The Navy Department Library
The Wardroom
NavPers 10002-A
The Wardroom
Published by
Bureau of Naval Personnel
NavPers 10002-A
This pamphlet was first prepared as a guide for officers of the Amphibious Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet. In promulgating it, Vice Admiral F. G. Fahrion stated:
''The important purpose of this pamphlet is to furnish the command of this Force, including every officer in our wardrooms, with a background of information pertinent to establishing and maintaining the highest standards in the ''wardrooms'' of the Amphibious Force, U. S. Atlantic Fleet."
Since this objective is a highly worthy one in all wardrooms, the pamphlet is being reprinted for the use of all newly commissioned and junior officers of the Navy. Its use should assist materially in furnishing that ''background of information pertinent to establishing and maintaining the highest standards" in the wardrooms of the Fleet.
Code of a Naval Officer
It is, by no means, enough that an officer of the Navy should be a capable mariner. He must be that, of course, but also a great deal more. He should be, as well, a gentleman of liberal education, refined manner, punctilious courtesy, and the nicest sense of personal honor. He should not only be able to express himself clearly and with force in his own language both with tongue and pen, but he should be versed in French and Spanish...
He should be the soul of tact, patience, justice, firmness, and charity. No meritorious act of a subordinate should escape his attention or be left to pass without its reward, if even the reward be only one word of approval. Conversely, he should not be blind to a single fault in any subordinate, though at the same time he should be quick and unfailing to distinguish error from malice, thoughtlessness from incompetency, and well-meant shortcoming from heedless or stupid blunder. As he should be universal and impartial in his rewards and approval of merit, so should he be judicial and unbending in his punishment or reproof of misconduct
1. Enumeration of Objectives.
2. The Example of Highest Standards.
3. Maximum Habitability.
4. Good Customs and Practices.
5. Good Facilities and Services.
6. Savory Food.
7. Reasonable Food Costs in Line with Local Conditions.
8. Written Mess Regulations.
9. A Solvent Mess in Good Financial Condition.
1. Definite Regulations.
2. Command.
3. President of the Mess.
4. The Mess Treasurer.
5. The Mess Caterer.
1. Officer's Seagoing Home.
2. Collective Responsibility of Members.
3. Wardroom Country Etiquette.
a. Uniform
b. Stateroom
c. Meals
d. Guests
e. Thoughtful Everyday Wardroom Habits
f. Exchange of Meals Courtesies
g. Social Activity
4. Visits and Calls by Officers and/or Families.
a. Upon Reporting to New Ship or Station
b. Courtesy Visits to Quarters Ashore
5. Wardroom Calls to Foreign Ships.
a. In Foreign Ports
b. In U.S. Ports
6. Ceremonies.
a. Influence Upon Human Behavior
b. Cement of Discipline
7. Relations with Enlisted Personnel.
a. Officers' Country Normally Out of Bounds
b. Relations with Stewardsmen
8. Payment of Mess Bill
a. Payment in Advance
b. TAD and Hospital Rebate
c. Leave Rebate
d. Rate for Transient or Temporary Duty Status Officer
1. Important Factor in Morale of Wardroom
2. Written Instructions
3. Duties pertaining to
a. Chief Steward
b. Steward in Charge of the Wardroom Mess
c. Mess Stewardsmen
d. Pantry Stewardsmen
e. Galley Stewardsmen
f. Stateroom Stewardsmen
g. Duty Watch Stewardsman
h. Setting the Table
i. Serving
4. Training Program
1. Higher Authority's Interest
2. Form of Inspection
3. Minimum Inspection Check-Off List
a. Facilities and Habitability
b. Customs and Practices
c. Food and Service
d. Sanitation
e. Mess Regulations and Procedures
f. Financial
1. Preliminary to any discussion of the means and methods by which control of a wardroom mess may be exercised, it is important that the objectives of a good mess administration be enumerated. These objectives are basic to any wardroom mess without regard to size, kind of mess or location.
2. The Example of the Highest Standards.
The standards of wardroom country shall be maintained at the highest level. This involves an appropriate decorum and orderly manner of living, proper regard for habitability, cleanliness, maintenance, preservation of the structure and equipment, and habits of neatness by the officers themselves. It includes intelligent and clear requirements for outstanding performance by the stewardsmen in the staterooms, passageways, washrooms, showers, heads, and other spaces comprising the wardroom country.
3. Maximum Habitability.
The efforts of the responsible officers shall be directed toward insuring maximum habitability of the wardroom, its quarters and facilities. This includes: messing and berthing arrangements, appearance and decor, lighting, noise, ventilation and temperature, laundry and cleaning facilities, and recreational equipment.
4. Good Customs and Practices.
Customs and practices dictated by propriety, good manners and common sense are to be observed. As stated in "Naval Customs, Traditions and Usage": "A wardroom should be comparable to a gentlemen's club in its tone of behavior and conversation. - - The criterion of a wardroom is that it shall be one in which officers are
proud to bring a distinguished guest at any time, and know that the guest will receive the same dignified hospitality that would be expected in a gentlemen's club or at a gentlemen's dinner. This type of a wardroom is not obtained except by the sincere cooperation of all members".
5. Good Facilities and Services.
The palatability of food is greatly enhanced if the food is properly served. Thus, a mess which has stewardsmen who are alert, attentive, well trained, well groomed and dressed in clean clothing, sets a higher standard, and will serve a more palatable meal than another mess which fails to devote attention to these details. China, linen, silverware, and other mess facilities must be immaculate, complete and fitting to the occasion if the meal is to receive maximum appreciation.
6. Savory Food.
The quality and variety of the meals should leave nothing to be desired. A good meal, well balanced and seasoned, and properly served should be the goal. It is not necessary to expand upon the virtues of good food. It is all too obvious that in addition to its contribution to health, good food plays its part in contributing to a "happy" mess. Good food does not come automatically but following the expenditure of time and effort.
7. Reasonable Food Costs in Line with Local Conditions.
Food costs must be reasonable. Filet mignon, lobster and squab may represent good food and be appropriate and desirable at times, but if served continually and regularly will result in a mess bill which will place a heavy burden on members of the mess. The determination of what constitutes reasonable cost must take into consideration the desires and ages of all mess members, and local market conditions.
