Source: United States. Bureau of Naval Personnel. Uniform Regulations, Women's Reserve, United States Naval Reserve, 1943Pers-34-RT (Washington, D.C.: The Bureau, 1943).
The Navy Department Library
Uniform Regulations, Women's Reserve
The text of this historic document is reproduced here exactly as in the original, except that a table of contents has been created to replace a subject index which was keyed to page numbers in the original. Cross-referenced page numbers in the text have been linked with hypertext links.
Washington, D. C |
15 October 1943
1. Uniform Regulations, Women's Reserve, United States Naval Reserve, 1943, shall govern the uniform of officers and enlisted women of the United States Naval Reserve, except the U.S. Navy Nurse Corps.
2. These regulations supersede Uniform Regulations, Women's Reserve, United States Naval Reserve, 1943 (dated 20 March, 1943).
End 1
From: | Secretary of the Navy. |
To: | Chief of Naval Personnel. |
1. | Returned, approved. |
Department Distribution:
Lists 2v, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11.
Table of Contents
I. General Regulations
- General:
- The wearing of the Naval Uniform should be a matter of personal pride to all Naval personnel. All officers and enlisted women shall provide themselves with the correct uniform as prescribed by these regulations, and are forbidden to wear any other than the regulation uniform, insignia, or devices of their respective rank, corps, or rating, or any medals or orders in any other way than hereinafter prescribed.
- It shall be the duty of those intrusted with authority to enforce the provisions of these regulations.
- The uniform, with its various insignia and devices, is designed primarily to indicate on sight those belonging to the Naval Service; to show at a glance their rank, corps, or rating, and hence the authority and responsibility imposed by law upon those wearing it.
- Uniforms shall be kept scrupulously clean with devices and insignia bright and free from tarnish and corrosion. Clothes and equipment shall be made of high grade material.
- Officers and enlisted women in active duty status shall at all times wear the uniform of their respective grades, as prescribed by the senior officer present, except as otherwise designated herein.
- Officers suspended from duty by sentence of court-martial, or waiting orders for punishment, are prohibited from wearing the uniform during these periods.
- Enlisted personnel discharged for bad conduct, for undesirability, or for inaptitude, shall be allowed to keep their clothing except hats, distinctive Navy buttons, insignia or marks. Plain buttons shall be furnished.
- Civilian Clothing, Officers:
- Officers on active duty will wear the prescribed uniform at all times, except as provided in Paragraph 1-f or when engaged in exercise or in the home with less than three guests present. In case of a marriage, the Commanding Officer may authorize a member of the Women's Reserve to wear a wedding dress, bridesmaid's dress, or a uniform other than that prescribed for the day, season or occasion.
- No part of the uniform shall be worn with civilian clothing except articles which do not present a distinct Naval appearance, such as the raincoat, shirt, stockings, gloves, shoes and overshoes.
- Civilian Clothing, Enlisted Personnel:
- Enlisted women will wear the prescribed uniform at all times. In case of a marriage, the Commanding Officer may authorize a member of the Enlisted Personnel to wear a wedding dress, bridesmaid's dress, or a uniform other than that prescribed for the day, season or occasion.
- Uniform of the Day:
- The uniform to be worn for the season, day, or occasion shall be prescribed by the senior officer present corresponding to the orders for men's uniforms with due regard to the duty to be performed and the state and variation of the weather.
- The uniform of the day shall be regulated by the senior officer present to insure that the dress for officers and enlisted women is the same for all in the same locality.
- Prescribed uniforms shall be designated in the terms used in these regulations, and in the following sequence:
- Officers of the Women's Reserve.
- Chief petty officers (if different from that of other enlisted personnel).
- Enlisted personnel.
- When Service Dress Blue A or B is prescribed, the jacket may be removed indoors only when the navy blue shirt is worn. When the jacket is removed, the appropriate insignia of rank or rating must be worn.
- When the working uniform is prescribed, the jacket may be removed indoors.
- When service Dress Blue A or B is prescribed, the white shirt, long-sleeved or short-sleeved, may be worn by enlisted personnel only for formal or dress occasions. It may be worn by officers on all occasions.
- The white shirt, short-sleeved or long-sleeved shall be worn with Service Dress White.
- The reserve blue tie shall be worn at all times with the navy blue shirt. The black tie shall be worn at all times with all other shirts, and with the Working Uniform.
- Service shoes, black, or dress shoes, black, shall be worn at all times with Service Dress Blue A or B, and with the Working Uniform, except that Service shoes, black, only shall be worn for drill or if prescribed by the Commanding Officer. Dress shoes, white, shall be worn at all times with Service Dress, White.
- Exceptions to the Uniform of the Day:
- The working smock, or aviation coverall and cap, shall be designated for officers or enlisted personnel when the nature of their work requires a protective covering; when not engaged in work requiring protective covering, they shall wear the uniform of the day.
- Slacks shall be worn by officers or enlisted personnel when prescribed, if the nature of their work requires the wearing of this garment. Slacks shall be worn only when work of this nature is being performed. Slacks shall be worn with the Service Jacket, and shall be made of the same material and match in color the jacket with which they are to be worn. The jacket may be removed when prescribed by the senior officer present.
- The Working Uniform for any rank or rating may be worn as prescribed by the senior officer present.
- Midshipmen Uniforms. The duly authorized and approved uniforms for midshipmen at the Women's Reserve Midshipmen's School shall be the same as prescribed for commissioned officers, except that no sleeve braid or miniature pin-on collar devices shall be worn, and the hat device shall consist of a single fouled anchor of gold colored metal or embroidered in gold color thread 1-5/8 inches high, and 1 inch wide, mounted n a black fabric backing of appropriate size, worn in a vertical position.
- V-9 Class Trainee Uniform. The duly authorized and approved uniforms for apprentice seaman (Class V-9 at the Women's Reserve Midshipmen's School) shall be the same as prescribed for commissioned officers except that no sleeve braid or miniature pin-on collar device shall be worn and that the hat prescribed for enlisted personnel shall be worn.
- Standard Phraseology. When official references are made to the uniform by any person in the Navy, by any bureau, or in any official publication, the terms set forth in the Uniform Regulations, U.S. Navy, shall be used.
- Pins, Jewelry and Flowers. No pins or other jewelry shall be worn exposed upon the uniform by any officer or enlisted woman of the Navy, except that authorized decorations, medals, and ribbons. Bracelets and earring shall not be worn, and rings shall be inconspicuous. No flowers shall be worn or carried when in uniform.
- Neatness.
- Neatness and good grooming are of the utmost importance. Slips shall not show below the uniform skirt. Stockings shall be worn right side out and stocking seams shall be straight. The officer's hat shall be worn squarely on the head and the hair shall not show under the front brim. Gloves shall be tucked under the coat sleeve. Hair shall not cover the coat collar.
- Inspection of Clothing and Bedding: When enlisted women are in schools or quartered in barracks, commanding officers shall cause their clothing and bedding to be inspected by division or other officers periodically, taking care that the inspections are so conducted as not to be unnecessarily irksome to the women. They shall encourage the enlisted women to keep their uniforms clean and neat, and do everything possible to facilitate the proper care, cleaning, fitting, and preservation of the uniforms and equipment.
- Transfer or Exchange of Clothing. No transfer or exchange of Navy owned clothing shall be made without the authority of the Commanding Officer.
- Ownership Markings. Every article of official uniform covered by these regulations shall be legibly marked with the owner's name with pen and indelible ink on labels provided for that purpose.
- Regulation Clothing:
- All wearing apparel bearing the U.S. Navy label shall be considered uniform.
- Clothes made by the women for themselves, made by tailors for them, or received by them from other than official sources shall conform strictly in material, pattern, and making to the specifications issued by the U.S. Navy.
- Standard samples as approved by the Bureau of Naval Personnel of every article of Women's Reserve uniforms shall be kept at the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Navy Department, Washington, D.C.
- An umbrella is considered a non-military item and should not be carried by either officers or enlisted personnel when in uniform
- Required Items of Uniform:
- Commissioned Officers and Midshipmen -- are required to have in their possession and maintain sufficient articles of uniform to appear in whatever uniform of the day may be ordered. This includes the following items:
- Service Jacket, Navy Blue.
- Service Jacket, White.
- Service Skirt, Navy Blue.
- Service Skirt, White.
- Working Uniform.
- Raincoat-Overcoat.
- Shirt, Reserve Blue.
- Shirt, White, Long-sleeved.
- Tie, Black.
- Hat.
- Hat Cover, Navy Blue.
- Hat Cover, White.
- Hat Cover, Grey.
- Hat Device.
- Havelock.
- Hose, Beige.
- Service Shoes, Black.
- Dress Shoes, White.
- Gloves, Black.
- Gloves, White.
- Handbag, Black.
- Miniature pin-on collar devices.
- Sleeve Braid, Jacket Device, and Corps Device (where authorized).
- Handbag, White (or Handbag Cover, White).
- Items required when Commanding Officer prescribes:
- Aviation Coverall and Cap.
- Working Smock.
- Slacks.
Optional Items:
- Overcoat.
- Muffler.
- Dress Shoes, Black.
- Lightweight Raincoat and Havelock.
