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Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters, to the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations

C    O    P    Y

          C A B L E G R A M   S E N T   9th July <1918.> EWC

To: Opnav, Washington.                 Serial No. 810.

S E C R E T.

810. Commander Mine Force1 desires it understood that he did not participate in recommendation contained in my 264 regarding shortening antennae2 and that he is opposed to any further change if that change will delay completion of barrage. He says no experiments have been made at Loch Ness to indicate necessity for change. My recommendation was based on a reconsideration of data given in my letter 8881-27-2-8 of 14 February 1918 addressed to Secnav (Bureau of Ordnance and C&R).3 I adhere to the recommendation contained in my 264. British Admiralty request that one of the rows of mines we are to lay in Area C be fitted with 55 foot antennae. I have no experience on which to base recommendation regarding dividing the 55 ft. antennae into sections. Suggest Cape Cod experiments may give Department some data on which to base decision. The number of American mines of various characteristics required in Area A is as follows:-

     9,500 mines with 70-foot antennae 320-foot mooring rope 160-feet plummet cord, 9,500 mines with 70-feet antennae 240-feet mooring rope 240-feet plummet cord, 9,500 mines with 70-feet antennae 400-feet mooring rope 80-feet plummet cord, 12,200 mines with 55-feet antennae 400-feet mooring rope 55-feet plummet cord, 4,300 mines with 55-feet antennae 450-<feet> mooring rope 65-feet plummet cord. For Area B, nine. For Area C – 2,300 mines with 70-feet antennae 900-feet mooring rope 80-feet plummet cord, 2,100 mines with 55-feet antennae 900-feet mooring rope 65-feet plummet cord. For closing gap between Area A and Area C 1,700 mines with 65-feet antennae 900-feet mooring rope 55-feet Plummet cord, 700 mines with 90-feet antennae 900-feet mooring rope 160-feet Plummet cord, 700 mines with 70-feet antennae 900-feet mooring rope 200-feet Plummet cord. 810. 11409.


Note:- Force Comdr’s cable 935 referred to

       this cable, filed under 28-5-2, report of

       enemy vessel being damaged.

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B.

Footnote 1: RAdm. Joseph Strauss.

Footnote 3: This report has not been located.

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