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Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters, to the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations


July 23, 1918  MJK 

Opnav, Washington             1641.

     O-1            SX

25 ARD             


1641.     Your 8546.1   At certain periods of month transports arrive in increased numbers and destroyers will be fully occupied providing escort transports and H B convoys.2 At slack periods a number of ships can be sent in H N convoys.3 As transport programme is known notice can be given of HN convoys that may take ships for French Atlantic ports, together with number of ships. At any time one or possibly two ships can be sent in HN convoys if necessary. No additional ships should be sent except in those convoys where specific exceptions are made. As shipping increases and new destroyers become available the limitations can be withdrawn. HN-79 and HN 80 may each bring a maximum of 10 ships.4 Further word will be sent re HN-815 and subsequent convoys. Admiralty concur and request C-in-C N.A. and W. I.6 be informed. 1641. 17523.


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517. Document reference: “3/J/7.”

Footnote 1: Document referred to has not been found.

Footnote 2: Homebound for French Ports, Bay of Biscay.

Footnote 3: Homebound from Norfolk, VA.

Footnote 4: HN 79 consisted of 25 ships and departed New York, 5 August 1918 and arrived, 20 August 1918. HN 80 consisted of 22 ships and departed 13 August 1918, and arrived 28 August 1918. “List of Mercantile Convoys Leaving United States and Canada for European Waters,” DNA, RG 45, Entry 520, Box 51.

Footnote 5: HN 81 consisted of 23 ships and departed New York 21 August 1918, and arrived 5 September 1918. Ibid.

Footnote 6: VAdm. Sir William Lowther Grant, Commander-in-Chief, North America and West Indies Station.

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