she assisted Fletcher in counter-battery fire.
HMS Constance (DD) came under fire from shore batteries on the Wolsari Peninsula. HMS Belfast (CL) and Constancereturned the fire and guns were silenced. Guns were estimated to be 3 inch mortars. Most enemy shots were short, but one big burst inflicted minor damage and two casualties.
27 January
A record of 165 rail cuts in a single day made by aircraft of the Fast Carrier Task Force (TF 77).
HMAS Sydney (CVL) and HMAS Tobruk (DD) completed their tours of duty with the SEVENTHFLT,
29 January
At Cho-do HMS Belfast (CL) observed an exchange of fire between Wolslri Peninsula and the friendly held Island or Ho-do. She illuminated with starshells. During the day Belfast bombarded a possible invasion buildup area to the westward of Sok-to. Airspot, from TE 95.11 was used and spotters reported area well covered and numerous buildings destroyed and damaged.
Marine Fighter Squadron 312 Command Post moved to Itami, Japan.
Two Navy Corsair (F4U) planes and one pilot lost due to enemy action and one Panther jet (F9F) lost due to an operational accident -- all from USS Antietam (CV 36) in the operating area.
30 January
USS Apache (ATF 67) and HMCS Bioui (DDE) were fired upon by shore batteries when approaching south of Cho-do to recover Apache's anchor which had been shipped when she came under fire on 28 January. No damage or casualties to either ship resulted.
A coordinated air-naval gun strike conducted at Wonsen by Task Element 77.16 in USS Wisconsin (BB 64).
ClNCPACFLT reduced Amphibious Task Force (TF 90) from 20 LST to l8 LST in order to permit rotation of these ships to WESTPAC by divisions and to keep the period out of Continental United States below 12 months.
February 1952
1 February
RADM F. W. McMahon assumed command of the Fast Carrier Task Force (TF 77) vice RADM John Perry in USS Wisconsin(BB 64) .
COMNAVFE Admin advised COMSEVENTHFLT of CINCFE's deepest concern over
the recent series of possible infractions by UN aircraft of neutral areas centering around Panmunjom and of authorized supply convoys on the Wyongyang-Kaesong road. He directed that commanders take positive action against these infractions as these incidents have provided the communists with material for a world wide propaganda campaign that can cause a substantial detrimental effect on UN interests and position.
Fast Carrier Task Force (TF 77) air plan altered to provide for two large propellor plane strikes daily resulting in concentration of effort and better AA protection.
USS Valley Forge (CV 45) joined and USS Essex (CV 9) departed the Fast Carrier Task Force (TF 77) in the operating area.
MAJGEN William Harrison, USA, visited Headquarters of First Marine Aircraft Wing.
2 February
CTE 95.12 reported that indications were the enemy had evacuated Sunwi-do and Yoncho-do, leaving approximately 2,000 refugees.
3 February
At the bombline, USS Manchester (CL 83) screened by USS Higbee (DD 806) at Hojo fired call mission on enemy battalion supply dump, political headquarters, supply shelters and equipment. Large secondary explosion. Artillery and equipment destroyed, estimated 550 enemy troops killed or wounded. Area well covered.
USS Porterfield (DD 6B2) taken under fire near Cho-do Island. Ship straddled by 20 rounds and later hit by one 75 mm shell at frame 111 port side about three feet above main deck. Foreaft bulkhead pierced, one uptake damaged, emergency radio damaged from large pieces of shrapnel. No personnel casualties.
LTGEN F. A. Hart, Commanding General Fleet Marine Force, Pacific, and party visited Headquarters First Marine Aircraft Wing.
Because of combat attrition of spotting aircraft which cannot be replaced at present, FAFIK informed interested commands that the daylight naval gunfire spot missions performed by the Fifth Air Force will be discontinued for ten days.
that reduction in escort was necessary and acceptable to provide the much needed ASW training with a live submarine for frigates.
4 February
USS Endicott (DMS 35) near Kojo was straddled by shore battery fire and received two hits resulting in superficial damage; no personnel casualties.
HMS Ceylon (CL) and HMS Cockade (DD) covered landing of friendly guerrillas on Mudo-ri Island occupied without opposition, friendly forces using boats of LST 5l6 and 692.
USS Philippine Sea (CV 47) Joined the Fast Carrier Task Force in operating area off Korea.
5 February
LTGEN O. P. Weyland, USAF, Commander FEAF, came aboard COMSEVENTHFLT
Flagship, USS Wisconsin (BB 64) via helicopter for conference with COMSEVENTHFLT.
HMS Charity, LSMR 401 and ROKN AMC 303 supported rescue of friendly guerrillas from island near Yuk-to and illuminated Mahap-to approaches.
7 February
HMS Alacrity (PF) in the Songjin area received five hits while providing gunfire support for USS Osprey (AMS 28) against shore battery. Ship sustained superficial damage, No personnel casualties, islands of Yuk-to, Mudo, Changnin-do, Ohwado, Sunwi-do, Yongho-do and Wi-do reported to have been evacuated by the enemy and were being occupied by friendly guerrillas.
The Naval Advisory Group to the ROK Navy was established on this date under the operational and administrative control of COMNAVFE. Also four motor torpedo boats were turned over to the ROK Navy at Pusan.
8 February
Reports indicate enemy withdrew from islands of Changmin-do, Sunmi-do and Yongwi-do off Korean West Coast because of the lack of junks and threat from ROK Marines and LSMR rocketing.
At 1300, helicopter from the USS Manchester (CL 8}) proceeded to the area (25 miles from Wonsan) to locate downed Navy pilot LT. E. C. Moore, USN, and his crewman, 1stLT K. W. Henry, USMC. Helicopter at scene of crash Lat. 39-24 N., and Long.
127-02 E., reported unable to take off because of damage to rotor blades upon landing. RESCAP aircraft orbited area during rescue attempts. Air Force helicopter based on Yo-do Islands, Wonsan Harbor failed to effect rescue mission due to heavy flak from enemy ground forces. Manchester arrived in area about 10 miles east of Wonsan awaiting rescue of helicopter crew and downed pilot.
Mahap-to attacked and occupied by enemy. Sixty friendly guerrillas evacuated by HMAS Warramunga.
