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Abraham Blanchard - manuscript - 10 February 1815

ALS dated 10 February 1815, from USS Madison at Sackett's Harbour. To Thomas Chew, Purser, USN. Describes life on the lakes and refers to the crews of the ships MadisonPike, and Mohawk.

U.S. Ship Madison
Sacketts Harbour 10 Feb[ruar]y 1815
Dear Sir
Mr Livermore is now on a visit of
two months at N York, I took your Letter, which was
received this morning, of the 1st inst[ant], to Mr Harris who
on opening it handed me mine, and told me to inform
you that James McLavin has been Discharged and
paid off 12 Days, since which I have not heard of him
also to say he has not received any Washington Gazettes
which you were to subscribe for.
Accept of my thanks Sir for the certificate and
for the good advice contained in yours of the 1st. I have
not heard from Mr Theron [?] since I wrote you it is my inten-
tion to remain here until I am certain of a situation elsewhere
I promised Mr Livermore to remain until his return, If it
should be that you obtain a Ship on the Atlantic, or have the
misfortune to be sent to this Lake, I wish Sir in either case
to go with you, the new Ships here are in great forward-
ness the one on the point is nearly ready for planking, but
money is very Scarce it has been said that Mr Eckford in-
tends discharging the mechanics unless he receives money in
10 Days. I am afraid it will happen, I have the satisfaction
to say that a principle of the Mohawks and Pike's and
a small part of the Madison crews have returned
Respectfully Sir, I Remain
Your Ob[edien]t [?] Serv[an]t
Abraham Blanchard
To T Chew Esq[ui]re

[page 2]

Thomas J. Chew Esquire
Purser U.S. Navy
Dis[tric]t Columbia

Published: Tue Jan 06 10:39:15 EST 2015