- Enlisted Personnel -- will be required to possess and maintain the following minimum articles of uniform:
Items Chief Petty
OfficersOther Enlisted
Personnel1 Service Jacket, Navy Blue 2 2 2 Service Skirt, Navy Blue 2 2 3 Working Uniform 2 2 4 Raincoat-Overcoat 1 1 5 Shirts, Navy Blue Optional 3 6 Shirts, Reserve Blue 3 (2 white or
reserve blue --7 Shirts, White, Short or Long-sleeved 2 (future issue to
be white).8 Ties, Black 2 2 9 Ties, Reserve Blue Optional 2 10 Hat (Officer) 1 Not worn 11 Hat Cover, Officer, Navy Blue 1 Not worn 12 Hat Covers, Officer, White 2 Not worn 13 Hat Covers, Officer, Gray 2 Not worn 14 Hat Device, CPO 1 Not worn 15 Hat, Enlisted, Navy Blue Not worn 1 16 Hat Cover, Enlisted - White Not worn 2 17 Hat Cover, Enlisted - Gray Not worn 2 18 Havelock (Officer's) 1 Not worn 19 Hat Rain Cover (Enlisted) Not worn 1 20 Hose, Beige 4 pairs 4 pairs 21 Shoes, Black * 2 pairs 2 pairs 22 Gloves, Black 1 pair 1 pair 23 Gloves, White 2 pairs 2 pairs 24 Sneakers - Rubber-soled Shoes 1 pair 1 pair 25 Handbag - black 1 1 26 Service Jacket, White Optional Optional 27 Service Skirt, White " " 28 Dress Shoes, White " " 29 Overcoat " " 30 Muffler " " 31 Aviation Coverall and Cap When Required When required 32 Working Smock " " 33 Slacks " " 34 Handbag, white (or handbag
cover, white)Optional Optional 35 Raincoat, lightweight,
and havelockOptional Optional All personnel will be required to possess and maintain an adequate supply of easily laundered underwear. *(One pair must be Service Shoes.)
- Commissioned Officers and Midshipmen -- are required to have in their possession and maintain sufficient articles of uniform to appear in whatever uniform of the day may be ordered. This includes the following items:
II. Commissioned Officers.
Designation of Uniforms:
- Service Dress, Blue, A. Navy blue jacket, navy blue shirt, white shirt, navy blue hat, black gloves, beige hose, black shoes. White gloves may be worn for dress occasions. Reserve blue shirt* may be worn for work.
- Service Dress, Blue, B. Same as Service Dress, Blue, A, but with white hat cover and white gloves.
- Service Dress, White. White jacket, white skirt, white shirt, white hat cover, beige hose, white shoes, white gloves.
- Working Uniform. Gray shirtwaist dress, gray jacket, gray hat cover, black tie, black shoes, beige hose. Black gloves shall be optional with this uniform.
* During the necessary transition period, officers may wear for work navy blue shirts now in their possession until they are no longer serviceable.
General Characteristics:
- Navy Blue. Where navy blue is specified to mean the color of a material for a garment, it shall be interpreted to mean the shade of navy blue for which a standard is maintained in the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Navy Department, Washington, D.C.
- Reserve Blue. Where reserve blue is specified to mean the color of a material for a garment, it shall be interpreted to mean standard reserve blue, for which a standard is maintained in the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Navy Department, Washington, D.C.
- Gray. Where gray is specified to mean the color of a material for a garment, it shall be interpreted to mean the shade of gray for which a standard is maintained in the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Navy Department, Washington, D.C.
- Service Jacket, Navy Blue. This garment shall be of navy blue woolen cloth, Palm Beach, cotton, or similar lightweight material, four gilt buttons, to be worn buttoned using all four buttons, straight back, easy fitting front, collar to have rounded ends overlying peak labels of jacket, two breast pocket flags. (See also pages 17-18)
- Service Jacket, White. This garment shall be of white cotton, rayon, Palm Beach or similar lightweight material. In all other respects, this garment shall be same as Service Jacket, Navy Blue. (See page 18)
- Skirt. This garment shall be six-gored style, of conventional sweep and length, with two inset pockets at front. Skirt shall be made of the same material, and match in color the jacket with which it is to be worn. (See also pages 18-19)
- Working Uniform. This garment shall be of gray cotton seersucker. It shall consist of a shirtwaist dress with matching jacket. The shirtwaist part of the dress shall have a fly-front and be worn closed to the neck. It shall have a short collar with rounded ends. Dress shall have short sleeves and set-in belt. Skirt shall be full, with a kick-pleat in front panel. Jacket shall have peaked lapels, but no collar. Dress collar shall be worn over the jacket. Jacket shall have four blue plastic eagle buttons, long sleeves, two breast and two side pocket flaps. Jacket shall be fitted. (See also pages 19-21)
- Raincoat-Overcoat. This garment shall be double-breasted, with a double row of five navy blue buttons, of navy blue, water repellent fabric, and shall have convertible collar similar to overcoat. It shall be loose fitting, raglan sleeved, full skirted, with full belt. It shall have a removable body and sleeve lining of navy blue material or leather. Use of this lining is not required. Raincoat shall be as long as skirt and may be worn lightly longer if desired. A raincoat of the same design and color, but of lightweight fabrics with a skeleton lining is also approved. (See also pages 21-23)
- Shirt, Long-sleeved. This garment shall be of cotton or rayon material reserve blue*, navy blue,** or white in color and shall button down the front, with turn down pointed collar and long sleeves with two button cuffs. Front of shirt shall have 3 darts at shoulder seam on each fore-part. Collar shall close at neck with small button and buttonhole.
Shirts of the following description may also be worn:***
- Shirt, Long-sleeved. Of cotton or rayon material. Reserve, blue, white or navy blue in color. This garment shall be slip-over style, with turndown pointed collar and long sleeves with buttoned single cuffs. Front of shirt to have a yoke ending in the open ends of a V shape. Neckline to be a surplice closing overlapping from each end of the open V.
- Shirt, Long-sleeved. This garment shall be of cotton or rayon material, reserve blue, navy blue or white in color, and shall button down the front, with turn down, pointed collar and long sleeves with buttoned cuffs. Front of shirt shall have a yoke on each forepart ending in a vertical line extending to top shoulder seam. Collar shall close at neck with a small button and button loop.
- Shirt, Short-sleeved. This garment shall be of cotton material, white in color, and shall be the same design as Shirt-Long-sleeved except that sleeves shall be short extending two-thirds of the distance from shoulder seam to elbow, and shall be finished with a turned back cuff, one inch in depth. (See also pages 23-24)
* During the necessary transition period, enlisted personnel may wear, for dress occasions only, reserve blue shirts now in their possession until they are no longer serviceable.
** During the necessary transition period, officers may wear for work navy blue shirts now in their possession until they are no longer serviceable.
*** These articles may be worn until present supply is exhausted.
- TIE. The tie shall be in two sections, with pointed ends, and shall be made of black or reserve blue rayon or silk material. This black tie shall be worn with shirt, white or reserve blue, or the working uniform. The reserve glue tie shall be worn with the navy blue shirt. The tie shall be buttoned under the collar and tied in a square knot, with the knot placed at the collar opening.
A tie of the following description may also be worn.*
- The tie shall be approximately 11 inches wide and 33 inches long, with pointed ends, and shall be made of black or reserve blue rayon or silk material. The black tie shall be worn with Shirt, White or Reserve Blue. The reserve blue tie shall be worn with Shirt, Navy blue. The tie shall be worn under the shirt collar, tied in a square knot, with the knot placed at the collar opening and the tie ends tucked under collar tips. (See also page 25)
* These articles may be worn until present supply is exhausted.
- HAT. The hat shall be so constructed that a navy blue, gray or plain white cover may be fitted, brim to be navy blue. Crown shall be stiffened, oval in shape. Brim to be rolled at sides, straight in front and back. Insignia shall be worn at front of crown, attached to navy blue band encircling crown at brim sea. (See also pages 25-26)
- HAVELOCK. (Rain hat cover). This garment shall be made of the same Navy blue, water repellent material as the raincoat-overcoat. The havelock shall be constructed to fit over the hat, the hat brim fitting into a flap in front of havelock brim, side of havelock shall be cut full to hang down to shoulders of raincoat. With a lightweight raincoat, a lightweight waterproof fabric may be used for the havelock. (See also pages 26-27)
- (a) HOSE. Hose shall be conventional long stockings, without clocks or decorations of any kind, neutral beige in color, of plain rayon, silk nylon, cotton or lisle thread. A standard sample of this color is maintained in the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Washington, D.C.
(b) SOCKS. Navy blue cotton ankle socks may be worn with the Aviation Coverall, Exercise Clothing or slacks. They shall not be worn with any other item of uniform.
- SERVICE SHOES, Black. Service shoes shall be 4, 5 or 6 eyelet laced oxfords, heels not be higher than 13/8 inches, of plain black leather with closed toes and heels with black stitching and without decoration or perforation of any kind; moccasin toe types and variations are permitted. Suede, patent or novelty shoes are not permitted.
Black rubbers, boots, or overshoes may be worn when weather conditions make them desirable.
- DRESS SHOES, Black. Dress shoes may be laced oxfords, simple pumps or monk strap style, with closed toes and heels, of plain black leather or fabric, with black stitching, heels not higher than 16/8 inches. Suede, patent leather or novelty leather shoes are not permitted.
