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Certificates file, manuscript map case, Navy Department Library. 

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Wars & Conflicts
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Certificate - 100 Foot Escape
LtJG Massis Davidian, USNR

Court of His Majesty
Neptunus Rex
Ruler of the Seas Beneath

To all who shall see these presents on dry
land, Greetings.
From this day hence forward be it known
that LTJG M[assis]. Davidian, USNR is a man of
good lung, stout heart, and steady nerve.
Be it known, too, that he is not one to flinch
or waver when in deep water; nor does he wilt
nor take on anything but resolute demean when
under pressure. For, be it known that on this
day of 20 Aug. 1949 he did descend in his
God-given nakedness to a depth of seventeen
fathoms*, did there acquaint and disport him-
self in boudoir with the sirens of the deep,
and thence, by diligent use of line and lung,
made good escape and did return from these
stygian depths to the surface world from
whence he sprung. Henceforth, he bears the
mark of courage.

In Witness Whereof we set our hand
and seal at S/M Base New London, Conn.

[s/n]HJ Brown LCDR USN
Deputies of Neptune
Davey Jones
His Majesty's Scribe

* 100 feet

Published: Wed Dec 03 07:56:07 EST 2014