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Naval Regulations Issued by Command of the President of the United States of America (Washington, D.C.: Printed for the Navy Office, 1814).

  • Regulations and Guidance
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Wars & Conflicts
  • War of 1812 1812-1815
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Navy Regulations, 1814

The regulations, issued by Secretary of the Navy William Jones, were adopted by the Navy Department in 1814. They are similar to the regulations in use by the Navy since 1802.

Naval Regulations Issued by Command of the President of the United States of America.


Of the Duties of the Commander of a Squadron

1. He is to inform the secretary of the navy of all his proceedings which relate to the service upon which he may be ordered.
2. He is to correspond with the public offices, about such matters as relate to them, and send to them an account of all directions given by him to those under his command, which concern the said offices.
3. In order that he may use the vessels of his squadron to the greatest advantage, as occasion may require, he is to inform himself of their qualities.
4. In order to facilitate the operations for which the squadron is destined, its commandant shall take care to distribute his orders to all the commanders under him, regulated by his instructions from the secretary of the navy.
5. Immediately on his receiving orders to sail, he shall weigh anchor as soon as the weather will permit; and previous to his departure, he shall give an account to the secretary of the navy of the condition of his squadron, without omitting any essential circumstance.
6. He shall suit his sails to the qualities of the ships and circumstances of the weather, without obliging the heaviest sailers to an extraordinary exertion, from whence damage might result.
7. When the fleet shall be divided into squadrons or divisions, all the ships shall regulate their motions by those of their respective commandants.
8. The commandant shall always maintain his squadron in readiness to sail expeditiously: he shall from time to time visit the ships, as well to examine if they are in readiness, as to take care that they observe good discipline.
9. He may suspend from their stations the captains of vessels, or any other officers under his command, who, for bad conduct or incapacity, he shall think deserving of such punishment; but he must immediately transmit an account thereof to the secretary of the navy, specifying his reasons for so doing, and furnish the captain or officer suspended with a copy thereof.
10. The commandant of the squadron ought not to alter the appointments assigned to the officers at the time of fitting out, without reasons.
11. He is to preserve the instructions and orders which he may receive from the navy office, and all other papers and correspondence relating to the service upon which he may be ordered, in the most intelligible form.
12. At the end of the cruise, he shall transmit to the secretary of the navy, a fair copy of all his official correspondence. He is to deliver to the secretary of the navy his journal, which his is to make during the cruise with the greatest exactness.
13. He is never to give orders to any captain to bear supernumeraries, unless there be good cause for it, which is to be expressed in the body of the order; and he is to inform the secretary of the navy when he gives such orders, and of his reasons for so doing.
14. When he is at sea, he is frequently to exercise the ships under his command, and draw them into the line of battle, when the weather is fair, and the same can be done consistently with his cruising orders, and without interruption to the voyage.
15. He is to visit the ship of his squadron or division, and view the men on board, and see them mustered as often as he shall think necessary.
16. When he is in foreign parts, where naval or other agents are established, he is to conform himself, as much as possible, to the standing rules of the navy, in such directions as he shall have occasion to give to them; and he is never to put them under any extraordinary expenses, unless the service should absolutely require the same.
17. He is never to interest himself in the purchase of any stores or provisions in foreign parts, where there are proper officers appointed for that service; except there shall be an absolute necessity to make use of his credit or authority, to procure such provisions or stores as are wanted; but in that case, he shall not be so concerned as to have any private interest in the same.


Of the duties of a Captain or Commander.

