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- Behr, Esther N. Papers
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- Bell, Curtis R. Papers
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- Boone, Alfred D. Papers
- Booz, Allen and Hamilton, Inc. 1946-1973
- Bowen, Harold G. Jr. Papers
- Bracken, John P. Papers
- Brantman, Richard H. Papers
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- Brewton, John C. Papers
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- Brownson, Willard H. Papers
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- Burke, Arleigh A. Papers
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- Cash, John C. Papers
- Chadwick, French E. Papers
- Charters, Lloyd S. Papers
- Cherry, John Myrick Papers
- China Repository 1908-1990
- Coale, Griffith B. Papers
- Cochrane, Edward L. Papers
- Coggins, Cecil H. Papers
- Cohn, Mitchell Papers
- Colbert, William C. Papers
- Cook, Charles O. Papers
- Cooley, Wayne D. Papers
- Cooper, Charles W. Papers
- Cotton, Charles S. Family Papers
- Cowart, Virgil A. Papers
- Cowley, Harry L. Papers
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- Crosley, Paul Papers
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- Delany, Walter S. Papers
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- Department of Defense Reorganization 1937-1975
- Dessez, Eunice C. Papers
- Dewey, George Papers
- Dingwell, John E. Papers
- Dobson, Cleo J. Papers
- Donovan, Ralph H. Papers
- Doughty, Levi G Papers
- Dreller, Louis Papers
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- Durgin, Calvin T. Papers
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- Harding, Jeremiah Family Papers
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- Mine Warfare
- Theater of Operations--Pacific
- Theater of Operations--European
- Finding Aids Glossaries Guides
- World War II 1939-1945
Veth, Captain Kenneth L. Papers
Dates: 1941-1947
Collection Number: AR/442 (Formerly COLL/709)
Finding aid (PDF)
Scope and Content Note
This is the personal papers collection of Captain Kenneth L. Veth. The collection is on microfilm and has been printed out on paper from the microfilm.
The collection covers 1941-1947. During this period, Captain Veth was successively Assistant Naval Attache in London (1941-1942); attached to the Mine Warfare Section of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (1942-1943); Assistant Gunnery Officer on the Staff of Commander, Seventh Fleet (1943); Intelligence and Air Liaison Officer on the Staff of Supreme Allied Commander, Southeast Asia (1943-1945); and on duty with the Mine Warfare Section of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (1945-1947). In all three duties, the primary concern of Captain Veth was with mine warfare. While on the staff of the Supreme Allied Commander, Southeast Asia, he was given several decorations for the prominent role he played in the planning and execution of the aerial mining campaign in that theatre.
These files are composed of intelligence reports on mine warfare, official studies and memoranda relating to mining, letters with other individuals involved in the mining effort, and a small amount of strictly personal correspondence. They are of great value for showing the technical and tactical advances developed during the war in mining and especially in aerial minelaying. The records also document to some extent the problems and techniques of cooperation between the U.S. Navy, the Army Air Force, and the British Authorities in the Southeast Asia Area.
Preferred Citation
This collection should be cited as the Papers of Kenneth L. Veth, Archives Branch, Naval History and Heritage Command, Washington, DC.
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