The Navy Department Library
Title List: A-Z in One List
Table of Contents
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
♦Abbreviations Used for Navy Enlisted Ratings by Charles A. Malin, [1970]
♦“The Ablest Men” American Naval Planning Section London and the Adriatic, 1917-1918 by Frank A. Blazich, Jr.
♦Abolishing the Spirit Rations in the Navy by John Rockwell [1847]
♦Account of the Operations of the American Navy in France During the War With Germany Vice Admiral Henry B. Wilson, United States Navy Commander, United States Naval Forces In France
♦An Act providing a Naval Armament [1797]
♦Advanced Intelligence Centers in the US Navy - [SRH-268, 1942]
♦Admiral Caperton in Haiti by Edward L. Beach [1915?]
♦The Afghan Wars 1839-42 and 1878-80 by Archibald Forbes
♦Afghanistan: A Short Account of Afghanistan, Its History, and Our Dealings With It by P.F. Walker [1881]
♦Afghanistan - Silver Star presented to Lt.(jg) Francis L. Toner IV [brochure - 2011]
♦African Squadron: Ashburton Treaty: Consular Sea Letters... by Commander A. H. Foote, USN [1855]
♦Agreement Between the United States and the Republic of Haiti [1934]
♦Alcohol in the Navy, 1794-1935 [1967]
♦The Aleutians Campaign June 1942 - August 1943 Combat Narrative - Office of Naval Intelligence [1945]
♦Allied Ships Present in Tokyo Bay During the Surrender Ceremony, 2 September 1945 [1946]
♦ Amelia Earhart Information
♦ American Naval Mission in the Adriatic, 1918-1921 Prepared by Dr. A. C. Davidonis [1943]
♦American Naval Participation in the Great War (With Special Reference to the European Theater of Operations) by Dudley W. Knox [1927-28]
♦ American Naval Planning Section London Published under the direction of The Hon. Edwin Denby, Secretary of the Navy [1923]
♦American Ship Casualties of the World War Including Naval Vessels, Merchant Ships Sailing Vessels, and Fishing Craft [1923]
♦Amphibious Landings in Lingayen Gulf Aerology and Amphibious Warfare [NAVAER 50-30T-9] [1945]
♦Amphibious Operations - Capture of Iwo Jima 16 February to 16 March 1945 [COMINCH P-0012] [1945]
♦Amphibious Operations: The Planning Phase [NAVMC 3985] [1945]
♦Analysis of the Advantage of Speed and Changes of Course in Avoiding Attack by Submarine [ONI Pub. No. 30] [1918]
♦Anchor of Resolve: A History of US Naval Forces Central Command/Fifth Fleet by Robert J. Schneller, Jr. [pdf] [2007]
♦Annual Reports of the Secretary of the Navy
♦Anomaly of the 'Enlisted Officer' [1953]
♦"Answering a Call in a Crisis." [Dominican Republic Intervention, 1965]
♦Antiaircraft Action Summary [COMINCH P-009] [1945]
♦Antiaircraft Action Summary WWII [1945]
♦Antisubmarine Information [ONI Publication No. 14] [1918]
♦Antisubmarine Tactics [ONI Publication No. 42] [1918]
♦Antisubmarine Warfare [ONI Publication No. 9] [1917]
♦Anti-Suicide Action Summary [COMINCH P-0011] [1945]
♦Are the Southern Privateersmen Pirates? by Charles P. Daly [1862]
♦Arleigh Burke: The Last CNO by David Alan Rosenberg [2005]
♦Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal for Participating in the Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962 [U.S. Navy Ships and Units Which Received the] [1966]
♦Army-Navy E Award: Miscellaneous Documents and Images [1942]
♦Articles for the Government of the United States Navy, 1930
♦Assault Landings on Leyte Island: Aerology and Amphibious Warfare [NAVAER 50-30T-6] [1944]
♦Atlantis: The Legendary Island
♦ Attack on Halifax and Adjacent Territory Lt. J. J. Hunker, USN - 1894
♦Aviation Personnel Fatalities in World War II [1947]
♦Awards Manual 1994 [Chief of Naval Operations, O9B33]
♦Battenberg Cup Award [1978]
♦Battle Instructions for the German Navy
♦Battle of Derna, 27 April 1805: Selected Naval Documents
♦Battle of Guadalcanal 11-15 November 1942 Combat Narrative - Office of Naval Intelligence [1943]
♦ Battle of Jutland War Game at the US Naval War College, Class of 1922
♦Battle of Lake Erie: Building the Fleet in the Wilderness by RADM Denys W. Knoll, USN (Ret.)
♦Battle of Midway: Aerology and Naval Warfare [NAVAER 50-40T-1 1944]
♦Battle of Midway: 3-6 June 1942 Combat Narrative - Office of Naval Intelligence [1943]
♦Battle of Midway: 4-7 June 1942: The Role of COMINT in the Battle of Midway [SRH-230] by Henry F. Schorreck
♦Battle of Midway: Interrogation of Japanese Officials Selections from US Strategic Bombing Survey [Pacific] volume 1
♦Battle of Midway: Japanese Plans Chapter 5 of The Campaigns of the Pacific War, US Strategic Bombing Survey (Pacific)
♦The Battle of Mobile Bay (5 August 1864): Selected Documents
♦Battle of Mobile Bay Official Reports of Rear Admiral David G. Farragut
♦ The Battle of Savo Island August 9th, 1942 Strategical and Tactical Analysis US Naval War College, 1950, NAVPERS 91187
♦Battle of the Atlantic Volume 3 German Naval Communications Intelligence [SRH-024]
♦Battle of the Atlantic Volume 3 Technical Intelligence From Allied Communications Intelligence [SRH-025]
♦Battle of the Coral Sea Combat Narrative - Office of Naval Intelligence [1943]
♦Battle of the Nile, Narrative, Rear-Admiral Sir Horatio Nelson,1798
♦Battle of Tripoli Harbor, 3 August 1804: Selected Naval Documents
♦Battlecruisers in the United States and the United Kingdom 1902-1922 by Ryan Peeks
♦ The Battles of Savo Island, 9 August 1942, and the Eastern Solomons, 23-25 August 1942 [1994]
♦Bayly's Navy by Vice Admiral Walter S. Delany, USN
♦Beans, Bullets and Black Oil: The Story of Fleet Logistics Afloat in the Pacific During World War II by RADM Worrall R. Carter
♦"Bismarck: The Cruise and Sinking of the Bismarck"
♦Blockade-running Between Europe and the Far East by Submarines 1942-44 [SRH-019]
♦Bombing As a Policy Tool In Vietnam: Effectiveness, [1972]
♦ The Bone and Sinue of the Population: Western Soldiers, Masculinity, and the Fight Against Slavery During the American Civil War by Peter C. Luebke
♦Brass Monkey [Terminology]
♦Bravo Zulu [Terminology]
♦Brief History of Civilian Personnel in the US Navy Department by Robert G. Albion
♦Brief History of the Seagoing Marines [1982]
♦Brief Summary of the Perry Expedition to Japan, 1853
♦Bronze Guns of Leutze Park, Washington Navy Yard