Unusually heavy aircraft losses of TF 77 on this date were one AD and one F4U from USS Valley Forge (CV 45), one helicopter from USS Manchester (CL 83) and one helicopter from USS Rochester (CA 124).
Marine Fighter Squadron 212 Command Post moved from USS Badoeng Strait (CVE ll6) to Itami, Japan.
9 February
In accordance with CTF 77 instructions rescue operations 25 miles from Wonsan of helicopter crew were terminated. Reports from RESCAP indicate that personnel involved were apparently in enemy hands. Heavy flak from area encountered in the morning reconnaissance. Grounded helicopter destroyed by TF 77 aircraft.
Naval Advisory Group to the ROK Navy established and Commander Task Group 95.7 was assigned as Chief of the Group in addition to his other duties.
10 February
Amphibious Task Group (TG 90.5) completed amphibious redeployment lifts for interchange of 40th and 24th Infantry Divisions between Japan and Korea.
10 - 15 February
"Operation CLAM UP", an attempted Army ruse to cause increased enemy casualties was undertaken.
11 February
LST 742 reported loading 600 refugees and upon completion will sail to Sunwi-do to load 1,800 more, all of whom will be off loaded at Kunsan.
Marine Fighter Squadron 115 Command Post arrived at Yokosuka, Japan, from Continental United States.
Marine Fighter Squadron 312, Command Post moved from Itami, Japan, to USS Bairoko (CVE 115).
Marine Fighter Squadron 212 moved from ltami, Japan, to Pusan.
12 February
Mines including ones that appear to be new continue to appear in Wonsan Harbor.
USS Bisbee (PF 46) was turned over from U.S. ownership to the Colombian Government and was commissioned in the Republic of Colombia Navy as the ARC Capitan Tono.
RADM John Perry, USN, COMCARDIV 1 visited Headquarters of FIRSTMARAIRWING.
13 February
Commander Task Group 95.1 RADM Scott-Moncrieff, RN, assumed duties as Officer in Tactical Command West Coast of Korea. HMCS Sioux (DD) completed her tour of duty with SEVENTHFLT.
USS Gloucester (PF 22) arrived at Tosa Wan and commenced ASW exercises.
14 February
A piston-engined aircraft dropped two bombs on Cho-do Island. There were no known casualties reported.
15 February
Escort Squadron FIVE disestablished this date and following ships transferred to Escort Squadron SEVEN: Sausalito (PF 4), Alburqerque (PF 7), Everett (PF 8), Bayonne (PF 21}, Newport (PF 27) and Evansville (PF 70).
In vicinity of Sokto Cho-do HMAS Bataan (DD) was hit by one 76 mm shell with no casualties.
16 February
CAPT C. T. Fitzgerald, USN, relieved CAPT L.T. Morse, USN, as Commander Seventh Fleet's Liaison Officer, JOC, Korea.
USS Gregory (DD 802), USS Twining (DD 547), and USS Rowan (DD 782) greeted the first anniversary of the siege of Wonsan with the usual destructive interdiction fire.
17 February
Three rounds of enemy shore battery fire fell short of Apache (ATF 67).
HMS Ceylon (CL), HMS Cardigan Bay (PF), HMCS Nootka (DDE), HMCS Athbaskan (DDE), HMAS Bataan (DD) and LSMR 403 in Sokta Cho-do area fired flak suppression for TE 95.11 air strike.
18 February
The islands of the Wi-do, Pa-do, Dunmad-do and Yongho-do now in enemy hands.
MAJGEN Hsin, Korean Marine Corps Commandant visited Headquarters First Marine Aircraft Wing.
19 February
It was reported that ROK agents and guerrillas were surrendering at the rate of 3 or 4 a day in view of the North Korean Government's amnesty grant and full pardon to people who have committed political, military or economic crimes if they surrender and confess to N.K. authorities.
A total of 389 MIG-15 were observed over Korea. This is the highest number of these aircraft yet observed.
20 February
Island garrison at Yang-do near Sonjin was fired upon by shore batteries and then taken under amphibious assault by an estimated 250 man force from the mainland. Between 28 and 42 sampans attempted to land men on both Yang-do and East Yang-do Islands. Shore fire was returned by USS Shelton (DD 790) and HNZMS Taupo (PF) and USS Endicott(DMS 35) engaged the sampans using 40 mm guns. An estimated 15 sampans were sunk, with a large loss of life for the attacking force. The island garrison commander reported all resistance mopped up at 1030, with 79 counted enemy dead and 14 prisoners. The island forces lost 8 men killed and three missing, and had 20 men wounded.
RADM John Perry, USN, COMCARDIV 1, in USS Essex (CV 9) with Fast Carrier Task Force (TF 77) assumed command TF 77 vice RADM F. W. McMahon.
21 February
BRIGEN Lee IL, NKA, second in command of the NKA 24th Mechanized Artillery Division surrendered to USMC personnel on Tae-do. He arrived at the island in a small stolen sampan carrying a brief case filled with Top Secret NK papers, showing dispositions, organization and defense plans. He stated that the NKA plans to make night raids on one or more of the Wonsan Islands in the near future with 100-200 man parties when the surface visibility is very poor.
USS Symbol (AM 123), while conducting a routine check sweep in the vicinity of Mayang-do in company with USSMurrelet (AM 372) observed four splashes from an estimated 75 mm shore battery. Fire returned by ships.
COMNAVFE recommended to CINCPACFLT use of naval women (WAVES) in several areas in the Far East.
22 February
USS Shelton (DD 790) hit by enemy shore battery in vicinity of Yang-do Island (Songjin area). Received three direct hits and several near misses with moderate damage. No personnel killed but 12 wounded, three seriously.
USS Kyes (DD 787) in southern part of Wonsan Harbor was fired upon by shore batteries. She immediately returned fire and was soon joined by USS Rowan (DD 782). In the 45 minute duel which followed, approximately 100 rounds were fired by the shore batteries, Rowan was hit at 1215 by one round on the starboard side at mount 43, tearing a hole through the 01 deck and severing many power leads in the passageway below. There were no personnel casualties. Enemy received nearly 800 rounds of counter-battery from the two ships.