8. Written Mess Regulations.
A complete set of mess regulations contributes immeasurably to the proper administration and operation of a wardroom mess. Such regulations should be used as a medium for consolidating instructions from the Bureaus, and from Force, Flotilla, Squadron or Division Commanders, plus those of the Commanding Officer. It is axiomatic that mess regulations be in agreement with instructions is sued by higher authority. The absence of written regulations leads to confusion on the part of the
mess treasurer, caterer, members, transients and stewards with regard to operating procedures, Such matters as:
(1) Mess bill
(2) Value of share; maximum and minimum limits
(3) The method of determining share value
(4) Guest and transient rates
(5) Policy regarding guests of the mess
(6) Social affairs of the mess
(7) Duties of the stewardsmen,
and many other subjects, are best resolved in writing and made a permanent part of the mess organization.
9. A Solvent Mess in Good Financial Condition.
A well operated mess recognizes its responsibility to both the members and creditors. Its financial structure, as evidenced by the balance sheet, must be such that creditors are properly paid and that the mess can satisfy all obligations.
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1. There are definite regulations governing wardroom and wardroom mess responsibilities and procedures. Many are stated in Navy Regulations while others are dictated by custom and usage.
2. Command.
A. The exercise of command includes within its scope the many activities and functions of the Wardroom. The Force, Flotilla, Squadron, or Division Commander not only has a responsibility for his own mess, if he has a separate one, but he also has a responsibility for the proper administration and operation of the wardroom messes of the ships under his command.
B. The commanding officer of a ship not only is responsible for his own mess, if he has a separate one, but he also is responsible for the proper administration of the wardroom mess of his ship. Normally he exercises this supervision through the President of the Mess but he must not hesitate to step in and exert positive and direct control if the operation or the condition of the mess so dictates.
3. President of the Mess.
A. By regulation, the senior line officer member of the mess, in command or in succession to command in the ship, shall be the President of the Mess. In small ships the president is the commanding officer; in large ships the executive officer. Officers of an embarked staff, who are members of the mess, are not eligible for duty as president of the mess.
B. When the President is absent, the senior line officer of the mess in succession to command, or, if there be none, the senior officer who is present and attached to the ship for duty, shall act as presiding office, and as the commanding officer's representative.
C. By virtue of his position the President of the Mess exercises a command function and is responsible for mess administration. The President presides over and maintains order in the mess. He sets the pace for his messmates and for the ship. He must know the customs to
which everyone should adhere, and it is important that he observe them meticulously. He can approve or disapprove the recommendations of any committee appointed or elected to help him in his duties concerning the wardroom. He should look after the welfare of the officers. Among his important responsibilities is that of approving the menu and seeing that well balanced, nutritious meals are served.
4. The Mess Treasurer.
A. Navy Regulations require that an officers’ mess elect each month a treasurer who shall have charge of the finances of the mess. Members of a mess who are attached to the ship for duty are eligible to election as mess treasurer and if elected shall so serve, except that officers charged with the custody or disbursement of public funds are not eligible and shall not serve as mess treasurer. Members of an embarked staff are not eligible for this duty.
B. No officer shall be required to serve more than two months consecutively as mess treasurer.
C. The mess treasurer shall keep an account of receipts and expenditures from which an abstract of the financial condition of the mess may at any time be ascertained. At the close of each month he shall render to the mess a statement of the accounts of the mess, the names of the persons by or to whom owed, his receipts and expenditures, and contracts entered into for future delivery of supplies. The books of the mess shall be produced whenever called for by the commanding officer or the executive officer.
D. The treasurer shall incur no indebtedness which can not be discharged by the funds appropriated by the mess and shall, unless circumstances beyond his control prevent, see that all bills are paid before leaving port. Should any bills remain unpaid, he shall report, without delay, the number and amount of such bills to the commanding officer.
E. The mess treasurer's accounts shall be audited monthly by a board composed of three officers designated by the commanding officer. The auditing board shall, after examining the accounts and satisfying itself as to their condition, certify them by signature with such comment as may be desirable, and shall then submit them to the commanding officer via the executive officer, by the 10th of the month. If the condition of the mess, as shown by the treasurer's accounts or the report of the board, be unsatisfactory in any respect, the commanding officer shall take appropriate action. The board appointed to audit the
accounts shall take an inventory of the cash and stock of the mess concurrently and include a statement thereof in its report to the commanding officer.
F. No stores shall be procured by the mess under an agreement whereby the supplier of such stores permits payment upon consumption.
G. Neither the caterer, steward nor any other person shall, without written authority from the mess treasurer, be permitted to incur indebtedness in the name of the mess.
H. When the Monthly Operating Statement has been approved by the commanding officer, the treasurer shall post a copy of the report on the wardroom bulletin board.
5. The Mess Caterer.
A. Except in those cases where the mess treasurer performs the functions of both treasurer and caterer, the commanding officer shall appoint a mess caterer. No officer shall be required to serve as mess caterer for more than four months consecutively unless, in connection with a very large mess, he has been assigned such as his permanent duty. Members of an embarked staff are not eligible for this appointment.
B. The principles of sound management dictate that commanding officers of ships establish, if not already in effect, the mess treasurer - mess caterer system of mess management and appoint as mess caterer, (a) only those officers who have a minimum of six months service afloat and (b), officers known to be particularly qualified for the assignment. (Where available and otherwise qualified, Supply Corps officers should be considered for appointment to caterer due to their professional background and experience).
C. Duties of the Mess Caterer are as follows:
( 1) Responsible for the efficient operation of the mess; supervision of the procurement, storage and issue of all provisions and supplies for the mess.
(2) Responsible for obtaining funds from, and accounting for them, to the mess treasurer. He shall incur no indebtedness against the mess without first ascertaining from the mess treasurer that adequate funds are available. Further, he shall keep the mess
treasurer advised of all debts incurred, so that the latter can maintain an up-to-date record of financial status of the mess.
(3) Responsible for the duty assignment of stewards, cooks and stewardsmen, subject, in the case of permanent details, to confirmation by the executive officer. Close liaison with their division officer in regard to planning a training program that insures regular training and maintenance of appropriate records is vitally essential.