♦Budget of the US Navy: 1794 to 2004
♦Building the Navy's Bases in World War II
♦Bull Ensign [Terminology]
♦"Bunker Busters": Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator Issues, FY2005 and FY2006 by Jonathan Medalia
♦By Sea, Air, and Land by Edward J. Marolda
♦Captain Raphael Semmes and the C.S.S. Alabama
♦Captain Samuel Nicholson: A Monograph by J. Phillip London
♦Capture of CSS Florida by USS Wachusett, 7 October 1864 Report of Commander Napoleon Collins, U.S. Navy
♦Capture of the Frigate Philadelphia, 31 October 1803: Selected Naval Documents
♦Caribbean Tempest: The Dominican Republic Intervention of 1965 Colloquium on Contemporary History January 9, 1990 No. 2
♦Carrier Strikes on the China Coast - January 1945 Aerology and Naval Warfare [NAVAER 50-40T-3]
♦Case of the Somer's Mutiny: Defence of Alexander Slidell MacKenzie, Commander of the U.S. Brig Somers... [1843]
♦Casualties: US Navy and Marine Corps Personnel Killed and Injured in Selected Accidents and Other Incidents Not Directly the Result of Enemy Action
♦Casualties: U.S. Navy and Marine Corps personnel killed and wounded in wars, conflicts and incidents with hostile forces, 1775-present
♦Change of Command Ceremony
♦Charles Morris, a Man of Letters and Numbers
♦Chester Nimitz and the Development of Fueling at Sea by Thomas Wildenberg [1993]
♦CIC [Combat Information Center] Operation in an AGC [Amphibious Force Flagship equipped with special communications facilities]
♦CIC [Combat Information Center] Operations on a Night Carrier
♦CIC [Combat Information Center] Yesterday and Today
♦CINCPAC Glossary of Commonly Used Abbreviations and Short Titles [1968]
♦Circular [1839] [Blacks, Proportion Allowed - Slaves Not to Be Entered]
♦Circular 17 July 1869 [Organization of Torpedo Corps]
♦Combat Information Center Manual - Radar Bulletin No. 6
♦Combined Operation Craft. Small Scale Drawings [1942]
♦COMINT [Communications Intelligence] Contributions [to] Submarine Warfare in WW II [SRH-235] by Charles A. Lockwood
♦ Command and Control of Air Operations in the Vietnam War Colloquium on Contemporary History January 23, 1991 No. 4
♦Commander Task Force Seventeen Operation Plan No. 1-45 [Operation Plan for Submarine Operations in the Pacific Ocean Areas, 1945]
♦Comparison of Military and Civilian Equivalent Grades
♦Compilation of Enlisted Ratings and Apprenticeships, US Navy, 1775 to 1969
♦Conduct of the War At Sea [1946] by Admiral Karl Doenitz
♦Conflict and Cooperation: The U.S. and Soviet Navies in the Cold War Colloquium on Contemporary History June 12, 1996 No. 10
♦The Constitution Fighting Top
♦The Constitution Gun Deck
♦Constitution Sailors in the Battle of Lake Erie
♦The Continental Navy: "I Have Not Yet Begun to Fight"
♦Cordon of Steel: The US Navy and the Cuban Missile Crisis by Curtis Utz
♦Corps' Salty Seadogs Have All But Come Ashore: Seagoing Traditions Founder as New Millenium Approaches by Herb Richardson and R.R. Keene
♦Costs of Major U.S. Wars
♦Cruise of the Great White Fleet by JO2 [Journalist Second Class] Mike McKinley
♦Cruising in the Old Navy
♦Current Doctrine Submarines (USF-25(A))
♦Cursor Scales for the VG [Plan Position Indicator (radar)]
♦The Decatur House and Its Distinguished Occupants
♦The Defense and Burning of Washington in 1814: Naval Documents of the War of 1812
♦Dental Corps Birthday Ball (105th) Commemorative Program [2017]
♦Destroyers at Normandy: Naval Gunfire Support at Omaha Beach by William B. Kirkland, Jr.
♦Destruction of CSS Albemarle, 27 October 1864 Report of A. F. Warley
♦The Development of Japanese Sea Power: "Know Your Enemy"! [CinCPOA Bulletin 93-45, 1945]
♦Diary of Michael Shiner Relating to the History of the Washington Navy Yard 1813-1869
♦ Disaster at Savo Island, 1942 by Lieutenant Colonel David E. Quantock United States Army [2002]
♦Disaster in the Pacific December 1941 [Chapter 26 of The War At Sea 1939-1945, by Captain S.W. Roskill, Royal Navy]
♦Digest Catalogue of Laws and Joint Resolutions: The Navy and the World War [1920]
♦Discipline in the US Navy by Admiral Arleigh Burke
♦Diving in the US Navy A Brief History
♦Documents of the Boxer Rebellion (China Relief Expedition), 1900-1901
♦Documents, Official and Unofficial, Relating to the Case of the Capture and Destruction of the Frigate Philadelphia at Tripoli on the 16th February, 1804 [1850]
♦Early Raids in the Pacific Ocean, February 1 to March 10, 1942 Combat Narrative - Office of Naval Intelligence [1943]
♦Emancipation Proclamation, US Navy General Order No. 4 of 14 January 1863
♦Employment of Naval Forces by Chester W. Nimitz
♦ Enlisted Uniforms [1981]
♦Enlistment, Training, and Organization of Crews for Our New Ships [1891]
♦Establishment of the Department of the Navy, 30 April 1798
♦Establishment of the Navy, 13 October 1775
♦"Exorcizing the Devil's Triangle" by Howard L. Rosenberg
♦Expeditions, Diplomatic and Scientific Activity, and Operations Against Native Americans and Pirates: Selected 19th Century US Navy Operations
♦Exploring the Antarctic 1840: The Wilkes Expedition - All Hands 1954
♦Extracts from the Diary of Rear Admiral Gibson [1883]
♦Eye-Witness Account of the Battle Between the U.S.S. Monitor and the C.S.S. Virginia (formerly U.S.S. Merrimack) on March 9th, 1862
♦Fifty Years of Naval District Development 1903-1953
♦Filipinos in the United States Navy
♦The First Raid on Japan Aerology and Naval Warfare [NAVAER 50-40T-4]
♦Fixing Wages and Salaries of Navy Civilian Employees in Shore Establishments 1862 - 1945 Administrative Reference Service Report Number 9
♦Fleet Air Wing Four Strikes Aerology and Naval Warfare [NAVAER 50-40T-2]
♦Fleet Post Office, New York, New York
♦Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, California
♦"Forward ... From the Start": The U.S. Navy & Homeland Defense: 1775-2003
♦"Forward Presence in the Modern Navy: From the Cold War to a Future Tailored Force
♦French Indo-China PSIS 400-35 [SRH-094]
- ♦G.A.F. [German Air Force, Luftaffe] and the Invasion of Normandy 1944 by Oberst Walter Gaul
♦ Gearing Up for Victory American Military and Industrial Mobilization in World War II Colloquium on Contemporary History June 25, 1991 No. 5