During the afternoon, USS Shelton (DD 790) engaged enemy shore batteries at Songjin across from Yang-do in a 35 minute battle and received three direct hits, three personnel seriously injured.
Naval Liaison Officer, First Marine Division advised that a prisoner of war disclosed that capital ship gunfire had forced the 45th North Korean Regiment to evacuate its position.
The Fifth Air Force in Korea advised that NGF spot would again be suspended for seven days due to combat attrition and non-availability of spot plane replacements.
23 February
Yang-do Island reported to be taken under fire by an enemy shore battery which was subsequently silenced, 15-20 enemy troops believed to have landed on Yang-do. USS Endicott {DMS 35) engaged in counter-battery fire with a gun position on the opposite mainland.
USS Henderson (DD 785) at Hungnam hit by shore battery with minor structural damage. No casualties. Fragment holes in superstructure from near miss.
23 February - 5 March
Small boat destruction campaign was begun by Fast Carrier Task Force (TF 77) to reduce possibility of invasion of friendly islands. 303 boats were reported destroyed and 547 damaged.
24 February
CTG 95.1 requested Far East Air Force in Korea {FAFIK) to provide two aircraft daily on a regular basis as TARCAP in the Sokto, Cho-do area from 17301 until in late in twilight as possible. The enemy batteries opposite Cho-do were once again becoming active against ships in the area towards sunset after the carrier-borne aircraft have departed. This presents a major threat to ships in the anchorage off Sasari as the enemy's accuracy and fire control were continuing to improve.
25 February
President Syngman Rhea of the Republic of Korea visited COSEVENTHFLT at Pusan.
HMCS Cayuga (DD 218) fired on junks reported to be invading Mu-Do; junks withdrew.
RADM G. C. Dyer, USN, COMUNBLOCKANDCORTFOR {CTF 95), COMSEVENTHFLT, VADM Martin, USN, prospective COESEVENTHFLT, VADM Robert P. Briscoe, USN, and VADM Sohn, ROKN and RADM Scott-Moncrieff, RN, took part in conference on board USS Wisconsin (BB 64) at Pusan. Topics of discussion were: scarcity of resources for the tasks in hand; security of the islands for which the Navy is responsible; temporary availability of officers to fill out the gaps in the Naval Advisory Group, Korea, transfer of frigates; prospective evacuation plans upon securing a cease-fire; and a general discussion of the political military situation in the Far East.
Marine Fighter Squadron 115 Command Post moved from Yokosuka, Japan, to Pusan and assigned to Marine Air Group 33.
Marine Photo Squadron, VMJ 1 commissioned.
26 February
VADM H. M. Martin, USN, and VADM Briscoe departed via helicopter enroute Munsan-Ni, Administration Commander Seventh Fleet remaining in flagship.
27 February
USS Henderson (DD 785) and USS Ptarmigan (AM 576) were taken under fire by enemy shore batteries on Mayang-do while conducting mine sweeping operations. During the counter-battery engagement both ships were straddled several times and Ptarmigan was forced to cut her sweep gear and steam from the area. The battery ceased fire and no damage or casualties were experienced by either ship.
A total of 404 MIG-15 aircraft were observed over northwest Korea by 86 F-86. If correct, the figure represents a new high in daily sightings.
29 February
COMNAVFE directed that mass evacuation of refugees from islands in the Raeju-Ongjin area be discontinued. Previous island evacuation lifts believed to have brought enemy infiltrators into South Korea. Future evacuation restricted to persons who have aided UN forces or who are subject to enemy reprisals.
ROKN JML 301 hit by one shell from gun vicinity Sunwi-de, west coast, killing one seaman.
MAJGEN W. O. Brice, USMC, Director Division of Aviation, Head quarters, Marine Corps and RAM J. M. Hoskins, USN, visited Head quarters First Marine Aircraft Wing.
March 1952
1 March
Patrol Squadrons VP 22 and VP 47 of Fleet Air Wing ONE investigated and reported on a 32 vessel Russian convoy approximately at 19-15 N, 121-15 E in the China Sea-Formosa Area.
USS Endicott (DMS 35) during a counter-battery engagement on the Korean East Coast east of Chuuronjang silenced enemy guns. No damage or casualties were experienced by the Endicott. A large secondary explosion was observed at the gun position.
Marine Fighter Squadron 312 redesignated Marine Attack Squadron 312.
All Marine Transport Helicopter Squadron (HRS 1) aircraft grounded because of tail pylon failure.
1 - 2 March
In the Cho-do area on Korean West Coast enemy was reported to be massing for attack on Re- do. Right illuminating and interdiction fire believed holding enemy off.
2 March
During a bombardment mission at Kyojo-Wan, USS Endicott (DMS 35) was taken under fire by enemy shore batteries.
LCPL of LST 561 foundered off Yongpyong-do, west coast of Korea with loss of all hands: two USN officers including COMLSTDIV-12, two US Army officers, one ROKN officer, five USN enlisted and two Royal Marines.
Due to the threat of a planned demonstration directed by the Japanese Communist Party in the Chigasaki Beach Area, Naval Beach Group ONE organized a Task Unit and evacuated by water all Naval Beach Group personnel and material stationed at Chigasaki Beach.
3 March
VADM R. P. Briscoe, USN, assumed command of Seventh Fleet, relieving VADM H. M. Martin, USN.
ROK G-2 agents reported that enemy was constructing new gun positions on Ho-do Pan-do and on the south shore of Wonsan Harbor, during the hours of darkness. This information confirmed by reports from ships operating in that area.
The batteries and mortars on Wolsa-ri Peninsula fired on the Island of He-de. In the HaeJu area batteries on the mainland fired on the islands of Mudo and Scsuap-to.
USS Merganser (AMS 26) was straddled five times by enemy shore batteries opposite Yang-do but did not receive any casualties or damage.
5 March
USS Pelican (AMS 32) and USS Curlew (AMS 8) were taken under fire by enemy shore batteries east of Kalmagak at a range of 2500 yards. The use of an oil vapor smoke system enabled their successful evasion and no damages or casualties were experienced.
RADM F. W. McMahon, COMCARDIV 5 relieved RADM John Perry as C0MCARDIV 1, USS Essex (CV 9) departed for U.S. ending her first tour of duty in the Korean conflict.
