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Office of the Chief of Naval Operations to Admiral Henry T. Mayo, Commander-in-Chief, United States Atlantic Fleet, and Naval District Commandants


RECEIVING DATE      July 22, <20> 1918.

ORIGIN         NO.       CHECK          Date and Time

OPNAV.         1         165                2:28 a.m.



ADDRESS  C-in-C              LANDWIRE N.Y.       B-1

     Enemy submar<i>ne laying mines up to ONE HUNDRED FATHOMS period Their present practice has been to distribute their mines in detached groups laid in likely places period It is necessary therefore that such points of opproach for TRANSATLANTIC SHIPS as the vicinity NANTUCKET SHOALS LIGHTSHIP comma LANDFALL designated in approach routes in force comma entrance to all principal ports comma particularly from the FIRST to FIFTH DISTRICT inclusive comma regularly investigated and channels swept to the ONE HUNDRED FATHOM CURVE where practicable period Also it is necessary that point of departure for coastwise ship hud [i.e., and?] the coast such as the important lightships should be regularly investigated and swept and that coast routes somewhat out the ordinary be laid unless it is reasonably assured that such focus point for ships be clear of mines._

<COMNAVDIS ONE to EIGHT inclusive.>1 C-in-C <NO 20.> 14020.


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. The handwritten date is confirmed by the time/date stamp at the end of the cable. Identifier “MEJ.” appears in the upper-left corner.

Footnote 1: Commanders of Naval Districts One through Eight: Boston, RAdm. Spencer D. Wood; Narragansett, Commo. James P. Parker; New York, RAdm Nathaniel R. Usher; Philadelphia, Capt. George F. Cooper; Norfolk, RAdm. Augustus F. Fechteler; Charleston, Capt. Benjamin C. Bryan; Key West, Cmdr. Warren J. Terhune; New Orleans, Commodore Valentine S. Nelson.

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