♦ Gedunk [Terminology]
♦General Instructions for Commanding Officers of Naval Armed Guards on Merchant Ships 1944
♦General Instructions for Sloops and Torpedo Craft Employed on Antisubmarine Duties [ONI Publication No. 33]
♦General Mess Manual and Cookbook, US Navy [1902]
♦General Order [1834] [Presents From Any King, Prince or Foreign State, Not to be Accepted, Unless by Consent of Congress Previously Obtained]
♦General Order [1838] [Animals Not to Be Brought Home in Public Vessels]
♦General Order [1846] [Use of the Words Larboard and Starboard]
♦General Order [1850] [Regulations for Furnishing Boat Guns and Field Pieces to Vessels of the Navy]
♦General Order [1851] [Contracts of Enlistment Ending]
♦General Order [1858] [Naval Academy Graduates Denied Final Examination Letter If Addicted to the Habit of Intoxication]
♦General Order [1862] [Officers of the Navy Forbidden to Give Publicly Any Hydrographical Knowledge Obtained During Service]
♦General Order [1862] [Rules for Naval Communication]
♦General Order [1862] [Rules for Correspondence with the Secretary of the Navy and Bureaus of the Department]
♦General Order No. 1 [1863] [Rules to Disseminate General Orders to the Officers and Crew of Naval Vessels]
♦General Order No. 4 [1863] [Emancipation Proclamation]
♦General Order No. 9 [1863] [To Be Observed in the Navy of the United States in Relation to Paroles]
♦General Order No. 51 [1865] [Announcing the Death of President Abraham Lincoln]
♦General Order No. 73 [1866] [Resolution Tendering the Thanks of Congress to Vice-Admiral David G. Farragut in Action in Mobile Bay on 8 August 1864]
♦General Order No. 81 [1866] [Requirements of Fathers, Mothers or Guardians to Present a Boy for Enlistment In the Naval Service]
♦General Order No. 83 [1867] [Proclamation Issued by President Jackson Warning Against Obstructing or Hindering the Execution of the Constitution and Laws of the United States]
♦General Order No. 90 [1869] [Uniform Changes]
♦General Order No. 99 [1869] [Authority Given to Fleet Officers]
♦General Order No. 105 [1869] [North & South Pacific Squadrons Combined into Pacific Station]
♦General Order No. 110 [1869] [Forbidding Applications for Duty Through Persons of Influence]
♦General Order No. 112 [1869] [Sea Service of Officers to be Three Years]
♦General Order No. 123 [1869] [Uniform Change for Masters, Ensigns & Midshipmen Upon Graduation]
♦General Order No. 127 [1869] [List of Types of Officers to Mess in Second Ward Room]
♦General Order No. 128 [1869] [Exercises for Ships with Sails]
♦General Order No. 131 [1869] [Economizing the Use of Coal]
♦General Order No. 175 [1872] [Division of the Pacific Station into Two Stations]
♦General Order No. 226 [1877] [Importance of Complete Reports and Logs]
♦General Order No. 230 [1877] [Special Shore Service/On Shore Duty, On Sea Service/On Sea Duty]
♦General Order No. 232 [1877] [Working Hours at Navy Yards and Stations]
♦General Order No. 248 [1880] [Correct and General Understanding of Signals Struck Upon the Engine-room Gong]
♦General Order No. 250 [1880] [Establishment of the Office of Judge Advocate General of the Navy]
♦General Order No. 252 [1880] [Painting Schematic for Boats]
♦General Order No. 544 [1900] Establishment of General Board
♦General Order No. 55 [1901] Decorations for Philippine Islands and Boxer Rebellion
♦General Order, No. 135 [1911], Definitions of Well-Known Naval Terms
♦General Orders, No. 30 and No. 98 [1913, 1914], Orders to the Helm/Rudder
♦General Order No. 99 [1914] Prohibition in the Navy
♦ General Order No. 456 [1919] [Observance of the Sabbath Day]
♦General Order No. 541 [1920] Standard Nomenclature for Naval Vessels
♦General Orders 1921-1935 Reprinted February 1944, incorporating all changes effected by General Orders up to and including No. 207, dated 15 November 1943
♦General Orders for the Regulation of the Navy Yard Washington, D.C. - 1833-1850
♦ General Orders USS Independence 1815 Naval Historical Foundation publication [1969]
♦German Commanders Wilhelm Keitel and Alfred Jodl on the Invasion of Normandy in 1944
♦German Defense of Berlin
♦German Espionage and Sabotage Against the United States in World War II
♦German Submarine Activities on the Atlantic Coast of the United States and Canada Published under the direction of The Hon. Josephus Daniels, Secretary of the Navy [1920]
♦German Submarine Attacks [ONI Pub. No. 44]
♦German Submarines in Question and Answer [ONI Publication No. 32]
♦ Glossary of US Naval Abbreviations OPNAV 29-P1000 (Revised April 1949)
♦Going South: U.S. Navy Officer Resignations & Dismissals On the Eve of the Civil War
♦Grand Strategy Contending Contemporary Analyst Views and Implications for the US Navy by Elbridge Colby
♦ The Guadalcanal Campaign by Major John L. Zimmerman, USMCR [1949]
♦Guide To Command of Negro Naval Personnel
♦Guidebook for Naval Reserve Chaplains
♦Handbook of First Aid Treatment for Survivors of Disasters at Sea [1943]
♦ Head (ship's toilet) [Terminology]
♦Historical Approach to Warrant Officer Classifications [1953?]
♦The Historical Importance to Navigation of Nathaniel Bowditch’s New American Practical Navigator
♦History and Aims of the Office of Naval Intelligence GPO [1920]
♦History and Descriptive Guide of the US Navy Yard, Washington, DC by Farnham and Mundell
♦History of Convoy and Routing United States Naval Administrative History 0f World War II #11
♦History of Paul Jones, the Pirate
♦ History of the Bureau of Engineering Navy Department During the World War Published under the direction of The Hon. Edwin Denby, Secretary of the Navy [1922]
♦History of the Dudley Knox Center for Naval History by William James Morgan and Joye L. Leonart
♦History of the Navy Department Library
♦History of the Seabees by Vincent A. Transano
♦History of United States Naval Operations: Korea by James A. Field, Jr.
♦History of US Navy Uniforms, 1776-1981
♦Honda (Pedernales) Point, California, Disaster, 8 September 1923
♦How the Navy Talks [1942]
♦ How to Fold Your Navy Uniform All Hands 463 (September 1955): 32-35
♦ How to Mark Your Navy Uniform All Hands 543 (April 1962): 32-33.