1. When a captain or commander is appointed to command one of the Unites States' ships, he is immediately to repair on board, and visit her throughout.
2. To give his constant attendance on board, and quicken the dispatch of the work; and to send to the navy department weekly accounts, or oftener, if necessary, of the condition and circumstances she is in, and the progress made in fitting her out.
3. To take inventories of all the stores committed to the charge of his officers respectively, and to require from his boatswain, gunner, sailmaker, carpenter and purser, counter parts of their respective indents.
4. To cause his clerk to be present, and to take an account of all the stores and provisions that come on board, and when; which account he is to compare with the indents, in order to prevent any fraud or neglect.
5. To keep counter-books of the expense of the ship's stores and provisions, whereby to know the state and condition of the same; and to audit the accounts of the officers entrusted therewith, once a week, in order to be a check upon them.
6. When ordered to recruit, he is to use his best endeavours to get the ship manned, and not to enter any but men of able bodies, and fit for service: he is to keep the established number of men complete, and not to exceed his complement.
7. When the ship's company is completed, they shall be divided into messes and guards; and he shall order, without delay, the partition of the people for an engagement, to the end that, before they sail, every one may know his post.
8. He may grant to private ships of the nation the succours he lawfully may, taking from their captains or patrons a correspondent security, that the owners may satisfy the amount or value of the things supplied.
9. At all times, whether sailing alone or in a squadron, he shall have his ship ready for an immediate engagement: to which purpose, he shall not permit any thing to be on deck that may embarrass the management of the guns, and not be readily cleared away.
10. As, from the beginning of the cruise the plan of the combat ought to be formed, he shall have his directions given, and his people so placed, as not to be unprovided against any accident which may happen.
11. If it is determined to board the enemy, the captain is not, under any pretext, to quit his ship, whose preservation must be the chief object of his care; but he may appoint his second in command, or any other officer he thinks proper for that duty, without attending to rank.
12. He shall observe, during his cruise, the capacity, application, and behavior of his officers; and to improve them, he shall employ them in works and commissions that may manifest their intelligence.
13. He is to cause all new-raised men and other, not skilled in seamanship, daily to lash up their hammocks, and carry them to the proper places for barricading the ship, whenever the weather will permit; and also to have them practised in going frequently every day up and down the shrouds, and employed on all kinds of work, to be created purposely to keep them in action, and to teach them the duty of seamen.
14. To keep a regular muster-book, setting down therein the names of all persons entered to serve on board, with all circumstances relating to them.
15. Himself to muster the ship's company at least once a week, in port or at sea, and to be very exact in this duty; and if any person shall absent himself from duty, without leave, for three successive musters, he is to be marked as a run-away, on the ship's books.
16. To send, every month, one muster-book complete, to the navy office, signed by himself and purser.
17. To make a list of seamen run away, inserting the same at the end of the muster-books, and to distinguish the time, manner, and by what opportunity they made their escape: if the desertion happens in any port of the United States, he is to send to the navy department their names, place of abode, and all the circumstances of their escape.
18. The captain of the ship shall be responsible for his crew, whose desertion shall be laid to his charge, whenever it proceeds from a want of necessary care; but if it proceeds from the neglect of an officer who shall have the charge of a watering party, or any other duty on shore, and, from his negligence, any part of the crew entrusted to him shall desert, that officer shall be responsible for the same.
19. He is to make out tickets for all such seamen as shall be discharged from his books, signed by himself and purser, and to deliver them to none but the party; and if the party be dead or absent, he is to send the ticket forthwith to the navy-office.
20. He is not to suffer the ship's stores to be misapplied or wasted; and if such loss happens by the negligence or wilfulness of any of the ship's company, he is to charge the value thereof against the wages of the offender, on the muster and pay-books.
21. He shall make no alteration in any part of the ship.
22. He is to keep sentinels posted at the scuttle, leading into all the store-rooms, and no person is to pass down but by leave from the captain or commanding officer of the watch, which leave must be signified to the sentinel from the quarter-deck.
23. He is to observe seasonable times in setting up his shrouds and other rigging, especially when they are new and apt to stretch; and also to favor his masts as much as possible.
24. He is to cause such stores as require it, to be frequently surveyed and aired, and their defects repaired; and the store-rooms to be kept airy and in good condition, and secured against rats.
25. He is not to make use of ship's sails for covering boats, or for awnings.
26. The decks or gratings are not to be scraped oftener than is necessary, but are to be washed and swabbed once a day, and air let into the hold as often as may be.
27. He is to permit every officer to possess his proper cabin, and not to make any variation therein.
28. No person is to lie upon the orlop but by leave from the captain, nor to go amongst the cables with candles, but when service requires it.
29. Such as smoke tobacco are to take it in the fore-castle, and in no other place, without the captain's permission, which is never to be given to smoke below the upper gun-deck.
30. Care is to be taken every night, on setting the watch, that all fire and candles be extinguished in the cook-room, hold, steward-room, cock-pit, and every where between decks; nor are candles to be used in any other part of the ship but in lanthorns, and that not without the captain's leave; and the lanthorns must always be whole and unbroken.
31. He is not to suffer any person to suttle or sell any sorts of liquors to the ship's company, nor any debts for the same to be inserted in the slop-book, on any pretence whatsoever.
32. Before the ship proceeds to sea, he is, without any partiality or favor, to examine and rate the ship's company, according to their abilities, and to take care that every person in the ship, without distinction, do actually perform the duty for which he is rated.
33. Before the ship sails, he is to make a regulation for quartering the officers and men, and distributing them to the great guns, small-arms, rigging, &c.; and a list of such order and distribution is to be fixed up in the most public place of the ship. He is also frequently to exercise the ship's company in the use of the great guns and small-arms; and to set down in his journal the times he exercises them.
34. The following number of men at least, (exclusive of marines) are to be exercised and trained up to the use of small- arms, under the particular care of a lieutenant or master at arms.