(4) Responsible for menu planning and preparation. The financial aspects of menu planning are far less important than nutritional considerations, though both, of course, must be kept constantly in mind. Economy in mess administration is a virtue, but economy at the expense of comfort and savory meals is the antipathy of good mess management. The practice of economy is designed to make it possible for the mess to obtain maximum enjoyment from the investment made with assurance that the best possible use is being made of mess funds. The importance of proper diet cannot be overemphasized and, since officers generally will not eat foods they do not like, the meal must be appetizing and well balanced in order to be successful. While discipline in eating is an individual's problem it is much easier for one to maintain weight and health control if the menu is properly planned and not over-balanced in fat and starchy food. The procurement of certain food items from commissary stores and commercial sources is desirable in some instances and must be planned a few days in advance. Also, it is beneficial to discuss the menu with the supply and/or medical officer. The caterer should insure that the chief steward has not taken the easy way and let the general mess menu or the storerooms of the supply department dictate most of the menu planning. Chief stewards, without proper supervision, are prone to hastily prepare a mediocre menu. The proposed menu should be closely and carefully analyzed to ascertain that the following essentials of good menu preparation have been considered:
(a) If practicable, the menu for each day should include an item from each of the following four basic food groups:
Group I - Milk Group III - Vegetables and fruits
Group II - Meat Group IV - Bread - cereals
Group I: Milk.- Milk is used in many forms - fluid, whole, evaporated, skim, dry, buttermilk, and all types of cheese (cottage, cream, cheddar-type, natural or processed). Two or more cups of milk a day are the basic requirement. Cheese and ice cream may replace part of the milk. The amount of milk is figured on the basis of calcium content.
Common portions of various kinds of cheese and ice cream, and their milk equivalents in calcium are:
1 inch cube cheddar-type cheese | = | 2/3 cup of milk |
1/2 cup cottage cheese | = | 1/3 cup of milk |
2 tablespoons cream | = | 1 tablespoon of milk |
1/2 cup ice cream | = | 1/4 cup of milk |
Group II: Meat. - Included in the meat group are beef, pork, veal, lamb, rabbit, and meat products, fish, shellfish, eggs, and as alternates, dried beans, peas, nuts, peanuts, and peanut butter. Two or more servings are required every day. You may count as a serving, 2 to 3 ounces of lean cooked meat, poultry, or fish, 2 eggs or 1 cup of cooked dry beans, or 4 tablespoons of peanut butter.
Group III: Vegetables and Fruits. - Included in this group are all vegetables and fruits. The Basic Four guide emphasizes those that are valuable as sources of vitamin C and A. Sources of vitamin C are divided into groups, Good Sources and Fair Sources.
Good Sources |
Fair Sources |
Grapefruit or grapefruit juice Orange or orange juice Cantaloupes Mangoes Papaya Raw strawberries Broccoli Green peppers Sweet red peppers |
Honeydew melon Tangerines Watermelon Asparagus Raw cabbage Collards Kale Kohlrabi Garden cress |
Brussels sprouts Mustard greens Potatoes or sweet potatoes cooked in jacket Spinach Tomatoes or tomato juice Turnip greens |
Sources of vitamin A are dark-green and deep yellow vegetables and a few fruits, namely:
Apricots Broccoli Cantaloupes Carrots |
Chard Collards Cress Kale |
Mangoes Pumpkin Spinach Sweet potatoes |
Turnip greens and other deep green leaves Winter squash |
Plan to include 4 or more servings every day, including 1 serving of a good source of vitamin C or 2 of a fair source and 1 serving at least every other day of a source of vitamin A. The remaining servings may be any vegetable or fruit, including those valuable for vitamin A and vitamin C.
Group IV: Bread and Cereal. - Foods included in this group are breads and cereals that are whole grained, enriched, or restored. Specifically, this group includes: breads, cooked cereals, ready-to-eat cereals, cornmeal, crackers, flour, grits, macaroni, spaghetti, noodles, rice, rolled oats, and quick breads and other baked goods if made with whole grain or enriched flour.
Plan to include 4 servings or more each day from this group or 5 servings if no cereals are to be served. Count a slice of bread as 1 serving.
(b) The menu for each meal should be evaluated as to:
(1) Nutrient quantity.
(2) Nutrient variety.
(3) Food popularity.
(4) Weather and climate.
(5) Seasonal foods.
(6) Pleasing appearance with regard to contrast in color, texture, flavor, and shape. When all items are served, the plate should present an attractive appearance.
Finally, the prepared menu is submitted to the President of the Mess for approval. Once the menu has been approved it should not be changed except as authorized by the President.
(5) Responsible for the supervision of preparation and service of food in the mess. Useful references are the Food Operations Reference Manual, NavSup P421, and the monthly leaflet, Navy Food Service.
(6) Responsible for the supervision of cleaning of equipment and spaces assigned to the mess and to its members. The caterer should make a daily inspection of officer's country spaces accompanied by the chief steward.
(7) Responsible for the care of government property in use by the mess.
1. Wardroom country is each officer's seagoing home, a home in which he should be proud to entertain his relatives and friends. It is also his club where he may gather with his fellow officers for moments of relaxation, such as a discussion of the daily problems; a movie; radio, musical or TV program; or just a game of acey deucey over a cup of coffee. Whatever the event, it is a place where members should conduct themselves within the ordinary rules of propriety, common sense and good manners, in addition to observing the rules of etiquette founded on customs and traditions.
2. All members have a collective responsibility for wardroom appearance, stewardsmen’s attention to duty, the service of food and the cleanliness of their rooms and wardroom country. Punctilious performance of duty by the stewardsmen can only be assured by the close and personal attention of all officers and the exaction of high standards of service at all times. The stowage, cleanliness, preservation and appearance of the wardroom, galley, pantry, staterooms, and heads and showers set the pattern for the ship. They should be accorded the meticulous attention to detail that such pace-setting examples deserve.
3. Wardroom Country Etiquette.
A. Uniform.
The uniform of the day is the uniform in the wardroom and it is the uniform for dinner except on formal occasions. When khaki is the uniform of the day, the requirement for the wearing of the coat for meals should be tempered with discretion, depending upon the formality of the occasion. When special guests or ladies are present, it is considered that the formality of the occasion generally demands that the coat be worn. Whenever civilian clothing is worn it is expected to be in keeping with the dignity of an officer and the occasion.
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B. Stateroom.
An officer's stateroom should be neat, orderly, and clean at all times so that it presents an exemplary appearance to anyone that may enter. This involves an orderly manner of living by the officer himself and an adequate performance by the stewardsman as signed. The stewardsman is responsible for cleaning the room, making the bunk, tending to the uniforms and belongings, and placing the stateroom in order at least once each day and normally as soon after breakfast as practicable. The requirement for a neat and orderly stateroom is incumbent upon all ranks. A stewardsman is assigned to attend to the quarters, clothes and belongings of the officer occupant. If an officer improperly insists on doing some of these chores, such as tending to his laundry, shining his shoes, or carrying his chair to the movies, he can rest assured that the stewardsman will not stop him. However, if the officer furnishes a good example in the orderliness of his living habits and is reasonable, patient, and clear in making his requirements known, the stewardsman will normally respond.
C. Meals.
(1) Hours of Serving. Meal hours are designated by the President of the Mess, subject to the approval of the commanding officer.