- DRESS SHOES, White. With Service Dress, White, shoes of the same description as Dress Shoes, Black, but white in color, with white stitching, shall be worn. Covered or built-up leather heels are acceptable.
- GLOVES. White gloves shall be not over 21/2 button length, plain, of leather or fabric, with white stitching. Black gloves shall be not over 21/2 button length, plain, of leather or fabric, with black stitching. Black suede gloves are not permitted.
- (a) HANDBAG. Handbag shall be of black fabric, synthetic material, or leather, envelope style, not more than 11 inches wide, and 71/2 inches high, with a shoulder carrying strap of self-material, to be worn with shoulder strap on right shoulder, bag swung over left hip.
- Handbag shall be the same as the black handbag in all respects except color. Should strap may or may not be used, or -
- A white slip cover of cotton, rayon, or wool material may also be used over the black handbag when used in place of the all white handbag. This cover shall fit neatly over the bag. The straps shall be removed from the black bag when this cover is used. (See also pages 27-28)
- OVERCOAT. This garment shall be of navy blue woolen cloth, double breasted, double row of four gilt buttons, easy fitting, to be worn buttoned, using the three lower buttons on the left side. Back shall be shaped at waist and held by a one or two piece half belt (two piece belt to be closed with two gilt buttons). Collar to have rounded ends, overlying lapels, to be so arranged that coat may be buttoned at the neck. Coat shall be as long as skirt, and may be worn slightly longer if desired. (See also pages 28-29)
- MUFFLERS. The wearing of mufflers with overcoats or raincoats is optional. When mufflers are worn, they shall be of white silk, rayon or wool.
- AVIATION COVERALL. This garment shall be of cotton material, a medium shade of blue in color, a sample of which is maintained in the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Navy Department, Washington, D.C. This garment shall be one-piece style, long-sleeved, with buttoned single cuffs, buttoned down the front to below the waist, two large patch pockets at front below waist, two breast pockets, pencil pocket, with rounded Peter Pan collar. Trouser legs shall be long and shall have tabs to adjust width at bottom. This garment may have a drop seat. (See also pages 29-30)
- AVIATION COVERALL CAP. This garment shall be a wrap-around turban of navy blue material. (See also pages 30-31)
- WORKING SMOCK, RESERVE BLUE. This garment shall be of plain cotton or rayon material, reserve blue in color, short-set-in-sleeves, full wrap front tied at the waist on the inside at the right and on the outside at the left. It shall button below the waist with a single row of navy blue buttons on the left forepart. Collar to have rounded ends overlying peaked lapels. Smock shall be as long as the skirt and may be worn slightly longer.
A smock of the following description may also be worn:
(a) This garment shall be of plain cotton or rayon material, reserve blue in color, long set-in sleeves, double-breasted front, full tie belt, opening down to below the waistline, double row of three plastic or vegetable ivory buttons, navy blue in color. Collar to have rounded ends overlying peaked lapels similar to Service Jacket. Smock shall be as long as skirt and may be worn slightly longer is desired. (See also pages 31-33)
- SLACKS. This garment shall be full-cut, with a single pleat at front below waistband, side opening, with two pockets, one at each side. Slacks shall be made of the same material and match in color the jacket with which they are worn. (See also page 33)
- Indication of Rank of an Officer. The rank of an officer is indicated by the number and width of stripes on sleeves of jacket and overcoat.
- Sleeve Markings (Stripes). Sleeve stripes shall encircle the sleeve and shall be of reserve blue braid on Service Jacket and Overcoat. In the case of the Service Jacket, White, and Working Uniform Jacket, Gray, braid shall be navy blue in color. The stripes shall be made in two widths -- (a) one-half inch overall, and (b) one-fourth inch overall.
The spacing between stripes shall be 1/4 inch, the lower stripe shall be 2 inches from the edge of the sleeve and parallel thereto.
The following stripes shall be worn on the sleeve of all jackets and overcoats by officers of the following or equivalent ranks:
(1) Lieutenant Commander 21/2 inch stripes with one 1/4 inch stripe between the other two. (2) Lieutenant 21/2 inch stripes. (3) Lieutenant (jg) 11/2 inch stripe with one 1/4 inch stripe above it. (4) Ensign 11/2 inch stripe. (See also page 34) - Sleeve markings (Corps Device). In addition to the insignia of rank indicated by the above-mentioned stripes, officers of designated corps shall wear 1/4 inch above the stripes the following insignia of corps (known as corps devices), all to be embroidered and of a size to be inscribed in a circle of 11/4 inches in diameter, except as otherwise specified. The corps devices shall be made of rayon of silk embroidery of the approved shade and pattern.
- Medical Corps - A spread oak leaf surcharged with an acorn.
- Dental Corps - A spread oak leaf with acorns on each side of stem.
- Supply Corps - A sprig of three oak leaves and three acorns.
- Civil Engineers - Two sprigs of two live oak leaves and an acorn in each sprig.
- Class W-V(S)(H) - A caduceus pointed downward.
- Hospital Corps - A caduceus pointed downward.
With Service Jacket, Navy Blue, and Overcoat, Navy Blue, the oak leaves and the caduceus shall be embroidered in reserve blue; the acorns and the staff of the caduceus shall be embroidered in white.
With Service Jacket, White, and Working Uniform Jacket, the oak leaves and caduceus shall be embroidered in navy blue; the acorns and the staff of the caduceus shall be embroidered in reserve blue. (See also pages pages 34-35)
- Jacket Devices. A jacket device of the Women's Reserve shall be worn in the center of each rounded end of the jacket collar, except that it shall be on the lapel of the working uniform jacket.
This device shall be embroidered of a size to be inscribed in a circle 11/2 inches in diameter, and shall consist of a propeller with a fouled anchor superimposed.
With Service, Jacket, Navy Blue, the propeller is to be embroidered in reserve blue color, the anchor in white, the background to be navy blue.
With Service Jacket, White, and the Working Uniform Jacket, the propeller is to be embroidered in navy blue, the anchor in reserve blue. The background is to match the uniform color. (See also pages 35-36)
- Collar Devices. In warm climates necessitating the removal of the jacket of the working uniform, metal pin-on devices shall be worn by all commissioned officer on the collar of the shirtwaist dress. The devices shall be placed on each side of the collar of the working uniform dress, one inch from the front edge, the collar being turned down. Officers of the staff corps shall wear a corps device on he left collar and a device designating rank on the right collar. All other officers shall wear the device designating rank on both sides.
- Designation of rank shall be as follows:
Lieutenant Commander - Gold Oak Leaf Lieutenant - Two Silver Bars Lieutenant (jg) - One Silver Bar Ensign - One Gold Bar - Designation of corps shall be of the same design and approximately five-eighths of the size of the corps device prescribed for use on the sleeve of the uniform, and shall be gold in color. The Supply Corps device shall be fastened to collar with longest axis parallel with a horizontal plane, and with stem pointing to front of wearer. (See also page 35)
- Designation of rank shall be as follows:
- Hat Insignia. The hat device shall consist of two crossed fouled anchors in gold with silver shield, and spread eagle, to face right (dexter) superimposed. This device shall be made of solid metal, or plastic, or may be embroidered, and shall be mounted on a black fabric backing of appropriate size. (See also page 36)
- Buttons -
- Navy gilt buttons shall be convex of standard pattern with regulation device of United States Navy stamped on the surface of the button. A plastic button, metal covered, or of gilt color, may be worn. The eagles on all buttons shall face right (dexter). Size shall be as prescribed in the detailed specifications for various garments.
- A blue plastic button of the same design as (a) shall be worn where specified.
- Plain navy blue buttons shall be four-hole type of vegetable ivory, plastic or non-metallic substance, and shall be of the size prescribed in the detailed specifications for various garments.
(See also page 36)
III. Chief Petty Officers
- Service Dress, Blue A. - Navy blue jacket, navy blue skirt, navy blue hat, white shirt, black tie, black gloves, beige hose, black shoes. The reserve blue shirt* may be worn for work. White gloves may be worn for dress occasions.
* During the necessary transition period, chief petty officers may wear for work navy blue shirts now in their possession until they are no longer serviceable.
- Service Dress, Blue B. - Same as Service Dress, Blue A, but with white hat cover and white gloves.
- Service Dress, White. - White jacket, white skirt, white shirt, white hat cover, beige hose, white shoes, white gloves.
- Working Uniform. - Gray shirtwaist dress, gray jacket, gray hat cover, black tie, beige hose, black shoes. Black gloves shall be optional.
Designation of Uniforms
- Jacket. - To have four navy blue eagle buttons instead of four gilt buttons.
- Overcoat. - Buttons shall be navy blue instead of gilt.
- Hat. - Chief petty officer's pin-on device shall be worn on front of crown, without backing.
- Sleeve Markings (Stripes). No sleeve stripes shall be worn.
- Pin-on Miniature Collar Devices. No pin-on miniature collar devices shall be worn.
- Hat Insignia. The hat device shall consist of a fouled anchor in gold color metal with the letters USN in silver color metal superimposed.
General Characteristics. Same as articles prescribed for Commissioned Officers, except where modified herein. (See also pages 36-37)
IV. Other Enlisted Personnel
- Service Dress, Blue A. - Navy blue jacket, navy blue skirt, navy blue hat, navy blue shirt, reserve blue tie, black gloves, beige hose, black shoes. The reserve blue* or white shirt and white gloves may be worn for dress occasions only.