     44 gun ship,  75 men.
     36 do.  60 do.
     32 do.  45 do.
     24 and under 32 gun ship,  40 do.
     18 and under 24 do.  30 do.
    All smaller vessels  20 do.

35. If any officers are absent from their duty when the ship is under sailing orders, he is to send their names to the navy- office, with the cause of their absence.
36. He is to take care of his boats and secure them before blowing weather; also, the colors are not to be kept abroad in windy weather, but due care taken of them.
37. He is not to carry any woman to sea, without orders from the navy-office, or the commander of the squadron.
38. When he is to sail from port to port in time of war, or appearance thereof, he is to give notice to merchantmen bound his way, and take them under his care, if they are ready; but not to make unnecessary stay, or deviate from his orders on that account.
39. He is to keep a regular journal, and at the expiration of the voyage, to give in a general copy to the navy-office.
40. He is, by all opportunities, to send an account of his proceedings to the navy-office, with the condition of the ship, men, &c.; he is likewise to keep a punctual correspondence with every of the public officers, in whatsoever respectively concerns them.
41. He is not to go into any port, but such as are directed by his orders, unless necessitously obliged, and then not to make any unnecessary stay; if employed in cruising, he is to keep the sea the time required by his orders, or give reasons for acting to the contrary.
42. Upon all occasions of anchoring, he is to take great care in the choice of a good birth, and examine the quality of the ground for anchoring, where he is a stranger, sounding at least three cables lengths round the ship.
43. In foreign ports he is to use the utmost good husbandry in careening the ship, and not to do it but under an absolute necessity; none are to be employed in careening and refitting the ship but the ship's company, where it can be avoided; and for the encouragement of his own men, they are entitled to an extraordinary allowance per day; and to prevent any abuse herein, each ship has the number of operative men limited as follows:

       In the United States  In all foreign parts
     To master carpenters,
    carpenter's mates, shipwrights and caulkers, for working on board the ship they belong to, in caulking and fitting her for careen, and graving or tallowing her, per day,
     50 cents   75 cents.
     For working on board any other of the United States' ships.  75 cents.  1 dollar.

And there shall be allowed no more for caulking a ship, fitting her for careen, graving or tallowing her, or other necessary works for each careening or cleaning, than what amounts to the labor of the following number of men for one day, viz.

For a 44-- 180 men for one day.
For a 36-- 160 do. do.
For a 32-- 140 do. do.
For a 24-- 90 do. do.
For an 18-- 70 do. do.
All under-- 30 do. do.

