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Samuel Adams

ALS dated 9 December 1784, Boston. To Elbridge Gerry. Adams recommends that Gerry assist Captain Landais in obtaining his monetary claim for serving as Commander of Alliance.

Boston Dec 9, 1784
Dear Sir
This letter will be delivered to you by Captain
Landais, who is a naturalized Citizen of the Commonwealth
which you represent. He has had the Honor to command
a Continental Ship of War, and attributes his Loss of that
Command to an undue Influence in his Court Martial.
It is the Priviledge of the Man who thinks himself
offended to complain. But admitting that he is not
an impartial Judge in his own Cause and that the
Decree against him was just, he has not by that
Decree forfeited the Monies due to him from the United
States. He demands Justice shows
[ ] granted to him in consideration of certain
Services, which I am, with a view of adapting the
Payment most to his Benefit, was ordered to be
paid to him in France at a Time when he was in
that country, but it was not done - There is also due
to him the greatest part of his Pay as Commander
of the Alliance besides his Share of many valuable
Prizes taken [and] sent into France [and] other Parts of
You will oblidge me if you will introduce Capt
Landais to your Colleages with my best respects
to them fervently. I propose to you [and] them that
I have always considered him as a Man of Merit
of delicate feelings wounded [and] perhaps irritated
by what he has judged ill Treatment. If you [and]
my other Friends find that his Claims are well
founded [and] that he has already suffered too much
by a Delay of payment, I am sure that you
will joyn [sic] readily in affording him your

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best advice [and] assistance. Adieu my friend-
Your affectionate
Sam Adams

Hon. W.E. Gerry

Published: Wed Nov 07 11:50:20 EST 2018