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George I. Gay, Commissioner, Planning Division, to Professor J. A. Field, Staff of United States Shipping Board, second cable of the day

Chronological Copy.                           File No. <42-2-4>

Cablegram Received  September 19 <17>, 1918  Y-3

Origin Opnav Washington                       Ser. No. SM 446

  C-3    Sept 19

42 ARD                    S E C R E T


Board’s Navy 448 Gay to Fields. Secrist1 supplies following data American seagoing vessels 500 gross tons and over reported lost seized sold or salvaged during August 1918.

PART FIRST Lost by Enemy Action:

     BERWIND           Gross  2,589     Deadweight      3,400

     CUBORE            Gross  7,177     Deadweight     11,300

     DORA              Gross  7,037     Deadweight     10,000

     LAKE PORTAGE      Gross  1,998     Deadweight     3,100

     MADRUGADA                1,613     Deadweight     1,800

     MERAK                    3,024     Deadweight     9,850

     MONTANAN                 6,659     Deadweight     9,920

     ONOEGA                   3,639     Deadweight     3,500

     PROTEUS                  3,850     Deadweight     4,836

Above are steamers making

     TOTAL STEAMERS Gross    37,586     Deadweight     53,106

Following are sailing vessels

     DOROTHY S BARRETT  Gross 2,088

     STANLEY M SEAMAN   Gross 1,060  making

     TOTAL SAILING VESSELS    3,148 Gross Tons.

                                        Deadweight not given.

Following are Tank Ships:

     O.B.JENNINGS       Gross 10,289    Deadweight     15,000

     USCT JOSEPH CUDAHY  Gross 3,302    Deadweight     4,992

     TOTAL TANK SHIPS    Gross 13,591   Deadweight     19,992


     Steamers and Tank Ships Gross 51,177 Deadweight  73,098

     Sailing Vessels               3,148

                         End of Part First

PARAGRAPH 2 Rate lost by Marine Risk:

     ALMIRANTE      Gross     5,010     Deadweight     4,600

     GRAY’S HARBOR            2,373     Deadweight     3,800

     LEONIDAS (Auxiliary)       920     Deadweight     1,250

     WAMSUTTA (Seized German should have been reported in October 1917    1,508    Deadweight       2,172.

Above are steamers making

     TOTAL STEAMERS Gross     9,811     Deadweight     11,822.

Following are sailing Vessels

     AVON           Gross     1,573

     C F SARGENT (Previously

     sold United States during

     Quarter ending Dec. 1917) 1,689

     ELIZABETH T DOYLE           781

     MARY F BARRETT      1,833

     RALPH M HAYWARD            604 making


                    End Part Second

PART THREE Sold Alien:

     EDWARD F GRAGIN (Steamer sold Italy)    Gross     2,402     Deadweight     3,_____

     (Mou)NT HOPE (Sailing vessel sold Portugal)

                    Gross      1,105

     CLARA E. RANDALL (Sailing vessel sold   Portugal)    950

                     End Part Three

PART FOUR  Sold Navy:

     BUNKER HILL    Gross     4,979     Deadweight        400


     TOTAL          Gross     9,958     Deadweight        800

                    End Part Four

PART FIVE Army and Navy (Not Merchant Vessels)

           Losses by Enemy Action:

     LAKE EDON (Transport)

                    Gross     2,371     Deadweight     3,500

(Note: 3 words of frame omitted by coder.)

LAKE OWENS (Transport) Gross  2,308     Deadweight      3,300

making TOTAL           Gross  4,679     Deadweight     6,800

                            End of Part Five

PART SIX Salvaged


     (Tank ship previously

     reported lost by Marine

     Risk October 1919 [i.e., 1917])

                      Gross   4,787     Deadweight     7,573

     HAUPPAUGE (Sailing vessel previously reported lost by enemy action June 1918)       Gross     1,446

                   End of Part Six

                         Greenough, 20517 SM 448



Note: 1919 comes clear

Time Sent: Omitted

Time Recd: 5:18 a.m. Sept 18, 1918

Source Note: C, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. The cable is done on a printed form so the heading material is repeated on each of the three pages, including the designation “S E C R E T.” The handwritten date is confirmed by the time/date notation just before the signature.

Footnote 1: Chester N. Greenough of the Emergency Fleet Corporation.

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