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Naval History and Heritage Command Publications by Subject

Digital editions of the following publications, broadly categorized by subject, are available on this website. Unless otherwise noted, titles are publications of Naval History and Heritage Command (NHHC) and its predecessor organizations.

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Civil War

Korean War

Vietnam War

  • "The U.S. Navy and the Vietnam War": Nine-volume series covering specific facets of the Navy’s engagement in Vietnam including the lead-up to the war; the naval air campaigns; combat in the rivers and canals; the experience of POWs; the evacuation of South Vietnam and Cambodia; and the vital efforts made by naval intelligence, medical personnel, and merchant mariners in providing operational  and lifesaving support.

Naval Aviation

"75th Year of Naval Aviation: Commemorative Collection" (Volume 1, publication of the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations [Air Warfare]; Volumes 2 through 5, publications of the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations [Air Warfare] and the Commander, Naval Air Systems Command)

The U.S. Navy and Space Exploration

Histories of Significant U.S. Navy Strategies, Plans, and Policies

Partnerships and International Relations

"Maritime Partnership Studies"

Published: Thu Sep 05 12:52:44 EDT 2024