6 March - 1 April
Fast Carrier Task Force (TF 77) aircraft reported 2,659 rail cuts, an average of 98 per day, 123 bridges destroyed and 43 damaged.
Task Element 95.22, consisting of .HMAS Warramunga (DD) and USS Moore (DD 747), with CTF 95 embarked, spent an hour in the inner Songjin Harbor carrying out "Operation ROOF LIFTER". Large numbers of buildings and houses were destroyed and many fires were started in the area.
USS Merganser (AMS 26) at Songjin received three rounds of air burst which exploded over the ship. No damage or personnel casualties were experienced.
"DOODLEBUG DOG" Early Warning detachment of Marine Ground Control Intercept Squadron 3, consisting of two officers, 18 enlisted men with electronics equipment, moved from Naktong River Estuary to Tsushima Island, Japan, as part of "NATIVE SON DOG" Operation.
7 March
Enemy shore batteries located on Amgak Peninsula fired on Sok-to. Cho-do was also fired on from the mainland. The presence of many truck tracks on the ice indicated possible landing of supplies from Chinnampo. The enemy could have been preparing for an attack on Sok-to and/or Cho-do.
USS Boyle (DMS 34) in a counter-battery engagement with an enemy gun received 12 near misses The battery was silenced with at Yang-do one gun probably destroyed. No damages or casualties were experienced by the Boyle.
Fast Carrier Task Force (TF 77) aircraft claimed a record total of 211 rail cuts for day.
9 March
East of Chuuronjang, HMS Morecambe Bay (PF) observed two secondary explosions at an enemy gun position as a result of her counter-battery engagement. She received frequent straddles but experienced no damages or casualties from the estimated 75 mm battery.
In the vicinity of Songjin, HMS Morecambe Bay (PF) and USS Samuel N. Moore (DD 747) silenced enemy 40 mm gun positions which were firing at the USS Merganser (AMS 26). No damage or casualties were experienced by Merganser.
10 March
In the Sin-po area an enemy battery fired 11 rounds at USS Boyle (DMS 34) from a 16,000 yard range which landed from 300 to 1000 yards from the ship.
11 March
USS Burke (DD 763) was fired on by shore battery in area south of Cho-do. 50 splashes including many straddles were observed. There was no damage to ship or personnel. Fire was returned with 311 rounds 5" 38 caliber, using both indirect and direct firing, smothering one gun.
Mine Squadron THREE Mine Disposal Team, assisted by Underwater Demolition Team FIVE (UDT 5), both embarked in the USS Colonial (LSD 18) recovered for the first time a new type of Russian mine, designated R-MYaM. It was a moored, contact, chemical horn mine laid by surface craft and designed for use in shallow water.
USS St Paul (CA 73), screened by USS Arnold J. Isbell (DD 869) conducted gun strike south of Chongjin. Air and ship's spot used.
Two Banshee jets (F2H 2P) aircraft from Marine Photo Squadron 1 on photo mission suffered major damage when attacked by four swept-wing enemy fighters.
12 March
Operation "ALCATRAZ", a reconnaissance landing on small island off enemy territory just south of Suwon Dam lighthouse. Mission was successfully accomplished.
In Haeju approaches HMS Cossack (DD) fired in support of guerrilla landing on Cho-do. Island now in friendly hands. Guerrillas reported naval gunfire killed 60 per cent of enemy garrison.
HMS Cossack (DD) supported a guerrilla landing in which the island of Onchon-do was retaken by friendly forces.
13 March
Enemy shore batteries were active on Kalmagak at Wonsan against UN siege forces. Counter- battery engagements by USS Manchester (CL 83), USS James E. Kyes (DD 787), USS McGinty (DE 365) and USS Douglas H. Fox (DD 779), plus the help of Fast Carrier Task Force (TF 77) planes eventually silenced the enemy guns. Shore battery fire was most accurate to-date indicating possible use of fire control equipment.
14 March
Commanding General, First Marine Aircraft Wing, MAJGEN Christian F. Schilt, USMC, informed CNO of statistics relevant to the recent Mighty Mouse (2.75 inch) rocket evaluation program.
USS Toucan (AM 387) was taken under fire by enemy shore batteries on Mayang-do from a range of 10,000 yards. Four rounds landed within 100-400 yards of the ship but there was no damage or casualties.
USS Greenlet (ASR 10) at Yokosuka dispatched by COMSUBGRWESTPAC to assist SS President Taft, aground at Kurobe Shire near south net gate (Yokoouka). President Taft pulled clear before it was necessary to render aid.
15 March
In the bombline area ROKN PG 22 received enemy small arms fire in the morning and estimated 75 mm fire in the evening. She silenced the shore batteries with counter-battery fire and no personnel casualties or ship damages were experienced.
Military responsibility for Formosa, the Pescadores, and the Philippines was transferred to CINCPAC from CINCFE by order of the President of the United States. Accordingly, CINCPACFLT assumed operational control of Task Force 72, a former responsibility of CONANAVFE and would exercise this control through COMSEVENTHFLT.
HMS Concord (DD) repulsed an enemy raid on Yong-mae-do in the Haeju approaches. The raid was attempted at low tide across the mud flats.
HMS Morecambe Bay (PF) in Songjin area came under heavy and accurate fire from enemy shore batteries and was straddled many times. Ship outranged. Main wireless aerial shot away. No personnel casualties were experienced.
Marine Attack Squadron (VMA) 121 received first sets of combat armor plating for test and evaluating.
15 - 16 March
HMS Concord (DD) repulsed enemy night raid on Yongmae-do. Enemy attempted raid across mud flats at low tide.
16 March
USS Wisconsin (BB 64) and USS Duncan (DDR 874) at Songjin Chaho area; received four salvos from shore battery vicinity Dojo-ri. One direct hit slightly injured three personnel, material damage to Wisconsin negligible. Wisconsinscored 2 direct hits in counter-fire.
First Marine Division began preparations for move to I Corps on left flank of Eighth Army line.
17 March
Six week amphibious familiarization training of the 29th Infantry Regiment commenced at Okinawa.
