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Office of the Chief of Naval Operations to Commandants of Third, Fourth, Fifth Naval Districts, and Lieutenant Commander Warren C. Nixon, Commander in Chief, U.S.S. PATTERSON


     <September 23, 1918.> Receiving Data.             24/18

Prefix Origin  No.  Operator or Signalman  Check   Date and Time

       OPNAV   15        FN                 69        2:20 p.m.


VIA BASE TWO1                    System         Code or Cypher

ADDRESS C - in - C                 LANDWIRE       AMUTI--C<opyB>

Our 130222 - Enemy submarines reported vicinity AMBROSE CHANNEL LIGHT VESSEL forenoon 23 September period U.S.S.PATTERSON and GROUP continue search north of Lat.40° to southern shore Long Island then return DELAWARE BREAKWATER. Acknowledge U.S.S.PATTERSON COMNAVDIS FOUR3 COMNAVDIS THREE4 COMNAVDIS FIVE5 C-in-C 6


<Not ack. because of discrepancy in ref. No.>

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. Handwritten date confirmed by time/date notation typed at end of radiogram. Cable typed on printed form, several boxes not filled in.

Footnote 1: Base Two was located at Yorktown, Virginia.

Footnote 2: Document not found.

Footnote 3: Fourth Naval District, New York, Capt. George F. Cooper.

Footnote 4: Third Naval District, Narangansett, RAdm. Nathaniel R. Usher.

Footnote 5: Fifth Naval District, Norfolk, RAdm. Augustus F. Fechteler.

Footnote 6: After hostilities ended, the Navy Department concluded that the PATTERSON hunt squadron had not made enemy contact, as there was no chart evidence of a submarine in that vicinity. Clark, When the U-Boats Came to America, 300.

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