♦Hurricanes and the War of 1812: Documents on Selected Storms Affecting Naval Operations
♦I Was a Yeoman (F) by Mrs. Henry F. Butler [Estelle Kemper]
♦Incredible Alaska Overland Rescue
♦Indians in the War 1945
♦Influenza of 1918 (Spanish Flu) and the US Navy
♦Information in Relation to the Naval Protection Afforded to The Commerce of the United States in the West India Islands, &c. &c. [1821]
♦In Honor of Master Chief Britt K Slabinski: United States Navy, Retired: MEDAL OF HONOR - HALL OF HEROES INDUCTION CEREMONY-THE PENTAGON AUDITORIUM- 25 MAY 2018
♦Instructional Material for the Fight Against Enemy Propaganda
♦Instructions for Painting and Cementing Vessels of the United States Navy [1943]
♦Instructions on Reception, Care and Training of Homing Pigeons in Newly Installed Lofts at U.S Navy Air Bases
♦ Inter-Allied Naval Relations and the Birth of NATO Colloquium on Contemporary History June 14, 1993 No. 8
♦Interrogation of General Alfred Jodl Concerning the Invasion of Normandy in 1944
♦Invasion of Sicily: Aerology and Amphibious Warfare [NAVAER 50-30T-1 1944]
♦Invasion of Southern France: Aerology and Amphibious Warfare [NAVAER 50-30T-8 1945]
♦[Iran Hostage] Rescue Mission Report - Admiral Holloway - 1980
♦Irregular Enemies and the Essence of Strategy: Can the American Way of War Adapt?
♦Irregular Warfare Special Study
♦Iwo Jima, Battle for
♦The Japanese by John F. Embree
♦Japanese Interrogation of Prisoners of War
♦Japanese Naval and Merchant Shipping Losses During World War II by All Causes
♦Japanese Naval Ground Forces "Know Your Enemy!" [CinCPac-CinCPOA Bulletin 11-45, 1945]
♦Japanese Naval Shipbuilding "Know Your Enemy!" [CinCPac-CinCPOA Bulletin 142-45, 1945]
♦Japanese Operational Aircraft "know Your Enemy!" [CinCPac-CinCPOA Bulletin 105-45, 1945]
♦Japanese Operational Aircraft "know Your Enemy!" [CinCPac-CinCPOA Bulletin 105-45, Revised July 1945]
♦Japanese Radio Communications and Radio Intelligence: "Know Your Enemy!" [CinCPac-CinCPOA Bulletin 5-45, 1945]
♦The Japanese Story of the Battle of Midway
♦The Java Sea Campaign Combat Narrative - Office of Naval Intelligence [1943]
♦John Paul Jones by Dennis M. Conrad
♦John Paul Jones by James Fenimore Cooper
♦A Journal of the Disasters in Afghanistan, 1841-2
♦Kite Balloons in Escorts [ONI Pub. No. 46]
♦Korean War Chronology
♦Korean War US Pacific Fleet Operations Interim Evaluation Report
♦Kosovo Naval Lessons Learned During Operation Allied Force March-June 1999
♦Landing Operations Doctrine (US Navy 1938 FTP-167
♦Law of Naval Warfare NWIP 10-2
♦Lend Lease Act, 11 March 1941
♦A Lengthy Deployment: The Jeannette Expedition in Arctic Waters as Described in Annual Reports of the Secretary of the Navy, 1880-1884
♦Library Regulations - U.S.S. Pittsburgh
♦Limited Duty Officers [1953?]
♦List of Authorized Abbreviations for Use in Bureau of Naval Personnel Messages [1958]
♦Living Conditions in the 19th Century US Navy
♦Logistics of Advance Bases United States Naval Administrative History of World War II #21
♦Lookout Manual NavPers 170069 - 1943
♦"Lost Patrol" by Michael McDonell
♦Magic Background of Pearl Harbor Volume I (February 14, 1941-May 12, 1941)
♦ Magic Background of Pearl Harbor Volume II (May 12, 1941 - August 6, 1941)
♦ Magic Background of Pearl Harbor Volume II Appendix
♦ Magic Background of Pearl Harbor Volume IV (October 17, 1941 - December 7, 1941)
♦Main Navy Building: Its Construction and Original Occupants
♦Manual For Buglers, US Navy [1919, revised 1953]
♦Manual of Commands and Orders, 1945
♦Manual of Information Concerning Employments for the Panama Canal Service: Rev. 1 December 1920
♦Marine Amphibious Landing in Korea, 1871
♦Market Time (U) CRC 280
♦Master File Drawings of German Naval Vessels
♦Mathew Fontaine Maury: Benefactor of Mankind
♦Merchant Marines
♦Mess Night Manual
♦Midway in Retrospect: The Still Under-Appreciated Victory by James R. Schlesinger, former Secretary of Defense
♦Midway: Sheer Luck or Better Doctrine? by Thomas Wildenberg
♦Midway’s Operational Lesson: The Need For More Carriers
♦Midway's Strategic Lessons
♦Midway Plan of the Day Notes: For the Fleet
♦Military Sealift Command by Edward J. Marolda
♦Military Service Records and Unit Histories: A Guide to Locating Sources
♦Mine Sweeping Manual, USN [1917]
♦Mine Warfare by Edward J. Marolda
♦Water Mine Warfare in South Vietnam by Edward J. Marolda
♦Miracle Harbor
♦ "More Bang for the Buck:" U.S. Nuclear Strategy and Missile Development 1945-1965 Colloquium on Contemporary History January 12, 1994 No. 9
♦Naming of Streets, Facilities and Areas On Naval Installations
♦Narrative of Joshua Davis, an American Citizen, Who Was Pressed and Served on Board Six Ships of the British Navy... [1811]
♦Narrative of the Capture, Sufferings and Escape of Capt. Barnabas Lincoln and His Crew, Who Were Taken By a Piratical Schooner...
♦Narrative of the March and Operations of the Army of the Indus, in the Expedition to Affghanistan (1841) by Major W. Hough
♦Narrative of the United States' Expedition to the River Jordan and the Dead Sea by Capt. Wm. Lynch
♦Navajo Code Talkers' Dictionary [Revised 15 June 1945]
♦Navajo Code Talkers: [World War II Fact Sheet]
♦Naval Anecdotes Relating to HMS Leopard Versus USS Chesapeake, 24 June 1807
♦Naval Armed Guard Service in World War II
♦A Brief Naval Chronology of the Civil War (1861-65)
♦Naval Bombing Experiments Off the Virginia Capes by Vice Admiral Alfred W. Johnson, Ret. [1959]
♦Naval District Manual, 1927
♦Naval Districts
♦Naval Gun Factory (Washington Navy Yard) Facilities Data: World War II [1945-47]
♦Naval Guns at Normandy by Vice Admiral Morton L. Deyo, USN (Ret)
♦Naval Memorial Service: Casting Flowers on the Sea in Honor of the Naval Dead
♦The Naval Quarantine of Cuba, 1962
♦Naval Yarns by Captain Frank W. Bartlett
♦The Navy by Michael A. Palmer, [from Encyclopedia of the American Military]
♦ Navy and Defense Reform: A Short History and Reference Chronology by Justin L. C. Eldridge, Dr. Ryan Peeks, and Dr. Greg Bereiter [2016]
♦Navy and Marine Corps Awards Manual Department of the Navy NAVPERS 15,790 (Rev. 1953)
♦The Navy at a Tipping Point: Maritime Dominance at Stake?