44. If he is obliged to take up money abroad, for the use of the ship, he is to negotiate it at the best exchange.
45. He is to advise the proper officer of what bills he draws, with the reasons thereof, and with the said bills send duplicates of his accounts, and vouchers for his disbursements, signed by himself and purser.
46. He is to take care that all stores brought on board, be delivered to the proper officers; and to take their receipts for the same.
47. Upon the death of any officer, he is to take care that an inventory be taken of all his goods and papers, and that the same be sealed up, and reserved for the use of such as have a legal right to demand them.
48. When any officer who has the custody of stores or provisions shall die, be removed or suspended, he is to cause an exact survey and inventory to be taken forthwith of the remains of such stores, which is to be signed by the successor, who is to keep a duplicate thereof, and also by the surveying officers.
49. Upon his own removal into another ship, he is to show the originals of all such orders as have been sent to him, and remain unexecuted, to his successor, and leave with him attested copies of the same.
50. He is to leave with his successor a complete muster- book, and send up all other books and accounts under his charge, to the officers they respectively relate to.
51. In case of shipwreck, or other disaster, whereby the ship may perish, the officers and men are to stay with the wreck as long as possible, and save all they can.
52. When any men borne for wages are discharged from one ship to another, the captain of the ship from which they are so discharged, is to send immediately pay-lists for such men to the navy-office, and the purser of the ship from which they are so discharged, is also to supply the purser of the ship to which they are transferred, a pay-list, stating the balances respectively due them.
53. To promote cleanliness and health, the following rules are to be attended to. 1. All men on board are to keep themselves in every respect as clean as possible. 2. That the ship be aired between decks as much as may be, and that she be always kept thoroughly clean. 3. That all necessary precautions be used, by placing sentinels or otherwise, to prevent people easing themselves in the hold, or throwing any thing there that may occasion nastiness. 4. That no fruit or strong liquors be sold on board the ship; except in the judgement of the commander of the squadron, a limited quantity of fruit be necessary for the health of the crew, in which case he will issue an order.
54. He is responsible for the whole conduct and good government of the ship, and for the due execution of all regulations which concern the several duties of the officers and company of the ship, who are to obey him in all things which he shall direct them for the service of the United States.
55. He is answerable for the faults of his clerk; nor can he receive his wages without the proper certificates, and must make good all damages sustained by his neglect or irregularity.
56. The quarter-deck must never be left without one commissioned officer, at least, and the other necessary officers which the captain may deem proper to attend to the duty of the ship.
57. Commanding officers are to discourage seamen from selling their wages; and not to attest letters of attorney, if the same appear granted in consideration of money given for the purchase of wages.


Of the duties of a Lieutenant.

1. He shall promptly, faithfully, and diligently execute all such orders as he shall receive from his commander, for the public service, nor absent himself from the ship without leave, on any pretence.
2. He is to keep a list of the officers and men on his watch, muster them, and report the names of the absentees. He is to see that good order be kept in his watch, that no fire or candle be burning, and that no tobacco be smoked between decks.
3. He is not to change the course of the ship at sea without the captain's directions, unless to prevent an immediate danger.
4. No boats are to come on board or go off without the lieutenant of the watch being acquainted with it.
5. He is to inform the captain of all irregularities, and to be upon deck in his watch, and prevent noise or confusion.
6. He is to see that the men be in their proper quarters in time of action; and that they perform all their duty.
7. The youngest lieutenant is frequently to exercise the seamen in the use of small-arms; and in the time of action he is to be chiefly with them.
8. He is to take great care of the small-arms, and see that they be kept clean, and in good condition for service, and that they be not lost or embezzled.
9. The first lieutenant is to make out a general alphabetical book of the ship's company, and proper watch, quarter and station bills, in case of fire, manning of ship, loosing and furling of sails, reefing of topsails at sea, working of ship, mooring and unmooring, &c. leaving room for unavoidable alterations. This is to be hung in some public part of the ship, for the inspection of every person concerned.
10. No lieutenant, or other officer, belonging to a ship of the United States, to go on shore, or on board another vessel, without first obtaining permission from the captain or commanding officer, on his peril; and in the absence of the captain, the commanding officer to grant no permission of this sort, without authority from the captain, previous to the captain's leaving the ship.


Of the duty of a Sailing Master.

1. He is to inspect the provisions and stores sent on board, and of what appears not good, he is to acquaint the captain.
2. He is to take care of the ballast, and see that it be clean and wholesome, and sign for the quantity delivered; and, in returning ballast, to see that vessels carry away their full lading.
3. He is to give his directions in stowing the hold, for the mast-room, trimming the ship, and for preservation of the provisions; and the oldest provisions to be stowed, so as to be first expended.
4. He is to take special care that the rigging and stores be duly preserved; and to sign the carpenter's and boatswain's expense-book, taking care not to sign undue allowances.
5. He is to navigate the ship under the direction of his superior officer, and see that the log and log book be duly kept, and to keep a good look-out.
6. He is duly to observe the appearances of coasts; and if he discovers any new shoals, or rocks under water, to note them down in his journal, with their bearing and depth of water.
7. He is to keep the hawser clear when the ship is at anchor, and see that she is not girt with her cables.
8. He is to provide himself with proper instruments, and books of navigation.
9. He is to be very careful not to sign any accounts, books, lists, or tickets, before he has thoroughly informed himself of the truth of every particular contained in the same.
10. He is to keep the ship in constant trim, and frequently to note her draught of water in the log-book. He is to observe that alterations made by taking in stores, water or ballast; and when the ship is in chase, or trying her sailing with another, he is to make memorandums of the draughts of water, the rake of the masts, state of the rigging, and to note every possible observation, that may lead to the knowledge of the ship's best point of sailing.


