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DACHSHUND -- Kakimar (Yakima), New Guinea

DAFFODIL -- Cape Anukur, New Britain

DAGGER -- Ainaha, New Guinea

DAGWOOD -- Sand Island (off northern coast of New Britain)

DAHLIA -- Kasu, New Guinea

DAISY -- Taiena Island, Solomon Islands

DAISYMAE -- Dorf Point, New Britain

DAMASCENE -- Nauru Island, Gilbert Islands

DAMASK -- Saui, New Guinea

DAMOCLES -- Kiambaua, New Guinea

DAMON -- Barim, New Britain

DAMRIGHT -- Ke, New Guinea

DANIEL -- Aweleng Island, Solomon Sea

DANTE -- Kakaru, New Britain

DAPPERDAN -- Mt. Tangi, New Britain

DARBY -- Arung Bay Post, New Britain

DAREDEVIL -- Pitoe, Morotai Island

DARKEN -- Kigo, Formosa

DARKY -- Arigual, New Britain

DATU -- Maceio, Brazil

DAUGHTER -- Taroa Island, Maloelap Atoll, Marshall Islands

DAVIE -- Dinner Island, Bismarck Archipelago

DAYBED -- Ablaugul Island, Solomon Sea

DAYFLY -- Saidor Airdrome, New Guinea

DEADEND -- Larnaca, Cyprus

DEADWOOD -- Jaluit Atoll, Marshall Islands

DEBACLE -- Maien Passage, New Britain

DEBONAIR -- Takao, Formosa

DEBRIS -- Cape Wido, New Britain

DECANTER -- Plan for capture of French Guiana (U.S. Navy)

DECOMPOSE -- Koror Island, Palau Islands

DECREE -- Suri, New Guinea

DEDIMUS -- Greyhound, Australia

DEERSLAYER -- Chusan Island, China

DEFILE -- Ibu Creek, New Guinea

DELANO -- Galelum Island, New Britain

DELIGHT -- Padloping Island

DELTA -- Awio Bay, New Britain

DELTA -- Davao, Mindanao, P.I.

DELUXE -- St. Thomas Island, Puerto Rico

DEMIJOHN -- Andaman Islands, Bay of Bengal

DEMOCRAT -- Canton, China

DEMON -- Occupation of Abadan, Persia, by British troops (25 August 1941) (G.B.)

DEMON -- U.S. Navy

DEMPSEY -- Task Force B, North Pacific

DENTIST -- Mindoro Strait, P.I.

DENTYNE -- Government Station, Gasmata, New Britain

DENUNCIATION -- Heito, Formosa

DEROGATORY -- Arasalpua, New Britain

DESECRATE -- CV strike, support of RECKLESS

DESERTER -- Byobi To, Formosa

DESOTO -- Garu, New Britain

DESSERT -- Gom, New Britain

DESTINY -- U.S. Army

DETACHMENT -- Operation for seizure of Iwo Jima, Japan

DETACHMENT -- Occupation of the Bonin and Volcano Islands

DETAINED I -- Operation to kill or capture the entire garrison of the German held island of Solta, off Yugoslavia, by landing a small force (18-19 March 1944)

DETAINED II -- Landing of a large force of partisans on Solta, in vicinity of Vis Is., Yugoslavia, in 5 British LCIs and withdrawn the following night (8-9, 9-10 May 1944)

DEVON -- Capture of Termoli, Italy (2-3 October 1943)

DEVOTION -- Panay, P.I.

DEWPOND -- Attaka, Egypt

DEXTERITY -- Western New Britain operation (canceled)

DIABOLIC -- Kyushu Island, Japan

DIADEM -- Main offensive operations by Allied Armies in Italy

DIAL -- Lunga, Solomon Islands

DIAPER -- Bilihe Island, Bismarck Archipelago

DIAPHRAGM -- Formosa Island

DIBBLER -- Calcutta, India

DICKIE -- Lombok Strait, N.E.I.