(a) Breakfast hours may be shifted from time to time to conform to daily routine. In any event, except for Sundays and holidays, the wardroom should be cleared by 0800.
(b) Lunch is usually served at 1200, both underway and in port.
(c) Dinner normally should be served at 1800 when underway; in port dinner is normally at 1830 or later, particularly in foreign ports. The custom for serving dinner at 1830 provides for time to make calls during prescribed calling hours and a more leisurely dinner hour, permits the unhurried arrival of invited guests and allows officers returning from afternoon shore leave sufficient time for shifting into the uniform of the day prior to dinner.
(d) When troop or other additional officers are embarked it may be necessary to adjust meal hours in order to insure maximum convenience and service for all concerned.
(e) On small ships when the establishment of a wardroom mess is not possible because of the lack of personnel and facilities, officers may be subsisted from the general mess in accordance with BuSandA Manual. In such cases consideration will be given to adjustment of meal hours with those of the general mess.
(2) Seating. Seating arrangements depend upon Navy tradition and custom and are usually set up by the steward and approved by the caterer. If there is any chance for confusion, a seating diagram should be posted on the wardroom bulletin board.
(a) The President sits at the head of the senior table with the caterer at the opposite end.
(b) Members are seated at the right and left of the President in order of seniority. This system is also followed in seating officers aboard for temporary duty or for transportation.
(c) It is important that guests be seated properly. Guests usually sit at the senior table with the honored lady on the right of the Presiding Officer, the host officer second, and other guests taking precedence over regular members. It is important that members be prompt to give way or to fill in a vacancy at the table with a minimum of confusion. The space next to a guest should always be occupied. In a large mess it is customary for junior officers to have their guests seated at their permanent table, if they so desire.
At formal dinners, to avoid confusion in seating, use of place cards is desirable. Names may be printed or written on the cards, which are placed according to the seating diagram that has been approved by the caterer.
(3) Common Courtesies.
(a) The Presiding Officer should be punctual for commencement of meals. In the event he is delayed he should inform the next senior officer whether or not to proceed with the serving of the meal.
(b) Members should arrive in the mess from 3 to 5 minutes prior to meals in order to be present for introductions and be seated at the same time that the Presiding Officer sits down. Never sit down to meals before the Presiding Officer takes his seat. If you are late for the meal, make apologies to the senior member at your table.
(c) If business unduly detains you, notify the Presiding Officer and ask the steward to save a ration for you; then eat with officers coming off watch.
(d) When you are to be absent notify the chief steward in advance. This not only will permit him to rearrange the seating but will enable him to do better planning and thereby reduce the mess bill.
(e) During the serving of the meal, demands upon the stewardsmen for personal service should be kept to a minimum.
(f) The Presiding Officer usually makes the announcements. If you have something you wish to bring before the members, request his permission and brief him on your subject.
(g) Officers going on watch should eat at regular meal hours.
(h) When the main courses are served consider those to be served after you. The steward will have another serving passed to those desiring it.
(i) Promote conviviality and a cheerful atmosphere at your table. This does not mean boisterous conduct, but rather contributing to the conversation. A cheerful atmosphere cultivates good will among messmates and guests.
(j) A good rule to follow; "shop talk" anytime, "ship talk" only after coffee.
(k) Do not discuss religion and women in the mess. When you least expect it, it will cause unpleasant feeling. Also, try to be discriminating when you discuss politics and debatable issues of the day.
(l) Avoid unfavorable comment about the food. If you have constructive criticism to make, privately advise the caterer. He is interested in doing a good job and will appreciate your comment.
(m) It is not polite to rapidly eat your food and leave the table precipitately. If you must leave the table before the meal is over, request to be excused by those in your immediate vicinity and if practicable, dependent on size of mess, from the head of the table and/or the Presiding Officer.
(n) Only under unusual circumstances should an officer be disturbed during a meal. If the business is urgent the officer should excuse himself from the table and conduct the business outside the wardroom.
(o) The practice of smoking throughout the meal has never been sanctioned by custom. You should wait until coffee is served before you light up and give consideration to the beliefs and smoking habits of your neighbors, especially the ladies.
(p) If two seatings are required avoid unnecessary loitering at the table that may delay the second service.
(q) Meals should not be taken in the stateroom except in case of sickness or when directed by the commanding officer.
(r) The quality of food and the service will depend largely upon the interests and efforts of the members of the mess.
(s) Observe good table manners as a matter of course. There is nothing that will compensate for bad table manners. The President should privately counsel those whose deportment brings down the tone of the mess.
D. Guests.
( 1) Policy. The mess should have a written policy in regard to guests insuring coverage of the following minimum items:
(a) Distinguish between guests of an individual and guests of the mess.
(b) If a charge is to be made for guests, the amounts applicable for adults and children.
(2) Officers should be encouraged to bring their guests aboard ship for dinner. Every guest that enters the mess should be treated as the guest of the entire mess and it is the duty and privilege of each member to carry out his social obligations as co-host to the best of his ability. Introduce all members present to your guests. Each member should come forward to meet them.
(3) Arrangements for Guests.
(a) It is customary to inform the Presiding Officer when you plan to have guests. Advance background information to the Presiding Officer concerning your guests is also a decided courtesy.
(b) Notify the caterer and steward that you are having guests in order that place cards and seating may be arranged.
(c) Insure by advance arrangements that your guests are not unduly delayed at the Naval Base gate because of identification or other requirements.
(d) Try to be available on the quarter deck to welcome your guests aboard.
(e) For seating, see paragraph C-(2)(c) of this Chapter.
(f) Make certain your guests understand the time the meal is to be served. This will permit them to arrive on time so as not to be embarrassed by either late or early arrival.
(g) If practicable, take your guests to your stateroom for removal of their coats and hats.
(h) Insure that guests understand the degree of formality expected in the wardroom and are not embarrassed by arriving for dinner dressed in shorts or slacks.
( 4) Departure of Guests.
Arrange for your guests to depart at a reasonable hour. Generally, dinner guests leave within an hour after the movie, smoker or party. If the ship is at anchor, bear in mind that you must keep informed of the weather and of the boat schedule. Notify the Officer of the Deck well in advance as to the boat in which you expect your guests to depart. If at all possible, have your guests accompanied ashore either by yourself or by a fellow officer.
E. Thoughtful Everyday Wardroom Habits.
A smart and neat appearing wardroom depends largely upon the attitude and conduct of the officers who use it.
(1) Always remove your cap upon entering the wardroom.
(2) Never appear in the wardroom out of uniform.
