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ZC (Ship) Files in the Navy Department Library T. A. M. Craven - Tyrannicide



Name of Ship Period Remarks
T. A. M. Craven (TB-10) 1900-1913 Service log, data sheet.
T. A. Ward (schooner) 1861-1865 Data sheet, service log.
T. D. Horner (ram) 1862-1865 Data sheet.
Tabora AKA-45 Ship's Company Party program - January 1930.
Tacoma (tug) 1899 Correspondence. Later Sebago.
Tacoma (cruiser) 1903-1924 Journal, correspondence. Incident report dated 6 February 1924. (During a heavy storm on 16 January, the warship ran aground on Blanquilla Reef near Vera Cruz.) Commendation for Lieutenant Ralph W. Hungerford. Booklet - U.S.S. Tacoma: First Modern Cruiser to Round Cape Horn (1904).
Tacoma (PG-92) 1970-1974 Welcome Aboard brochures.
Tacony (side wheel steamer) 1864-1867 Data sheet, service log.
Tahoma (screw gunboat) 1861-1867 Correspondence, data sheet, service log.
Takelma (ATF-113) 1974-1979 Welcome Aboard brochures.
Talbot (TB-15) 1898-1940 Correspondence, data sheet, service log.
Talbot (FFG-4) 1976 Welcome Aboard brochure.
Talbot County (LST-1153) 1962 Ceremony brochure.
Talladega (screw sloop) 1865 Never completed. Service log.
Tallahassee (BM-9) (IX-16) 1905-1919 History, correspondence. Former "Florida."
Tallahatchie (gunboat) 1864-1865 Data sheet, Service log.
Tallahoma (side wheeler) 1862-1867 Never commissioned.
Tallapoosa (screw steamer) 1862-1888 Service record, correspondence.
Taluga (AO-62) 1968 Welcome Aboard brochure.
Tampa, USCGC 1918 History.
Tanager (AM-5) 1918-1942 History.
Tang (SS-306) 1951 Commissioning Party menu.
Tang (SS-563) 1975-1980 Welcome Aboard and Tang Retirement brochures. Invitation to transfer ceremony, Government of Turkey (TCG Pirireis S-343).
Tarawa (LHA-1) 1973-1993 Christening & Welcome Aboard brochures.
Tarbell (Destroyer No. 142) 1917 Official bridge signal.
Tarpon (SS-14) 1910-1911 History. Later C-3.
Tattnall (DDG-19) 1976-1991 Welcome Aboard brochure. Decommissioning brochure.
Taurus (PHM-3) 1990 Welcome Aboard brochure.
Taussig (DD-746) 1970 Decommissioning brochure.
Taugog (SS-199) 1940 Philatelic cover.
Tautog (SSN-639) 1959-1992 Welcome Aboard & Second Overhaul brochures.
Tawah (gunboat) 1863-1864 Service log, Data sheet.
Tawasa (ATF-92) 1975 Welcome Aboard brochures & Decommissioning invitation.
Taylor (DE-468) 1952 Typed letter dated 23 September 1952 from Wonsan, Korea, on ship stationary.
Taylor (FFG-50) 1983 Launching & Welcome Aboard brochures.
Teaser (tug) 1862-1865 Data sheet, service log.
Tecumseh (monitor) 1864-1865 Correspondence, data sheet, service log.
Tecumseh (SSNB-628) 1963-1992 Submarine qualification/requalification training card (1963). News release of commissioning. Welcome Aboard brochure. Midshipman Indoctrination brochure (1992).
Tempest (side wheeler) 1865 Service log, data sheet.
Tempest (PC-2) 1996 Welcome Aboard brochure.
Tenacious (T-AGOS-17) 1989 Christening brochure.
Tenedos (stone fleet) 1861 Data sheet.
Tenino (ATF-115) 1944 Commissioning ceremony brochure.
Tennessee (all)   History, correspondence.
Tennessee (side wheeler) 1862-1865 Data sheet, service log, correspondence. Later Mobile.
Tennessee, CSS 1864-1865 Data sheet, history, service log.
Tennessee, (screw frigate) 1867-1887 Correspondence, service log. Formerly Madawaska.
Tennessee (cruiser) 1906-1916 History, correspondence.
Tennessee (BB-43) 1920-1959 History, magazine. Easter Sunday program (1936). Two "Happy Hour" programs (1945). "Divine Services" program (1945). Philatelic cover (1945). Naval Memorial Day Ceremonies pass (no date) with picture of ship on front.
Tennessee (SSBN-734) 1986-1995 Christening, Change of Command and Welcome Aboard brochures.
Tensas (screw gunboat) 1863-1865 Data sheet, service log.
Terror (monitor) 1864-1872 Data sheet, service log. Formerly Agamenticus.
Terror (CM-5) 1941 Launching announcement.
Texas (all)   History.
Texas (ram) 1865-1867 CSS and USS data sheet, service log.
Texas (2nd class battleship) 1895-1911 Correspondence, service log.