Of the duties of a Surgeon.

1. To inspect and take care of the necessaries sent on board for the use of the sick men; if not good, he must acquaint the captain; and he must see that they are duly served out for the relief of the sick.
2. To visit the men under his care twice a day, or oftener, if circumstances require it: he must see that his mates do their duty, so that none want due attendance and relief.
3. In cases that are difficult, he is to advise with the surgeons of the squadron.
4. To inform the captain daily of the state of his patients.
5. When the sick are ordered to the hospitals, he is to send with them to the surgeon, an account of the time and manner of their being taken ill, and how they have been treated.
6. But none are to be sent to sick-quarters, unless their distempers, or the number of the sick on board, are such that they cannot be taken due care of; and this the surgeon is to certify under his hand, before removal.
7. To be ready with his mates and assistants in an engagement, having all things at hand necessary for stopping of blood and dressing of wounds.
8. To keep a day-book of his practice, containing the names of his patients, their hurts, distempers, when taken ill, when recovered, removal, death, prescriptions, and method of treatment, while under cure.
9. From the last book he is to form two journals, one containing his physical, and the other his chirurgical practice.
10. Stores for the medical department are to be furnished upon his requisition; and he will be held responsible for the expenditure thereof.
11. He will keep a regular account of his receipts and expenditures of such stores, and transmit an account thereof to the accountant of the navy, at the end of every cruise.


Of the duties of a Chaplain.

1. He is to read prayers at stated periods; perform all funeral ceremonies over such persons as may die in the service, in the vessel in which he belongs: or, if directed by the commanding officer, over any person that may die in any other public vessel.
2. He shall perform the duty of a schoolmaster; and to that end, he shall instruct the midshipmen and volunteers in writing, arithmetic and navigation, and in whatsoever may contribute to render them proficients. He is likewise to teach the other youths of the ship, according to such orders as he shall receive from the captain. He is to be diligent in his office.


Of the duties of a Boatswain and Master Sail Maker.

1. The boatswain is to receive into his charge the rigging, cables, cordage, anchors, sails, boats, &c.
2. He is not to cut up any cordage or canvass without an order in writing from the captain, and under the inspection of the master; and always to have by him a good quantity of small plats for security of the cables.
3. He and his mates are to assist and relieve the watch, see that the men attend upon deck, and that the working of the ship be performed with as little confusion as may be.
4. His accounts are to be audited and vouched by the captain and master, and transmitted to the navy-office.
5. If he has cause of complaint against any of the officers of the ship, with relation to the disposition of the stores under his charge, he is to represent the same to the navy-office, before the pay of the ship. He is not to receive his own wages until his accounts are passed.
6. He is not to sign any accounts, books, lists, or tickets, before he has thoroughly informed himself of the truth of every particular therein contained.
7. Master Sail-Maker. He is, with his mate and crew, to examine all sails that are brought on board, and to attend all surveys and conversions of sails.
8. He is always, and in due time, to repair and keep the sails in order, fit for service.
9. He is to see that they are dry when put into the store- room, or very soon to have them taken up and aired, and see that they are secured from drips, damps and vermin, as much as possible.
10. When any sails are to be returned into store, he is to attend the delivery of them for their greater safety.


Of the duties of a Gunner, Armorer, and Gunsmith.