17 - 18 March
Small islands close inshore north of Kojo attacked by the enemy. Friendly forces evacuated. USS Hamner (DD 718} bombarded island and escorted friendly forces safely back to Nan-do. Island possibly enemy occupied.
17 - 24 March
First Marine Division elements moved from X Corps to 1 Corps.
18 March
Amphibious Redeployment Group (TG 90.5) under COMLANDSHIPFLOT-1, composed of two AKA, three LSD, 10 LST and two PCEC, commenced amphibious lift of First Marine Division tanks, heavy equipment and troop elements from Sokcho-ri to Inchon, Korea, in connection with the relocation from the east to the west coast. Lift completed 24 March.
18 - 19 March
USS Wisconsin (BB 64) and USS Higbee (DD 801) assisted ground forces to repel amphibious assault on island close inshore north of Kojo.
19 March
USS Antietam (CV 36) completed first Korean tour and departed for U.S.
USS Wisconsin (BB 64) and USS Higbee (DDR 806) fired night harassment and interdiction missions for ROK Corps.
20 March
USS Greenlet (ASR 10) assisted in bringing to port USS Castor (AKS 1), which was dead in the water about 100 miles due east of Nojima Saki (Lat. 34-58 N Long. 141-15 E).
USS Wiltsie (DD 716) and Brinkley Bass (DD 887) engaged shore batteries at Wonsan utilizing SFCP spot. Bass scored seven direct hits on one of the batteries located near the city of Wonsan. Neither ship was hit, but Bass collected some "shrapnel souvenirs."
21 March
USS Osprey (AMS 28) taken under fire by enemy shore batteries while sweeping at Wonsan. Utilizing SFCP spot, Ospreysilenced the three batteries in a counter-battery engagement. No damage or personnel casualties were experienced by either ship.
Guerrillas and ROKN AMC-309 raided north bank of Han River, 25 enemy killed, 10 enemy barracks burned. No friendly casualties.
21 March
Wantick (APD 125) commenced a series of three amphibious raids for intelligence and destruction, landing ROK troops at night against selected targets along the east coast of Korea near Iwon. This operation completed 25 March.
22 March
USS Hamner (DD 718) was illuminated by enemy star shells and fired upon by shore battery in Kojo area. One shell splash was observed about 300 yards short. Ship's sonar detected other explosions with one splash at very close range. Ship returned fire.
Enemy shore batteries on Kalmagak opened fire on Stickell (DD 888) and warship, joined by USS Brinkley Bass (DD 887), returned the fire with SFCP spot from Tae-do. Shore battery fire reported as being light and inaccurate and no damage or casualties were experienced by either ship.
First Marine Division Command Post opened vicinity Tongji-ri.
23 March
Wonsan shore batteries active against UN ships for fourth consecutive day. USS Wiltsie (DD 716) received fire from the batteries east of Kalmagak and together with USS Brinkley Bass (DD 887) responded with counter-battery fire to silence the enemy guns. No damages or personnel casualties were experienced by the ships.
USS Wantuck (APD 125) sent a Special Missions Group of three American officers, one Army enlisted man, one civilian photographer and 41 Korean troops to take prisoners and destroy railroad track behind enemy lines off Chuminjin. Enemy patrol sighted but no contact made. Troops returned to ship. Operations for nights of 24 and 25 March canceled.
POW interrogations continued to hint at a possible 6th Phase Offensive to be launched in the spring. The enemy continued to build up his supply situation daily.
USS Rupertus (DD 851) grounded in Shimonoseki Straits, Japan, damaging sonar dome.
Marine Transport Helicopter Squadron 161 Command Post moved to a location approximately 4 miles ESE of Musan-ni.
24 March
Marine Air Observation Squadron, VMO-6 Command Post moved to a location approximately six miles southeast of Munsan-ni.
USS Brinkley Bass (DD 887) received one direct hit amidships from enemy shore batteries at Ho-do Pando (Wonsan). Five enlisted personnel were wounded, one seriously. Despite considerable amount of radio and electrical damage, Bassreturned to duty after discharging her seriously wounded man to TF 77.
First Marine Division completed relief of First ROK Division and assumed responsibility for their sector of line in I Corps.
On Ho-do Island, Korean West Coast, the enemy overwhelmed the two KMC squads garrisoned there in a well coordinated amphibious assault and took charge of the island. Assault effectively supported by mortar and artillery fire from the mainland. Friendly losses were reported as 33 KIA, one WIA and one MIA.
27 March
He-do confirmed to be in enemy hands when HMS Crane (PF) received one hit by enemy battery from island. No casualties or serious damage.
Secretary of the Navy, Dan Kimball, Under-Secretary of the Interior, Richard D. Searlea, Chief of Staff of COMNAVFE, RADM Ralph A. Ofstie, USN, and party visited Headquarters, First Marine Air Wing.
28 March
USS Burlington (PF 51) taken under enemy fire from He-do Pan-do. Shots straddled but evasive maneuvers prevented probable hits. Ship countered with 123 rounds, with resulting numerous fires about the terrain.
The Secretary of the Navy, Dan Kimball, the Under-Secretary of the Interior, R. D. Searlea, and the Senior UN negotiator of the peace conferences at Panmunjom, VADM C. Turner Joy, USN, visited the First Marine Division.
Marine Fighter Squadron 115 completed area familiarization and expected to be completely operational by 1 April. Incomplete field facilities, delayed by lack of cement, expected to reduce operations.
28 - 30 March
USS George K. Mackenzie (DD S36) fired her 8,000th round of 5-inch ammunition at enemy in vicinity of Sinchang while on interdiction mission.
29 March
In vicinity of Pungho Dong USS Murrelet (AM 372), while sweeping in company with USS Symbol (AM 123) , was taken under small arms and light machine gun fire. Many splashes were observed close aboard but no hits received.
RADM F. X. McInerney relieved RADM C. F. Espe as Commander Amphibious Force Far East and Commander Task Force 90.
31 March
USS Boxer (CV 21) joined Fast Carrier Task Force (TF 77) for 3rd tour in Korean campaign.
The First Marine Division activated the Kimpo Provisional Regiment in order to have better operational control of Kimpo defense units.
COMSEVENTHFLT shifted flag from USS Wisconsin (BB 64) to USS Iowa (BB 61).