(3) Do not be boisterous or noisy in the wardroom. It is the home of all officers and their rights and privileges must be respected.
(4) Consideration of others is one of the basic elements of gentlemanly conduct. Show consideration for your fellow officers when:
(a) Using radio, phonograph or television, moderating the sound to minimize interference with others.
(b) Playing cards, by choosing a table location that will not interfere with others.
(5) Don't abuse the use of the duty stewardsman by sending him on long errands. Share his services with other members.
(6) There is no objection to dropping into the wardroom for coffee, but don't make a practice of loitering there during working hours. Such a practice marks an officer as being of the indolent type.
(7) The mess tables must be cleared at least 30 minutes before meals in order to permit the stewardsmen to set up on time.
(8) Magazines and papers should be carefully handled, not left adrift, damaged, hoarded or removed from the wardroom where they have been placed for availability to all members.
(9) Insure that an ash tray is available before lighting up. If ventilation is a problem, you should reduce or stop smoking accordingly.
(10) When you have finished with your coffee, remove the cup and saucer from the table to the pantry shelf or side board if there is no stewardsman immediately available. This is a little thing that will help the continual good appearance of the wardroom.
(11) Remember that obscenity, vulgarity, and off-color tales do not belong in an officer's conversation at any time, especially in the wardroom.
(12) The senior officers should set the proper example of manners, consideration of others, and the tone of conversational decorum.
(13) Unkind and unfavorable comments about other officers and opinions about seniors, are not appropriate.
(14) When guests are present, especially if seated alongside you, their presence is to be recognized. Your engaging them in polite conversation, if the opportunity presents itself, will be appreciated by the guests and their host. All matters under discussion should be in keeping with good taste and not cause embarrassment by discussing personalities, items or persons with which guests are obviously unfamiliar and/or in which they are not interested. Guests in any walk of life, a teenage youth, or a child, should not be "talked down to" nor treated con descendingly.
(15) When you send your stewardsman on an errand, such as picking up your dry cleaning, give him the money for the payment with the request that he return the change. You should not require the stewardsman to furnish his money.
(16) Stay clear of the wardroom immediately after breakfast, as this is usually the period for general cleaning.
(17) When leaving the wardroom leave the place you have been occupying neat and orderly whether you found it that way or not. This will be appreciated by those who follow you.
F. Exchange of Meal Courtesies.
(1) It is normal courtesy for the wardroom to invite the commanding officer, if he messes separately, to occasionally have a meal in the wardroom. The same courtesy is normally extended to the Unit Commander by a commanding officer. The Unit Commander will appreciate an occasional invitation to a meal in the wardrooms of the ships of his command, particularly the flagship. Included with the Unit Commander in all such invitations is generally the Chief of Staff, (Chief Staff Officer). In some instances, as appropriate and desired, the senior officers of his staff are invited.
(2) It is customary for Unit Commanders and commanding officers to return such meals as opportunity permits. The difficulty of an all-inclusive return of such courtesies to each individual in a mess should, however, be appreciated.
G. Social Activity.
(1) There are many pleasurable ways that ship's spirit can be nurtured, all of which require the interest and participation of all hands and the example and direction of seniors. Included among these are:
(a) Mess nights - scheduled evenings when the mess members and their ladies and select guests gather aboard ship for dinner and/or entertainments. Family night may similarly be held.
(b) Parties, picnics and dances ashore at beaches and service clubs.
(c) Group participation in recreational and athletic opportunities.
(d) Various kinds and types of tournaments such as bridge, chess and cribbage.
4. Visits and Calls by Officers and/or Families.
Visits and calls are more or less required by custom and by courtesy. In naval life formal visits fulfill a very useful purpose. Not only is this a matter of courtesy, but it permits the newcomer to become acquainted with those with whom he will associate. Calls primarily serve the purpose of permitting naval officers and their families to become better acquainted. Furthermore, they permit juniors and seniors to meet at times other than in the discharge of their official duties. Careful adherence to the social niceties will go a long way towards making you a well-known and well-liked individual.
A. Upon reporting to New Ship or Station.
In addition to complying with BuPers orders by reporting for duty, the officer is expected to make a visit of courtesy on his commanding officer within 48 hours. It is expected that this call be made on the Captain in his cabin aboard ship. There are times when it is not practicable for the reporting officer to see the Captain when he reports for duty. If such is the case, the reporting officer should inquire when it will be convenient to make the courtesy visit. This type of call should last about 10 minutes, unless the caller is requested to stay longer. It is courteous but not necessary to leave a card, however, if for any reason, a call is made without being able to see the Captain, a card should be left.
B. Courtesy Visits to Quarters Ashore.
The custom of calling frequently varies considerably with the location, size and desires of the command. Some commands have regular "at home" days, others may limit calls to Wednesday and Sunday afternoons, others may hold regular receptions or parties, invitation to which is considered as "calls made and returned". Inquire as to local custom and conform accordingly, however, although you may be out of step locally you are never wrong in calling within normal accepted calling hours. A social call ashore is usually 15 to 30 minutes in length and made between 1600 - 1800, and in some places 2000 - 2100 may be acceptable by local custom.
Next in order of calls after the visit to the commanding officer aboard ship is that to be made upon the commanding officer and his wife at their quarters ashore. This call should be followed by a courtesy visit ashore upon the executive officer and his wife. If not married, respects are to be paid to the executive officer in his stateroom aboard ship. These two important calls should be followed by calls upon heads of departments (your own first), and the next senior officer in your department. Naval families always have made a particular point of paying prompt calls upon newly married couples. The commanding officer and his wife, as well as other seniors, pay this call upon the most junior officer and his bride when the bride has been taken while the officer was attached to the ship.
(1) In making calls ashore it is considered that a call is made if you call and leave cards, regardless of whether or not you find the family at home. If the family is found to be out, it is considered friendly, although not necessary, to make another call within a reasonable length of time. Calling at a time when it is obvious that the family will not be at home is discourteous.
(2) Cards should be left when making formal calls and when attending certain receptions. "Always carry your cards. Have them convenient. Look for the card tray."
(a) When a bachelor officer is calling he should leave one card each for officer and wife, plus additional card for other ladies of the house, such as grown daughters or older ladies of the family such as husband's or wife's mother or aunt. However, not more than three cards should be left by any one person.
(b) When married officer and wife are calling, the officer should leave cards for each adult member of the family, man or woman. The wife should leave one of her cards for each lady in the house, but should not ever leave a card for a man. Although it is quite proper for a wife to leave her husband's cards when he is unable to accompany her, he should never make a call for her by leaving her cards when she is unable to accompany him.