1. The gunner is to receive, by indenture, the ordnance, ammunition, small-arms, and other stores allowed for the voyage; and if any part thereof be not good, he is to represent the same to the captain in order to its being surveyed and returned.
2. He is to see that the powder-room be well secured, and in right order, before the powder is brought into the ship.
3. Powder in the copper-hooped barrels to be lodged in the ground tier; to see that the doors of the powder-room be fast locked, the skuttle well shut and covered, and to deliver the keys to the captain.
4. He is timely to advise the captain when any powder comes on board, nor is he to remove it, prepare furzes, &c. without the captain's directions, so that the fire and candles may be extinguished, sentinels posted, and all care used to prevent accidents.
5. He is not to go or send any one into the powder-rooms, but by leave of the captain, and to take care that they have nothing about them that will strike fire in falling.
6. No more than three rounds of parchment cartridges are to be filled at a time.
7. Perishing stores are to be surveyed and condemned; but if near any port in the United States, and they can conveniently be returned into store, they must be, otherwise may be thrown overboard.
8. Empty powder-barrels are not to be staved, but preserved, to shift such as may be decayed.
9. The Armorer and Gunsmith are to assist the gunner in the survey and receipt of small-arms, and to keep them clean and in good order; but not to take them too often to pieces, which is detrimental to locks, &c.
10. Their station is in the gun-room, or such other place as the commanding officer may direct, where they are to observe the gunner's orders.
11. The Gunner is to receive the armorer's tools, and to account for them at the end of the voyage, in the same manner as for the other stores under his charge.
12. In foreign parts, if the small-arms want such repairs as cannot be done on board, the captain must cause a survey, and the defectives may be sent ashore to be repaired; but the armorer or gunsmith must attend to see the reparations well executed. They must return the small-arms into store, clean and in good order.
13. The quantities of powder for exercise, and on occasions of service and scaling, must be regulated] by the captain or commanding officer. In time of action the allowance of powder must be reduced by degrees, until the same be lessened to one fourth the weight of the shot. He is not to swab a gun when it grows hot, for fear of splitting.
14. He is to take care that the guns be placed upon their proper carriages; for by this means they will fit, and stand a proper height for the sill of the ports.
15. He is not to scale the guns oftener than the ship is refitted, unless upon extraordinary occasions, and with the captain's orders; and when they are loaded for service, he is to see them well tompioned, and the vents filled with oakum.
16. He is to use great caution in order to prevent damage to such guns as are struck into the hold, by paying them all over, with a coat of warm tar and tallow mixt, &c.
17. He is to take care of the stores committed to him; for no waste that is not perishable, will be allowed him, only reasonable wear; and if any accident, it must be vouched by the captain.
18. He is to keep the boxes of grape-shot and hand-grenadoes in a dry place.
19. He is not to load the guns with unfixt mixtures, which greatly endanger their splitting.
20. If he has cause of complaint against any of the officers of the ship, with relation to the disposition of the stores under his charge, he is to represent the same to the navy-office, before the pay of the ship.


Of the duties of a Carpenter.

1. To take upon him the care and preservation of the ship's hull, masts, &c.; and also the stores committed to him by indenture.
2. To visit and inspect all parts of the ship daily; to see that all things are well secured and caulked; order the pumps, and make report to the captain.
3. In an engagement, he is to be watchful, and have all materials ready to repair damages; and frequently to pass up and down the hold with his crew, to be ready to plug up shot-holes.


Of the duties of a Master-at-arms and Corporal.

1. Daily, by turns, (as the captain shall appoint) to exercise the ship's company.
2. He is to place and relieve sentinels, to mount with the guard, and to see that the arms be kept in order.
3. He is to see that the fire and candles be put out in season, and according to the captain's order.
4. He is to visit all vessels coming to the ship, and prevent the seamen going from the ship, without leave.
5. He is to acquaint the officer of the watch with all irregularities in the ship, which shall come to his knowledge.
6. The Corporals, are to act in subordination [to] the master-at-arms, and to perform the same duty under him, and to perform the duty themselves where a master-at-arms is not allowed.


Of the duties of Midshipmen.

1. No particular duties can be assigned to this class of officers.
2. They are promptly and faithfully to execute all the orders for the public service, of their commanding officers.
3. The commanding officers will consider the midshipmen as a class of officers meriting, in an especial degree, their fostering care. They will see, therefore, that the schoolmasters perform their duty towards them, by diligently and faithfully instructing them in those sciences appertaining to their department; that they use their utmost care to render them proficients therein.
4. Midshipmen are to keep regular journals, and deliver them to the commanding officer at the stated periods, in due form.
5. They are to consider it as the duty they owe to their country, to employ a due portion of their time in the study of naval tactics, and in acquiring a thorough and extensive knowledge of all the various duties to be performed on board of a ship of war.


Of the duties of a Cook.

1. He is to have charge of the steep-tub, and is answerable for the meat put therein.
2. He is to see the meat duly watered, and the provisions carefully and cleanly boiled, and delivered to the men, according to the practice of the navy.
3. In stormy weather he is to secure the steep-tub, that it may not be washed overboard; but if it should be inevitably lost, the captain must certify it, and he is to make oath to the number of pieces so lost, that it may be allowed in the purser's account.

