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Captain Montgomery M. Taylor, Aide to the Chief of Naval Operations, to Colonel Chauncey B. Baker, U.S.A., Chief of Embarkation Service

July 27, 1918.



From:     Chief of Naval Operations1

To:       Chief of Embarkation Service,

               War Department.

Subject: Convoy leaders for Cargo Convoys.

     Owing to the scarcity of cruisers for convoy duty with cargo convoys, the Navy Department is contemplating the use of a few suitable cargo ships armed with from four to six five-inch 51 calibre guns for this purpose.

     The following ships now manned by the Army are being considered in this connection:




     Information is requested as to whether it will be agreeable to the Army to have the Navy take over these ships in the Naval Overseas Transportation Force at the first opportunity with a view to arming and equipping them as convoy leaders. It is planned to do the necessary work without delaying the movements of these ships.2

M. M. Taylor,      

By direction. 

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. Document reference: “Mat. 5 E 7/26.” Note below closed: “Copy to Op. 24.”

Footnote 1: VAdm. William S. Benson, Chief of Naval Operations.

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