(c) Married couples frequently use a joint card (or double card, as it is sometimes called), reading "Commander and Mrs. John Paul Jones". When calling on a married couple, one such card may be left along with an additional card of the husband. The officer's branch of service should not be indicated on this joint card. The husband's accompanying single card provides that information. Until recently only Commanders and above used the joint cards, but current practice has also made their use permissible for Lieutenants and Lieutenant Commanders, although the latter title often makes a difficult combination with a very long name.
5. Wardroom Calls to Foreign Ships.
A. In Foreign Ports.
When an American warship calls at a foreign naval activity the Senior Officer Present will probably send an officer to call upon the visiting commander to offer courtesies and to exchange information as appropriate. The liaison officer is usually invited to the wardroom after his visit with the commanding officer. He gives pertinent information and assistance to members who are planning excursions ashore, and those who wish pertinent information about the port of call. If security clearance and official approval are obtained, it is proper to make the liaison officer an honorary member, with an invitation to live aboard during the visit. It is also courteous to include his family in an invitation to the wardroom for a visit.
(1) After the exchange of official calls by senior officers it is appropriate and courteous, for committees of officers to make calls on the wardrooms of the foreign ships in port, in the same order in which the respective commanding officers have exchanged visits. For this purpose the wardroom should have printed or engraved calling cards which are suitable for use in extending formal invitations for a meal, movies in the mess and receptions.
(2) The liaison officer may deliver to the wardroom guest cards or invitations to honorary membership to the officer's clubs, to a country club, or invitations to social functions, such as cocktail parties or dances. These invitations should be answered promptly and politely in writing. If officers are made honorary members of clubs they should visit the club and sign the guest register. "Thank you" notes for such courtesies that have been received during a visit should also be written promptly.
(3) When your ship is in a foreign port for several days it is desirable that members of the mess give a dinner to repay the hospitality and kindnesses that have been extended to the ship. A buffet supper will usually be the most practicable method of entertaining.
B. In U.S. Ports.
Ordinary rules of good manners and courtesy apply when a foreign ship visits your home port. Send a committee to ask if there is anything you can do to make the visit more pleasant, especially if you have recently visited the home country of the ship, or your ship is close aboard the visitor. In some ports when foreign ships arrive the nearest ship may be designated as the host ship. It is then the host ship's specific responsibility to assist the visitor in whatever way possible. This usually includes, in addition to exchanges of visits and meals, a standing invitation for the movies and/or appropriate athletic and recreational events. Generally, when more than one U.S. ship is present, the SOFA designates a ship to send a committee; this precludes too many visits.
6. Ceremonies.
A. Traditions, ceremonies and customs exert a profound influence upon human behavior throughout life. This effect is particularly marked in such professions as the military services which in the nature of things lends themselves to passing on and perpetuating the more venerated customs, traditions, and ceremonies. Such stimuli, when understood and properly directed, can be of incalculable value to "esprit de corps".
B. Ceremony is to a marked degree the cement of discipline. It is upon discipline that the strength of the naval service rests. Proper, dignified ceremony is frequently much more in keeping with good custom than the lack of it. Every opportunity should be used to develop pride and discipline by the example of ceremony.
7. Relations with Enlisted Personnel.
A. Officers' Country Normally out-of-bounds.
Officers' country (the staterooms, washrooms, heads assigned to officers, and the wardroom) is out of bounds for enlisted personnel unless on official duty. The wardroom is normally not to be used as an office. Contacts with enlisted personnel should be kept in their part of the ship or in the departmental office.
B. Relations with Stewardsmen.
Be civil and just in all relations with stewardsmen. If you have a complaint, make it to the caterer or mess treasurer as applicable, who has charge of the stewards. Tipping of stewards is forbidden. Try to interest the stewardsman in his work of keeping your room shipshape. Don't expect him to take any greater interest in its appearance than you do. Require him to keep things up to standard by calling his attention to each omission immediately after it happens. However, you must consider the number of stewardsmen available, how much work the stewardsman has to do elsewhere, and when he has to do it. There is a certain minimum of personal service which officers should require of the stewardsmen assigned them. This should consist of daily cleaning and straightening of rooms, the weekly care of laundry and weekly duties assigned to them and further reasonable service. In general, one word of praise is worth ten of censure in dealing with stewardsmen, and you accomplish most by keeping your tones cheerful. Don't permit them to become unduly familiar with you, but take an interest in them and in their personal welfare. If you cultivate their loyalty you will have a stewards man "par excellence".
8. Payment of Mess Bill.
A. Every officer attached to a ship shall belong to one of the officers' messes in that ship and shall pay monthly, in advance, the full amount of the mess bill to the mess treasurer; no officer shall be excused from such payment except as provided in Navy Regulations.
B. An officer ordered to detached duty or sent to a hospital shall be entitled to a rebate of the full amount of his mess bill for the period of his absence. An officer ordered temporarily to duty away from the ship to which he is attached, so that he does not avail himself of the privileges of the mess during such absence is "ordered on detached duty" within the meaning of this paragraph, even though such duty shall be in addition to his present duty.
C. An officer granted leave of absence for more than six days, including travel time, shall be entitled to a rebate of the amount of his mess bill for the period of his actual absence exceeding six days, but no rebate shall be allowed for the first six days of leave.
D. Officers and others in a transient or temporary duty status, who are not entitled to reimbursement for meals, shall be charged at a rate prescribed by the commanding officer. Officers in such status may become members of the mess if the temporary duty is of an extended nature.
1. The work of the stewards, cooks and stewardsmen is an important factor in the morale of any wardroom. For this reason it is essential that the stewardsman does his work well, that he serve promptly and cheerfully, that he keep the compartments, the rooms and the gear assigned to him tidy and clean at all times and that he be trained to observe requirements and the niceties of custom and etiquette.
2. The chief steward, supervised by the mess caterer, should prepare written instructions for stewards, cooks and stewardsmen to inform them of their watch duties and to outline the wardroom serving and shipkeeping system. These instructions should be posted to publicize the way in which the work is distributed.
3. Stewards, cooks and stewards men duties and detailed instructions in the performance of these duties are covered in various NavPers training courses in detail. For mess caterers' guidance the primary duties and responsibilities of the steward branch are listed.
