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Bureau of Ordnance, to Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters

Action Copy.                       File No. <24/8/3>

Cablegram Received  09511 July <10, 1918,> SFM1

Origin Opnav Washington (Buord)         Ser. No. 8363

Ref’d. to




July 11

   <July 10 1918>


     29 ARD


8363. Manufacture of depth charges now only 75 per day but expect to double this within 2 weeks. A second source of supply being created but delivery will not begin until about August 15th. Third source will be created for manufacture Mark-3 depth charges with depth set to 300 feet but delivery cannot be expected within 60 days. Bureau making every effort increase production and expedite shipment but above facts indicate limitations. Suggest issuing Admiralty such number of charges as you can spare but do not favor acceptance British charges in exchange on grounds of safety and because they will not fit our launching gear. In view of development is it desirable to proceed with manufacture of British depth charges now being furnished Admiralty by us.2 Would it not be best to change at once to United States type. 12150. 8363.


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. Handwritten date confirmed by time/date stamp.

Footnote 1: Initials of the transcriber.