♦Navy Department Communiques 1-300 and Pertinent Press Releases December 10, 1941 to March 5, 1943
♦ Navy Department Communiques 301-600 and Pacific Fleet Communiques March 6, 1943 to May 24, 1945
♦Navy Filing Manual [1941]
♦Navy Interdiction Korea Vol. II by Rear Admiral Combs
♦Navy Nurse Corps General Uniform Instructions [1917]
♦The Navy of the Republic of Vietnam by Edward J. Marolda
♦Navy Records and [Navy Department] Library (E Branch)
♦Navy Regulations, 1814
♦The Navy, Science, and Professional History by Gary E. Weir
♦Navy V-12 Program, Non-Discrimination in Selection of Personnel for training in, 15 December 1943
♦Navy-Yard Washington: History From Organization, 1799 to Present Date [1890] by Henry B. Hibben
♦The Negro in the Navy United States Naval Administrative History of World War II #84
♦Negro in the Navy by Kelly Miller
♦Neutrality Instructions U.S. Navy 1940
♦ A New Equation: Chinese Intervention into the Korean War Colloquium on Contemporary History June 20, 1990 No. 3
♦ A New Look at the Cuban Missile Crisis Colloquium on Contemporary History June 18, 1992 No. 7
♦Nixon's Trident: Naval Power in Southeast Asia, 1968-1972 by John Sherwood [pdf]
♦Nomenclature of Decks, Numbering Watertight Compartments, Labeling for Vessels of the United States,[1936]
♦Nomenclature of Naval Vessels, [1942]
♦Northern Formosa, Pescadores: Air Target Maps and Photos, Selected Targets
♦Northern Barrage and Other Mining Activities Published under the direction of The Hon. Josephus Daniels, Secretary of the Navy [1920]
♦ Northern Barrage: Taking Up the Mines Published under the direction of The Hon. Josephus Daniels, Secretary of the Navy [1920]
♦Notes on Anti-submarine Defenses [ONI Publication No. 8]
♦Notes on Writing Naval (not Navy) English [1949]
♦Occupation of Kiska: Aerology and Amphibious Warfare [NAVAER 50-30T-2 1944]
♦Occupation of the Gilbert Islands: Aerology and Amphibious Warfare [NAVAER 50-30T-4 1944]
♦The Offensive Navy Since World War II: How Big and Why, A Brief Summary
♦Office of Naval Records and Library, 1882-1946
♦Officers and Key Personnel Attached to the Office of Naval Records and Library 1882-1946
♦Officers of Navy Yards, Shore Stations, and Vessels 1 January 1865
♦ Officers of the Continental and US Navy and Marine Corps 1775-1900
♦"Official" USS Missouri Survival Guide [1989]
♦Operation Crossroads
♦Operation of the "Admiral Scheer" in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans 23 October 1940 - 1 April 1941
♦Operation NEPTUNE (Naval Aspects of Operation OVERLORD) Administrative History United States Naval Administrative History of World War II #147E [1948]
♦Operations of the Navy and Marine Corps in the Philippine Archipelago, 1898-1902 By Lieutenant-Commander A. P. Niblack
♦Operations of the Seventh Amphibious Force: Aerology and Amphibious Warfare [NAVAER 50-30T-3 1944]
♦Operations of USS Don Juan de Austria During the Philippine Insurrection (1900-01)
♦OPNAV - Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Acronyms
♦Organization of the Atlantic Fleet: 1942 [Commander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic Fleet]
♦Organization of the Pacific Fleet: 1 May 1945 [Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet]
♦Origin of Navy Terminology
♦Our Vanishing History and Traditions by Captain Dudley W. Knox
♦Pacific Typhoon, 18 December 1944
♦Pacific Typhoon, June 1945 - Reports
♦Pacific Typhoon October 1945 - Okinawa
♦Peacekeeping and Related Stability Operations: Issues of U.S. Military Involvement by Nina M. Serafino
♦The Pearl Harbor Attack, 7 December 1941 - Overview
♦Pearl Harbor Navy Medical Activities
♦Pearl Harbor Revisited: United States Navy Communications Intelligence 1924-1941 by Frederick D. Parker
♦Pearl Harbor Salvage Report 1944 - Ship Salvage Branch
♦Pearl Harbor Submarine Base 1918-1945
♦Pearl Harbor Survivor Reports
♦ Pearl Harbor: Why, How, Fleet Salvage and Final Appraisal by Vice Admiral Homer N. Wallin [1968]
♦Pentagon 9/11 by Alfred Goldberg, Sarandis Papadopoulos, Diane Putney, Nancy Berlage, and Rebecca Welch
♦ Personal Identification Tags or "Dog Tags"
♦Perspectives on Enhanced Interrogation Techniques by Anne Daugherty Miles
♦ Philadelphia Experiment [Phenomena]
♦Phonetic Alphabet and Signal Flags
♦The Pivot Upon Which Everything Turned: French Naval Superiority That Ensured Victory At Yorktown
♦Plea in Favor of Maintaining Flogging in the Navy, Anonymous, 1840's
♦Pocket Guide to Japan [1945]
♦Pocket Guide to Netherlands East Indies [1943]
♦Pocket Guide to New Guinea and the Solomons [1944]
♦Port Chicago Naval Magazine Explosion, 1944
♦Posse Comitatus Act and Related Matters: A Sketch by Jennifer Elsea
♦Post Mortem CIC [Combat Information Center] Notes
♦Potato Famine of 1847: the US Navy's Role in Humanitarian Assistance to the Irish and Scots
♦"Precisely Appropriate for the Purpose" [essay on James Lawrence]
♦Preserving an Honored Past by Thomas Wildenberg
♦A Priceless Advantage: U.S. Navy Communications Intelligence and the Battles of Coral Sea, Midway, and the Aleutians by FD Parker
♦Propaganda MS# B-587 [May 1952]
♦ Public Law 333, 79th Congress [To authorize the permanent appointment - 1946]
♦Q-ships during World War II [Adapted from: "Eastern Sea Frontier War Diary," October 1943, ch.2, "Queen Ships." pp.9-34. Modern Military Branch, National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740.]
