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Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters, to Lieutenant Colonel James C. Breckinridge, U.S.M.C., Naval Attaché at Stockholm

Subject Copy.                                File No. 28/3/1

Cablegram Sent  11 July 1918   AES

To Alusna Christiania                        Serial No. 91

Prep. by  CS             NCT1 D.R.

32 ADR             


91 What in your opinion is the <general> attitude of Norwegian and Swedish public toward the British Proclamation of a mined area in North Sea between Norway and Orkney Islands:2 If opinion is unfavorable, what would be the effect of a public announcement that the United States is a participant in the mining operations, and is responsible for them to a greater extent than Great Britain?3 21511, 91


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. As seen in his letter to Naval Intelligence of 12 June 1918, Breckenridge acted as the military advisor in Christiania (Oslo), Norway.

Footnote 1: “NCT” was Capt. Nathan C. Twining, Sims’ chief of staff (“CS”).

Footnote 2: The North Sea mine barrage.