* During the necessary transition period, enlisted personnel may wear, for dress occasions only, reserve blue shirts now in their possession until they are no longer serviceable.
- Service Dress, Blue B. - Same as Service Dress, Blue A, but with navy blue and white hat and white gloves.
- Service Dress, White. - White jacket, white skirt, white shirt, navy blue and white hat, beige hose, white shoes and white gloves.
- Working Uniform. - Gray shirtwaist dress, gray jacket, gray hat cover, black tie, beige hose, black shoes. Black gloves shall be optional with this uniform.
Designation of Uniforms:
General Characteristics: Same as articles prescribed for Chief Petty Officers except where modified herein. (See also pages 37-38)
- Hat. Brim of this hat shall be of navy blue cotton or woolen cloth, to be turned up at back, close to body of hat and gradually slope to the front. Brim at front shall not be worn turned up, and the dark navy blue cap ribbon marked "U. S. Navy" in gilt letters shall show clearly. Crown shall be of blue, white or gray, made in six sections and may be detachable or attacked to the brim.
- Hat Raincover. This cover shall be of navy blue waterproof material to fit neatly over brim of hat at front, and shall be so made as to hang down to the shoulders at back, fastening under chin.
- Hat Insignia. No hat insignia shall be worn.
V. Rating Badges - Chief Petty Officers and Petty Officers
- Rating Badges - Rating badges shall be embroidered of silk, cotton, or rayon thread, and shall consist of an eagle, chevrons and a specialty mark, and shall have a background matching in color the jacket, shirt, or working smock with which they are worn.
Colors shall be as shown in the following table:
Eagle and Specialty Mark Chevrons Service Jacket, Navy Blue White
Service Jacket, White Navy Blue
Navy Blue
Working Uniform, Gray dress and jacket Navy Blue
Navy Blue
Shirt, Long-sleeved, Navy blue White
Working Smock, Reserve Blue Navy Blue
Navy Blue
No rating badge is worn on Reserve Blue or White Shirts. For Pharmacists Mates, the specialty marks for all rating badges shall be embroidered in red.
- Size of Rating Badges. - The badge shall cover a field 23/16 inches wide. The specialty mark shall be in the center of the field, in the angle of the stripes of the chevron. The talons of the eagle shall be 1 inch above the angle of the chevrons and just above the specialty mark. The background of the rating badge shall be of a pentagon shape, bounded by two parallel, vertical lines 25/8 inches apart, crossed at the top by a horizontal line 1/4 inch above the wing tops of the eagle, and at the bottom by two converging lines parallel to, and 1/4 inch below, the lower chevron.
- Chevrons. -
- Chevrons indicate the rate of Petty Officers. Chevrons shall be approximately 1/4 inch wide, separated 3/16 inches.
- Chief Petty Officers shall wear chevrons of three stripes with an arch of one 1/4 inch embroidered stripe forming the arc of a circle between the ends of the upper stripe of the chevrons, the specialty mark being in the center of the field under the arch, the eagle resting on the top of the arch.
- Petty Officers, first class, shall wear three stripes in the chevron; petty officers, second class, two stripes; and petty officers, third class, one stripe.
- Manner of Wearing. - Chief Petty Officers and Petty Officers shall wear the rating badge on the left sleeve 4 to 5 inches below the shoulder. Rating badges shall be applied on the outer side of the sleeve so that the rear edge of the badge shall coincide with the side view center line of the arm.
- Specialty Marks. - Specialty marks are made for and worn by the following ratings:
Aerographer's Mate
Aviation Machinists Mate
Aviation Metalsmith
Aviation Ordnanceman
Carpenter's Mate
Chief Commissary Steward
Cook Ship's
Electrician's mate
Hospital Apprentice
Motor Machinist Mate
Parachute Rigger
Pharmacist's Mate
Photographer's Mate
Radio Technician
Specialist C
Specialist I
Specialist M
Specialist P
Specialist R
Specialist S
Specialist T
Specialist U
Yeoman - Distinguishing Marks
- Non-rated personnel who have completed the full course of instruction at a regularly established service school on shore, shall wear midway between elbows and wrist on left arm of Service Jacket, Navy Blue; Working Jacket, Gray; Service Jacket, White; Shirt, Navy Blue, and Working Smock, Reserve Blue, the distinguishing mark as indicated.
School Speciality Mark Aerographer's Mate Aerographer's Mate Aviation Machinist's Mate Aviation Machinist's Mate Aviation Metalsmith Aviation Metalsmith Control Tower Operator Specialist T Cook and Baker Ship's Cook and Baker Gunairstructor Specialist T Hospital Apprentice* Pharmacist's Mate Link Trainer Instructor Specialist T Parachute Rigger Parachute Rigger Radio Radioman Synthetic Devices Instructor Specialist T Storekeeper Storekeeper Yeoman Yeoman *The speciality mark for Pharmacist's Mate shall be worn midway between shoulder and elbow of left sleeve. - Speciality marks shall be embroidered of silk, cotton, or rayon thread, and shall be the same size as prescribed for speciality marks of rating badges. (Section V-2 above). Speciality marks shall have a background matching in color the jacket, shirt, or working smock with which they are worn. Colors shall be as shown in the following table:
- Non-rated personnel who have completed the full course of instruction at a regularly established service school on shore, shall wear midway between elbows and wrist on left arm of Service Jacket, Navy Blue; Working Jacket, Gray; Service Jacket, White; Shirt, Navy Blue, and Working Smock, Reserve Blue, the distinguishing mark as indicated.
Garment |
Specialty Mark |
Service Jacket, Navy Blue | White |
Working Jacket, Gray | Navy Blue |
Shirt, Long-sleeved, Navy Blue | White |
Service Jacket, White | Navy Blue |
Working Smock, Reserve Blue | Navy Blue |
For Pharmacist's mates the specialty marks shall be embroidered in red in all cases |
I. Commissioned Officers
- Service Jacket, Navy Blue
- Material - Shall be woolen cloth, Palm Beach, cotton, or similar lightweight cloth, Navy blue in color. A standard sample of this color is maintained at the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Navy Department, Washington, D.C.
- Garment Specifications -
- General Style - Single breasted easy fitting jacket, with 4 gilt buttons at front.
- Length - Shall be not less than 241/4 nor more than 25 inches long in a size 14 (measurement from nape of neck to hem). Each size shall be graded accordingly.
- Collar and Lapels - Collar shall have rounded ends (21/2 inches in diameter), ends overlying peaked lapels. End of collar shall be loose, lapel shall be felled to collar 3/4 inch in from end of collar. Lapels shall be approximately 31/2 inches wide.
- Pockets - Two breast pocket flaps 13/4 inches deep, 41/4 inches wide, with rounded bottom corners, set on approximately 51/4 inches below shoulder seam. Inside breast pockets on each side 41/2 inches wide by 51/2 inches deep.
- Sleeves - Sleeves shall be 2 piece, cuffs closed without buttons, set on to body of coat with sufficient fullness to allow for shoulder and upper arm padding.
- Lining - Rayon, serge or twill, black or Navy blue in color to match material of jacket. Jacket may be full lined or half lined, as desired. If garment is made of Palm Beach, cotton, or similar lightweight cloth, no lining is required.
- Buttons - Four 35-line Navy standard eagle gilt buttons sewn on left forepart, reinforced by small inside stay buttons. Top button is placed below lapels at a point which, in a size 1 jacket, measures approximately 121/2 inches when measured from center back of neck, around neck, under lapel to center of button when coat is buttoned, bottom button at the waistline, the two others equally spaced between. Detachable buttons may be used.
- Front - Front of jacket to be slightly fitted at waistline. Each forepart of the jacket shall be cut in two pieces with a vertical dart at waistline. Bottom front corners of each forepart shall be cut with a rounded edge.
- Back - This garment shall have a three piece back, slightly fitted at waistline.
- Seams and Edges - Plain.
- Rank, Corps and Jacket Devices - Type A embroidered jacket devices shall be worn on rounded ends of collar as prescribed under Section S herein. Both sleeves shall bear stripes of Type A braid, as prescribed under Section Q herein, and Type A corps device as prescribed in Section R herein, and when prescribed in Section II (27) of Uniform Regulations.
- Service Jacket, White
- Material - Shall be cotton, Palm Beach, tropical worsted, rayon or similar lightweight material, white in color.
- Garment Specifications -
- Details of this jacket shall be identical to specifications for Service Jacket, Navy Blue, except as prescribed below.
- Lining - Jacket shall be unlined.
- Buttons - Shall be as prescribed for Service Jacket, Navy Blue, except that they shall be shank buttons to pass through eyelet holes and be held by split rings or bodkin fasteners.
- Seams - Shall be bound.
- Rank, Corps and Jacket Devices - Type B jacket device or a similar detachable device of metal, plastic or fabric, shall be worn on rounded end of jacket collar, as prescribed under Section S herein. Both sleeves shall bear stripes of Type B braid, as prescribed under Section Q herein, and Type B corps device as prescribed under Section R herein and when prescribed in Section II (27) of Uniform Regulations.