♦Radar Pickets [Battle Experience]
♦Radio Intelligence Appreciations Concerning German U-Boat Activity in the Far East [SRH-232]
♦Radio Proximity (VT) Fuzes
♦Ready Seapower: A History of the US Seventh Fleet Edward J. Marolda [pdf]
♦Recollections of Capture By the Germans, Imprisonment, and Escape of Lieutenant Edouard Victor Isaacs, U.S.N. [1918]
♦Recollections of Ensign Leonard W. Tate Recounting His Service in the US Navy Including the Invasion of Southern France and with SACO [Sino-American Cooperative Association] in China During World War II
♦Recollections of Lieutenant Commander William Leide Concerning the Crossing of the Rhine River in 1945
♦Recollections of Lieutenant Wilton Wenker and Lieutenant Elby Concerning the Crossing of the Rhine River in 1945
♦Recollections of USS Pampanito's Rescue of Prison Ship Ssurvivors by Lieutenant Commander Landon Davis [1944]
♦Recollections of Vice Admiral Alan G. Kirk Concerning the Crossing of the Rhine River in 1945
♦Reestablishment of the Marine Corps
♦Register of Officer Personnel: United States Navy and Marine Corps and Ships' Data, 1801-1807
♦Register Patients Naval Hospital, Washington DC 1814 (With The Names of American Wounded From The Battle of Bladensburg.)
♦Registers of the US Navy
♦Regulation [1841] [Officers Prohibited From Publishing Offensive Matter Between Themselves or Between Officers and Citizens]
♦Regulations for the Information of Officers On Neutality Duty in Connection With the Visits of Belligerent Vessels of War [1916]
♦Regulations for Powder Magazines and Shell Houses [1874]
♦ Regulations Governing the Uniform of Commissioned Officers, Warrant Officers, and Enlisted Men of the Navy of the United States With Plates 1897
♦Religions of Vietnam, [MACV Office of Information]
♦Remarks on Protection of a Convoy by Extended Patrols [ONI Publication No. 29]
♦Remarks on Submarine Tactics Against Convoys [ONI Publication No. 23]
♦Reminiscences of Seattle Washington Territory and the U. S. Sloop-of-War Decatur During the Indian War of 1855-56 by Rear Admiral T. Phelps
♦Report by the Special Subcommittee on Disciplinary Problems in the US Navy [Racial Incidents in 1972]
♦Report on the Naval Quarantine of Cuba [1962]
♦Reports of USS Powhatan and USS Wateree Concerning the Earthquake and Tidal Wave of 13 August 1868 at Arica, Peru
♦Ringle Report on Japanese Internment [December 1941]
♦Riverine Warfare Field Manual [1971]
♦Riverine Warfare: The U.S. Navy's Operations on Inland Waters
♦Rocks and Shoals by Captain Donald I. Thomas
♦Role of the United States Navy in the Formation and Development of the Federal German Navy, 1945-1970
♦Rommel and the Atlantic Wall - Invasion of Normandy (1944)
♦The Royal Works: USS Lexington [Crossing the Line Ceremony - 1936]
♦ Rules for the Regulation of the Navy of the United Colonies of North-America [Navy Regulations 1775]
♦SACO [Sino-American Cooperative Association] in China During World War II
♦Sailor's Creed
♦Sailors as Infantry in the US Navy by Capt. Patrick H. Roth, USN Ret.
♦Samoan Hurricane by Admiral L.A. Kimberly, USN
♦Sampling of US Naval Humanitarian Operations by Adam B. Siegel
♦Scope, Facilities and Size of the Library of the U.S. Navy Department, in the Office of Naval Records and Library United States Naval Administrative History of World War II #26D
♦ A Sea Change by Dennis Conrad
♦Selected Documents of the Spanish American War
♦Selected Groups in the Republic of Vietnam: The Binh Xuyen
♦Selected Groups in the Republic of Vietnam: The Cao Dai
♦Selected Groups in the Republic of Vietnam: The Cham
♦Selected Groups in the Republic of Vietnam: The Chinese
♦Selected Groups in the Republic of Vietnam: The Khmer
♦Seventh Amphibious Force Command History 10 January 1943 - 23 December 1945
♦Shelling of the Alaskan Native American Village of Angoon, October 1882
♦Ship Shapes, 1943
♦Ship To Shore Movement FTP 211 [January 1943]
♦Shipboard Ettiquette [Naval R. O. T. C. Pamphlet No. 16]
♦Shiploading: A Picture-Dictionary of Shiploading Terms
♦Ships named for Individual Sailors to Commemorate their Actions during the Attack
♦Ships Present at Pearl Harbor
♦Ships Sunk and Damaged in Action during the Korean Conflict
♦A Short Account of the Several General Duties of Officers, of Ships of War; From an Admiral, Down to the Most Inferior Officer. Placed on the Books of the Navy, According to the British Regulations. Arranged with Additions, &C. By Thomas Truxtun.
♦Short Guide to Iraq
♦Sicilian Campaign: Operation 'Husky' July-August 1943 - United States Naval Administrative History of World War II #148c
♦Signals for the use of the Navy of the Confederate States, 1861
♦Sinking of CSS Alabama by USS Kearsarge 19 June 1864
♦Sinking of the German Battleship Bismarck as described in the B.d.U. [Commander U-boats] War Log, 24-31 May 1941
♦The Sinking of the USS Housatonic by the Submarine CSS H.L. Hunley, off Charleston, South Carolina, 17 February 1864 Original U.S. Navy Documents
♦Sinking of USS Guitarro (SSN-665)
♦Skill in the Surf: A Landing Boat Manual [February 1945]
♦Skunks, Bogies, Silent Hounds, and the Flying Fish: The Gulf of Tonkin Mystery, 2-4 August 1964 by Robert J. Hanyok
♦"Slapton Sands: The Cover-up That Never Was" by Charles B. Mac Donald
♦Small Craft Insignia [Z-gram #51]
♦Small Wars Their Principles and Practice by Colonel C. [Charles] E. [Edward] Callwell
♦So You Are Going to the South Pacific [Commander Air Force Pacific Fleet, 1943]
♦The Social History of the U.S. Navy, 1945–Present: A Historiographical Essay by Edward J. Marolda [2016]
♦A Soldier's Guide to Bosnia-Herzegovina
♦Solomon Islands Campaign: I - The Landing in the Solomons Combat Narrative - Office of Naval Intelligence [1943]
♦Solomon Islands Campaign: II - Battle of Savo Island & III - The Battle of the Eastern Solomons Combat Narrative - Office of Naval Intelligence [1943]
♦Solomon Islands Campaign: IV - Battle of Cape Esperance & V - Battle of Santa Cruz Islands Combat Narrative - Office of Naval Intelligence [1943]
♦Some Experiences Reported by the Crew of the USS Pueblo and American Prisoners of War from Vietnam by Raymond C. Spaulding
♦Some Memorandums, By Which It Is Attempted To Be Shewn That an Improved Model May Be Adopted in the Construction of Ships, By a New Application of Well-known Principles [1812]
♦Somers, Essay on Legal Aspects of Somers Affair by David Howe
♦Sources on U.S. Naval History by State
♦Spanish American War
♦Spanish-American War; War Plans and Impact on U.S. Navy by Mark L. Hayes
♦Special Order 17 April 1865 [Navy Department Closure for Funeral of President Lincoln]
