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Assistant Secretary of the Navy Franklin D. Roosevelt to Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels

File No. 50/1/5a

CABLEGRAM SENT   July 26, 1918 MJK

To: Opnav Washington (Secnav)      Serial No. 1850.

Prep. By FDR             NCT            D.R.      Clear

1850.     Returned London after trip to Queenstown with Sir Eric Geddes.1 Conditions there excellent and First Lord has decided to retain Admiral Bayly2 in command though his regular tour of duty is up. On return visited National Ship Yards British Channel. The following telegrams are quoted for press notice if you consider advisable, passage to Queenstown being in USS KIMBERLY and return passage in HMS Patrol with KIMBERLEY as escort:

     “First Lord is proud that he should have had the privilege of taking passage in the U.S.Destroyer KIMBERLEY with the Assistant Secretary of the U.S.Navy on board from Pembroke to Queenstown, and also that whilst on passage in H.M.S.Patrol, KIMBERLEY should have been the escort. Mr. Roosevelt joins with Sir Eric Geddes in appreciating this unique instance of two warships of kindred navies being so intimately associated. Knowing that both of them will render the best service during this war the First Lord and Mr. Roosevelt tender to the Captains, Officers and ships’ companies their thanks for personal services during the last two days and also wish them all good luck and every success.”

     “Captain, Officers and men of KIMBERLEY are glad to have had the opportunity to serve the First Lord and the Assistant Secretary of the two English speaking navies and thank them for their message.

  Signed Roosevelt. 22126 1850.


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. This cable was sent on Roosevelt’s behalf by VAdm. William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters, via the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations.

Footnote 1: The British First Sea Lord.

Footnote 2: Adm. Sir Lewis Bayly, Commander, Coast of Ireland.

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