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Colonel N. T. Grant, Jr., Secretary, American Section, Supreme War Council, to Captain Richard H. Jackson, United States Staff Representative, Paris


Supreme War Council

American Section.


July 27, 1918.

From:     The Secretary, American Section, Supreme War Council.

To:       Captain R. H. Jackson, Naval Liaison Officer, 4 Place d’Iena, Paris.

Subject: Hostile Surface and Sub-Surface Craft Operations in the Mediterranean.

     1.   I have the honor to inform you that the following resolution was passed today by the Military Representatives, Supreme War Council at their 40th Meeting:

“Hostile Surface and Subsurface Craft Operations in the Mediterranean Sea.

     As the study of all possible Allied operations in 1919, and as the preparation of corresponding tentative plans, demand that the Military Representatives should have reasonable assurance of the unhampered use by the Allied of the Mediterranean Sea during that year,


     The Military Representatives request that the Allied Naval Council inform them whether, in its opinion, the use of the Mediterranean can be prohibited to the enemy, during the calendar year 1919, for the operation of enemy surface and subsurface craft; and whether measures have been or will be taken to the end that military bases may be established and supplies and troops be transported in that Sea from the United States or elsewhere with reasonable security.”

     2.   You are requested to transmit this resolution to the Inter-Allied Naval Council in London.

     By Command of General Bliss:1

N. T. Grant Jr          

Colonel, General Staff, 


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B.

Footnote 1: Gen. Tasker H. Bliss, American Permanent Military Representative, Supreme War Council.