A. The Chief Steward.
The senior steward usually has the responsibility of "mess steward". He is in charge of the wardroom and wardroom country, and can be compared to the manager of a hotel, continually dealing with ideas, people and things, separately and together. He supervises and trains the stewards, cooks, and stewards men. He works out details of the menu for the approval of the caterer and mess president, and directs procurement, preparation, and service of the food. He should take his station in the wardroom during meals to supervise the service, insure that food is served at the proper temperature and to take action on any matter that needs attention. A good chief steward will have little difficulty in planning meals when he understands the desires of the members of the mess. In preparing menus he should use the Armed Forces Recipe Service, recipes accumulated over a period of time, menus from a variety of other sources, and favorite recipes furnished by members of the mess. To provide the good food which is expected, the chief must master the principles which underlie the daily choice of meals. He must know food, and he must be an expert in menu planning, including the qualities of foods to be served in a balanced diet. Furthermore, he must take pride in his work.
B. Steward in Charge of the Wardroom Mess.
(1) Supervise wardroom stewardsmen.
(2) Determine the number of officers that will be aboard for meals.
(3) Determine the number of guests expected and make preparations for unexpected guests.
(4) Insure that the proper number of tables and covers are provided to serve the number of guests and officers expected.
(5) Supervise the seating arrangement for meals.
(6) See that the "buck" is in its proper place for each meal.
(7) Supervise the serving of all meals insuring that:
(a) Meals are served properly and on time.
(b) Stewardsmen's uniforms are immaculate, unwrinkled, buttoned (and/or snapped) properly and that stewardsmen observe rules and requirements of personal hygiene.
(c) Stewardsmen are attentive, alert and do not lean on the sideboard or against the bulkhead during the meal time.
(8) Take care of soiled linen and issue clean linen.
(9) Avoid waste of food and mess supplies of any kind.
C. Mess Stewardsmen.
(1) Keep wardroom clean and tidy by.
(a) Sweeping the deck after each meal.
(b) Dusting tables, chairs, sideboards, electric light fixtures and blades of electric fans.
(c) Cleaning sideboard and transom drawers.
(d) Cleaning the scuttlebutts.
(e) Shining all brightwork.
(f) Emptying all ashtrays and wastebaskets.
(g) Placing all papers, magazines and books in places provided.
(h) Scrubbing all paintwork.
(2) Set the table for each meal and secure the tables after each meal.
(3) Serve the meals.
(4) Handle the wardroom linen, insuring tablecloths, napkins, chair and transom covers are clean.
(5) Polish napkin rings, silver tops of salt and pepper shakers, and serving trays.
(6) Assist the cigar mess treasurer (if a cigar mess is established).
D. Pantry Stewardsmen.
(1) Keep the pantry clean and tidy by:
(a) Scouring the sink and drainboard after each meal.
(b) Sweeping and swabbing the deck after each meal.
(c) Scrubbing all paintwork including dishracks and shelves.
(d) Scrubbing the inside and outside of refrigerators.
(2) Wash all dishes.
(3) Polish silverware and serving dishes.
(4) Take inventory of all silver.
(5) Draw and stow stores.
(6) Help in the preparation of food for the wardroom mess.
(7) Keep the wardroom mess storeroom clean.
(8) Handle food leftovers insuring proper storage.
(9) Dispose of all garbage from the pantry.
(1O) Handle all linen used in the pantry.
E. Galley Stewardsmen.
(1) Help in the preparation of food for wardroom mess.
(2) Keep galley clean by:
(a) Sweeping and swabbing the deck after each meal.
(b) Scrubbing the inside and outside of refrigerators.
(c) Scrubbing dressing tables, sinks and shelves.
(3) Keep all cooking utensils, ranges, and stowage spaces, clean and free from grease.
(4) Dispose of garbage from the galley.
(5) Draw stores for use in preparing food in the galley.
F. Stateroom Stewardsmen.
(1) Keep officers' uniforms and belongings neatly stowed.
(2) Keep officers' shoes shined and uniforms neat and clean.
(3) Make up officers' bunks.
(4) Insure that officers' bunks have clean linen and that soiled towels are removed and replaced with clean ones.
(5) Keep staterooms clean and tidy by:
(a) Sweeping and swabbing the deck.
(b) Scrubbing all paintwork.
(c) Dusting desks, chairs, shelves, tops of lockers, and under mattresses and springs in the bunks.
(d) Cleaning head, wash basin, mirror and soap dish.
(e) Shining all brightwork.
(f) Emptying ashtrays and wastebaskets.
(g) Placing all books and magazines in places provided.
(h) Cleaning all ports, including dogs and knife edges.
(i) Dusting all electric light fixtures and blades of electric fans.
(6) Handle officers' laundry and dry cleaning.
(7) Pack and handle officers' baggage.
G. Duty Watch Stewardsman.
(1) Answer calls in the pantry and wardroom.
(2) Keep the wardroom in good order.
(3) Set out food for officers having the late watch.
(4) Keep fresh coffee, cream and sugar available.
(5) Keep dishes washed and pantry clean.
(6) Set out chairs for movies and remove after movies.
(7) Make personal announcements to officers such as when meals are ready and changes in uniform.
H. Table Setting.
(1) In table setting, three things are important:
(a) Background; tablecloth gives the main color note.
(b) Centerpiece; usually flowers, which provides the decorative appeal and gives the table its chief distinction.
(c) Individual places; china, silver and glass.
These three basic points must make a harmonious group. Everything on the table should be geometrically spaced to avoid any haphazard arrangement.
(2) The table service is governed by the occasion and the menu. Everyday meals require less formal settings than special occasions. A simple supper needs less elaborate table equipment than a three course dinner.
(3) For dinner the place service usually consists of main course and dessert forks, main course knife, dessert spoon, teaspoon, and soup spoon. An extra teaspoon may be placed for dessert instead of the large dessert spoon if preferred. The ideal spacing of plates is 24 inches from plate center to plate center. Napkins should be folded or in napkin rings; very fancy designs are not in good taste. (See Plate I, page IV-9.)
(4) Following exceptions to normal table setting should be observed when applicable:
(a) For formal dinners, dessert silver is brought in with dessert china.
(b) Oyster and cocktail forks are placed on the extreme right side of service plate instead of on the left side.
(c) Butter plates are never put on a formal dinner table.
(5) The use of place cards for guests and dinner parties adds a touch of distinction to the occasion. Also, a few seasonable flowers properly arranged on the tables contributes to a pleasant atmosphere in the mess.
I. Serving.
The modern tendency is toward simplicity in service. The most natural way and sensible way is the right way. For expert service it is absolutely necessary for the steward to stay in the wardroom during the serving of meals. This means everyday as well as when guests are present and when a formal meal is being served. The steward must
constantly be on the alert to see that every detail is taken care of on schedule.
(1) The steward should announce dinner promptly and properly, saying "Dinner is Served". When everyone is seated, the service should begin promptly. All food is to be served and not placed on the table.