- Skirt
- Material - Shall be of same color and fabric as jacket with which it is to be worn.
- Garment Specifications -
- General Style - Shall be six gored style of conventional sweep and length with two inset pockets at front.
- Hem - Finished garment shall have a hem at least 21/2 inches wide.
- Waistband - Skirt shall be attached to a waistband 11/2 inches wide.
- Side Openings - Skirt shall have an opening approximately 71/2 inches deep over left hip, to be closed with a slide fastener or other suitable device. Waistband shall overlap at this point and be closed with button and buttonhole.
- Seams and Edges - Shall be plain except that 2 inch selvedges shall be left in both the right and left side seam.
- Pockets - Two pockets shall be inset at front of skirt. They shall be 4 inches wide and 6 inches deep. Pockets shall be slanted so that the outside edge of the pocket opening is approximately 41/4 inches below the top of the skirt and the inside edge is 21/2 inches below the top of the skirt. Inside edge of each pocket opening shall be 13/4 inches from center front of skirt, or set with the inside edges of the opening at the seam of the center panel.
- Working Uniform, Gray
- Material - Shall be gray and white cotton seersucker. A standard sample of this color and fabric is maintained at the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Navy Department, Washington, D.C.
- Garment Specifications -
- General Style - Short-sleeved shirtwaist dress with matching long-sleeved jacket.
- Jacket - Single-breasted fitted jacket with four blue-black plastic buttons.
- Length - Shall be approximately 243/4 inches for a size 14, each size graded accordingly.
- Collar and Lapels - Shall be without collar. Lapels shall be rounded and shall be approximately 31/4 inches wide.
- Pockets - Two breast pocket flaps (three pointed), the flaps to bed 13/4 deep at end points and 2 inches deep at center point. Flaps to be set approximately 41/2 inches from shoulder seam. Two lower pocket flaps (three pointed), the flaps to be 2 inches deep at the end points and 21/4 inches deep at center point. Flaps to be set on approximately 21/4 below the waistline. Top flaps to be approximately 41/4 wide and bottom flaps 51/4 inches wide. Lower flaps on left forepart to cover opening of inside pocket four inches deep.
- Sleeves - Sleeves shall be two-piece. Bottoms closed without cuff or buttons.
- Lining - Shall be unlined.
- Buttons - Four 35-line blue plastic eagle buttons attached to left forepart with bodkins or rings. Top button to be placed below lapels at a point which, in a size 14 jacket, is approximately 13 inches from center back of neck when measured around neck, under lapel, to center of button. Bottom button approximately 11/4 inches below waistline, others equally spaced between.
- Front - Front of jacket to be fitted at waistline with two tucks running from approximately 2 inches above the waistline to the bottom of the jacket. Upper end of tucks to end in an open fold. Bottom front corners of each forepart shall be square.
- Back - Back of this garment shall be cut in two pieces, fitted with tucks from the shoulder seam and from above the waistline to the bottom of the jacket. Tucks shall run off to nothing at endings..
- Seams and Edges - Plain.
- Rank, Corps and Jacket Devices - Embroidered jacket devices Type B shall be worn on the rounded ends of lapels. Both sleeves shall bear stripes of Type B braid as prescribed under Section Q herein, and Type B corps device as prescribed in Section R herein, and when prescribed in Section II (27) of Uniform Regulations.
- Dress - A plain shirtwaist style with a small collar with rounded ends; shirtwaist with fly front closing; skirt six gored with kick pleat in front panel.
- Length - Shall be conventional length.
- Collar - Shall be a small collar with rounded ends similar to collar of Service Jacket, Navy Blue. Collar shall be approximately 3 inches wide and shall be turned over approximately 13/4 inches at back. Rounded ends shall be approximately 21/4 inches wide at widest part when turned down.
- Pockets - Shall have one vertical slit pocket on left front of shirtwaist placed in the center of the fullness shirred into the shoulder seam and set approximately 21/2 inches below the shoulder seam. Opening shall be approximately 23/4 inches. Inside measurement of pocket shall be approximately 3 inches wide and 5 inches deep.
- Sleeves - Shall be short, reaching two-thirds of distance from shoulder to elbow, finished with a one inch hem.
- Front -
- Waist - Shall be shirtwaist style cut in two parts. Fullness of each part shall be shirred at shoulder seam and at waist. Shirring at both shoulder seam and waist shall be confined to approximately 21/2 inches in width and shall be at center of shoulder seam and at waist shall start approximately inches in from side seam. Each side shall have an open facing approximately 23/4 inches wide. Right side shall close over the left, overlapping approximately 2 inches, held with a button and buttonhole under the collar and be otherwise secured from a point approximately 51/4 inches below throat to the waist. If buttons are used, they must button into a fly. Under-arm fullness will be taken up with a horizontal dart at each side running in approximately 3 inches from each side seam and placed 11/2 inches belo! ! w each armhole.
- Skirt - Shall have three front panels with a kick pleat approximately 17 inches long in the center panel.
- Back -
- Waist - Shirtwaist style with fullness shirred into belt at waist.
- Skirt - Shall have three back panels.
- Closure and Belt - Dress shall close with a 121/2 inch zipper or placket set into left side and with a full belt stitched down all around with a tab buttoning over the zipper or placket on the left side to a single Mother-of-Pearl, plastic, or vegetable ivory, white, flat, two-hole button approximately 3/4 inches from center of side closing.
- Hem - Shall have not less than a 21/2 inch hem.
- Seams and Edges - Shall be plain and single stitched.
- Raincoat-Overcoat (Outside shell)
- Material - Shall be woolen serge, whipcord, gabardine, or elastique, Navy blue in color. Fabric used shall be water repellent and shall weigh not less than 10 ounces, nor more than 18 ounces per linear yard. (54 inches wide.)
- Garment Specifications
- General Style - Double breasted, loose fitting, raglan sleeved, drawn in at waistline by a full belt going all around coat and fastened with a buckle; shall have a convertible collar.
- Length - Shall be as long as, or slightly longer than, skirt length.
- Collar and Lapels - Collar shall have rounded ends 4 inches in diameter overlying lapels when coat is worn open at throat. Lapels shall be so arranged that coat may be buttoned at the neck.
- Pockets - Two pockets shall be inset in front of coat, one in each forepart with welts 11/4 inch wide and either in a vertical position, or with the top inclined approximately one inch toward the edges of the front panels. pockets shall be 61/4 inches wide and 8 inches deep. Pockets shall be placed approximately 61/2 inches in from side seams of coat and shall open through lining.
- Sleeves and Cuffs - Sleeves shall be full cut one or two piece raglan style, with deep arm holes. Cuffs to be closed without buttons. Sleeves to have tabs approximately 11/2 inches wide let into underseam and buttoning over top side of sleeve, one buttonhole in tab, two buttons on sleeve. Tab to be placed 21/2 inches above bottom of sleeve.
- Lining - Outside shell of raincoat may be skeleton lined, or full lined with matching Navy blue or black rayon, satin, or twill.
- Belt - Shall be a full belt, single stitched 3/8inch, width of belt to be approximately 17/8 inch, with pull through buckle, leather or fabric covered, or of plastic material simulating leather covering.
- Buttons - To have two rows of 50-line flat matching Navy blue vegetable ivory, or composition four hole buttons to be reinforced by small inside stay buttons on the left side. Five buttons in each row, the top button to be located at the neckline under the collar, the second button 3/4 inch below the breast line, the third button at the waistline, and the lower two buttons equally spaced below.
- Front - Each forepart shall be cut in one piece with a vertical dart from shoulder seam to breast. Tab shall be sewn to inside of right forepart, or held in place by two buttons on the right forepart, tab to be approximately 1 1/4 inch wide, 41/2 inches long with buttonhole at each end and shall button to small button placed on front of left forepart. This tab shall be placed approximately 15 inches above hem of coat.
- Back - Shall be two piece full cut style with double sewn center seam. Vent at center of skirt not less than 17 nor more than 181/2 inches long, and left side overlapping the right 23/8 inches and fastened by 2 small size black buttons through loops or a fly.
- Seams and Edges - Side and back seams shall be double sewn. other seams plain. Edges shall be taped with piping to match the color of the lining.
- Hem - Coat shall have a 11/2 inch hem.
Raincoat Lining
- Material - Shall be of woolen flannel, serge, or fleece, Navy blue in color to match the outer shell, weighing not less than 14 ounces nor more than 16 ounces per linear yard (54 inches wide), or leather, or any combination of leather and woolen fabric. Fabric used in lining shall be water repellent.
- Garment Specifications -
- General Style - Lining shall be constructed to be removable and to fasten into coat by means of buttons, snaps, or other suitable device. in general it shall follow the lines of the coat, fitting the outer shell smoothly.
- Sleeves and Cuffs - Sleeves shall be lined with rayon satin, or twill matching coat lining. Sleeves shall be so constructed as to allow free arm movement.
- Lining - Yoke lining front and back of rayon satin, or twill matching coat lining.
- Fastening - Lining shall be constructed to fasten into coat at the facings using best standard commercial practice.
- Seams and Edges - Plain and taped with piping same as lining.
- Shirt, Long-sleeved
- Material - Shall be of plain cotton, rayon, or silk material, or any combination of those fibres without any stripes or figures of any kind. Colors of shirt shall be white, Reserve Blue and Navy Blue.