April 1952
1 April
RADM A. Souchek, USN, COMCARDIV 3 in USS Phillippine Sea (CV-47) relieved RADM F. W. McMahon, USN, COMCARDIV 5 in USS Valley Forge (CV-45) as Commander Fast Carrier Task Force. (CTF 77).
Shipping Control Authority for the Japanese Merchant Marine (SCAJAP) formerly serving as liaison between the U.S. Navy and the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, was disestablished.
USS Leonard F. Mason (DD 852) at Wonsan during a counter-battery engagement experienced an explosion in the depth charge detonator locker on starboard side. No personnel casualties and only minor damage to ship.
USS Wiltsie (DD 716) and USS McGinty (DE 365) joined to silence enemy batteries on Ho-do Pando which were firing on the Wiltsie. No damage or personnel casualties were experienced.
USS Condor (AMS 5) received enemy fire while near Wonsan but no damage or casualties were reported.
Biggest air battle of 1952 between communist Chinese and friendly planes took place over northwest Korea. The day's score was reported 10 MIG destroyed, three probably destroyed and 12 damaged in seven separate encounters opposed to one F-86 lost and two receiving minor damage. During the day a total of approximately 363 MIGs were observed by 186 F-86.
2 April
USS Symbol (AM 123), USS Murrelet (AM 372) and USS Edmonds (DE 406) received enemy fire near Wonsan, but no damage or casualties were experienced. USS Wiltsie (DD 716) received 10 near misses from shore batteries east of Kalmagak while providing fire support for Condor (AMS 5). No damages or casualties were experienced.
4 April
Admin COMNAVFE advised FEAF that the commitment of the total United Nations air interdiction forces to air superiority attacks is not warranted at the present time. The current interdiction operations which are under naval responsibility is largely absorbing the available forces.
Fast Carrier Task Force's (TF 77) mission altered slightly to include occasional air-gun strikes on certain key areas in coordination with TF 95 surface elements. This permitted greater concentration on given area and gave carrier air groups valuable training in deck load strikes.
Near Wonsan a TF 77 pilot sighted what may be the first antiaircraft rockets in the naval area of operations.
Enroute from the Operating Area to Yokosuka RADM F. W. McMahon, USN, COMCARDIV 5 in the USS Valley Forge (CV 45) assumed the duties of Senior Officer Present Afloat from RADM F. X. Mclnerney, USN, Commander Amphibious Group-3, CTF 90 in USS Mt McKinley (AGC-7).
Commander Fleet Air Japan, RADM Marcel E. Gouin, USN, informed CG First Marine Air Wing that Marine Fighter Squadron, VMF-212 aircraft complement reduced to 20--change to be affected by attrition.
5 April
In Cho-do, Sok-to area USS Ute (ATF 76) straddled by enemy gun fire.
Admin COMNAVFE advised that his directive preventing bombardment of North Korean Electrical Facilities is still in effect. He further advised that CINCFE was studying the subject in view of the CTG95.2 request to bombard this type of target that is being used for war industry in the Wonsan area.
6 April
USS Wiltsie (DD 716) fired upon by enemy shore batteries east of Kalmagak but sustained no damages or casualties.
USS Iowa (BB 61) returned to active service, reporting for duty to the Fast Carrier Task Force (TF 77}. She relieved her sister ship, USS Wisconsin (BB 64) as flagship for VADM Robert P. Briscoe, COMSEVENTHFLT.
7 April
USS Endicott (DMS 35) while moored checking the 100 fathom bight at Kyojo Wan (Chongjin) was taken under heavy fire by 75 mm and 120 mm batteries. About 75 splashes were observed and Endicott straddled many times. No hits or casualties. After batteries were silenced by Endicott and Chandler (DD 717) the sweep was completed with negative results.
While making Nan-do patrol, USS Hamner (DD 718) observed 15 star shells fired at her, 2,000 yards short in range but accurate in deflection when Hamner was 9,000 yards from beach.
8 April
At Wonsan, USS Wiltsie (DD 716) received 3 rounds of shore fire from an unknown gun position but suffered no damage or casualties.
Only day in the month when all air operations were concurrently canceled by weather conditions on both east and west coasts of Korea.
10 April
USS Rochester (CA 124) reported that while on patrol in the northern part of the Yellow Sea, she challenged an unidentified aircraft several times but received no reply. The plane showed no IFF. The track was apparently a search along the northwest sea approaches to Korea by an enemy aircraft. Retirement was to the north.
In the Wonsan area, TF 77 carried out a coordinated strike using the guns of St Paul (CA 73} and USS Hanson (DDR 832} and Fast Carrier Task Force planes.
USS Silverstein (DE 534) North of Ho-do Pan-do received 30 rounds of enemy fire at a range of 12,400 yards with fall of shot 50 to 300 yards from the ship but without damage. The battery was apparently equipped with good fire control as fall of shot followed closely the ship's maneuvers.
11 April
COMSEVENTHFLT instructed all ships under his operational control to be prepared on four hours notice to use their paravanes in a general emergency against moored mines in the approaches to the Sea of Japan and the Yellow Sea.
USS McGinty (DE 365) taken under fire by an estimated four gun 155 mm battery in Wonsan city.
USS Wiltsie (DD 716) and USS McGinty (DE 365) taken under fire by Wonsan shore batteries. Both ships conducted maneuvers in separate areas and delivered counter-battery fire. Silverstein (DE 534), USS Cabildo (LSD 16), and USSApache (ATF 67) fired suppression fire against the batteries on Ho-do Pan-do. No casualties or damages were experienced by the ships.
South of Hungnam, USS Edmonds (DE 406) was straddled continuously out to 10,000 yards by a suspected radar controlled shore battery. Edmonds silenced battery by counter-battery fire. No damage or casualties were experienced by the ship.
BRIGEN Clayton C. Jerome, USMC, relieved MAJGEN Christian F. Schllt USMC, as Commanding General, First Marine Aircraft Wing.
12 April
Reports indicated communist intention to defend the coastal areas of Whanghae Province against amphibious attack by U.S. forces
USS Wiltsie (DD 716) taken under fire by three groups of guns from shore batteries in Wonsan harbor. No damage or casualties.