DIGNITARY -- Southeast China Coast

DILATORY -- Sep Sep, New Britain

DIMINISH -- Finschhafen, New Guinea

DIMWIT -- Meingi, New Britain

DIONCERAS -- Kangguriri, New Guinea

DIOGENES -- Cape Raoult, New Britain

DIPLOMAT -- Operation to protect shipping on the Australian-Indian shipping routes (19 March-2 April 1944)

DIPLOMATIC -- Discussions with Portuguese prior to Allied occupation of the Azores (July 1943)

DIPPER -- Bougainville Island, Solomon Islands

DIPSOMANIAC -- Wigim Island, Solomon Sea

DIPSYDOODLE -- Ayumete, New Britain

DIRECTOR -- Arawe, New Britain

DISCUS -- Gilnit, New Britain

DISDAIN -- Scoresbysund, Greenland

DISLOCATE -- Rongerik Atoll, Marshall Islands

DISPLAY -- Elizabethville, Belgian Congo

DISTAFF -- Mot River, New Guinea

DISTINCTIVE -- Greenwich Island, Caroline Islands

DISTORT -- Luther Anchorage, New Guinea

DISTORT -- Milli Atoll, Marshall Islands

DIVES -- Nampa, New Guinea

DIVORCE -- Amphibious training for U.S. Army and Marines on West Coast

DIZZY -- Lingga Anchorage, N.E.I.

DOCTRINE -- Kaileuna, New Guinea

DODGE -- Cape Rula, New Britain

DODGE -- Indispensable Strait, Solomon Islands

DODOS -- Eil River, New Britain

DOESKIN -- Poretta, Corsica

DOGEARED -- Vella Lavella Island, Solomon Islands

DOGFACE -- Avialo, New Britain

DOGFISH -- Entry of allied military liaison forces into Greece after German withdrawal or surrender

DOGGED -- Lukunor Island, Caroline Islands

DOGMA -- Aiun Island, Solomon Islands

DOGMATIC -- Waigeo Island, New Guinea

DOGONE -- Isangan, New Guinea

DOGTROT -- Galimaruhi Island, Bismarck Archipelago

DOGWOOD -- Guadalcanal Island, Solomon Islands

DOLMAN -- Hong Kong, China

DOMESTIC -- Angaur Island, Palau Group, Caroline Islands

DOMINIE -- Mulumiana, New Guinea

DONATION -- Pescadores Islands, Formosa

DONKEY -- Fulleborn Plantation, New Britain

DOORMAT -- Aomo River, New Britain

DORMANT -- Amgoring, New Britain

DOTTY -- Celebes, N.E.I.

DOUBLET -- Salamaua, New Guinea

DOUBLOON -- S. Catherine, Corsica

DOVETAIL -- Cape Gloucester, New Britain

DOWNBEAT -- Amalut Point, New Britain

DOWNFALL -- Strategic plan for occupation of home islands of Japanese Empire

DOWNPOUR -- Woleai Island, Caroline Islands

DOWNSIDE -- Eniwetok, Marshall Islands

DOWSER -- Rendova Island, Solomon Islands

DOXOLOGY -- Tsis Island, Truk Lagoon, Caroline Islands

DRACO -- Jask, Iran

DRACULA -- Plan for occupation of Rangoon, Burma

DRAGNET -- Gasmata Island, New Britain

DRAGOMAN -- Palau Islands

DRAGOON -- Allied landings on South Coast, France (15 August 1944)

DRAKE -- Plan to bomb Japan with B-29 aircraft based in Bengal, operating through forward airfields in Kweilin area of China

DRAMA -- American Mission, Fortaleza, Brazil

DRAWBRIDGE -- Taongi Atoll, Marshall Islands

DRAWL -- Pasuna Creek, New Guinea

DREAM -- Pearl Harbor, T.H.

DREAMGIRL -- Kikivlai, New Britain

DREAMLAND -- Liang Airdrome, Solomon Islands

DROLLERY -- Frankfurt, Germany

DRUMFIRE -- Likiep Atoll, Marshall Islands

DRYGOODS -- Assembly of supplies at Guadalcanal-Tulagi Area for offensive in Russell Islands, Solomon Islands

DUCHESS -- Jesselton, Borneo

DUCK -- Bombardment of Stavanger, Norway (17 April 1940) (G.B.)

DUCKPIN -- General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower, USA

DUCKPOND -- Tonkin Gulf, China

DUELLIST -- Erikub Atoll, Marshall Islands

DUENA -- Sel, New Guinea

DUMBDORA -- Sauren Hamlet, New Britain

DUNKER -- Foreign Minister Vyacheslaff M. Molotov

DUNMORE -- Jersey

DUPLICITY -- Nan Wan, Formosa

DURBAR -- Gibraltar

DURBIN -- Aromot Island, Bismarck Archipelago

DUSTMAN -- Algiers, Algeria

DUSTPAN -- Sang Creek, New Guinea

DWARF -- Awit River, New Britain

DYNAMO -- Ambon, Ceram, N.E.I.

DYNAMO -- Evacuation of Allied Armies from Dunkirk (26 May-4 June 1940) (G.B.)

DYNASTY -- U.S. Navy Task Force 39


Published: Mon Apr 06 06:26:10 EDT 2015