♦Special Order 17 April 1865 [Officers to Attend the Funeral of President Lincoln]
♦Special Order 17 April 1865 [Assemblage of Officers to Attend the Funeral of President Lincoln]
♦Special Order 20 April 1865 [List of Officers to Accompany Remains of President Lincoln]
♦Specifications for Navy Ship and Motor Boat Bells
♦Sports in the Navy: 1775 to 1963 by JO2 Jim Lewis, USN
♦ Stalin's Cold War Military Machine: A New Evaluation Colloquium on Contemporary History December 18, 1991 No. 6
♦Statement Regarding Winds Message [SRH-210] by Captain L.F. Safford, US Navy
♦Story of the Confederate States' Ship Virginia, (Once Merrimac) [1879]
♦A Strait Comparison: Lessons Learned from the 1915 Dardanelles Campaign in the Context of a Strait of Hormuz Closure Event
♦Strategic Concepts of the U.S. Navy NWP 1 (A)
♦ Striking the Flag [Terminology]
♦Structural Repairs in Forward Areas During World War II
♦A Study of the General Board of the U.S. Navy, 1929-1933
♦Submarine Activities Connected with Guerrilla Organizations
♦Submarine Sighting Guide ONI 31-2A
♦Submarine Sighting Guide Revision 1 ONI 31SS-Rev. 1
♦Submarine Silhouette Book No. 1
♦Submarine Turtle: Naval Documents of the Revolutionary War
♦Surprised at Tet: US Naval Forces in Vietnam, 1968 by Glenn E. Helm
♦Survey of the Amazon: Report of Commander Thomas O. Selfridge United States Ship Enterprise (3d rate), August 1, 1879
♦Survival of the Collection of the Navy Department Library
♦Syria's Chemical Weapons: Issues for Congress CRS Report for Congress
♦Tactical Lessons of Midway
♦Target Information From CIC [Combat Information Center]
♦Terminology and Nomenclature [World War II]
♦Terrorism in Southeast Asia by Mark Manyin
♦Terrorism: Some Legal Restrictions on Military Assistance to Domestic Authorities Following a Terrorist Attack
♦ Tet: The Turning Point in Vietnam Colloquium on Contemporary History September 29, 1998 No. 11
♦This Is Ann: She's Dying to Meet You
♦ A Time of Change: National Strategy in the Early Postwar Era Colloquium on Contemporary History June 7, 1989 No.1
♦Titanic Disaster: Report of Navy Hydrographic Office
♦Tokyo - A Study in Jap Flak Defense
♦Tokyo Bay: The Formal Surrender of the Empire of Japan
♦Tonkin Gulf Crisis
♦Torpedo War Commodore John Rodgers, Robert Fulton, and the United States Navy’s Test of the First Torpedoes 24 September to 1 November 1810 by John G. M. Sharp [2017]
♦Training Ships by Captain Stephen B. Luce - 1879
♦Tsunami (Tidal Wave) Disasters
♦ [Twentieth] 20th Century Warriors: Native American Participation in the United States Military
♦Typhoons and Hurricanes: The Effects of Cyclonic Winds on US Naval Operations
♦Typhoons and Hurricanes: The Storm at Apia, Samoa, 15-16 March 1889
♦U-2s, UFOs, and Operation Blue Book [Phenomena]
♦U-94 Sunk by USN PBY Plane and HMCS Oakville 8-27-42 Post Mortems on Enemy Submarines Serial No. 5
♦U-162 Sunk By HM Ships Pathfinder, Vimy, and Quentin 9-3-42 Post Mortems on Enemy Submarines - Serial No. 6
♦U-210 Sunk by HMCS Assiniboine 7-6-42 Post Mortems on Enemy Submarines Serial No. 4
♦U-352 Sunk By U.S.C.G. Icarus 5-9-42 Post Mortems On Enemy Submarines - Serial No. 2
♦U-505, Documents Captured on German Submarine
♦U-571, World War II German Submarine
♦U-595 Scuttled and Sunk Off Cape Khamis, Algeria 11-14-42 Post Mortems On Enemy Submarines - Serial No. 7
♦U-701 Sunk by US Army Attack Bomber No. 9-29-322, Unit 296 BS Post Mortems on Enemy Submarines Serial No. 3
♦The U-Boat War In The Caribbean: Opportunities Lost by Karl M. Hasslinger
♦ULTRA and the Campaign Against the U-boats in World War II [SRH-142] by Commander Jerry C. Russell
♦Underwater earthquake disasters and the U.S. Navy
♦Uniform Regulations, 1797
♦Uniform Regulations, 1802
♦Uniform Regulations, 1814
♦Uniform Regulations, 1833
♦Uniform Regulations, 1841
♦Uniform Regulations, 1852
♦Uniform Regulations, 1864
♦Uniform Regulations, 1866
♦Uniform Regulations, 1869
♦Uniform Regulations, Women's Reserve, United States Naval Reserve, 1943
♦ Uniforms of the US Navy Regulations and Other Official Documents
♦United States Naval Hospital Ships
♦United States Naval Railway Batteries in France Published under the direction of the Hon. Edwin Denby, Secretary of the Navy
♦The United States Navy and the Persian Gulf by Dr. Edward J. Marolda
♦ United States Navy and World War I: 1914–1922 by Frank A. Blazich Jr. [2016]
♦United States Navy's World of Work: Nearly 200 Years of Evolution
♦United States Submarine Losses, World War II
♦Unmanned Vehicles for US Naval Forces: Backgroung and Issues for Congress by Ronald O'Rourke
♦U.S. Democracy Promotion Policy in the Middle East: the Islamist Dilemma by Jeremy M. Sharp
♦U.S.-Greek Naval Relations Begin: Antipiracy Operations in the Aegean Sea by Peter M. Swartz
♦US Occupation of Haiti, 1915-1934
♦US Naval Detachment in Turkish Waters, 1919-1924 by Dr. Henry P. Beers
♦ US Naval Forces in Northern Russia (Archangel and Murmansk), 1918-1919 Prepared by Dr. Henry P. Beers
♦U.S. Naval Plans for War with the United Kingdom in the 1890s: A Compromise between Pragmatism and Theory by Michael J. Crawford
♦US Naval Port Officers in the Bordeaux Region, 1917-1919 Prepared by Dr. Henry P. Beers
♦US Navy Abbreviations of World War II
♦US Navy Capstone Strategies and Concepts (1970-1980) by Peter Swartz with Karin Duggan
♦US Navy Capstone Strategies and Concepts (1974-2005) by Peter Swartz with Karin Duggan
♦US Navy Capstone Strategies and Concepts (1981-1990) by Peter Swartz with Karin Duggan
♦US Navy Capstone Strategies and Concepts (1991-2000) by Peter Swartz with Karin Duggan
♦US Navy Capstone Strategies and Concepts (2001-2010) by Peter Swartz with Karin Duggan
♦US Navy Capstone Strategy, Policy, Vision and Concept Documents: What to consider before you write one by Peter Swartz
♦US Navy Code Words of World War II
♦US Navy Congo River Expedition of 1885
♦U.S. Navy Forward Deployment 1801-2001 by Peter Swartz and E.D. McGrady
♦US Navy in Desert Shield/Desert Storm
♦U.S. Navy in the World (2001-2010): Context for U.S. Navy Capstone Strategies and Concepts by Peter M. Swartz and Karin Duggan
♦US Navy Libraries: Historic Documents
♦US Navy Nurse Corps General Uniform Instructions, 1917
♦US Navy Interviewer's Classification Guide [1943]
♦US Navy Libraries, World War II
♦U.S. Navy in Operation Enduring Freedom, 2001-2002
♦US Navy Personnel in World War II: Service and Casualty Statistics
♦U.S. Navy Personnel Strength, 1775 to Present
♦US Navy Sailors Operating Ashore as Artillerymen: Four Vignettes by Capt. Patrick H. Roth, USN Ret.