(2) At regular meals, the "buck", which may be any object chosen by the mess, is rotated around the table in front of a different officer for each meal or each day. The "buck" indicates that "this" officer is to be served first. Some system of "passing the buck", such as clockwise rotation around the table, should be used in order to eliminate an officer being permanently located at "starvation corner".
(3) When guests are present, the guest of honor, who will be seated at the right of the presiding officer at the senior table, should be served first. Service should then continue in sequency with each person, around the table counter-clockwise. If more than one stewardsman is serving the same course, the additional service should start at the foot of the opposite side of the table and also continue counter-clock wise. The same order of serving should be kept throughout the meal.
(4) All dishes are served from the left except beverages, which are poured from the right. In serving, the stewardsman holds the dish in his left hand on a folded napkin. In removing a plate, he uses his left hand, putting a clean plate for the next course in place with his right hand. If he removes a single plate without replacing it, the plate is removed from the right.
(5) The food should be served at the proper temperature. Dishes on which hot food is to be served should be kept preheated. China for serving cold food should be chilled if practicable. Drinking water should be iced or chilled and the bottoms of all dishes should be clean before they are placed on the table.
(6) Water glasses should be filled before the members and guests have been seated. Thereafter, the glass is not lifted from the table when it is refilled, but the water container is lowered to the glass.
(7) When the soup course is finished, the soup plate and service plate are taken out together, and replaced with the plate for fish, if there is a fish course. Whatever the meat, it should be carved and prepared attractively in the galley or pantry before it is served to guests. Vegetables are served after the meat and, finally, the rolls.
(8) Unless especially requested, coffee should not be served until after the desert or fruit.
(9) At formal dinners the large dinner plates are exchanged for the smaller salad plates and the salad is served. To make service easier salad can be arranged on the plates or it can be passed on a platter or in a bowl. At an informal meal, salad may be served as first course instead of soup, or between the soup and the main course.
(10) Bread and butter plates are not used at a formal dinner. At an informal meal they are removed with the salad plates. Then the salt and pepper shakers are removed on a small tray or plate. When the table is cleared the crumbs are brushed into a clean plate with a folded napkin.
(11) At a formal dinner, if a fruit course is on the menu, it is served after the dessert course. The coffee or demitasse is placed at the right of the plate.
(12) At strictly formal parties according to best usage and custom, cigarettes and cigars should not be lighted until coffee or demitasse has been served.
(13) All stewardsmen should be smart in appearance. Train them to anticipate the needs of the diners. No one should have to ask for water, bread, or butter. Water glasses should be kept filled at all times.
4. Training Program.
An effective training program for stewards, cooks and stewardsmen is vital to establishing and maintaining proper wardroom standards. A division officer's notebook, with proper up-to-date records, written delegation of duties and responsibilities, and outlined training lessons with definite objectives, is more important for the steward branch than for any other division in the ship. It is one training program in which the commanding officer, executive officer, medical officer, supply officer, chaplain, caterer, and all officers including the most junior ensign, have an intimate, personal interest.
IV - 9
1. The Force, Flotilla, Squadron and Division Commanders and Commanding Officers are vitally interested in determining that the objectives of a good wardroom mess are being realized. Like any other shipboard function, this is best determined by inspections:
A. Frequent informal inspections of messing spaces prior, during or just after the serving of meals.
B. Occasional surprise semi-formal inspections, including food and service, mess regulations and financial records.
C. Regular weekly inspections for sanitation, and of facilities and habitability.
D. Regular administrative inspections and such other annually scheduled inspections as may be desirable or required.
E. Customs and practices should be continuously under observation.
2. An inspection of a wardroom mess should take the following two forms:
A. Physical inspection of facilities, equipment, spaces and supplies.
B. Examination of written regulations and financial records.
3. The following items constitute a form of a check-off list for use as a guide as to the nature of an inspection of a wardroom mess. However, it is not intended that the inspection be restricted to such a list.
A. Facilities and Habitability.
(1) Appearance of wardroom.
(2) Orderliness of staterooms.
(3) Presence and general condition of furniture, rugs, drapes, fans, lighting, and galley equipment.
(4) Presence and condition of television set, radio, pictures, record player, books, magazines and newspapers.
(5) Is a portion of welfare funds used for the benefit of officers in regards to making the wardroom more habitable?
(6) Adequate ventilation.
(7) Consideration for troop officers.
B. Customs and Practices.
(1) Customs in effect.
(2) Attire of members.
(3) Recognition of presiding officer.
(4) Seating of members and guests.
(5) Introduction of guests.
(6) Common courtesies.
C. Food and Service.
(1) Supervision of menu by mess caterer and mess president.
(2) Balanced menu.
(3) Variety.
(4) Hot or cold as appropriate.
(5) Palatability.
(6) Appearance and training of stewards, cooks and stewardsmen.
(7) Timing and proficiency in serving.
(8) Condition of china and silverware.
(9) Table linens.
(10) Access of mid-watch standers to coffee and sandwiches.
D. Sanitation.
(1) Appearance of galley, pantry, wardroom and staterooms in regard to cleanliness and sanitation.
(2) Cleanliness and neatness of personnel.
(3) Presence and preventative action taken against vermin.
(4) Frequency that food handlers are examined by the medical officer or his representative.
(5) Inspection by medical officer or his representative of food, particularly including that purchased outside regular military supply channels.
E. Mess Regulations and Procedures.
(1) Do written regulations exist?
(2) Are orders and reports posted on the bulletin board?
(3) Is the assignment of staterooms in accordance with Navy Regulations?
(4) Are members delinquent in the payment of mess bills? If so, are the names submitted to the commanding officer as required?
(5) Are the mess treasurer and caterer appointed or elected? Is consideration given to their qualification?
(6) Is a regular training program for stewards, cooks and stewardsmen in effect?
(7) What is adequacy and condition of training records?
F. Financial.
(1) Adequate security for mess funds, equipment and supplies.
(2) Audit board comprised of experienced personnel.
(3) Condition of accounts receivable.
(4) Ability of mess to pay obligations.
(5) Nature and condition of inventory.
(a) Losses by inventory.
(6) Value of net working capital.
(a) Percentage in inventory.
(b) Percentage in cash.
(7) Examine audit reports to determine:
(a) If submitted to the commanding officer by the 1Oth day of the month.
(b) Value of mess share.
(c) If mess bill is reasonable.
(d) If the mess maintains a bank checking account.
(e) If charges are made for guests, if so, prices charged.
(f) If all transactions are proved by means of receipts and vouchers.
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