An enemy attack on the friendly held island of Yongmae-do was repulsed by HMS Bataan (DD) after warship illuminated mud flats between mainland and the island.
13 April
Fast Carrier Task Force (TF 77) conducted a one day maximum effort against Chongjin in coordination with one CA and three DD. 246 sorties launched from USS Philippine Sea (CV 47) and Boxer (CV 21), delivering 200 tons of aircraft ordnance to target area.
14 April
Reports from Hong Kong indicate a continued buildup of Chinese communist troop strength and defense construction effort along the entire South China coast. It is believed this is mainly anti- invasion preparation; reports indicate that much of the construction is static defenses such as seacoast and artillery gun emplacements, trenches and dugouts.
First Marine Division's right boundary shifted to assume responsibility for frontage of an additional 9,000 yards previously held by elements of the First Commonwealth Division.
15 April
SECNAV redesignated LSU as service craft and changed the classification to Landing Craft Utility (LCU), effective this date.
HMAS Bataan (DD) bombarded Yukto Island which was reported to have been occupied by the enemy.
USS Silverstein (DE 534) received heavy and accurate fire from camouflaged enemy batteries just east of Hungnam. She delivered counter-battery fire while maneuvering evasively at high speed and, although straddled often, did not experience any damage or casualties.
At Wonsan, three North Korean soldiers surrendered to USS Condor (AM 5). They were transferred to Yo-do on 16 April. The steady influx of North Koreans who surrender and those captured from sampans by TF 95 ships provided a very fruitful and steady source of information.
15 - 16 April
While sweeping in company with USS Toucan (AM 387) the USS Murrelet (AM 387) in vicinity of Musa Dan, was taken under light machine gun fire at a range of 900 yards. All splashes were short, and firing was effectively silenced by covering the area abeam with 40 mm fire.
16 April
USS Philippine Sea (CV 47) relieved in the operating area by USS Valley Forge (CV 47) which remained on station until the end of April.
17 April
USS Murrelet (AM 372) and USS Toucan (AM 387) while check sweeping near Song-do Gap taken under fire by a 37 mm gun at a range of approximately 2600 yards. A total of fifteen rounds fired. Two splashes were close aboard Murrelet's starboard beam, but neither ship was hit. Murrelet and Toucan took the area under fire.
USS Samuel N. Moore (DD 747), in the vicinity of Nan-do Island, received three rounds of shore battery fire from mainland during a harassing and interdiction fire mission. Distance from the mainland at the time was 13,000 yards. Guns were believed to be 122 mm. Closest shell burst was approximately 500 yards. Due to limited visibility and accuracy of fire, shore batteries were believed to be radar controlled. No damage sustained.
Intelligence reports indicated that the enemy planned to attack and occupy the islands of Yongmae, Sogom, Porum, Kakhoe, Songmo, Kyo-dong Kulto and Kotkpo in a three phase offensive.
An intelligence report stated the enemy was concentrating an estimated 2,000 troops on the mainland opposite Yongmae-do for an attack on the island. Reported positions of these concentrations were beyond range of small craft, and report requested that a cruiser and/or air strike be made against these positions.
USS Thomas (DDR 833) received very accurate bracketing fire from enemy batteries east of Chuuronjang. HMSConcord (DD) joined in counter-battery fire as Thomas executed high speed radical maneuvers in clearing the area. No damages or casualties were experienced.
USS McGinty (DE 365) straddled by enemy shore batteries as she moved near Wonsan. McGinty and Maddox (DD 731) replied with counter-battery fire and the enemy guns ceased fire. No damages or casualties were experienced byMcGinty.
Panther jet (F9F-2) aircraft of Marine Fighter Squadron 311 grounded because of electrical failure.
18 April
USS Samuel N. Moore (DD 747) received three or four rounds 122 mm gun fire from shore battery in vicinity of Kojo but did not return the fire.
Transport helicopters of Marine Transport Helicopter Division (HMR-161) lifted 840 men of the 5th KMC Battalion from Kimpo across the Han River from where they were trucked to a reserve position in the lst KMC Regiment area.
USS Ptarmigan (AM 376) observed one round of enemy fire from Mayang-do but no damage or casualties were experienced.
19 April
First Marine Division ordered organization of a special reserve and covering force to protect the UN Truce Team and party at Panmunjom should talks breakdown.
USS Endicott (DMS 35) in Songjin-Chongjin area received one hit on starboard side of fantail at waterline. Minor damage under control no personnel casualties.
HMCS Nootka (DDE) received enemy fire on three different occasions from both friendly and enemy forces as she participated in an engagement between Kirin-do and the mainland. No damages or casualties were experienced.
COMLANDSHIPFLOT-1 (CTG 90.3) with one APA, two LSM, and two AKA
commenced lifting interned persons from Koje-do as requested by 2nd Logistical Command as part of the decentralization of POW compounds.
19 - 22 April
A special minesweep was conducted in the Sokcho-ri area on 19-20 April at the request of CTF 77 and CTF 95. Due to a communication error, the sweep was conducted from the 10 fathom curve shoreward instead of the required 100 fathom curve shoreward. The larger area was swept on 22 April with negative results.
20 April
Units of TF 90 commenced the lift of the 38th Infantry Regiment from Inchon to Koje-do. Completed lift of 163 officers and 2,987 enlisted on 22 April.
21 April
HMS Concord (DD) received one round from shore batteries in the vicinity of Mayang-do. No damages or personnel casualties were experienced.
During combat operations off Kojo, a serious powder fire occurred in No. 1 8-inch turret on USS St Paul (CA 73). Thirty known dead, no wounded.
USS Horace A Bass (APD 124) commenced a series of eight amphibious raids for intelligence and destruction, landing ROK troops at night against selected targets along northeast coast of Korea. This operation completed on 4 May.
Marine Attack Squadron 312 transferred from USS Bairoko (CVE 115) to USS Bataan (CVL 29).
22 April
USS Iowa (BB 61) and Bradford (DD 545) received fire from shore batteries in the vicinity of Mayang-do but were unable to determine their location. No damages or casualties were experienced.
Fast Carrier Task Fetes (TP 77) gave major effort to coordinated air-gun strike with USS Iowa (BB 61) and USSManchester (CL 83) in area Hungnam to Sinp'o.
