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Captain David W. Todd, Director, Naval Communications to Staff of Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters

Chronological Copy.                            File No. <8-2-6>

Cablegram Received 07820 July <11, 1918.>  CGD

Origin Opnav Washington (Director Naval Communications) Ser. No. 8398

  C-1  12 July

          29 ADR


8398. Every effort being made for restoring cables to Europe.1 11 out 17 cables working. Information available for restoring all interrupted cables except French direct Cape Cod, Brest, cable and 2 German cables. French interrupted submarine zone off Brest, since last December: both German cables OK Azores west and in trouble near French coast. What is schedule of restoring. Is everything possible being done to expedite What is condition cable Pensance to Lisbon, Portugal. 13211  8398


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. The date is handwritten but is confirmed by the time/date stamp at the end of the text.

Footnote 1: While in American waters, U-151 cut two cable lines off New York. Clark, U-Boats to America: 40. However, most of the cable lines mentioned in this message were cut in European waters.

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