The U.S Navy and the Korean War Series
Beginning in the year 2000, the Naval Historical Center—NHHC’s predecessor agency—began a project to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Korean War. In subsequent years, the editor, Dr. Edward Marolda, crafted a series that delves into the critical role of U.S. Navy in this conflict. Each of these five monographs seeks to reveal another facet of the transformation of the U.S. Navy in the midst of the first armed Communist challenge of the free world. The creation of digital versions of the original print editions is in process.
Series Editor: Edward J. Marolda
Series Titles:
Fleet Operations in a Mobile War: September 1950–June 1951 by Joseph H. Alexander
Naval Leadership in Korea: The First Six Months by Thomas B. Buell
Long Passage to Korea: Black Sailors and the Integration of the United States Navy by Bernard Nalty
Attack from the Sky: Naval Air Operations in the Korean War by Richard C. Knott
Sea Power on Call: Fleet Operations, June 1951–July 1953 by Malcolm Muir, Jr.