23 April
ADM I. W. Radford (CINCPACFLT) and RADM T. C. Ragan, USN, Deputy Chief of Staff, COMNAVFE visited COMSEVENTHFLT on USS Iowa (BB 61).
HMS Concord (DD) in Songjin-Chonjin area received from 30 to 40 rounds of 75 mm gun fire from shore battery. One direct hit killed two, wounded four. Superficial damage to ship. Counter- battery fire scored many hits.
RADM John Perry relieved RADM F. W. McMahon as COMCARDIV 5 and CTF 77.
First Marine Division outpost line positions withdrawn in order to strengthen main defense line positions.
24 April
USS Endicott (DMS 35) captured one sampan with three occupants and killed the occupants of two others in the vicinity of Yang-do.
USS Brush (DD 745) silenced enemy guns south of Sokto that were firing on TARCAP planes.
USS Osprey (AMS 28), while minesweeping at Songjin, received 25 rounds of 2.5 inch fire from enemy shore batteries. One dud hit starboard bulwark astern. Material damage minor. No casualties. Osprey and Doyle (DMS 35) fired counter-battery fire.
By this date Hachwira-do, Tok-to, and Yuk-do were reoccupied by friendly guerrillas. No engagements took place since the enemy had already withdrawn from these islands.
ADM Arthur W. Radford, USN, CINCPACFLT visited Headquarters, First Marine Aircraft Wing.
Marine Fighter Squadron 115 grounded all Panther Jet (F9F-4) aircraft because of fourth compressor failure of the J-33A-16 (Allison) type engines.
25 April
Stockpiling of sand and gravel along the rail spur at Pyongyang East airfield indicated that the North Korean Air Force planned to repair this potential jet base.
A photo interpretation report from USS Boxer (CV 21) revealed a large number of boats in Soman and Songjon-man, the bays immediately west of No-do Pan-do at Wonsan. These totaled 83 small or fishing boats and seventeen 60-foot boats.
26 April
USS Cabildo (LSD 16) received fire from shore batteries on Ho-do Pan-do. Three near misses straddled ship. One direct hit amidships caused minor damage to structure and electrical wiring, two personnel casualties, one critical and one minor.
USS Silverstein (DE 534) in swept area south of Yodo, while covering daylight withdrawal of two boats from Umi-do, was taken under fire by batteries. Sampans received fire from batteries. Silverstein and USS Maddox (DD 731) provided suppression fire on enemy batteries. USS Valley Forge (CV 45) aircraft provided close air support. Silverstein received 110 rounds of estimated 105-107 mm from batteries. Maddox received two rounds. Sampans received 30 rounds estimated 76 mm. No casualties sustained. ;
BRIGEN Clayton C. Jerome, USMC, grounded all Marine Transport Squadron (HRS-1) aircraft except for emergency operations until fix then, in process of manufacture could be installed.
27 April
Amphibious Landing Exercise for the 29th Infantry regiment conducted at Kimmu Wan, Okinawa by COMTRANSDIV-15 (CTE 90.82). Completed the familiarization training of this regiment on 28 April.
USS Samuel H. Moore (DD 748) in vicinity of Kosong received 18 rounds 76 mm fire from enemy shore battery. Enemy battery was silenced by counter-battery fire.
USS Waxbill (AMS 39) in vicinity of Wonsan received one round from enemy shore battery while mine sweeping. Counter-battery fire was placed on gun positions of enemy with direct hits observed. No report of damage or personnel casualties.
28 April
In vicinity of western beaches of Yodo, ROKN small craft and USS Conserver (ARS 39) received 10 rounds estimated 122 mm fire from enemy shore batteries located on Ho-do Pan-do. USS Silverstein (DE 534) and USS Maddox (DD 731) provided counter-battery fire and Maddox laid smokescreen for withdrawing ships. No casualties sustained.
USS McGinty (DE 365) damaged and set fire to a Russian T-34 tank on Kalmagak and inflicted five casualties to troops carrying ammunition in the same vicinity.
The Japanese Peace Treaty officially came into effect and all U.S. Forces in Japan prepared to assume their new roles under the Peace and Security Pact arrangements.
30 April
USS Douglas H. Fox (DD 779), while firing on factory buildings in Hungnam and gun emplacements on Lighthouse Point, received eight to 10 rounds of counter-battery fire from four 105 mm guns on Lighthouse Point, all 200 to 400 yards over. Returned smothering fire followed by deliberate fire.
USS Princeton (CV 37) Joined Fast Carrier Task Force for second Korean deployment.
USS Maddox (DD 731) and USS Laffey (DD 724) damaged 10 box cars, shore batteries in four engagements at Wonsan. Ships received approximately 275 rounds 70 to 122 mm. Counter- battery damaged one gun, Both vassals straddled during action. No casualties, minor damage due to fragments.
USS Princeton (CV 37) while fueling and due to an engine casualty, collided with USS Cacapon (AO 52} in the operating area. Damage to Cacapon included destruction of after-port 3 inch gun, motor whaleboat and davits. No personnel casualties.
USS Horace A. Bass (APD 124) reported a successful landing on North Coast Korea, without countering any opposition. Friendly forces exploded a 120-pound charge on a railroad bridge and 80-pound charge on 30 yards of adjacent track. A north-bound train was stopped with 57 mm rifle fire and when subsequently hauled south by a second engine it was believed hit by USS Doyle (DMS 34) as no further movement was heard. Three prisoners were taken by the landing party.
LTGEN Franklin A. Hart, USMC, Commanding General Fleet Marine Force Pacific visited Headquarters First Marine Aircraft Wing.
A flight of seven Panther jet (F9F-2) aircraft from Marine Fighter Squadron 311 encountered, MIG-15 aircraft at 20,000 feet in vicinity of Kunu-ri. One F9F-2 received major damage. One MIG-15 claimed damaged.
Approximate position of battle line in Korea as of this date had not shifted from that of 1 January, about five miles southeast of Kosong on the east to a point ten miles southeast of Kaesong on the West.
Note: All dates and times are expressed in local Korean time, known as "K" time. That time zone falls between 142½° E and 157 ½° East Longitude.