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Admiral Sir William Lowther Grant, R.N., Commander, North America and West Indies Station, to Rear Admiral Alexander Duff, R.N., Assistant Chief of Naval Staff



<September 8, 1918.>   OUT   

     C-in-C N.A. & W.I. 475

     Repeated to Navic New York1 623        No.

URGENT         ‘N’                 Date 8.9.18.

Sent 2225 GMT

(A) With reference to telegram 1226 of 4th September from Navic New York|1| this proposal seems desirable. Request you will consult U.S.Navy Department and arrange accordingly if they agree.

(B) As regards the new organisation for H.B.2 convoys generally, it would be most convenient if the procedure hitherto followed by Commodore Wells3 for H.B.Convoy and <for> all other homeward convoys as regards telegraphing the sailing and details of convoy could be continued for H.B. convoys in future. The Admiralty is the centre of information on this side for all convoy routing, escort arrangements and shipping movements and the U.S.Naval Authorities and the French Naval Authorities receive information from the Admiralty in the case of H.B. and all other convoys which concern them. It seems, therefore, desirable to centralize this information and direct communication between New York and the Admiralty seems the quickest method and has proved most satisfactory up to date. A similar procedure is in force as regards outward sailings to North America, as all telegrams giving information as to their sailing and their approach routes are sent daily to OPNAV Washington, so that Washington becomes the centre of information in North America, as London is for Europe.

(C) Under the new procedure, from whom will ships in H.B. convoys receive their independent route instructions for use in case of dropping out of convoy.

(D) It is presumed that the call signs for these convoys will be taken from those available in 6.B.648B4 but in order to avoid confusion, it may be desirable for the Admiralty to continue to allot these.        (2225) A.C.N.S.

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. Addressed below close: “A.C.N.S./D.C.2./Convoy 2/A.S.D. [Anti_Submarine Division] U.S.FORCE CDR [William S. Sims].” Document reference: “3/C/J.”

Footnote 1: The referred to document has not been found.

Footnote 2: H.B. convoys are from New York to the Bay of Biscay.

Footnote 3: Commo. Roger Welles.

Footnote 4: The code guide “6.B.648B,” has not been found.

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