The Navy Department Library
Asa Curtis - Letter, dated 21 June 1844
LS dated 21 June 1844. Letter of reference signed by James Armstrong aboard US Frigate Savannah
U. S. Frigate Savannah
Callao Bay June 21st 1844
As we are about to depart, I
take this occasion to say to you, that
your department and attention to your
duties as Gunner on board the Frigate
United States during the period of my
command on board that ship, has been
such as to merit my entire approbation
Your worth is well established with the
officers of the Navy. Compliments on my
part is therefore unnecessary. On your return
home would you desire? to obtain a
situation on shore, you will use my
name freely if it has any influence at
the Department I feel assured that Com[modore]
Jones will do anything in his power to
serve you. I wish you a pleasant
passage home and a happy meeting with your
family and friends etc.
Very respectfully
Your ob[edien]t s[ervan]t
Ja[me]s Armstrong
Mr Asa Curtis
Gunner US Navy