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Bureau of Ordnance to Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters

Action Copy.                  TFW             File No. <27/5/7>

Cablegram Received 09027 July <25, 1918.>

Origin  Opnav Washington (Buord)              Ser. No. 9084

Ref’d. to




July 27




<SMS             30 July        S99 our 2052 to Opnav H.R.H.>

29 ADR                       C O N F I D E N T I A L


9084 What is total number of 3 inch 50<-caliber> guns already removed and yet to be removed from vessels under your command for installation on General Pershings cross channel fleet?1 How many have been mounted? Twenty lake boats for cross channel fleet have sailed for Europe and thirty more will follow.2 How many if any additional 3 inch 50 guns will you require and where should they be shipped?3

16225   9084       


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45. The date is handwritten but confirmed by the time/date stamp at the end of the text.

Footnote 1: On the U.S. Army’s fleet (referred to here as that of Gen. John J. Pershing), see: Frank T. Hines to William S. Benson, 13 July 1918.

Footnote 2: On the “lake boats,” which were coal-carrying transports from the Great Lakes of the United States, see ibid.

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