- Garment Specifications
- General Style - Button front style with pointed collar, long set-in sleeves with one or two buttoned cuffs, with yoke at front ending in a vertical line to top shoulder seam, or with 3 darts at each shoulder seam. Collar to close with button and buttonhole or button loop.
- Length - Shall be 24 to 251/2 long in a size 14. This measurement shall be taken from nape of neck to hem.
- Collar Shall have a tailored collar with pointed ends 33/8 to 43/8 inches long, collar to be fastened with one small white button and buttonhole or button loop at throat, and shall be cut full enough to allow for thickness of tie which is worn under the collar. Collar shall have a row of stitching 1/4 inch in from edge. Collar shall be self lined. If two-piece tie is worn, a button shall be placed under the collar on each side at the shoulder seam.
- Sleeves and Cuffs - Shall be plain, one-piece long sleeve, set onto body of shirt in regulation manner. Cuffs shall be plain, closed with one or two small white buttons and buttonholes. Sleeve shall be cut with an opening at cuff 6 inches deep. Cuffs shall be self-lined.
- Front - Front of shirt shall be cut in two pieces with open inside facing approximately 4 inches deep. Front shall have three darts 41/2 inches long on each forepart spaced approximately one inch apart with the inside dart approximately 13/4 inches from the collar seam. Darts shall be stitched down their entire length and shall run off to nothing at the lower end. Front shall be shaped at the waistline with a tuck at each side.
Alternate (A) Shirt shall have a front cut in two pieces with a horizontal yoke (approximately 41/2 inches long) on each forepart ending in a vertical seam extending at a right angle from the end of this yoke to the top shoulder seam. Lower part of each forepart shall be cut with fullness shirred to this horizontal yoke.
Alternate (B) Shirt shall have a front with a horizontal yoke (approximately 41/2 inches long) on each side ending in a V 10 inches long on each side. Neckline shall be a surplice closing overlapping from each end of the open V.
Alternate fronts shall be shaped at the waistline with six tucks, 3 at each side.
- Back - Back of shirt shall have a dart on each side in line with the middle of the 3 front darts. The darts shall be approximately 33/8 inches long and shall end in a fold. Waistline shall be shaped with a tuck at each side in line with the shoulder dart. Alternate shirts shall have a shoulder yoke 43/4 inches deep, one piece back of shirt shall be shirred to this yoke. Back shall be shaped at waistline with six tucks, 3 at each side.
- Buttons - Front, other than at the collar, shall close with 4 Mother-of-Pearl, plastic, or vegetable ivory, white, flat, two-hole buttons approximately 20 line in size, sewn to the left forepart, with corresponding buttonholes on the right forepart. Top button shall be placed approximately 51/4 inches below throat, bottom button 73/4 inches above hem -- approximately. The other two buttons equally spaced between. With shirt, long-sleeved, Navy blue, buttons shall be Navy blue in color.
- Hem - Finished garment shall have a 1/4 inch hem.
- Seams and Edges - Shall be plain and single stitched.
- Shirt, Short-sleeved
- Material - Shall be of plain white cotton, rayon, or silk material, or any combination of these fibres without any stripes or figures of any kind.
- Garment Specifications -
- Details of this shirt shall be identical to specifications for Shirt, long-sleeved, except as prescribed below.
- Sleeves and Cuffs - Shall be plain, one piece sleeve, set onto body of shirt in regulation manner. Sleeve shall be short, extending 2/3 distance from shoulder seam to elbow, and shall be finished with a turn back cuff, without button, one inch in depth.
- Tie
- Material - Shall be rayon, or silk, black or Reserve blue in color.
- Garment Specifications -
- General Style - Type I -- Shall be rectangular in shape, approximately 11 inches wide and 33 inches in length overall. Type II shall be a two piece tie, approximately 133/4 inches long in each half, each piece to be identical. Each half shall have a buttonhole at the narrow end for securing the tie under the collar and shall be similar to the front half of a four-in-hand tie.
- Ends - Shall be cut in 90° angle points.
- Bias - Tie shall be cut on the bias.
- Edges - Edges shall be neatly hemmed with a 1/8 inch hem all around.
- Wearing - Type I tie shall be folded lengthwise and worn under collar of shirt with ends tied in a square knot. Type II tie shall be tied in a square knot and the narrow ends buttoned under the collar.
- Hat
- Material - Brim, one cap cover, and band shall be cotton or woolen cloth, or fur felt, Navy blue in color. Blue cap covers shall match the brim in fabric and color. White cap covers shall be of cotton, Palm Beach cloth, tropical worsted, or similar lightweight material, white in color. Gray cap covers shall match fabric of the working uniform.
- Garment Specifications -
- General Style - Hat shall be so constructed that separate covers may be fitted. in general, the crown shall be oval in shape, stiff and standing, the brim shall be up at the sides, straight in front and back. Insignia shall be worn at front of crown, attached to blue band encircling crown at headsize.
- Linings - Crown shall be constructed over a hair cloth foundation no lighter than 8 ounces. Wool cloth brim to be lined with wool felt.
- Crown - Measurements of top of crown, based on size 211/2, shall be 55/8 inches long (from front to back), 43/4 inches wide. Crown shall be 21/2 inches high at front, 35/8 inches high at back, 31/4 inches high at side, height measurements taken from brim seam to top seam. Sides of crown shall be made in one piece, sewn with seam at back, top shall be cut in one piece and sewn to side of crown.
- Brim - Shall be stitched all around with rows of stitching 1/4 inch apart. Measurements of brim, based on size 211/2, shall be 21/2 inches wide at front, 17/8 inches wide at back, 3 inches wide at sides. Sides of brim shall be turned up so that they may hug the crown closely at the sides.
- Sweatband - Hats shall have a sweatband 3/4 inches wide made of rayon and cotton ribbon.
- Band - There shall be a removable band of blue of same fabric as the brim, 7/8 inch wide, to the front of which shall be attached the appropriate insignia and to the back of which shall be attached two streamers.
- Inside Lining - Crown of hat shall have inside lining.
- Havelock (Rain Hat Cover)
- Material - Shall be woolen serge, whipcord, gabardine, or elastique, Navy blue in color. Fabric used shall be water repellent and shall match the raincoat in color. A waterproof fabric may be used in havelock for wear with the lightweight raincoat.
- Garment Specifications -
- General Style - Havelock shall be so constructed as to fit neatly over hat, crown and front brim of havelock to conform in shape to crown and front brim of hat, brim of hat to be inserted into flap at front brim of havelock, sides and back of havelock to be loose and hanging down to shoulders.
- Lining - If havelock is made of water repellent fabric, the crown shall be lined with a waterproof material, or a separate lining of waterproof material shall be provided to fit over crown of hat under havelock.
- Crown - Shall be cut a size larger than that of the hat, and the front of crown shall be cut full enough to permit havelock to cover insignia worn at front of hat crown.
- Brim - Front part of brim shall follow the lines of front brim of hat. Front of havelock shall have a section to fit under brim into which front edge of brim may be inserted.
- Sides - Sides of havelock shall hang 111/4 inches below brim seam line of hat, and shall be cut on the bias to have a circular sweep of 43 inches at bottom circumference. A snap shall be placed approximately 5 inches from bottom.
- Seams - Stitched open and sewn down.
- Hem - Edges of havelock shall have a hem 1/4 inch deep.
- Handbag
- Material - Shall be black or white in color, of leather, synthetic material, fabric, or felt, or any combination of these fabrics.
- Garment Specifications -
- General Style - Shall be envelope style with a removable and adjustable shoulder carrying strap of self material.
- Contents - Shall contain envelope compartment at least 101/4 inches wide, change purse, comb and double-faced mirror.
- Dimensions - Shall be approximately 111/8 inches wide overall and 71/2 inches high overall.
- Front - Shall be one solid piece of material sewn at sides and bottom to flat joining gusset.
- Back and Flap - Shall be of one solid piece of material sewn at sides and bottom to flat joining gusset. Flap shall extend over and fasten on front 21/2 inches from top, with one metal snap or other suitable device placed at center front of bag.
- Bottom and Side Gusset - Shall be of one solid piece of material, flat in shape, approximately 2 inches wide at bottom and 1 inch wide at top of side pieces. Top of side portions of gusset shall form tab to which shoulder strap may be attached.
- Stitching - Front, back, and gusset shall be joined together with plain machine stitching using black thread for black bag, or white thread for white bag.
- Shoulder Strap - Shall be of two thicknesses of self material with covered matching adjustable buckle. Shall be 7/8 inch wide and 45 inches long when extended to its greatest length. Ends of strap shall be formed into loops with metal snaps or other suitable devices. These ends shall pass through slits at top of side gussets.
- Lining - Handbag may be self lined, unlined, or lined with felt, or other suitable material. in every case, inside of bag must match in color the outside.
- Overcoat
- Material - Shall be woolen cloth, Navy blue in color. A standard of this color is maintained at the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Navy department, Washington, D.C.
- Garment Specifications -
- General Style - A double breasted easy fitting winter overcoat, shaped at waist and held by half belt at back. Collar cut so that it may be worn open or buttoned to the neck.
- Length - Shall be as long as, or slightly longer than skirt length.
- Collar and Lapels - Shall be the same as prescribed for the raincoat-overcoat (Section E-3).
