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Captain Nathan C. Twining, Chief of Staff, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters, to Secretary of the Allied Naval Council J. F. Henderson


July 10, 1918.

FROM: Chief of Staff to Vice Admiral W.S.Sims,1 U.S. Navy,

TO  : Secretary, Allied Naval Council.

SUBJECT: Arrivals of submarine chasers.

REFERENCE: (a) Your letter of July 9, 1918.2

     1.   In response to your inquiry of July 9th with regard to American submarine chasers already arrived and about to arrive in British Home Waters, I beg to submit the following information:-

(a) Six submarine chasers originally intended for experimental work are now on regular duty at Plymouth.

(b) In addition to the above there are thirty-five chasers on regular duty at Plymouth.

(c) Twenty-five submarine chasers are enroute from Bermuda to the Azores, and are expected to arrive in British waters during the latter part of next month when they will be assigned to duty either at Plymouth or Queenstown, as may be considered advisable.3

N.C. TWINING       

Captain, U.S. Navy.

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. Document reference: “CS 24293.”

Footnote 1: VAdm. William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters.

Footnote 2: The letter referred to has not been found.

Footnote 3: The submarine chasers were sent to Plymouth. See: Sims to Josephus Daniels, 11 July 1918.

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