Texas (BB-35) 1914-1948 Post card, correspondence, history. CO memo: How to Behave in North Africa (rules while in the presence of Moslems). Texas Steer newsletter (1 January - 1 August 1925, 7 April 1934, 19 October 1935). Welcome Aboard brochure. Menu (Balboa, Canal Zone, 5 February 1929). Roster of Officers (1 February 1928).
Texas (CGN-39) 1979-1988 Welcome Aboard brochures. Holiday Greetings card (no date).
Texas (SSN-775) 2004 News clippings of launching, postal cover commemorating christening on 31 July 2004. Christening brochure.
Thach (FFG-43) 1982-1984 Christening & Welcome Aboard brochures. Commissioning invitation.
Thalia   Correspondence - no information.
Thatcher (DD-162) 1910-1922 History.
The Sullivans (DDG-68) 1997 Contributors & Commissioning Committee brochure. Welcome Aboard brochure.
Theodore E. Chandler (DD-717) 1973-1975 Welcome Aboard & Decommissioning brochures.
Theodore Roosevelt (SSBN-600) 1959 News release of commissioning.
Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71) 1984-1986 Launching, Commissioning and Welcome Aboard brochures.
Theta (tug) 1864-1865 Data sheet.
Thetis (screw steamer) 1884-1916 Service log, correspondence.
Thise 1812 Correspondence - no information.
Thistle (British) 1812 Correspondence.
Thistle (tug) 1863-1865 Data sheet, service log.
Thomas (DD-764) 1970 Welcome Aboard brochure.
Thomas A. Edison (SSBN-610) 1961 News release of commissioning.
Thomas C. Hart (DE-1092/FF-1092) 1973-1983 Change of Command & Welcome Aboard brochures.
Thomas Edison (SSN-610) 1983 Change of Command & Welcome Aboard brochures.
Thomas Freeborn (side wheeler) 1861-1865 Data sheet, Service log.
Thomas G. Thompson (AGOR-23) 1990 Christening brochure.
Thomas J. Gary (DER-326) 1972 Welcome Aboard brochure.
Thomas Jefferson (SSBN-618) 1961-1981 News release of commissioning. Change of Command & Welcome Aboard brochures.
Thomas S. Gates (CG-51) 1987-1996 Christening and Welcome Aboard brochures.
Thomas Woodward (schooner) 1863 Correspondence.
Thomaston (LSD-28) 1963-1984 Welcome Aboard brochures.
Thompson (DD-305) 1920-1930 Correspondence.
Thor (ARC-4) 1955 Welcome Aboard brochure.
Thorn (DD-988) 1986-2004 Welcome Aboard & Decommissioning brochures. Bumper sticker.
Thresher (SSN-593) 1961-1963 Brochures, news releases and articles. In Memoriam brochure.
Thunder (sloop) 1863-1865 Data sheet, service log.
Thunderbolt (PC-12) 1995 Christening brochure.
Tickler (ketch) 1812-1818 Citation.
Ticonderoga (all)   History.
*Ticonderoga (screw sloop) 1863-1882 Correspondence, data sheet, service log, journal.
Ticonderoga (transport) 1918 History.
Ticonderoga (CV-14/CVA-14/CVS-14) 1944-1973 History. Commissioning invitation & brochure. Welcome Aboard brochures. Plan of the Day memos (1944-45). Sheet music to Ticonderoga The "Big T." The Big T newsletters. Shipyard Bulletin (Newport News, Va., February 1944). USS Ticonderoga CV-14 Personal Information Booklet. Thanksgiving menu (1944). Recommissioning brochure. Transcripts of letters regarding kamikaze attack (21 January 1945).
Ticonderoga (CG-47) 1981-1983 Christening & Welcome Aboard brochures.
Tigress (schooner) 1813-1814 History, correspondence.
Tigress (tug) 1861 Data sheet.
Tigrone (AGSS-419) 1974-1975 Change of Command, Welcome Aboard, & Decommissioning brochures. (See USS Clamagore file)
Tillman (DD-641) 1941 Invitation to launching of USS Beatty and Tillman. See ZC Beatty (DD-640).
Timar (stone fleet) 1861 Data sheet.
Tingey (TB-34) 1904-1919 History.
Tingey (DD-539) 1943-1963 History.
Tinosa (SSN-606) 1961-1992 Service Journal. Launching, Commissioning, Change of Command, Welcome Aboard, Deactivation & Decommissioning brochures.
Tioga (gunboat) 1862-1866 History, Data sheet, Service log.
Tippecanoe (monitor) 1862-1869 Data sheet, Service log. Later Wyandotte.
Tippecanoe (T-AO-199) 1992 Christening brochure.
Tirante (SS-420) 1952-1973 Welcome Aboard & Decommissioning brochures.
Tiru (SS-416) 1972-1975 Welcome Aboard & Decommissioning brochures.
Titanic, SS 1912 Articles.
Toledo (CA-133) 1949-1953