- Pockets - Two outside welted pockets shall be inset in front of coat, one in each forepart, with welts 11/2 inches wide. Pockets shall be inset along the line of the panel seam between the lower two buttons or the top of the pocket may be at the waistline. Pockets shall be 61/2 inches wide and 7 inches deep. Inside breast pocket shall be placed on left side, with horizontal opening 5 inches wide and 6 inches deep.
- Sleeves and Cuffs - Regulation two piece set in style. Shoulder line to be rounded, not square. Cuffs closed without buttons.
- Lining - Shall be full lined with black or matching Navy blue rayon, satin, or twill.
- Belt - Shall be one of two types -- Type I shall be a one piece belt 2 inches wide. The ends of belt shall be sewn to back of coat approximately 31/2 inches in from side seam. Type II shall be a two piece belt 2 inches wide. Belt shall be sewn into the side seams. Open ends shall be square. Belt shall be closed with two 40-line eagle guilt buttons approximately 51/4 inches apart.
- Buttons - To have two rows of 40-line Navy standard eagle gilt buttons, reinforced by small inside stay buttons. Four buttons in each row, the top button at the neck under the collar, the second button at the breast line, the third button at the waistline, and the lower buttons equally spaced below.
- Front - Each forepart shall be cut in two panels, joined together with a double stitched seam curbing outward above the breastline to reach the sleeve seam approximately 21/2 inches below the shoulder seam.
- Back - Back shall be two piece style with double sewn center seam, full cut and fitted with a half belt. Vent in center at skirt 17 inches long, the left side overlapping the right 13/4 inches and made with a fly fastened by two small size black buttons.
- Seams and Edges - Shall be plain.
- Hem - Coat shall have a 2 inch hem.
- Tank, Corps and Jacket Devices - Type A corps devices shall be worn on coat, as prescribed in Section R herein and when prescribed in Section II (27) of Uniform Regulations. Rank will be indicated by stripes of Type A braid completely encircling both sleeves as prescribed under Section Q herein. No jacket device shall be worn on the overcoat.
- Aviation Coverall
- Material - Shall be of cotton material, a medium shade of blue in color, a sample for which color is maintained in the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Navy Department, Washington, D.C.
- Garment Specifications -
- General Style - Shall be a one piece coverall, long-sleeved, button front, with rounded collar, with or without drop seat.
- Collar - Shall be a small collar with rounded ends, similar to collar of Service Jacket, Navy Blue. Rounded ends of collar shall be 23/4 inches wide at widest part.
- Pockets -
- Plain breast pocket shall be placed on left side 43/4 inches wide, 51/2 inches deep. Inside edge of pocket shall be placed 21/4 inches out from center line of buttons at front.
- Right side shall have a similar pocket with stitched in pencil slot similarly placed, or,
- Breast pocket with inverted pleat shall be placed on right side 13/8 inches wide, 53/4 inches deep. Inside edge of pocket shall be placed 2 inches out from center line of buttons at front.
- Top edge of these breast pockets shall be in line, and shall be placed approximately 101/2 inches above top of waistband.
- One vertical pocket shall be placed at each side at front of garment below waistband, top of pockets shall be 33/4 inches below bottom of waistband, inside edge of pockets shall be 31/4 inches out from center line of garment. Pockets shall be 8 inches deep, 53/4 inches wide at top, 63/8 inches wide at bottom.
- Waist and Sleeves - Waist and sleeves of garment may be cut in one piece with a continuous seam running under the sleeve to armpit and then down to waistline, or sleeves may be set in. Sleeves shall be full with cuffs faced 2 inches deep and closed with a single button and buttonhole. Sleeve shall be cut with an opening at cuff 53/4 inches deep. Cuff shall be tight fitting.
- Front - Coverall shall open down the front to a point approximately 61/4 inches below bottom of waistband. Buttons shall be sewn on left forepart and shall button into a fly on the right forepart or through a facing not over 13/8 inches wide on the right forepart to the waistline. There shall be 5 buttons above the waistband. Top button shall be at neckline, bottom button at waistline, the other 3 equally spaced between. In addition there shall be a button placed approximately 3 inches below bottom of waistband to button through a fly underneath right forepart closing the garment below the waistline.
- Back - Back of coverall shall have an inverted pleat, approximately 2 inches deep, extending from neck to waistline. Garment may have a drop seat buttoning with 5 buttons. Center button shall be placed at center back, the two outside buttons shall be placed at sides, the other two buttons equally spaced between. All buttons shall be sewn to waist of garment and shall button through drop seat, except that the side buttons shall button through front and back portions of waistband.
- Trousers - Trousers shall be long, and full cut. Trouser width shall be adjustable at bottom by means of tab of self material 11/8 inches wide, with button hole in tab and two buttons sewn to trouser leg. Tab shall be let into outside seam of trouser leg, one inch above bottom.
- Belt - Coverall shall close with a full belt approximately 2 inches wide and buckle, or with a waist tie sewn to waistline at center front 4 inches from center line of garment. Ends of tie shall be loose and shall be worn knotted at center front.
- Jacket Device - No jacket device shall be worn.
- Aviation Coverall Cap
- Material - Shall be of cotton, rayon, or woolen material, Navy blue in color.
- Garment Specifications -
- General Style - Shall be a wrap-around turban.
- Size - Turban shall be approximately 35 inches long and 18 inches wide. Ends of turban shall be approximately 23 inches long; the other 12 inches of length shall form the headsize and the fullness shall be shirred at center front.
- Edges - Shall be plain with 1/8 inch hems.
- Working Smock - Reserve Blue
- Material - Shall be plain cotton or rayon material without stripes or figures of any kind, Reserve blue in color.
- Garment Specifications -
- General Style - Full wrap around long or short sleeve smock, full tie belt, tied at the left side, single row of plastic or vegetable ivory buttons below belt on the left side, collar to have rounded ends overlying peaked lapels.
- Length - Shall be as long, or slightly longer than, the skirt length.
- Collar and Lapels - Collar shall have rounded ends (approximately 21/2 inches in diameter), and overlying peaked lapels. End of collar shall be loose. Lapels shall be approximately 43/4 inches wide.
- Pockets - One pocket shall be set onto the front of the garment 2 inches below the belt. Outside edge of pocket shall be at the side seam. Pocket shall be cut inches square, but shall be attached 6 inches wide at the top and 8 inches wide at the bottom. Two half inch tucks approximately 23/4 inches deep at the top of the pocket shall take up one inch of the fullness.
- Sweep - Skirt shall have conventional sweep.
- Sleeves - Shall be short, extending two-thirds of distance between shoulder and elbow and shall have a cuff of approximately 11/2 inches.
- Lining - Shall be unlined.
- Buttons - One row of six or seven 35-line plastic or vegetable ivory buttons, Navy blue in color, on the left side beside the seam between the front panel and the side panel. Buttons shall be 3 inches apart, with the top button at the waistline. Buttons may be of bodkin or ring fastener type.
- Belt - Belt shall be self material, approximately 17/8 inches wide and shall be stitched down to the back and sides of the garment, hanging loose at seam of front panel, and shall tie at the left side.
- Front - Each forepart shall be cut in one piece above the waist with three tucks at the shoulder seam, approximately 31/4 inches long ending in open folds. Fullness at the waist shall be shirred in directly below the shoulder darts with 5 or 6 rows of open shirring which will be covered by the belt. Below the waist each side shall have two panels. The front panels on each side shall overlie. The front shall close at the waist, with an inside tie from the right side seam and from the left front panel.
- Back - Shall be cut with a bi-swing back with the top of the opening stitched down approximately 43/4 inches from the shoulder seam and with this back seam set in approximately 13/4 inches from the outside edge of the shoulder and in line with the outside dart on the corresponding forepart. Bi-swing fold shall be open to waist and shall be set-in in line with seams of center panel of the skirt which shall be cut in three panels. Fullness above the waist shall be shirred-in in center panel.
- Seams and Edges - Shall be plain and pinked.
- Hem - Shall have a two inch hem.
- Jacket Devices - No jacket devices shall be worn.
A smock of the following description may also be worn:
- General Style - Double breasted long sleeve smock, full tie belt, opening down to 7 inches below the waistline, double row of 3 plastic or vegetable ivory buttons, collar to have rounded ends overlying peaked lapels similar to Service Jacket.
- Collar and Lapels - Collar shall have rounded ends (21/2 inches in diameter), ends overlying peaked lapels. End of collar shall be loose. Lapels shall be 33/4 inches wide.
- Pockets - Two large pockets shall be set onto the front of the garment just below the waistline. Pocket shall be 71/4 inches wide at top 81/2 inches wide at the bottom, 101/2 inches deep on inner edge, 73/4 inches deep on outer edge. Top of pocket to be finished in a smooth curve covering 23/4 inches difference in depth from top edge of inner side to top edge of outer side.
- Sleeves - Sleeves shall be two piece, cuffs closed without buttons, set in to body of smock with sufficient fullness to allow for freedom of motion.
- Buttons - Two rows of three 35-line plastic or vegetable ivory shank buttons, Navy blue in color. Top button shall be just below end of lapel, second button midway between top button and waistline, third button an equal distance below waistline. There shall be no button at the waistline. Button rows shall be 41/2 inches apart.
