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Certificate Appointing Arleigh Burke an Admiral in the Nebraskan Navy

[seal] Great Seal of the State of Nebraska
March 1st, 1867 

Frank B. Morrison 

Theodore W. Metcalfe 
Chief Admiral 

The Great Navy 
of the 
State of Nebraska 

To all who shall see these presents 

Know ye, that reposing special trust and confidence in the Patriotism 
valor, fidelity and abilities of 
Arleigh Burke 
and knowing him to be a good fellow and a loyal friend and counselor 
I have nominated and do appoint him an Admiral in the Great 
Navy of the State of Nebraska. He is therefore called to diligently 
discharge the duties of Admiral by doing and performing all
manner of things thereto belonging. And I do strictly charge and 
require all officers, seamen, tadpoles and goldfish under his com- 
mand to be obedient to his orders as Admiral - and he is to ob- 
serve and follow, from time to time, such directions as he shall 
receive, according to the rules and discipine of the Great Navy 
of the State of Nebraska. This commission to continue in force 
during the period of his good behavior, and the pleasure of the 
Chief Admiral of the Great Navy of the State of Nebraska. 

Given under my hand in the City of Lincoln, State of Nebraska 
this 25th day of April 1961 in the year of our Lord. 

[signature] Frank B. Morrison 

Published: Tue Dec 02 14:57:09 EST 2014