Commissioning brochure. Roundup dance & dinner program (no date). Suboena and Summons shellback certificate (1949).

“New Year’s Day dinner menu” -DATED 1 January 1953

 “Thanksgiving Dinner Menu” -Dated 1952

 “Christmas dinner menu” - Dated 25 December 1952

Church Program - DATED 9 November 1952


Dated 3 November 1952

Dated 22 September 1952

Dated 25 August 1952

Dated 11 August 1952

Dated 8 September 1952

Dated 9 February 1953

Dated 5 January 1953

Dated 3 November 1952

Dated 1 December 1952

Toledo (SSN-769) 1993 Christening post card.
Tolovana (AO-64) 1971-1975 Change of Command, Welcome Aboard, and 30 Years Anniversary brochures.
Tom Green County (LST-1159) 1967 Welcome Aboard brochure.
Tonapah (BM-8) 1919 Supply class exam note book of Robert H. Petzold.
Tonawanda (monitor) 1865-1869 Data sheet, Service log, Correspondence. Later Amphitrite.
Topeka (PG-35) 1899-1929 Correspondence, history, service log.
Topeka (SSBN-754) 1988-1989 News release of commissioning. Launching invitation and brochure. Change of Command & Welcome Aboard brochures.
Torbay, HBMS 1693-1782 Correspondence.
Torpedo 1812 Correspondence.
Torpedo boat (all) 1864 History, service log.
Torsk (SS-423) 1980 Information sheet.
Tortuga (LSD-46) 1988-1997 Christening, Change of Command, & Welcome Aboard brochures.
Towers (DDG-9) 1974 Welcome Aboard brochures.
Tracy (privateer) 1780 History.
Tracy (Army schooner) 1803 Correspondence.
Traffic (tug) 1895-1900 Service log.
Traveller (smack) 1805 Citation.
Traverse County (LST-1160) 1969 Welcome Aboard brochure.
Trefoil (screw steamer) 1865-1867 History, data sheet, service log.
Trenton (screw steamer) 1877-1889 History, correspondence, service log, data sheet. Midshipman Benjamin W. Wells, Jr.'s journal of a cruise dated 21 November 1887 to 22 March 1889.
Trenton (CL-11) 1924-1945 Article. Booklet: Organization and Equipment of Landing Forces with tables of organization and equipment of landing forces in the Special Service Squadron (27 October 1934).
Trenton (LPD-14) 1975-2007 Change of Command, Welcome Aboard, & Decommissioning brochures.
Trepang (SSN-674) 1969-1998 Launching invitation and brochure. Commissioning, Change of Command, Welcome Aboard, & Inactivation brochures.
Triana (tug) 1867-1891 Data sheet, service log, correspondence.
Trieste (bat)hyscaph 1961 News release and magazine articles of commissioning.
Trieste II (DSV-1) 1977 Welcome Aboard brochure.
Trigger (SS-564) 1970 Welcome Aboard brochures.
Tringa (ASR-16) 1977 Welcome Aboard & Decommissioning brochures.
Tripoli (LPH-10) 1965-1990 Welcome Aboard brochures.
Trippe (sloop) 1812-1813 Correspondence.
Tristram Shandy (gunboat) 1864-1874 Data sheet, service log, correspondence. Later Boxer.
Triton (tug) 1891-1919 Service log, correspondence.
