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George I. Gay, Commissioner, Planning Division; Raymond B. Stevens, Vice-Chairman, United States Shipping Board and United States Representative, Allied Maritime Transport Council; and George Rublee, United States Representative, Allied Maritime Transport Council to Professor J. A. Field, Staff of United States Shipping Board


CABLEGRAM Sent – September 14, 1918

Discom New York

SHIPMISSION 548. Gay from Field. Your 400.1 Interallied economic organizations known to us are as follows

     1. Allied Maritime Transport Council, with associated or subordinate bodies as follows:

        (a) The Food Council, consisting of the four food controllers. The ordinary executive powers of this Council are exercised by the Committee of Representatives sitting in London and co-ordinating the work of the Wheat Executive, the Meats and Fats Executive, the Oils and Seeds Executive, and an unnamed body dealing with sugar. Two New York organizations, the Wheat Export Company and the Allied Provisions Export Commission are subordinate to the Wheat and Meats Executives respectively. There is as <an> Inter-allied Sugar Committee at Washington.

        (b) The Munitions Council, at Paris, with subordinate committees as follows: Technical Munitions Committee, Steel Committee, Non-Ferrous Metals Committee, Explosives Committee, Aircraft Committee, Nitrates Executive, Chemical Committee, and the Inter-Allied Transportation Committee in liaison.

        (c) Program Committees at present directly responsible to the Transport Council and dealing with raw materials, as follows: Wool Committee, Cotton Committee, Jute, Flax and Hemp Committee. Hides, Leather and Tanning Materials Committee. Paper and Papermaking Materials Committee. Timber Committee, Tobacco and Matches Committee.

         (d) The Petroleum Conference and the incipient Coal and Coke Committee.

     2.  Inter-Ally Council on War Purchases and Finance, deals with international exchange and purchases in America for Allied account.

     3.  Commission Internationale de Ravitaillemont, an organization of diminishing importance, arranging supplies and incidental finance for France, Italy and the smaller allies.

     4.  Allied Blockade Committee, concerned with control of exports to northern neutrals, has absorbed the Contraband Committee. The Allied Rationing and Statistical Committee is a subcommittee.

     5. Inter-Allied Scientific Food Commission, with two members each from United Kingdom, France, Italy and United States and one from Belgium, investigates dietaries and nutrition in relation to food programs.

     6.  Inter-Allied Chartering Executive manages chartering of neutral vessels for European allies.

     7.  Commission for Relief in Belgium..

Stevens Rublee.   221214.


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. This message was sent from the headquarters of VAdm. William S. Sims, which is why his name is attached.

Footnote 1: Field’s cable number 400 has not been found.

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