♦U. S. Navy Special Operations in the Korean War
♦ US Navy Submarines Losses, Selected Accidents, and Selected Incidents of Damage Resulting from Enemy Action [Chronological]
♦U.S. Prisoners of War and Civilian American Citizens Captured and Interned by Japan in World War II: The Issue of Compensation by Japan by Gary K. Reynolds
♦US Radar: Operational Characteristics of Radar Classified by Tactical Application - FTP-217 [August 1943]
♦Use of Naval Forces in the Post-War Era: US Navy & US Marine Corps Crisis Response Activity, 1946-1990
♦USS Monitor Versus CSS Virginia (formerly USS Merrimack) and the Battle for Hampton Roads 8-9 March 1862
♦Vessels Lost and Salvaged, Report of the Secretary of the Navy, 1916
♦Vessels of the Continental Navy
♦Viet-Nam: Free World Challenge in Southeast Asia by George W. Ball, 1962
♦Vietnam: The Struggle for Freedom, Questions and Answers, [1964]
♦Viet-Nam: The Third Face of the War
♦The Voyage of the Jamestown On Her Errand of Mercy [1847]
War Damage Reports
♦Destroyer Report - War Damage report No. 50 [1945]
♦Destroyer Report - War Damage Report No. 51 [1941-45]
♦Structural Repairs in Forward Areas During World War II [1949]
♦Submarine Report - War Damage Report No. 58 [1949]
♦ Summary Of War Damage To U. S. Battleships, Carriers, Cruisers And Destroyers [17 October, 1941 - 7 December, 1942]
♦USS Birmingham CL-62 - War Damage Report No. 48 [1944]
♦USS Boise CL-47 - War Damage Report No. 24 [1941-45]
♦USS Canberra CA70 War Damage Report No. 54 [1946]
♦USS Capella AK13 & USS Alhena AKA9 War Damage Report No. 27 [1943]
♦USS Chincoteague AVP-24 War Damage Report No. 47 [1943]
♦USS Enterprise CV6 War Damage Report No. 59 [1947]
♦USS Franklin CV-13 War Damage Report No. 56 [1944-45]
♦USS Helena CL-50 War Damage Report No. 43 [1944]
♦USS Honolulu CL-48 War Damage Report No. 1 [1942]
♦USS Houston CL-81 - War Damage Report No. 53 [1947]
♦USS Independence CVL-22 and USS Denver CL-58 - War Damage Report No. 52 [1945]
♦USS Joseph Hewes APA-22, USS Edward Rutledge APA-24, USS Hugh L. Scott AP-43, USS Tasker H. Bliss AP-42 and USS Electra AKA-4 - War Damage Report No. 32 [1943]
♦USS Lexington CV-2 War Damage Report No. 16 [1942]
♦USS Liscome Bay CVE-56 - War Damage Report No. 45 [1944]
♦USS New Orleans CA-32 War Damage Report No. 38 [1943]
♦USS North Carolina BB-55 War Damage Report No. 61 [1949]
♦USS Northampton CA-26 War Damage Report No. 41 [1942]
♦USS O'Brien DD-415 War Damage Report No. 28 [1942]
♦USS Princeton CL-23 War Damage Report No. 62 [1947]
♦USS Quincy CA39, USS Astoria CA34 & USS Vincennes CA44 War Damage Report No. 29 [1943]
♦USS San Francisco CA-38 War Damage Report No. 26 [1943]
♦USS Saratoga CV-3 War Damage Report No. 19 [1942]
♦USS South Dakota BB-57 War Damage Report No. 57 [1947]
♦War Instructions United States Navy 1944
♦ Wars and Conflicts of the United States Navy [Finding Aid]
♦The Wardroom NavPers 10002-A [1968]
♦Wartime Diversion of US Navy Forces in Response to Public Demands for Augmented Coastal Defense by Adam B. Siegel
♦Wartime Instructions for United States Merchant Vessels [1942]
♦Washington Navy Yard: History of the Naval Gun Factory, 1883-1939
♦Washington Navy Yard Pay Roll of Mechanics and Laborers 1819-1820
♦Washington Navy Yard Station Log Extracts, November 1822 - March 1830
♦We Will Stand in Viet-Nam
♦"With a View to Publication": The Unifinished Documentary History of World War I by S. Matthew Cheser
♦What is CORDS? by Carl R. Fritz
♦Who Will Do What With What by Adam B. Siegel
♦ Why is the Colonel Called "Kernal"? The Origin of the Ranks and Rank Insignia Now Used by the United States Armed Forces
♦Women in the U.S. Navy: Historic Documents [History of Women on Navy Ships in the Nineteenth Century; Memorandum from Alma R. Lawrence, Operational Archives Branch, for Lt. Morton, R-2511a, Main Navy. 23 Feb. 1951.]
♦Women's Reserve, US Naval Reserve Force, 1918
♦Women's Uniform Regulations, Yeomen (F), US Naval Reserve Force, 1918
♦Women's Winter Uniform Regulations, Yeomen (F), US Naval Reserve Force, 1919
♦World War I British and German Naval Messages [1918]
♦World War I Victory Medal [From Navy and Marine Corps Awards Manual, Department of the Navy, NAVPERS 15,790 (Rev. 1953)
♦World War II Casualties Sources of Information on US Navy Casualties in World War II
♦World War II Invasion of Normandy (1944) - Lieutenant General Rudolf Schmetzer - Report Regarding the Construction of the Atlantic Wall
♦Yangtze River Patrol and Other US Navy Asiatic Fleet Activities in China, 1920-1942, as described in the Annual Reports of the Navy Department
♦Z-grams: A List of Policy Directives Issued by Admiral Zumwalt While in Office as Chief of Naval Operations 1 July 1970 - 1 July 1974