- Belt - Belt shall be of self material, 11/2 inches wide and shall be set into back of garment, hanging loose at side seams, and shall tie at front.
- Back - Back shall be cut with straight double yoke 31/2 inches deep at center. Center back of garment shall e in one piece, cut with fullness; this fullness shall be shirred to yoke at top and belt at bottom. Back of skirt shall be cut in 3 gores and fastened to belt at top.
- Front - Front of garment shall be cut in three panels. The center panel is cut in one piece with left lapel and carries buttonholes. This panel is backed by a panel starting about 8 inches below the waistline which carries the right lapel and buttons. Each center panel shall be double thickness of material. Each side panel shall be in two pieces joined at the waistline, the top piece of each side panel shall be cut with fullness shirred to this waistline seam.
- Slacks
- Material - Shall be of same color and fabric as jacket with which they are to be worn.
- Garment Specifications -
- General Style - Shall be loose fitting, full cut, pleated at waist, side opening, with two side pockets, with or without self fabric belt.
- Waistband - Slacks shall have 11/4 inch waistband which shall close over left hip with button and buttonhole and an extended tab with button and buttonhole.
- Closing - Slacks shall close over left hip with a 6 inch zipper fastener or other suitable device.
- Bottom Size - Bottom size of slacks shall be 211/2 inches in a size 14.
- Pleats - A pleat 3/4 inch deep shall be inset on each side at front under waistband.
- Pockets - Pockets shall be 10 to 12 inches deep at inside edge, approximately 51/4 inches deep at outside edge. Opening of pocket shall be approximately 7 inches wide. pockets shall set in with the top approximately 2 inches forward of the bottom which will be at the side seam, or, if the top of pocket is curved, the top shall be 31/2 inches forward of the side seam.
- Seams and Edges - Shall be plain. Seam at center back shall have 2 inch outlet.
- Sleeve Markings (Stripes)
- Material - Shall be embroidered in silk, rayon or cotton colorfast thread of suitable quality and thickness, on a background of Navy blue or of white.
- Specifications -
- General Styles
- Medical Officers - A spread oak leaf, surcharged with an acorn, of a size to be inscribed in a rectangle 11/4 inches long and 3/4 inches wide; to be set with the longer axis of the device perpendicular to the upper stripe of braid, stem down, and curved slightly to the front.
- Dental Officers - A spread oak leaf with acorns on each side of the stem, of a size to be inscribed in a rectangle of 11/4 inches long and 3/4 inches wide; to be set with the longer axis of the device perpendicular to the upper stripe of braid, stem down and curved slightly to the front.
- Supply Officers - A sprig of three oak leaves and three acorns, with one acorn on each side of the stem and one acorn between the two upper leaves. Leaves and acorns to be distinctly and separately outlined, except where brought together at the stem of the sprig; of a size to be inscribed in a rectangle 11/4 inches long and 3/4 inch wide. To be set with the longer axis of the device parallel to the stripes of braid, with stems to the front.
- Civil Engineers - Two sprigs of two live oak leaves and an acorn in each sprig, leaves of each sprig spreading and with the acorn at the stem. The sprigs to be crossed with stem at the ends of the device, the acorns pointed up and clearing the tips of the leaves of the opposite sprig. The device to be 11/8 inches long overall and 11/16 inch wide, to be set with the longer axis parallel to the upper stripes of braid.
- Class W-V(S))(H) Officers - A caduceus pointed downward.
- Hospital Corps Officers - A caduceus pointed downward.
- Wearing - Shall be worn as prescribed in Uniform Regulations, Women's Reserve, Section II (27).
- Colors - There shall be two types of sleeve markings:
Type A - Oak leaf, reserve blue; acorn, white in color; caduceus shall be reserve blue, the staff shall be white in color. To be worn with Service jacket, Navy blue, and Overcoat, Navy blue. To be embroidered on a Navy blue background.
Type B - Oak leaf, Navy blue; acorn, reserve blue in color; caduceus shall be Navy blue, the staff shall be reserve blue in color. To be worn with the Service Jacket, White, and Working Uniform Jacket, Gray. To be embroidered on a white background.
- General Styles
- Collar Devices
- Material -
Pin-on devices shall be made of silvered white metal, or gold plated on metal base, fitted to fasten with brooch pin.
- Design -
- Lieutenant Commander - Gold oak leaf, made in rights or lefts; from end of stem to tip approximately 23/32 inch; width 5/8 inch. These devices shall be plain, raised and veined.
- Lieutenant - Two silver bars, each approximately 23/32 inch by 1/4 inch, to be set 1/4 inch apart. The bars shall be plain and flat.
- Lieutenant (Junior Grade) - One silver bar approximately 23/32 inch by 1/4 inch. The bar shall be plain and flat.
- Ensign - Same as for Lieutenant (jg), except bar shall be gold.
- Corps Devices - Staff corps devices shall be of gold, approximately five-eighths the size of those prescribed for use in marking sleeves. These devices so far as practicable shall be smooth and plain and shall not simulate embroidery.
- Material -
- Jacket Device
- Material - Shall be embroidered in silk, cotton or rayon, color fast thread of suitable quality and thickness, on a background matching in color the jacket with which it is worn.
- Device Specifications -
- General Style - Device shall consist of a 3-bladed propeller with a fouled anchor superimposed, of a size to be inscribed in a circle 11/2 inches in diameter. To be set with one blade of the propeller in a vertical position. The anchor hall also be in a vertical position.
- Stitching - The stitches forming the propeller shall be so arranged as to be sewn at right angles to the direction of the propeller blade.
- Colors - There shall be two types of jacket device:
Type A - Anchor white, propeller Reserve blue in color. To be worn with Service Jacket, Navy Blue.
Type B - Anchor Reserve blue, propeller Navy blue in color. To be worn with Service Jacket, White, and Working Uniform Jacket, Gray.
- Hat Device
(see U.S. Navy Department Specification 73-C-2b, Section E-2a.)
- Buttons, Gilt
(see U.S. Navy Department Specification 71-B-4a.)
II. Chief Petty Officers
- General Specifications - Shall be the same as prescribed for Commissioned Officers, except where modified herein.
- Service Jacket, Navy Blue -
- Sleeve Markings - No sleeve stripes or corps devices shall be worn.
- Buttons - Buttons shall be 35-line, flat, 4 hole, of vegetable ivory or composition substance, matching Navy blue in color. Buttons of the same color, convex, or plastic material, with regulation device of U.S. Navy stamped on the surface of the button, may be worn. Buttons may be detachable types.
- Service Jacket, White -
- Sleeve Markings - No sleeve stripes or corps devices shall be worn.
- Buttons - Shall be as prescribed for Service Jacket, Navy Blue.
- Working Uniform Jacket, Gray -
- Sleeve Markings - No sleeve stripes or corps device shall be worn.
- Buttons - Shall be as prescribed for Service Jacket, Navy Blue.
- Shirt -
- Colors - Shall be as prescribed for Commissioned Officers.
- Overcoat -
- Sleeve Markings - No sleeve stripes or corps devices shall be worn.
- Buttons - Buttons shall be 40-line Navy blue in color, of standard eagle design in plastic, or flat, 4-hole type in blue.
- Collar Devices -
- No collar devices shall be worn.
- Hat Device (see U.S. Navy Department Specification 71-D-2).
- Buttons, Gilt -
- No gilt buttons shall be worn.
III. Other Enlisted Personnel
- General Specifications - Shall be the same as prescribed for Chief Petty officers, except where modified herein.
- Hat -
- Material - Shall be of woolen cloth, woolen felt, or cotton material. Brim shall be blue in color. Crown shall be blue, white or gray. (Gray cover shall be same material as working uniform).
- Garment Specifications -
- General Style - Hat shall have a six section crown with stitched brim. There shall be a slight turnup at front of brim, graduated until entire brim turns up sharply at back to hug the crown.
- Crown - Shall be 41/2 inches high and shall be cut in 6 equal bias sections. May be attached or detachable.
- Brim - Shall be 21/2 inches wide at front, 21/4 inches wide at sides, 3 inches wide at back, and shall be stitched all around with rows of stitching 1/4 inch apart. Edge of brim shall be bound with self trim.
- Brim Turnup - Brim shall be so blocked as to turn up 1/2 inch at front, graduated to 13/4 inches at center sides and 21/2 inches at back. Brim to be so cut that back, when turned up, hugs back of crown.
- Cap Ribbon - Shall be sewn to crown at brim seam with two ends on left side. Ribbon shall be dark Navy blue in color and shall carry the designation U S NAVY thereon in gold color.
- Sweat Band - Shall be of cotton and rayon ribbon and shall be 3/4 inch wide.
- Rain Hat Cover -
- Material - Shall be made of waterproof material Navy blue in color.
- Garment Specifications -
- General Style - Rain cover shall be so constructed as to fit over hat, front brim of hat to be inserted into flap of front of rain cover, sides and back of rain cover to hang down to shoulders and to fasten under chin with snap fastener, or other suitable device.
- Lining - Rain cover shall be unlined.
- Crown - Shall be cut a half size larger than that of hat with one seam down center back.
- Sides - Shall hang 101/2 to 12 inches below brim seam line of hat, and shall be cut on the bias to have a circular sweep of 37 inches at bottom circumference.