There shall be a distinct apartment appropriated on board of each vessel, for the surgeon, purser, boatswain, gunner, sailmaker, and carpenter, that they may keep the public goods committed respectively to their care.


Regulations to be observed respecting Provisions.

1. Provisions and slops are to be furnished upon the requisitions of the commanding officer, founded upon the purser's indents.
2. The purser being held responsible for the expenditure, shall, as far as may be practicable, examine and inspect all provisions offered to the vessel; and none shall be received that are objected to by him, unless they are examined and approved of, by at least two commissioned officers of the vessels.
3. In all cases where it may appear to the purser that provisions are damaged or spoiling, it will be his duty to apply to the commanding officer, who will direct a survey, by three officers, one of whom, at least, to be commissioned.
4. If upon a settlement of the purser's provision account, there shall appear a loss or deficiency of more than seven and a half per cent upon the amount of provisions received, he will be charged with, and held responsible for, such loss or deficiency, exceeding the seven and a half per cent, unless he shows, by regular surveys, that the loss has been unavoidably sustained by damage or otherwise.
5. Captains may shorten the daily allowance of provisions when necessity shall require it, taking due care that each man has credit for his deficiency, that he may be paid for the same.
6. No officer is to have whole allowance while the company is at short.
7. Beef for the use of the navy is to be cut into ten pound pieces, pork into eight pound; and every cask to have the contents thereof marked on the head, and the person's name by whom the same was furnished.
8. If there be a want of pork, the captain may order beef in the proportion established, to be given out in lieu thereof, and vice versa.
9. One half gallon of water at least shall be allowed every man in foreign voyages, and such further quantity as shall be thought necessary on the home station; but on particular occasions the captain may shorten this allowance.
10. To prevent the buying of casks abroad, no casks are to be shipped which will want to be replaced by new ones, before the vessel's return to the United States.
11. If any provisions slip out of the slings, or are damaged through carelessness, the captain is to charge the value against the wages of the offender.
12. Every ship to be provided with a seine, and the crew supplied with fresh provisions as it can conveniently be done.


Regulations respecting Slops.

1. Slop-clothing is to be charged to the purser at the cost and charges; and he is to be held accountable for the expenditure.
2. And in no case will the purser be credited, even for any alleged loss by damage in slops, unless he shows, by regular surveys signed by three officers, one of whom at least to be commissioned, that the loss has been unavoidably sustained by damage, and not by any neglect or inattention on his part.
3. And, as a compensation for the risque and responsibility, the purser shall be authorised to dispose of the slops to the crew at a profit of five per cent; but he must, at the end of every cruise, render a regular and particular slop-account, showing by appropriate columns the quantities of each several kind of articles received or purchased, and the prices and amounts, and from whom, when and where; and he shall show the quantities disposed of, and to whom, and at what prices; so that his slop-account will show the articles, prices, and amount, received and disposed of.
4. On the death or removal of a purser, the commanding officer will cause a regular survey to be made on the slops remaining on hand, and an inventory thereof to be made out and signed by at least two commissioned officers.
5. Seamen, destitute of necessaries, may be supplied with slops by an order from the captain, after the vessel has commenced her voyage.
6. None are to receive a second supply until they have served two full months, and then not exceeding half their pay, and in the same proportion for every two months, if they shall be in want.
7. Slops are to be issued out publicly and in the presence of an officer, who is to be appointed by the captain, to see the articles delivered to the seamen and others, and the receipts given for the same, which he is also to certify.
8. The captain is to oblige those who are ragged, or want bedding, to receive such necessaries as they stand in need of.
9. The captain is to sign the slop-book before the ship is paid off; or, on his removal from the ship at any time, the purser is to send the same to the proper accounting officer, duly signed.
10. On the discharge of a man by ticket, the value of the clothes he has been supplied with, must be noted on the same in words at length.
11. If necessity requires the buying of clothes in foreign parts, the captain must cause them to be procured of the kinds prescribed for the navy, and as moderate as possible: he must also, by the first opportunity, cause an invoice of the same to be forwarded to the navy department.


Regulations respecting the form and mode of keeping the Log-book and Journals on board of ships, or other vessels, of the United States.