Triton (SSN-586) 1959-1969 Cruise book. Commemorative certificate - first submerged circumnavigation of the world.
Tritonia (gunboat) 1863-1866 Data sheet, service log.
Triumph (T-AGOS-4) 1984 Launching brochure.
Trout (SS-566) 1976 Welcome Aboard brochures.
True American (privateer) 1777-1779 Correspondence.
Truett (DE-1095) 1974 Commissioning invitation, Change of Command and Welcome Aboard brochures, and press release of commissioning.
Trumbull (all)   Correspondence.
Trumbull (frigate) 1776-1781 History.
Trumpetfish (SS-425) 1971 Welcome Aboard brochure.
Truxton (all)   History.
Truxton (brig) 1843-1846 Correspondence.
Truxton (DD-14) 1902-1919 Correspondence.
Truxton (DD-229) 1919-1942 History, correspondence.
Truxtun (DLG(N)-35/CGN-35) 1964-1994 Launching & Welcome Aboard brochures. Deactivation invitation.
Truxtun (DDG-103) 2007 Christening brochure.
Tucson (SSN-770) 1994-2005 Christening, Change of Command, Welcome Aboard, and 10th Anniversary brochures.
Tugs (general)   History.
Tulagi (CVE-72) 1944 Ship's newsltter Tulagi Tattler.
Tulare (LKA-112) 1976 Change of Command & Welcome Aboard brochures.
Tulip (gunboat) 1863-1864 Correspondence, data sheet, service log.
Tullapoosa (side wheeler) 1864-1884 Correspondence.
Tullibee (SSN-597) 1970-1986 Change of Command & Welcome Aboard brochures.
Tulsa (PG-22) 1934 Christmas menu with roster (1934). Holiday card.
Tunny (SSN-682) 1972-1997 Launching, Welcome Aboard, Change of Command, & Inactivation brochures.
Tunxis (monitor) 1864-1869 Data sheet, service log, correspondence. Later Hydra and Otsego.
Turner (DD-648) 1943 Communique newsletter (3 - 4 July 1943).
Turner Joy (DD-951) 1977-1986 Welcome Aboard brochures.
Turtle (submarine) 1771-1776 Monograph, history, correspondence.
Turtle (DSV-3)   Welcome Aboard brochure.
Tuscaloosa, CSS 1863 Correspondence.
Tuscaloosa (CA-37) 1940-1943 Holiday card. EO's morning orders & plan of the day. USS Tuscaloosa at sea newsletter and Radio Press News of Presidential (FDR) cruise (30 November - 14 December 1940).
Tuscaloosa (LST-1187) 1969-1994 Launching & Welcome Aboard brochures. Decommissioning invitation.
Tuscarora (screw sloop) 1861-1880 History, correspondence, data sheet, service log, supply records.
Tusk (SS-426) 1969 Welcome Aboard brochure.
Tuscumbria (gunboat) 1863-1865 Data sheet, service log, correspondence.
Tusk (SS-426) 1960s Welcome Aboard brochure.
Tutuila (PG-44) 1937 Philatelic cover.
Tutuila (ARG-4) 1965 Welcome Aboard brochure.
Tweedy (DE-532) 1952 Commissioning brochure.
Twilight (CS Army) 1862-1864 Correspondence.
Twining (DD-540)   Welcome Aboard brochure.
Two Sisters (schooner) 1862-1865 Data sheet, service log.
Tyler (gunboat) 1861-1865 Correspondence, data sheet, service log.
Typhoon (PC-5)   Welcome Aboard brochure.
Tyrannicide (privateer) 1776-1779 Correspondence.
Published: Fri Jan 14 12:19:41 EST 2022