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Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, to the Staff of Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters

Action Copy.                                     File No.

Cablegram Received <September 23, 1918.> Y - 14

Origin Opnav Washington                          Ser. No. 2014

Ref’d. to




24 Sept.


53 ADR.



2014. Your 5157.1 And 3211.2 Army advises that number of ships assigned to Army Cargo Service is being increased approximate rate 2 per day and that time has arrived when 4 days service from New York, N.Y. is necessary to Bay of Biscay Port in order to prevent congesting docks abroad by arrival large number in each HB convoy.3 In order to meet situation and at same time not overcrowd HN convoy4 make arrangements for start with HN-86 to meet A section for Bay Port. Each HN sailing of at least 10 vessels. Department considers this arrangement will meet need until about December 1st at which time HB sailings will probably have to be increased to 4 days interval 17023 2014


Time sent 3.20 PM SEPT 23 1918

Time recd. 10.14 AM SEPT 24 1918.

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG45, Entry 517B. Handwritten date confirmed by time/date notation typed at end of cable.

Footnote 1: Document not found.

Footnote 3: “H.B.” indicated loaded store ship convoys from New York to the French Bay of Biscay ports. Wilson, American Navy in France, 47.

Footnote 4: “H.N.” indicated load store ship convoys originating in New York and sailing for French ports. Ibid.

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