For the purpose of establishing uniformity, the President orders as follows, viz.
1. The quarter-bill, log-tables or book, and journals of the officers, must be kept conformably to the annexed models.
2. The captains or commanders will cause to be laid before them, the first and fifteenth of every month, the journals of the sea lieutenants, masters, midshipmen, and volunteers under their orders, and will examine and compare them with their own.
3. If any of the said journals contain observations or remarks which may contribute to the improvement of geography, by ascertaining the latitude and longitude, fixing or rectifying the position of places, the heights and views of land, charts, plans or descriptions of any port, anchorage ground, coasts, islands, or danger little known; remarks relative to the direction and effects of currents, tides or winds: the officers or persons appointed to examine them, will make extracts of whatever appears to merit to be preserved; and after these extracts have been communicated to the officer or author of the journal from which they have been drawn, and that he has certified in writing to the fidelity of his journal, as well as of the charts, plans and views which he has joined to it, the same shall be signed by the officers and examiners, and transmitted with their opinion thereon to the secretary of the navy, to be preserved in the depot of charts, plans, and journals.

MODEL OF A JOURNAL kept on board the United States [blank] of [blank] guns [blank] Commander, by [blank]

H K F Courses Winds  Occurrences, remarks and historical events, &c. made on board the U. States [blank] of [blank] guns [blank] Commander, on [blank] the [blank] day of [blank] ] year Result of Day's work.
         Distance per Log-- Course made good


Diff. lat'de.


Mer'd. distance.

D.D. long'de.

Long'de ob'd.

Lat'de ob'd.

Var'n pr. amp'de.

Var'n pr. azim'th.


MODEL of a LOG-BOOK, kept on board the United States [blank] of [blank] guns, [blank] Commander, by [blank] Sailing Master.

H K F Courses Winds Occurrences and remark on board the United States Frigate [blank] of [blank] guns [blank] Commander, on [blank] the [blank] day of [blank] year [blank]








Lat'de Obs'd.
Long'de Obs'd.
Vari. Even'g Amp'de
Vari. Morn'g Amp'de.


Distance per log--


Regulations respecting Courts Martial.

1. All courts martial are to be held, offences tried, sentences pronounced, and execution of such sentences done, agreeably to the articles and orders contained in an act of Congress, made on the 23d of April, in the year 1800, entitled, "An act for the better government of the navy of the United States."
2. Courts martial may be convened as often as the President of the United States, the secretary of the navy, or commander in chief of a fleet, or commander of a squadron, while acting out of the United States, shall deem it necessary.
3. All complaints are to be made in writing, in which are to be set forth the facts, time, place, and the manner how they were committed.
4. The judge advocate is to examine witnesses upon oath, and by order of the commander in chief, or, in his absence, of the president of the court, to send an attested copy of the charge to the party accused, in time to admit his preparing his defense.
5. In all cases, the youngest member must vote first, and so proceed up to the president.


Regulations respecting Convoys.

1. A commander of a squadron, or commander of a ship appointed to convoy the trade of the United States, must give necessary and proper instructions in writing, and signed by himself, to all the masters of merchant ships and vessels under his protection.
2. He is to take an exact list, in proper form, containing the names of all the ships and vessels under his convoy, and send a copy thereof to the navy department before he sails.
3. He is not, in time of actual war, to chase out of sight of his convoy, but be watchful to defend them from attack or surprise; and if distressed, to afford them all necessary assistance. He is to extend the same protection to his convoy when the United States are not engaged in war.
4. If the master of a ship shall misbehave, by delaying the convoy, abandoning, or disobeying the established instructions, the commander is to report him, with a narrative of the facts, to the secretary of the navy, by the first opportunity.
5. The commander is to carry a top-light in the night, to prevent separation, unless, on particular occasions, he may deem it improper.
6. He may order his signals to be repeated by as many ships of war under his command, as he may think fit.
7. When different convoys set sail at the same time, or join at sea, they are to keep together so long as their courses lie together: when it thus happens, the eldest commander of a convoy shall command in the first post; the next eldest, in the second; and so on according to seniority.
8. Commanders of different convoys are to wear the lights of their respective posts, and repeat the signals, in order, as is usual to flag-officers.
9. Convoys are to sail like divisions, and proper signals to be made at separation.

THE President of the United States of America, ordains and directs the commanders of squadrons, and all captains and other officers in the navy of the United States to execute, and cause to be executed, the aforesaid regulations.

By command,
Secretary of the Navy.


Published: Thu Apr 23 09:44:57 EDT 2020